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7 months ago
Project: jackson-annotations
NOTE: Annotations module will never contain changes in patch versions,
only .0 releases can have changes. We may still release patch versions, but
they will be identical to .0 versions, and only released for convenience
(developers can line up all Jackson components with same patch version number).
Main components will typically depend on .0 versions: please do NOT file
issues against this being a bug; it is intentional.
=== Releases ===
2.12.0 (not yet released)
#171: `JsonSubType.Type` should accept array of names
(contributed by Swayam R)
#173: Jackson version alignment with Gradle 6
#174: Add `@JsonIncludeProperties`
(contributed by Baptiste P)
2.11.0 (26-Apr-2020)
- `JsonPattern.Value.pattern` retained as "", never (accidentally) exposed
as `null`
2.10.0 (26-Sep-2019)
#138: Add basic Java 9+ module info
(suggested by Craig P)
#159: Add `JsonFormat.Shape.BINARY`
2.9.1 (07-Sep-2017)
#123: Add Automatic-Module-Name (`com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation`) for JDK9 interoperability
2.9.0 (30-Jul-2017)
#103: Add `JsonInclude.Include.CUSTOM`, properties for specifying filter(s) to use
#104: Add `JsonSetter.nulls`, `JsonSetter.contentNulls` for configurable null handling
#105: Add `JsonFormat.lenient` to allow configuring lenience of date/time deserializers
#108: Allow `@JsonValue` on fields
#109: Add `enabled` for `@JsonAnyGetter`, `@JsonAnySetter`, to allow disabling via mix-ins
#113: Add `@JsonMerge` to support (deep) merging of properties
#116: Add `@JsonAlias` annotation to allow specifying alternate names for a property
#120: Add new properties for `@JacksonInject`
- Allow use of `@JsonView` on classes, to specify Default View to use on non-annotated
2.8.0 (04-Jul-2016)
#65: Add new choice for `JsonFormat.Shape`, `NATURAL`
#79: Change `@JsonTypeInfo.defaultImpl` default value to deprecate `JsonTypeInfo.None.class`
#83: Add `@JsonEnumDefaultValue` for indicating default enum choice if no real match found
(suggested by Alejandro R)
#87: Add `@JsonIgnoreProperties.Value` to support merging of settings
(suggested by Alexey B)
2.7.0 (10-Jan-2016)
#73: Add `@JsonClassDescription`
(suggested by ufoscout@github)
#77: Add a new `ObjectIdGenerator`, `StringIdGenerator`, to allow arbitrary
`String` Object Id usage
- Major rewrite of merging of `JsonFormat.Value` and `JsonInclude.Value`, to allow
for better multi-level defaults (global, per-type, property)
2.6.0 (17-Jul-2015)
#43: Add `@JsonFormat(` to support things like
`DeserializationFeature.WRITE_SINGLE_ELEM_ARRAYS_UNWRAPPED` on per-property basis.
#56: Improve `ObjectIdGenerators.key()` to handle `null` appropriately by returning `null`
#58: Add new properties for `@JsonIgnoreProperties`, "allowGetters", "allowSetters"
#60: Add new value type, `OptBoolean`, for "optional booleans", to support proper handling
and usage of default values, not just explicit true/false.
#61: Add new property, `@JsonProperty.access` (and matching enum) to support read-only/write-only properties
#64: Add `@Documented` for `@JsonPropertyDescription`
(suggested by Zoltan S)
- Add `JsonInclude.Include.NON_ABSENT` value, for excluding "absent" Optional values.
- Add tag interface `JacksonAnnotationValue` for helper types used for encapsulating information
for "complex" annotations (multi-property ones)
2.5.0 (01-Jan-2015)
#47: Add `@JsonCreator.mode` property to explicitly choose between delegating-
and property-based creators, or to disable specific creator (Mode.DISABLED)
#48: Allow `@JsonView` for (method) parameters too
#49: Add `@JsonTypeInfo.skipWritingDefault`
#50: Add `ObjectIdGenerator.maySerializeAsObject()`,
`ObjectIdGenerator.ObjectIdGenerator.maySerializeAsObject()` to support JSOG
- Added `@JsonInclude.content` to allow specifying inclusion criteria
for `java.util.Map` entries separate from inclusion of `Map` values
- Finalize fix for [databind#490], by ensuring new mapping initialized for new context
- Added `@JsonProperty.defaultValue()` (related to [databind#596])
2.4.0 (29-May-2014)
#31: Allow use of `@JsonPropertyOrder` for properties (not just classes)
#32: Add `@JsonProperty.index`
- Add `JsonFormat.Value#timeZoneAsString` (needed by Joda module)
- Add `@JsonRootName.namespace` to allow specifying of namespace with
standard Jackson annotations (not just XML-specific ones that dataformat-xml
2.3.0 (13-Nov-2013)
#13: Add `@JsonPropertyDescription`
(suggested by Net-A-Porter@github)
#20: Allow use of `@JsonFilter` for properties (via fields, methods,
constructor parameters)
(note: although #15 -- Add `JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING` property to support new
variation for including Type Id was included, jackson-databind does not
yet support it as of 2.3.0)
2.2.0 (22-Apr-2013)
No changes since 2.1.1
2.1.1 (11-Nov-2012)
* Make ObjectIdGenerator (needed when serializing
2.1.0 (08-Oct-2012)
New features:
* [Issue#4]: Add '@JsonIdentityReference', to support use case where values of
a specific reference property are always serialized as ids, never as full POJO
* Added '@JsonIdentityInfo.firstAsID' property, to allow forcing all references
to an Object to be serialized as id, including first one.
* Fix OSGi artifact name to be fully-qualified
2.0.2 (14-May-2012)
* OSGi bundle name was accidentally changed in 2.0.1; reverted back to one
used in 2.0.0, earlier
(reported Pascal G)
2.0.1 (22-Apr-2012)
* [JACKSON-827] Fix incompatibilities with JDK 1.5 (2.0.0 accidentally
required 1.6)
(reported Pascal G)
2.0.0 (25-Mar-2012)
* [JACKSON-437]: Allow injecting of type id as POJO property, by setting
new '@JsonTypeInfo.visible' property to true.
* [JACKSON-669]: Allow prefix/suffix for @JsonUnwrapped properties
(requested by Aner P)
* [JACKSON-787]: @JsonIgnoredProperties can be used on properties too
New features:
* [JACKSON-107]: Add support for Object Identity (to handled cycles, shared refs),
with @JsonIdentityInfo
* [JACKSON-714] Add general-purpose '@JsonFormat' annotation
* [JACKSON-752]: Add @JsonInclude (replacement of @JsonSerialize.include)
* [JACKSON-754]: Add @JacksonAnnotationsInside for creating "annotation
bundles" (also: AnnotationIntrospector.isAnnotationBundle())
* Lots of miscellaneous refactoring; moving most annotations from
databind into this package; only leaving ones that depend on
databind package types
=== History: ===
[entries for versions 1.x and earlier not retained; refer to earlier releases)