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// Copyright 2006-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_mosaic_info.h#1 $ */
/* $DateTime: 2012/05/30 13:28:51 $ */
/* $Change: 832332 $ */
/* $Author: tknoll $ */
/** \file
* Support for descriptive information about color filter array patterns.
#ifndef __dng_mosaic_info__
#define __dng_mosaic_info__
#include "dng_classes.h"
#include "dng_rect.h"
#include "dng_sdk_limits.h"
#include "dng_types.h"
/// \brief Support for describing color filter array patterns and manipulating mosaic sample data.
/// See CFAPattern tag in \ref spec_tiff_ep "TIFF/EP specification" and CFAPlaneColor, CFALayout, and BayerGreenSplit
/// tags in the \ref spec_dng "DNG 1.1.0 specification".
class dng_mosaic_info
/// Size of fCFAPattern.
dng_point fCFAPatternSize;
/// CFA pattern from CFAPattern tag in the \ref spec_tiff_ep "TIFF/EP specification."
uint8 fCFAPattern [kMaxCFAPattern] [kMaxCFAPattern];
/// Number of color planes in DNG input.
uint32 fColorPlanes;
uint8 fCFAPlaneColor [kMaxColorPlanes];
/// Value of CFALayout tag in the \ref spec_dng "DNG 1.3 specification."
/// CFALayout describes the spatial layout of the CFA. The currently defined values are:
/// - 1 = Rectangular (or square) layout.
/// - 2 = Staggered layout A: even columns are offset down by 1/2 row.
/// - 3 = Staggered layout B: even columns are offset up by 1/2 row.
/// - 4 = Staggered layout C: even rows are offset right by 1/2 column.
/// - 5 = Staggered layout D: even rows are offset left by 1/2 column.
/// - 6 = Staggered layout E: even rows are offset up by 1/2 row, even columns are offset left by 1/2 column.
/// - 7 = Staggered layout F: even rows are offset up by 1/2 row, even columns are offset right by 1/2 column.
/// - 8 = Staggered layout G: even rows are offset down by 1/2 row, even columns are offset left by 1/2 column.
/// - 9 = Staggered layout H: even rows are offset down by 1/2 row, even columns are offset right by 1/2 column.
uint32 fCFALayout;
/// Value of BayerGreeSplit tag in DNG file.
/// BayerGreenSplit only applies to CFA images using a Bayer pattern filter array. This tag
/// specifies, in arbitrary units, how closely the values of the green pixels in the blue/green rows
/// track the values of the green pixels in the red/green rows.
/// A value of zero means the two kinds of green pixels track closely, while a non-zero value
/// means they sometimes diverge. The useful range for this tag is from 0 (no divergence) to about
/// 5000 (large divergence).
uint32 fBayerGreenSplit;
dng_point fSrcSize;
dng_point fCroppedSize;
real64 fAspectRatio;
dng_mosaic_info ();
virtual ~dng_mosaic_info ();
virtual void Parse (dng_host &host,
dng_stream &stream,
dng_info &info);
virtual void PostParse (dng_host &host,
dng_negative &negative);
/// Returns whether the RAW data in this DNG file from a color filter array (mosaiced) source.
/// \retval true if this DNG file is from a color filter array (mosiaced) source.
bool IsColorFilterArray () const
return fCFAPatternSize != dng_point (0, 0);
/// Enable generating four-plane output from three-plane Bayer input.
/// Extra plane is a second version of the green channel. First green is produced
/// using green mosaic samples from one set of rows/columns (even/odd) and the second
/// green channel is produced using the other set of rows/columns. One can compare the
/// two versions to judge whether BayerGreenSplit needs to be set for a given input source.
virtual bool SetFourColorBayer ();
/// Returns scaling factor relative to input size needed to capture output data.
/// Staggered (or rotated) sensing arrays are produced to a larger output than the number of input samples.
/// This method indicates how much larger.
/// \retval a point with integer scaling factors for the horizotal and vertical dimensions.
virtual dng_point FullScale () const;
/// Returns integer factors by which mosaic data must be downsampled to produce an image which is as close
/// to prefSize as possible in longer dimension, but no smaller than minSize.
/// \param minSize Number of pixels as minium for longer dimension of downsampled image.
/// \param prefSize Number of pixels as target for longer dimension of downsampled image.
/// \param cropFactor Faction of the image to be used after cropping.
/// \retval Point containing integer factors by which image must be downsampled.
virtual dng_point DownScale (uint32 minSize,
uint32 prefSize,
real64 cropFactor) const;
/// Return size of demosaiced image for passed in downscaling factor.
/// \param downScale Integer downsampling factor obtained from DownScale method.
/// \retval Size of resulting demosaiced image.
virtual dng_point DstSize (const dng_point &downScale) const;
/// Demosaic interpolation of a single plane for non-downsampled case.
/// \param host dng_host to use for buffer allocation requests, user cancellation testing, and progress updates.
/// \param negative DNG negative of mosaiced data.
/// \param srcImage Source image for mosaiced data.
/// \param dstImage Destination image for resulting interpolated data.
/// \param srcPlane Which plane to interpolate.
virtual void InterpolateGeneric (dng_host &host,
dng_negative &negative,
const dng_image &srcImage,
dng_image &dstImage,
uint32 srcPlane = 0) const;
/// Demosaic interpolation of a single plane for downsampled case.
/// \param host dng_host to use for buffer allocation requests, user cancellation testing, and progress updates.
/// \param negative DNG negative of mosaiced data.
/// \param srcImage Source image for mosaiced data.
/// \param dstImage Destination image for resulting interpolated data.
/// \param downScale Amount (in horizontal and vertical) by which to subsample image.
/// \param srcPlane Which plane to interpolate.
virtual void InterpolateFast (dng_host &host,
dng_negative &negative,
const dng_image &srcImage,
dng_image &dstImage,
const dng_point &downScale,
uint32 srcPlane = 0) const;
/// Demosaic interpolation of a single plane. Chooses between generic and fast interpolators based on parameters.
/// \param host dng_host to use for buffer allocation requests, user cancellation testing, and progress updates.
/// \param negative DNG negative of mosaiced data.
/// \param srcImage Source image for mosaiced data.
/// \param dstImage Destination image for resulting interpolated data.
/// \param downScale Amount (in horizontal and vertical) by which to subsample image.
/// \param srcPlane Which plane to interpolate.
virtual void Interpolate (dng_host &host,
dng_negative &negative,
const dng_image &srcImage,
dng_image &dstImage,
const dng_point &downScale,
uint32 srcPlane = 0) const;
virtual bool IsSafeDownScale (const dng_point &downScale) const;
uint32 SizeForDownScale (const dng_point &downScale) const;
virtual bool ValidSizeDownScale (const dng_point &downScale,
uint32 minSize) const;