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7 months ago
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "cast/streaming/encoded_frame.h"
#include "cast/streaming/sender.h"
#include "platform/api/time.h"
extern "C" {
struct OpusEncoder;
namespace openscreen {
namespace cast {
// Wraps the libopus encoder so that the application can stream
// interleaved-floats audio samples to a Sender. Either mono or stereo sound is
// supported.
class StreamingOpusEncoder {
// Constructs the encoder for mono or stereo sound, dividing the stream of
// audio samples up into chunks as determined by the given
// |cast_frames_per_second|, and for EncodedFrame output to the given
// |sender|. The sample rate of the audio is assumed to be the Sender's fixed
// |rtp_timebase()|.
StreamingOpusEncoder(int num_channels,
int cast_frames_per_second,
Sender* sender);
int num_channels() const { return num_channels_; }
int sample_rate() const { return sender_->rtp_timebase(); }
int GetBitrate() const;
// Sets the encoder back to its "AUTO" bitrate setting, for standard quality.
// This and UseHighQuality() may be called as often as needed as conditions
// change.
// Note: As of 2020-01-21, the encoder in "auto bitrate" mode would use a
// bitrate of 102kbps for 2-channel, 48 kHz audio and a 10 ms frame size.
void UseStandardQuality();
// Sets the encoder to use a high bitrate (virtually no artifacts), when
// plenty of network bandwidth is available. This and UseStandardQuality() may
// be called as often as needed as conditions change.
void UseHighQuality();
// Encode and send the given |interleaved_samples|, which contains
// |num_samples| tuples (i.e., multiply by the number of channels to determine
// the number of array elements). The audio is assumed to have been captured
// at the required |sample_rate()|. |reference_time| refers to the first
// sample.
void EncodeAndSend(const float* interleaved_samples,
int num_samples,
Clock::time_point reference_time);
static constexpr int kDefaultCastAudioFramesPerSecond =
100; // 10 ms frame duration.
OpusEncoder* encoder() const {
return reinterpret_cast<OpusEncoder*>(encoder_storage_.get());
// Updates the |codec_delay_| based on the current encoder settings.
void UpdateCodecDelay();
// Sets the next frame's reference time, accounting for codec buffering delay.
// Also, checks whether the reference time has drifted too far forwards, and
// skips if necessary.
void ResolveTimestampsAndMaybeSkip(Clock::time_point reference_time);
// Fills the input buffer as much as possible from the given source data, and
// returns the number of samples copied into the buffer.
int FillInputBuffer(const float* interleaved_samples, int num_samples);
const int num_channels_;
Sender* const sender_;
const int samples_per_cast_frame_;
const Clock::duration approximate_cast_frame_duration_;
const std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> encoder_storage_;
const std::unique_ptr<float[]> input_; // Interleaved audio samples.
const std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> output_; // Opus-encoded packet.
// The audio delay introduced by the codec.
Clock::duration codec_delay_{};
// The number of mono/stereo tuples currently queued in the |input_| buffer.
// Multiply by |num_channels_| to get the number of array elements.
int num_samples_queued_ = 0;
// The reference time of the first frame passed to EncodeAndSend(), offset by
// the codec delay.
Clock::time_point start_time_ = Clock::time_point::min();
// Initialized and used by EncodeAndSend() to hold the metadata and data
// pointer for each frame being sent.
EncodedFrame frame_;
// The |reference_time| for the last sent frame. This is used to check that
// the reference times are monotonically increasing. If they have [illegally]
// gone backwards too much, warnings will be logged.
Clock::time_point last_sent_frame_reference_time_;
// This is the recommended value, according to documentation in
// src/include/opus.h in libopus, so that the Opus encoder does not degrade
// the audio due to memory constraints.
static constexpr int kOpusMaxPayloadSize = 4000;
} // namespace cast
} // namespace openscreen