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25 lines
559 B

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 -B
import analyze_logs
def test_ParseDuration(s, expected):
actual = analyze_logs.ParseDuration(s)
if actual != expected:
raise Exception("expected %s, actual %s" % (expected, actual))
def main():
test_ParseDuration("1w", 604800)
test_ParseDuration("1d", 86400)
test_ParseDuration("1h", 3600)
test_ParseDuration("1m", 60)
test_ParseDuration("1s", 1)
test_ParseDuration("1w1d1h1m1s", 694861)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 tw=100 nocindent autoindent smartindent expandtab :