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315 lines
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315 lines
12 KiB
7 months ago
var animationState = {};
animationState.reset = function (engine) {
if ('string' === typeof engine) {
this.defaultEngine = engine;
this.defaults = {};
this.displayList = [];
this.displayDict = {};
this.start = null;
this.time = 0;
this.timeline = [];
this.timelineIndex = 0;
this.requestID = null;
this.paused = false;
this.displayEngine = 'undefined' === typeof engine ? this.defaultEngine : engine;
function addActions(frame, timeline) {
var keyframe = keyframes[frame];
var len = keyframe.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var action = keyframe[i];
loopOver(action, timeline);
function animateList(now) {
if (animationState.paused) {
if (animationState.start == null) {
animationState.start = now - animationState.time;
animationState.time = now - animationState.start;
var stillAnimating = false;
for (var index = animationState.timelineIndex; index < animationState.timeline.length; ++index) {
var animation = animationState.timeline[index];
if (animation.time > animationState.time) {
stillAnimating = true;
if (animation.time + animation.duration < animationState.time) {
if (animation.finalized) {
animation.finalized = true;
stillAnimating = true;
var actions = animation.actions;
for (var aIndex = 0; aIndex < actions.length; ++aIndex) {
var action = actions[aIndex];
var hasDraw = 'draw' in action;
var hasRef = 'ref' in action;
var displayIndex;
if (hasDraw) {
var ref = hasRef ? action.ref : "anonymous_" + index + "_" + aIndex;
assert('string' == typeof(ref));
if (ref in animationState.displayDict) {
displayIndex = animationState.displayDict[ref];
} else {
assert('string' == typeof(action.draw));
var draw = (new Function("return " + action.draw))();
assert('object' == typeof(draw));
var paint;
if ('paint' in action) {
assert('string' == typeof(action.paint));
paint = (new Function("return " + action.paint))();
assert('object' == typeof(paint) && !isArray(paint));
} else {
paint = animationState.defaults.paint;
displayIndex = animationState.displayList.length;
animationState.displayList.push( { "ref":ref, "draw":draw, "paint":paint,
"drawSpec":action.draw, "paintSpec":action.paint,
"drawCopied":false, "paintCopied":false,
"drawDirty":true, "paintDirty":true, "once":false } );
animationState.displayDict[ref] = displayIndex;
} else if (hasRef) {
assert('string' == typeof(action.ref));
displayIndex = animationState.displayDict[action.ref];
} else {
assert(actions.length == 1);
for (var prop in action) {
if ('paint' == prop) {
assert('string' == typeof(action[prop]));
var obj = (new Function("return " + action[prop]))();
assert('object' == typeof(obj) && !isArray(obj));
animationState.defaults[prop] = obj;
} else {
animationState.defaults[prop] = action[prop];
var targetSpec = 'target' in action ? :;
assert('string' == typeof(targetSpec));
assert(displayIndex < animationState.displayList.length);
var display = animationState.displayList[displayIndex];
var modDraw = targetSpec.startsWith('draw');
assert(modDraw || targetSpec.startsWith('paint'));
var modType = modDraw ? "draw" : "paint";
var copied = modDraw ? display.drawCopied : action.paintCopied;
if (!copied) {
var copy;
if (!modDraw || display.drawSpec.startsWith("text")) {
copy = {};
var original = modDraw ? display.draw : display.paint;
for (var p in original) {
copy[p] = original[p];
} else if (display.drawSpec.startsWith("paths")) {
copy = [];
for (var i = 0; i < display.draw.length; ++i) {
var curves = display.draw[i];
var curve = Object.keys(curves)[0];
copy[i] = {};
copy[i][curve] = curves[curve].slice(0); // clone the array of curves
} else {
copy = [];
for (var i = 0; i < display.draw.length; ++i) {
var entry = display.draw[i];
copy[i] = { "draw":entry.draw, "paint":entry.paint };
display[modType] = copy;
display[modType + "Copied"] = true;
var targetField, targetObject, fieldOffset;
if (targetSpec.endsWith("]")) {
fieldOffset = targetSpec.lastIndexOf("[");
assert(fieldOffset >= 0);
targetField = targetSpec.substring(fieldOffset + 1, targetSpec.length - 1);
var arrayIndex = +targetField;
if (!isNaN(arrayIndex) && targetField.length > 0) {
targetField = arrayIndex;
