150 lines
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150 lines
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8 months ago
* Copyright 2019 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "p2p/base/connection.h"
#include "p2p/base/ice_transport_internal.h"
namespace cricket {
struct IceFieldTrials; // Forward declaration to avoid circular dependency.
struct IceControllerEvent {
enum Type {
// The ICE_CONTROLLER_RECHECK enum value lets an IceController request
// P2PTransportChannel to recheck a switch periodically without an event
// taking place.
IceControllerEvent(const Type& _type) // NOLINT: runtime/explicit
: type(_type) {}
std::string ToString() const;
Type type;
int recheck_delay_ms = 0;
// Defines the interface for a module that control
// - which connection to ping
// - which connection to use
// - which connection to prune
// - which connection to forget learned state on
// The P2PTransportChannel owns (creates and destroys) Connections,
// but P2PTransportChannel gives const pointers to the the IceController using
// |AddConnection|, i.e the IceController should not call any non-const methods
// on a Connection but signal back in the interface if any mutable function
// shall be called.
// Current these are limited to:
// Connection::Ping - returned in PingResult
// Connection::Prune - retuned in PruneConnections
// Connection::ForgetLearnedState - return in SwitchResult
// The IceController shall keep track of all connections added
// (and not destroyed) and give them back using the connections()-function-
// When a Connection gets destroyed
// - signals on Connection::SignalDestroyed
// - P2PTransportChannel calls IceController::OnConnectionDestroyed
class IceControllerInterface {
// This represents the result of a switch call.
struct SwitchResult {
// Connection that we should (optionally) switch to.
absl::optional<const Connection*> connection;
// An optional recheck event for when a Switch() should be attempted again.
absl::optional<IceControllerEvent> recheck_event;
// A vector with connection to run ForgetLearnedState on.
std::vector<const Connection*> connections_to_forget_state_on;
// This represents the result of a call to SelectConnectionToPing.
struct PingResult {
PingResult(const Connection* conn, int _recheck_delay_ms)
: connection(conn), recheck_delay_ms(_recheck_delay_ms) {}
// Connection that we should (optionally) ping.
const absl::optional<const Connection*> connection;
// The delay before P2PTransportChannel shall call SelectConnectionToPing()
// again.
// Since the IceController determines which connection to ping and
// only returns one connection at a time, the recheck_delay_ms does not have
// any obvious implication on bitrate for pings. E.g the recheck_delay_ms
// will be shorter if there are more connections available.
const int recheck_delay_ms = 0;
virtual ~IceControllerInterface() = default;
// These setters are called when the state of P2PTransportChannel is mutated.
virtual void SetIceConfig(const IceConfig& config) = 0;
virtual void SetSelectedConnection(const Connection* selected_connection) = 0;
virtual void AddConnection(const Connection* connection) = 0;
virtual void OnConnectionDestroyed(const Connection* connection) = 0;
// These are all connections that has been added and not destroyed.
virtual rtc::ArrayView<const Connection*> connections() const = 0;
// Is there a pingable connection ?
// This function is used to boot-strap pinging, after this returns true
// SelectConnectionToPing() will be called periodically.
virtual bool HasPingableConnection() const = 0;
// Select a connection to Ping, or nullptr if none.
virtual PingResult SelectConnectionToPing(int64_t last_ping_sent_ms) = 0;
// Compute the "STUN_ATTR_USE_CANDIDATE" for |conn|.
virtual bool GetUseCandidateAttr(const Connection* conn,
NominationMode mode,
IceMode remote_ice_mode) const = 0;
// These methods is only added to not have to change all unit tests
// that simulate pinging by marking a connection pinged.
virtual const Connection* FindNextPingableConnection() = 0;
virtual void MarkConnectionPinged(const Connection* con) = 0;
// Check if we should switch to |connection|.
// This method is called for IceControllerEvent's that can switch directly
// i.e without resorting.
virtual SwitchResult ShouldSwitchConnection(IceControllerEvent reason,
const Connection* connection) = 0;
// Sort connections and check if we should switch.
virtual SwitchResult SortAndSwitchConnection(IceControllerEvent reason) = 0;
// Prune connections.
virtual std::vector<const Connection*> PruneConnections() = 0;
} // namespace cricket