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350 lines
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7 months ago
//===-- EditLineWin.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// this file is only relevant for Visual C++
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include "lldb/Host/windows/windows.h"
#include "lldb/Host/windows/editlinewin.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <vector>
// edit line EL_ADDFN function pointer type
typedef unsigned char (*el_addfn_func)(EditLine *e, int ch);
typedef const char *(*el_prompt_func)(EditLine *);
// edit line wrapper binding container
struct el_binding {
const char *name;
const char *help;
// function pointer to callback routine
el_addfn_func func;
// ascii key this function is bound to
const char *key;
// stored key bindings
static std::vector<el_binding *> _bindings;
// TODO: this should in fact be related to the exact edit line context we create
static void *clientData = NULL;
// store the current prompt string
// default to what we expect to receive anyway
static const char *_prompt = "(lldb) ";
#if !defined(_WIP_INPUT_METHOD)
static char *el_get_s(char *buffer, int chars) { return gets_s(buffer, chars); }
static void con_output(char _in) {
DWORD written = 0;
// get the cursor position
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hout, &info);
// output this char
WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(hout, &_in, 1, info.dwCursorPosition, &written);
// advance cursor position
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hout, info.dwCursorPosition);
static void con_backspace(void) {
DWORD written = 0;
// get cursor position
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hout, &info);
// nudge cursor backwards
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hout, info.dwCursorPosition);
// blank out the last character
WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(hout, " ", 1, info.dwCursorPosition, &written);
static void con_return(void) {
DWORD written = 0;
// get cursor position
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hout, &info);
// move onto the new line
info.dwCursorPosition.X = 0;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hout, info.dwCursorPosition);
static bool runBind(char _key) {
for (int i = 0; i < _bindings.size(); i++) {
el_binding *bind = _bindings[i];
if (bind->key[0] == _key) {
bind->func((EditLine *)-1, _key);
return true;
return false;
// replacement get_s which is EL_BIND aware
static char *el_get_s(char *buffer, int chars) {
char *head = buffer;
for (;; Sleep(10)) {
DWORD _read = 0;
if (ReadConsoleInputA(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), &_record, 1,
&_read) == FALSE)
// if we didn't read a key
if (_read == 0)
// only interested in key events
if (_record.EventType != KEY_EVENT)
// is the key down
if (!_record.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown)
// read the ascii key character
char _key = _record.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar;
// non ascii conformant key press
if (_key == 0) {
// check the scan code
// if VK_UP scroll back through history
// if VK_DOWN scroll forward through history
// try to execute any bind this key may have
if (runBind(_key))
// if we read a return key
if (_key == '\n' || _key == '\r') {
// key is backspace
if (_key == 0x8) {
// avoid deleting past beginning
if (head > buffer) {
// add this key to the input buffer
if ((head - buffer) < (chars - 1)) {
*(head++) = _key;
// insert end of line character
*head = '\0';
return buffer;
// edit line initialize
EditLine *el_init(const char *, FILE *, FILE *, FILE *) {
// return dummy handle
return (EditLine *)-1;
const char *el_gets(EditLine *el, int *length) {
// print the prompt if we have one
if (_prompt != NULL)
printf("%s", _prompt);
// create a buffer for the user input
char *buffer = new char[MAX_PATH];
// try to get user input string
if (el_get_s(buffer, MAX_PATH)) {
// get the string length in 'length'
while (buffer[*length] != '\0')
// return the input buffer
// remember that this memory has the be free'd somewhere
return buffer;
} else {
// on error
delete[] buffer;
return NULL;
int el_set(EditLine *el, int code, ...) {
va_list vl;
va_start(vl, code);
switch (code) {
// edit line set prompt message
case (EL_PROMPT): {
// EL_PROMPT, char *(*f)( EditLine *)
// define a prompt printing function as 'f', which is to return a
// string that
// contains the prompt.
