You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
323 lines
11 KiB
323 lines
11 KiB
7 months ago
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "src/core/SkAutoPixmapStorage.h"
#include "src/core/SkMipmap.h"
#include "src/core/SkUtils.h"
#include "tools/flags/CommandLineFlags.h"
#include "tools/fiddle/fiddle_main.h"
static DEFINE_double(duration, 1.0,
"The total duration, in seconds, of the animation we are drawing.");
static DEFINE_double(frame, 1.0,
"A double value in [0, 1] that specifies the point in animation to draw.");
#include "include/gpu/GrBackendSurface.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrDirectContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrGpu.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRenderTarget.h"
#include "tools/gpu/ManagedBackendTexture.h"
#include "tools/gpu/gl/GLTestContext.h"
// Globals externed in fiddle_main.h
sk_sp<sk_gpu_test::ManagedBackendTexture> backEndTexture;
sk_sp<sk_gpu_test::ManagedBackendTexture> backEndTextureRenderTarget;
sk_sp<GrRenderTarget> backingRenderTarget; // not externed
GrBackendRenderTarget backEndRenderTarget;
SkBitmap source;
sk_sp<SkImage> image;
double duration; // The total duration of the animation in seconds.
double frame; // A value in [0, 1] of where we are in the animation.
// Global used by the local impl of SkDebugf.
std::ostringstream gTextOutput;
// Global to record the GL driver info via create_direct_context().
std::ostringstream gGLDriverInfo;
void SkDebugf(const char * fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
char formatbuffer[1024];
int n = vsnprintf(formatbuffer, sizeof(formatbuffer), fmt, args);
if (n>=0 && n<=int(sizeof(formatbuffer))) {
gTextOutput.write(formatbuffer, n);
static void encode_to_base64(const void* data, size_t size, FILE* out) {
const uint8_t* input = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data);
const uint8_t* end = &input[size];
static const char codes[] =
while (input != end) {
uint8_t b = (*input & 0xFC) >> 2;
fputc(codes[b], out);
b = (*input & 0x03) << 4;
if (input == end) {
fputc(codes[b], out);
fputs("==", out);
b |= (*input & 0xF0) >> 4;
fputc(codes[b], out);
b = (*input & 0x0F) << 2;
if (input == end) {
fputc(codes[b], out);
fputc('=', out);
b |= (*input & 0xC0) >> 6;
fputc(codes[b], out);
b = *input & 0x3F;
fputc(codes[b], out);
static void dump_output(const void* data, size_t size,
const char* name, bool last = true) {
printf("\t\"%s\": \"", name);
encode_to_base64(data, size, stdout);
fputs(last ? "\"\n" : "\",\n", stdout);
static void dump_output(const sk_sp<SkData>& data,
const char* name, bool last = true) {
if (data) {
dump_output(data->data(), data->size(), name, last);
static sk_sp<SkData> encode_snapshot(const sk_sp<SkSurface>& surface) {
sk_sp<SkImage> img(surface->makeImageSnapshot());
return img ? img->encodeToData() : nullptr;
static SkCanvas* prepare_canvas(SkCanvas * canvas) {
return canvas;
#ifdef SK_GL
static bool setup_backend_objects(GrDirectContext* dContext,
const SkBitmap& bm,
const DrawOptions& options) {
if (!dContext) {
fputs("Context is null.\n", stderr);
return false;
// This config must match the SkColorType used in draw.cpp in the SkImage and Surface factories
GrBackendFormat renderableFormat = dContext->defaultBackendFormat(kRGBA_8888_SkColorType,
if (!bm.empty()) {
SkPixmap originalPixmap;
SkPixmap* pixmap = &originalPixmap;
if (!bm.peekPixels(&originalPixmap)) {
fputs("Unable to peekPixels.\n", stderr);
return false;
SkAutoPixmapStorage rgbaPixmap;
if (kN32_SkColorType != kRGBA_8888_SkColorType) {
if (!rgbaPixmap.tryAlloc( {
fputs("Unable to alloc rgbaPixmap.\n", stderr);
return false;
if (!bm.readPixels(rgbaPixmap)) {
fputs("Unable to read rgbaPixmap.\n", stderr);
return false;
pixmap = &rgbaPixmap;
backEndTexture = sk_gpu_test::ManagedBackendTexture::MakeFromPixmap(dContext,
if (!backEndTexture) {
fputs("Failed to create backEndTexture.\n", stderr);
return false;
auto resourceProvider = dContext->priv().resourceProvider();
SkISize offscreenDims = {options.fOffScreenWidth, options.fOffScreenHeight};
SkAutoTMalloc<uint32_t> data(offscreenDims.area());
sk_memset32(data.get(), 0, offscreenDims.area());
// This backend object should be renderable but not textureable. Given the limitations
// of how we're creating it though it will wind up being secretly textureable.
