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286 lines
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7 months ago
// RUN: mlir-opt -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics %s | FileCheck %s
// spv.CompositeConstruct
func @composite_construct_vector(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32, %arg2 : f32) -> vector<3xf32> {
// CHECK: spv.CompositeConstruct {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : vector<3xf32>
%0 = spv.CompositeConstruct %arg0, %arg1, %arg2 : vector<3xf32>
return %0: vector<3xf32>
// -----
func @composite_construct_struct(%arg0: vector<3xf32>, %arg1: !spv.array<4xf32>, %arg2 : !spv.struct<(f32)>) -> !spv.struct<(vector<3xf32>, !spv.array<4xf32>, !spv.struct<(f32)>)> {
// CHECK: spv.CompositeConstruct %arg0, %arg1, %arg2 : !spv.struct<(vector<3xf32>, !spv.array<4 x f32>, !spv.struct<(f32)>)>
%0 = spv.CompositeConstruct %arg0, %arg1, %arg2 : !spv.struct<(vector<3xf32>, !spv.array<4xf32>, !spv.struct<(f32)>)>
return %0: !spv.struct<(vector<3xf32>, !spv.array<4xf32>, !spv.struct<(f32)>)>
// -----
func @composite_construct_coopmatrix(%arg0 : f32) -> !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup> {
// CHECK: spv.CompositeConstruct {{%.*}} : !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>
%0 = spv.CompositeConstruct %arg0 : !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>
return %0: !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>
// -----
func @composite_construct_empty_struct() -> !spv.struct<()> {
// CHECK: spv.CompositeConstruct : !spv.struct<()>
%0 = spv.CompositeConstruct : !spv.struct<()>
return %0: !spv.struct<()>
// -----
func @composite_construct_invalid_num_of_elements(%arg0: f32) -> f32 {
// expected-error @+1 {{result type must be a composite type, but provided 'f32'}}
%0 = spv.CompositeConstruct %arg0 : f32
return %0: f32
// -----
func @composite_construct_invalid_result_type(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32, %arg2 : f32) -> vector<3xf32> {
// expected-error @+1 {{has incorrect number of operands: expected 3, but provided 2}}
%0 = spv.CompositeConstruct %arg0, %arg2 : vector<3xf32>
return %0: vector<3xf32>
// -----
func @composite_construct_invalid_operand_type(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32, %arg2 : f32) -> vector<3xi32> {
// expected-error @+1 {{operand type mismatch: expected operand type 'i32', but provided 'f32'}}
%0 = "spv.CompositeConstruct" (%arg0, %arg1, %arg2) : (f32, f32, f32) -> vector<3xi32>
return %0: vector<3xi32>
// -----
func @composite_construct_coopmatrix(%arg0 : f32, %arg1 : f32) -> !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup> {
// expected-error @+1 {{has incorrect number of operands: expected 1, but provided 2}}
%0 = spv.CompositeConstruct %arg0, %arg1 : !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>
return %0: !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>
// -----
// spv.CompositeExtractOp
func @composite_extract_array(%arg0: !spv.array<4xf32>) -> f32 {
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.CompositeExtract {{%.*}}[1 : i32] : !spv.array<4 x f32>
%0 = spv.CompositeExtract %arg0[1 : i32] : !spv.array<4xf32>
return %0: f32
// -----
func @composite_extract_struct(%arg0 : !spv.struct<(f32, !spv.array<4xf32>)>) -> f32 {
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.CompositeExtract {{%.*}}[1 : i32, 2 : i32] : !spv.struct<(f32, !spv.array<4 x f32>)>
%0 = spv.CompositeExtract %arg0[1 : i32, 2 : i32] : !spv.struct<(f32, !spv.array<4xf32>)>
return %0 : f32
// -----
func @composite_extract_vector(%arg0 : vector<4xf32>) -> f32 {
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.CompositeExtract {{%.*}}[1 : i32] : vector<4xf32>
%0 = spv.CompositeExtract %arg0[1 : i32] : vector<4xf32>
return %0 : f32
// -----
func @composite_extract_coopmatrix(%arg0 : !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>) -> f32 {
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.CompositeExtract {{%.*}}[2 : i32] : !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>
%0 = spv.CompositeExtract %arg0[2 : i32] : !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>
return %0 : f32
// -----
func @composite_extract_no_ssa_operand() -> () {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected SSA operand}}
%0 = spv.CompositeExtract [4 : i32, 1 : i32] : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>
// -----
func @composite_extract_invalid_index_type_1() -> () {
%0 = spv.constant 10 : i32
%1 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%2 = spv.Load "Function" %1 ["Volatile"] : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>
// expected-error @+1 {{expected non-function type}}
%3 = spv.CompositeExtract %2[%0] : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>
// -----
func @composite_extract_invalid_index_type_2(%arg0 : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>) -> () {
// expected-error @+1 {{attribute 'indices' failed to satisfy constraint: 32-bit integer array attribute}}
%0 = spv.CompositeExtract %arg0[1] : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>
// -----
func @composite_extract_invalid_index_identifier(%arg0 : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>) -> () {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected non-function type}}
%0 = spv.CompositeExtract %arg0 ]1 : i32) : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>
// -----
func @composite_extract_2D_array_out_of_bounds_access_1(%arg0: !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>) -> () {
