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* Copyright 2016-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
apply plugin: 'com.moowork.node'
node {
version = "$node_version"
npmVersion = "$npm_version"
download = true
nodeModulesDir = file(buildDir)
// Configures testing for JS modules
task prepareNodePackage(type: Copy) {
from("npm") {
include 'package.json'
// Postpone expansion of package.json until we configure version property in build.gradle
def copySpec = it
afterEvaluate {
copySpec.expand( + [kotlinDependency: ""])
from("npm") {
exclude 'package.json'
into "$node.nodeModulesDir"
npmInstall.dependsOn prepareNodePackage
// Workaround the problem with Node downloading
repositories.whenObjectAdded {
if (it instanceof IvyArtifactRepository) {
metadataSources {