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7 months ago
# ==============================================
# MTK Policy Rule
# ==============================================
# Date : WK14.34
# Operation : Migration
# Purpose : VP/VR
allow mediacodec devmap_device:chr_file { ioctl };
# Date : WK14.36
# Operation : Migration
# Purpose : VDEC/VENC device node
allow mediacodec Vcodec_device:chr_file rw_file_perms;
# Date : WK16.21
# Operation : Migration
# Purpose : VP & VR dump and debug
allow mediacodec M4U_device_device:chr_file rw_file_perms;
allow mediacodec debugfs_binder:dir search;
allow mediacodec MTK_SMI_device:chr_file { ioctl read open };
allow mediacodec storage_file:lnk_file {read write open};
allow mediacodec tmpfs:dir search;
allow mediacodec mnt_user_file:dir {write read search};
allow mediacodec mnt_user_file:lnk_file {read write};
allow mediacodec sdcard_type:dir {write read search add_name remove_name};
allow mediacodec sdcard_type:file {getattr write read create open append unlink};
allow mediacodec nvram_data_file:dir w_dir_perms;
allow mediacodec nvram_data_file:file create_file_perms;
allow mediacodec nvram_data_file:lnk_file read;
allow mediacodec nvdata_file:lnk_file read;
allow mediacodec nvdata_file:dir w_dir_perms;
allow mediacodec nvdata_file:file create_file_perms;
allow mediacodec devmap_device:chr_file r_file_perms;
allow mediacodec proc_meminfo:file {read getattr open};
# Date : WK14.36
# Operation : Migration
# Purpose : for SW codec VP/VR
allow mediacodec mtk_sched_device:chr_file { read write ioctl open };
# Data : WK14.39
# Operation : Migration
# Purpose : HW encrypt SW codec
allow mediacodec mediacodec_data_file:file create_file_perms;
allow mediacodec mediacodec_data_file:dir create_dir_perms;
allow mediacodec sec_device:chr_file r_file_perms;
# Data: WK14.44
# Operation : Migration
# Purpose : VP
allow mediacodec surfaceflinger:file getattr;
# Data: WK14.44
# Operation : Migration
# Purpose : for low SD card latency issue
allow mediacodec sysfs_lowmemorykiller:file { read open };
# Data: WK14.45
# Operation : Migration
# Purpose : for change thermal policy when needed
allow mediacodec proc_mtkcooler:dir search;
allow mediacodec proc_mtktz:dir search;
allow mediacodec proc_thermal:dir search;
allow mediacodec proc_mtkcooler:file { read write open };
allow mediacodec proc_mtktz:file { read write open getattr };
allow mediacodec proc_thermal:file { read write open getattr};
allow mediacodec thermal_manager_data_file:file create_file_perms;
allow mediacodec thermal_manager_data_file:dir { rw_dir_perms setattr };
allow mediacodec thermal_manager_data_file:dir search;
# Data : WK14.47
# Operation : CTS
# Purpose : cts search strange app
allow mediacodec untrusted_app:dir search;
# Date : WK14.39
# Operation : Migration
# Purpose : MJC Driver
allow mediacodec MJC_device:chr_file { read write ioctl open };
# Date : WK16.27
# Operation : APE SQC
# Purpose : for APE file playback
allow mediacodec MtkCodecService:binder call;
allow mediacodec MtkCodecService:binder transfer;
# Date : WK16.33
# Purpose: Allow to access ged for gralloc_extra functions
allow mediacodec proc_ged:file rw_file_perms;
allowxperm mediacodec proc_ged:file ioctl { proc_ged_ioctls };
# Data : WK16.42
# Operator: Whitney bring up
# Purpose: call surfaceflinger due to powervr
allow mediacodec surfaceflinger:fifo_file rw_file_perms;
# Date: WK16.43
# Operator: Whitney SQC
# Purpose: mediacodec use gpu
allow mediacodec gpu_device:dir search;
# Date : W18.01
# Add for turn on SElinux in enforcing mode
allow mediacodec vndbinder_device:chr_file rw_file_perms;
# Date : WK1721
# Purpose: For FULL TREBLE
allow mediacodec system_file:dir r_dir_perms;
allow mediacodec debugfs_ion:dir search;
# Date : WK17.30
# Operation : O Migration
# Purpose: Allow mediacodec to access cmdq driver
allow mediacodec mtk_cmdq_device:chr_file r_file_perms;
allow mediacodec mtk_mdp_device:chr_file r_file_perms;
allow mediacodec mtk_mdp_sync:chr_file r_file_perms;
allow mediacodec sw_sync_device:chr_file r_file_perms;
# Date : WK17.28
# Operation : MT6757 SQC
# Purpose : Change thermal config
# Date : WK17.30
# Purpose : For Power Hal
hal_client_domain(mediacodec, hal_power)
# Date : WK17.12
# Operation : MT6799 SQC
# Purpose : Change thermal config
set_prop(mediacodec, vendor_mtk_thermal_config_prop)
# Date : WK17.43
# Operation : Migration
# Purpose : DISP access
allow mediacodec graphics_device:chr_file { ioctl open read };
allow mediacodec graphics_device:dir search;
# Date : WK19.27
# Purpose: Android Migration for SVP
allow mediacodec proc_m4u:file r_file_perms;
allowxperm mediacodec proc_m4u:file ioctl MTK_M4U_T_SEC_INIT;
# Date : WK19.40
# Purpose: Android Migration for Hybrid Encoder
allowxperm mediacodec proc_m4u:file ioctl MTK_M4U_T_CONFIG_PORT;
allowxperm mediacodec proc_m4u:file ioctl MTK_M4U_T_CACHE_SYNC;
allowxperm mediacodec proc_m4u:file ioctl MTK_M4U_T_CONFIG_PORT_ARRAY;
# Date : 2019/12/12
# Purpose : allow media sources to access /sys/bus/platform/drivers/mem_bw_ctrl/*
allow mediacodec sysfs_concurrency_scenario:file rw_file_perms;
allow mediacodec sysfs_concurrency_scenario:dir search;