// expected-error @+1 {{index 4 out of bounds for '!spv.array<4 x !spv.array<4 x f32>>'}}
%0 = spv.CompositeExtract %arg0[4 : i32, 1 : i32] : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>
// -----
func @composite_extract_2D_array_out_of_bounds_access_2(%arg0: !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>
) -> () {
// expected-error @+1 {{index 4 out of bounds for '!spv.array<4 x f32>'}}
%0 = spv.CompositeExtract %arg0[1 : i32, 4 : i32] : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>
// -----
func @composite_extract_struct_element_out_of_bounds_access(%arg0 : !spv.struct<(f32, !spv.array<4xf32>)>) -> () {
// expected-error @+1 {{index 2 out of bounds for '!spv.struct<(f32, !spv.array<4 x f32>)>'}}
%0 = spv.CompositeExtract %arg0[2 : i32, 0 : i32] : !spv.struct<(f32, !spv.array<4xf32>)>
// -----
func @composite_extract_vector_out_of_bounds_access(%arg0: vector<4xf32>) -> () {
// expected-error @+1 {{index 4 out of bounds for 'vector<4xf32>'}}
%0 = spv.CompositeExtract %arg0[4 : i32] : vector<4xf32>
// -----
func @composite_extract_invalid_types_1(%arg0: !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>) -> () {
// expected-error @+1 {{cannot extract from non-composite type 'f32' with index 3}}
%0 = spv.CompositeExtract %arg0[1 : i32, 2 : i32, 3 : i32] : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>
// -----
func @composite_extract_invalid_types_2(%arg0: f32) -> () {
// expected-error @+1 {{cannot extract from non-composite type 'f32' with index 1}}
%0 = spv.CompositeExtract %arg0[1 : i32] : f32
// -----
func @composite_extract_invalid_extracted_type(%arg0: !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>) -> () {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected at least one index for spv.CompositeExtract}}
%0 = spv.CompositeExtract %arg0[] : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>
// -----
func @composite_extract_result_type_mismatch(%arg0: !spv.array<4xf32>) -> i32 {
// expected-error @+1 {{invalid result type: expected 'f32' but provided 'i32'}}
%0 = "spv.CompositeExtract"(%arg0) {indices = [2: i32]} : (!spv.array<4xf32>) -> (i32)
return %0: i32
// -----
// spv.CompositeInsert
func @composite_insert_array(%arg0: !spv.array<4xf32>, %arg1: f32) -> !spv.array<4xf32> {
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.CompositeInsert {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}[1 : i32] : f32 into !spv.array<4 x f32>
%0 = spv.CompositeInsert %arg1, %arg0[1 : i32] : f32 into !spv.array<4xf32>
return %0: !spv.array<4xf32>
// -----
func @composite_insert_struct(%arg0: !spv.struct<(!spv.array<4xf32>, f32)>, %arg1: !spv.array<4xf32>) -> !spv.struct<(!spv.array<4xf32>, f32)> {
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.CompositeInsert {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}[0 : i32] : !spv.array<4 x f32> into !spv.struct<(!spv.array<4 x f32>, f32)>
%0 = spv.CompositeInsert %arg1, %arg0[0 : i32] : !spv.array<4xf32> into !spv.struct<(!spv.array<4xf32>, f32)>
return %0: !spv.struct<(!spv.array<4xf32>, f32)>
// -----
func @composite_insert_coopmatrix(%arg0: !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xi32, Subgroup>, %arg1: i32) -> !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xi32, Subgroup> {
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.CompositeInsert {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}[5 : i32] : i32 into !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xi32, Subgroup>
%0 = spv.CompositeInsert %arg1, %arg0[5 : i32] : i32 into !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xi32, Subgroup>
return %0: !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xi32, Subgroup>
// -----
func @composite_insert_no_indices(%arg0: !spv.array<4xf32>, %arg1: f32) -> !spv.array<4xf32> {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected at least one index}}
%0 = spv.CompositeInsert %arg1, %arg0[] : f32 into !spv.array<4xf32>
return %0: !spv.array<4xf32>
// -----
func @composite_insert_out_of_bounds(%arg0: !spv.array<4xf32>, %arg1: f32) -> !spv.array<4xf32> {
// expected-error @+1 {{index 4 out of bounds}}
%0 = spv.CompositeInsert %arg1, %arg0[4 : i32] : f32 into !spv.array<4xf32>
return %0: !spv.array<4xf32>
// -----
func @composite_insert_invalid_object_type(%arg0: !spv.array<4xf32>, %arg1: f64) -> !spv.array<4xf32> {
// expected-error @+1 {{object operand type should be 'f32', but found 'f64'}}
%0 = spv.CompositeInsert %arg1, %arg0[3 : i32] : f64 into !spv.array<4xf32>
return %0: !spv.array<4xf32>
// -----
func @composite_insert_invalid_result_type(%arg0: !spv.array<4xf32>, %arg1 : f32) -> !spv.array<4xf64> {
// expected-error @+1 {{result type should be the same as the composite type, but found '!spv.array<4 x f32>' vs '!spv.array<4 x f64>'}}
%0 = "spv.CompositeInsert"(%arg1, %arg0) {indices = [0: i32]} : (f32, !spv.array<4xf32>) -> !spv.array<4xf64>
return %0: !spv.array<4xf64>
// -----
// spv.VectorExtractDynamic
func @vector_dynamic_extract(%vec: vector<4xf32>, %id : i32) -> f32 {
// CHECK: spv.VectorExtractDynamic %{{.*}}[%{{.*}}] : vector<4xf32>, i32
%0 = spv.VectorExtractDynamic %vec[%id] : vector<4xf32>, i32
return %0 : f32
// spv.VectorInsertDynamic
func @vector_dynamic_insert(%val: f32, %vec: vector<4xf32>, %id : i32) -> vector<4xf32> {
// CHECK: spv.VectorInsertDynamic %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}[%{{.*}}] : vector<4xf32>, i32
%0 = spv.VectorInsertDynamic %val, %vec[%id] : vector<4xf32>, i32
return %0 : vector<4xf32>