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44 lines
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44 lines
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8 months ago
#! /bin/sh
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Notes:
# You may need to run as root for docker permissions.
# The SKQP_ARGS environment variable affects this script.
if ! [ -f "$1" ] ; then
echo "Usage: $0 SKQP_APK_FILE_PATH" >&2
exit 1
APK_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; pwd)"
APK_FILE="$(basename "$1")"
DST="$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/skqp_emulated_test.XXXXXXXXXX")"
SED_CMD='s/^.* org.skia.skqp: output written to "\([^"]*\)".*$/\1/p'
SKQP="$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd)"
set -x
cd "${SKQP}/../../infra/skqp/docker"
docker build -t android-skqp ./android-skqp/ > "$DST"/docker-build || exit 2
docker run --privileged --rm -d \
--name android_em \
--env=DEVICE="Samsung Galaxy S6" \
--env=SKQP_SLEEP="30" \
--volume="$DST":/DST \
--volume="$APK_DIR":/APK:ro \
--volume="$SKQP":/SKQP:ro \
android-skqp > "$DST"/docker-run || exit 3
docker exec android_em sh "/SKQP/" "/APK/$APK_FILE" "/DST"
docker kill android_em
"${SKQP}/../../bin/sysopen" "$DST"/skqp_report_*/report.html