} else {
fieldOffset = targetSpec.lastIndexOf(".");
if (fieldOffset >= 0) {
targetField = targetSpec.substring(fieldOffset + 1, targetSpec.length);
} else {
targetObject = display;
targetField = targetSpec;
if (fieldOffset >= 0) {
var sub = targetSpec.substring(0, fieldOffset);
targetObject = (new Function('display', "return display." + sub))(display);
assert(null != targetObject[targetField]);
if (!('start' in action) || action.start < animation.time) {
for (var p in animationState.defaults) {
if ('draw' == p || 'paint' == p || 'ref' == p) {
assert('range' == p || 'target' == p || 'formula' == p || 'params' == p);
if (!(p in action)) {
action[p] = animationState.defaults[p];
if ('number' == typeof(action.formula)) {
targetObject[targetField] = action.formula;
action.once = true;
action.start = animation.time;
if (action.once) {
var value = Math.min(1, (animationState.time - animation.time) / animation.duration);
var scaled = action.range[0] + (action.range[1] - action.range[0]) * value;
if ('params' in action) {
if (!('func' in action)) {
if (isArray(action.params)) {
action.funcParams = [];
var len = action.params.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
action.funcParams[i] = 'target' == action.params[i]
? targetObject[targetField]
: (new Function("return " + action.params[i]))();
} else {
action.funcParams = 'target' == action.params
? targetObject[targetField]
: (new Function("return " + action.params))();
assert('formula' in action && 'string' == typeof(action.formula));
// evaluate inline function to get value
action.func = new Function('value', 'params', "return " + action.formula);
scaled = action.func(scaled, action.funcParams);
if (targetObject[targetField] != scaled) {
if (modDraw) {
display.drawDirty = true;
} else {
display.paintDirty = true;
targetObject[targetField] = scaled;
displayBackend(animationState.displayEngine, animationState.displayList);
if (stillAnimating) {
animationState.requestID = requestAnimationFrame(animateList);
function flattenPaint(paint) {
if (!paint.paint) {
var parent = paints[paint.paint];
for (var prop in parent) {
if (!(prop in paint)) {
paint[prop] = parent[prop];
paint.paint = null;
function init(engine, keyframe) {
function keyframeInit(frame) {
addActions("_default", animationState.timeline);
addActions(frame, animationState.timeline);
for (var index = 0; index < animationState.timeline.length; ++index) {
animationState.timeline[index].position = index;
animationState.timeline.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.time == b.time) {
return a.position - b.position;
return a.time - b.time;
keyframeBackendInit(animationState.displayEngine, animationState.displayList,
animationState.requestID = requestAnimationFrame(animateList);
function loopAddProp(action, propName) {
var funcStr = "";
var prop = action[propName];
if ('draw' != propName && isArray(prop)) {
funcStr += '[';
for (var index = 0; index < prop.length; ++index) {
funcStr += loopAddProp(prop, index);
if (index + 1 < prop.length) {
funcStr += ", ";
funcStr += ']';
return funcStr;
assert("object" != typeof(prop));
var useString = "string" == typeof(prop) && isAlpha(prop.charCodeAt(0));
if (useString) {
funcStr += "'";
funcStr += prop;
if (useString) {
funcStr += "'";
return funcStr;
function loopOver(rec, timeline) {
var funcStr = "";
if (rec.for) {
funcStr += "for (" + rec.for[0] + "; " + rec.for[1] + "; " + rec.for[2] + ") {\n";
funcStr += " var time = " + ('time' in rec ? rec.time : 0) + ";\n";
funcStr += " var duration = " + ('duration' in rec ? rec.duration : 0) + ";\n";
funcStr += " var actions = [];\n";
var len = rec.actions.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
funcStr += " var action" + i + " = {\n";
var action = rec.actions[i];
for (var p in action) {
funcStr += " '" + p + "':";
funcStr += loopAddProp(action, p);
funcStr += ",\n";
funcStr = funcStr.substring(0, funcStr.length - 2);
funcStr += "\n };\n";
funcStr += " actions.push(action" + i + ");\n";
funcStr += " timeline.push( { 'time':time, 'duration':duration, 'actions':actions,"
+ "'finalized':false } );\n";
if (rec.for) {
funcStr += "}\n";
var func = new Function('rec', 'timeline', funcStr);
func(rec, timeline);
function setupPaint() {
for (var prop in paints) {