// get the function pointer from the arg list
void *func_vp = (void *)va_arg(vl, el_prompt_func);
// cast to suitable prototype
el_prompt_func func_fp = (el_prompt_func)func_vp;
// call to get the prompt as a string
_prompt = func_fp(el);
} break;
case (EL_PROMPT_ESC): {
// EL_PROMPT, char *(*f)( EditLine *)
// define a prompt printing function as 'f', which is to return a
// string that
// contains the prompt.
// get the function pointer from the arg list
void *func_vp = (void *)va_arg(vl, el_prompt_func);
va_arg(vl, int);
// call to get the prompt as a string
el_prompt_func func_fp = (el_prompt_func)func_vp;
_prompt = func_fp(el);
} break;
case (EL_EDITOR): {
// EL_EDITOR, const char *mode
// set editing mode to "emacs" or "vi"
} break;
case (EL_HIST): {
// EL_HIST, History *(*fun)(History *, int op, ... ), const char *ptr
// defines which history function to use, which is usually history().
// Ptr should be the
// value returned by history_init().
} break;
case (EL_ADDFN): {
// EL_ADDFN, const char *name, const char *help, unsigned char
// (*func)(EditLine *e, int ch)
// add a user defined function, func), referred to as 'name' which is
// invoked when a key which is bound to 'name' is
// entered. 'help' is a description of 'name'. at invocation time, 'ch'
// is the key which caused the invocation. the
// return value of 'func()' should be one of:
// CC_NORM add a normal character
// CC_NEWLINE end of line was entered
// CC_EOF EOF was entered
// CC_ARGHACK expecting further command input as arguments, do
// nothing visually.
// CC_REFRESH refresh display.
// CC_REFRESH_BEEP refresh display and beep.
// CC_CURSOR cursor moved so update and perform CC_REFRESH
// CC_REDISPLAY redisplay entire input line. this is useful
// if a key binding outputs extra information.
// CC_ERROR an error occurred. beep and flush tty.
// CC_FATAL fatal error, reset tty to known state.
el_binding *binding = new el_binding;
binding->name = va_arg(vl, const char *);
binding->help = va_arg(vl, const char *);
binding->func = va_arg(vl, el_addfn_func);
binding->key = 0;
// add this to the bindings list
} break;
case (EL_BIND): {
// EL_BIND, const char *, ..., NULL
// perform the BIND built-in command. Refer to editrc(5) for more
// information.
const char *name = va_arg(vl, const char *);
for (auto bind : _bindings) {
if (strcmp(bind->name, name) == 0) {
bind->key = va_arg(vl, const char *);
} break;
clientData = va_arg(vl, void *);
} break;
return 0;
void el_end(EditLine *el) {
// assert( !"Not implemented!" );
void el_reset(EditLine *) { llvm_unreachable("Not implemented!"); }
int el_getc(EditLine *, char *) {
llvm_unreachable("Not implemented!");
void el_push(EditLine *, const char *) {}
void el_beep(EditLine *) { Beep(1000, 500); }
int el_parse(EditLine *, int, const char **) {
llvm_unreachable("Not implemented!");
int el_get(EditLine *el, int code, ...) {
va_list vl;
va_start(vl, code);
switch (code) {
void **dout = va_arg(vl, void **);
*dout = clientData;
} break;
llvm_unreachable("Not implemented!");
return 0;
int el_source(EditLine *el, const char *file) {
// init edit line by reading the contents of 'file' nothing to do here on
// windows...
return 0;
void el_resize(EditLine *) { llvm_unreachable("Not implemented!"); }
const LineInfo *el_line(EditLine *el) { return 0; }
int el_insertstr(EditLine *, const char *) {
// assert( !"Not implemented!" );
return 0;
void el_deletestr(EditLine *, int) { llvm_unreachable("Not implemented!"); }
History *history_init(void) {
// return dummy handle
return (History *)-1;
void history_end(History *) {
// assert( !"Not implemented!" );
int history(History *, HistEvent *, int op, ...) {
// perform operation 'op' on the history list with optional arguments as
// needed by the operation.
return 0;