// We use this fact to initialize it with data but don't allow mipmaps
GrMipLevel level0 = {data.get(), offscreenDims.width()*sizeof(uint32_t), nullptr};
constexpr int kSampleCnt = 0;
sk_sp<GrTexture> tmp = resourceProvider->createTexture(
offscreenDims, renderableFormat, GrColorType::kRGBA_8888, GrRenderable::kYes,
kSampleCnt, SkBudgeted::kNo, GrMipMapped::kNo, GrProtected::kNo, &level0);
if (!tmp || !tmp->asRenderTarget()) {
fputs("GrTexture is invalid.\n", stderr);
return false;
backingRenderTarget = sk_ref_sp(tmp->asRenderTarget());
backEndRenderTarget = backingRenderTarget->getBackendRenderTarget();
if (!backEndRenderTarget.isValid()) {
fputs("BackEndRenderTarget is invalid.\n", stderr);
return false;
backEndTextureRenderTarget = sk_gpu_test::ManagedBackendTexture::MakeWithData(
if (!backEndTextureRenderTarget) {
fputs("Failed to create backendTextureRenderTarget.\n", stderr);
return false;
return true;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
CommandLineFlags::Parse(argc, argv);
duration = FLAGS_duration;
frame = FLAGS_frame;
DrawOptions options = GetDrawOptions();
// If textOnly then only do one type of image, otherwise the text
// output is duplicated for each type.
if (options.textOnly) {
options.raster = true;
options.gpu = false;
options.pdf = false;
options.skp = false;
if (options.source) {
sk_sp<SkData> data(SkData::MakeFromFileName(options.source));
if (!data) {
return 1;
} else {
image = SkImage::MakeFromEncoded(std::move(data));
if (!image) {
perror("Unable to decode the source image.");
return 1;
sk_sp<SkData> rasterData, gpuData, pdfData, skpData;
SkColorType colorType = kN32_SkColorType;
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace = nullptr;
if (options.f16) {
colorType = kRGBA_F16_SkColorType;
colorSpace = SkColorSpace::MakeSRGBLinear();
} else if (options.srgb) {
colorSpace = SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB();
SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(options.size.width(), options.size.height(), colorType,
kPremul_SkAlphaType, colorSpace);
if (options.raster) {
auto rasterSurface = SkSurface::MakeRaster(info);
rasterData = encode_snapshot(rasterSurface);
#ifdef SK_GL
if (options.gpu) {
std::unique_ptr<sk_gpu_test::GLTestContext> glContext;
sk_sp<GrDirectContext> direct = create_direct_context(gGLDriverInfo, &glContext);
if (!direct) {
fputs("Unable to get GrContext.\n", stderr);
} else {
if (!setup_backend_objects(direct.get(), source, options)) {
fputs("Unable to create backend objects.\n", stderr);
auto surface = SkSurface::MakeRenderTarget(direct.get(), SkBudgeted::kNo, info);
if (!surface) {
fputs("Unable to get render surface.\n", stderr);
gpuData = encode_snapshot(surface);
if (options.pdf) {
SkDynamicMemoryWStream pdfStream;
auto document = SkPDF::MakeDocument(&pdfStream);
if (document) {
draw(prepare_canvas(document->beginPage(options.size.width(), options.size.height())));
pdfData = pdfStream.detachAsData();
if (options.skp) {
auto size = SkSize::Make(options.size);
SkPictureRecorder recorder;
draw(prepare_canvas(recorder.beginRecording(size.width(), size.height())));
auto picture = recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture();
SkDynamicMemoryWStream skpStream;
skpData = skpStream.detachAsData();
if (!options.textOnly) {
dump_output(rasterData, "Raster", false);
dump_output(gpuData, "Gpu", false);
dump_output(pdfData, "Pdf", false);
dump_output(skpData, "Skp", false);
} else {
std::string textoutput = gTextOutput.str();
dump_output(textoutput.c_str(), textoutput.length(), "Text", false);
std::string glinfo = gGLDriverInfo.str();
dump_output(glinfo.c_str(), glinfo.length(), "GLInfo", true);
return 0;