You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1191 lines
46 KiB
1191 lines
46 KiB
8 months ago
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ListCommand.h"
#include <getopt.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <regex>
#include <sstream>
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android/hidl/manager/1.0/IServiceManager.h>
#include <hidl-hash/Hash.h>
#include <hidl-util/FQName.h>
#include <private/android_filesystem_config.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <vintf/HalManifest.h>
#include <vintf/parse_string.h>
#include <vintf/parse_xml.h>
#include "Lshal.h"
#include "PipeRelay.h"
#include "Timeout.h"
#include "utils.h"
using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
using ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo;
using ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase;
using ::android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager;
namespace android {
namespace lshal {
vintf::SchemaType toSchemaType(Partition p) {
return (p == Partition::SYSTEM) ? vintf::SchemaType::FRAMEWORK : vintf::SchemaType::DEVICE;
Partition toPartition(vintf::SchemaType t) {
switch (t) {
case vintf::SchemaType::FRAMEWORK: return Partition::SYSTEM;
// TODO(b/71555570): Device manifest does not distinguish HALs from vendor or ODM.
case vintf::SchemaType::DEVICE: return Partition::VENDOR;
return Partition::UNKNOWN;
std::string getPackageAndVersion(const std::string& fqInstance) {
return splitFirst(fqInstance, ':').first;
NullableOStream<std::ostream> ListCommand::out() const {
return mLshal.out();
NullableOStream<std::ostream> ListCommand::err() const {
return mLshal.err();
std::string ListCommand::GetName() {
return "list";
std::string ListCommand::getSimpleDescription() const {
return "List HIDL HALs.";
std::string ListCommand::parseCmdline(pid_t pid) const {
return android::procpartition::getCmdline(pid);
const std::string &ListCommand::getCmdline(pid_t pid) {
static const std::string kEmptyString{};
if (pid == NO_PID) return kEmptyString;
auto pair = mCmdlines.find(pid);
if (pair != mCmdlines.end()) {
return pair->second;
mCmdlines[pid] = parseCmdline(pid);
return mCmdlines[pid];
void ListCommand::removeDeadProcesses(Pids *pids) {
static const pid_t myPid = getpid();
pids->erase(std::remove_if(pids->begin(), pids->end(), [this](auto pid) {
return pid == myPid || this->getCmdline(pid).empty();
}), pids->end());
Partition ListCommand::getPartition(pid_t pid) {
if (pid == NO_PID) return Partition::UNKNOWN;
auto it = mPartitions.find(pid);
if (it != mPartitions.end()) {
return it->second;
Partition partition = android::procpartition::getPartition(pid);
mPartitions.emplace(pid, partition);
return partition;
// Give sensible defaults when nothing can be inferred from runtime.
// process: Partition inferred from executable location or cmdline.
Partition ListCommand::resolvePartition(Partition process, const FqInstance& fqInstance) const {
if (fqInstance.inPackage("vendor") || fqInstance.inPackage("com")) {
return Partition::VENDOR;
if (fqInstance.inPackage("android.frameworks") || fqInstance.inPackage("android.system") ||
fqInstance.inPackage("android.hidl")) {
return Partition::SYSTEM;
// Some android.hardware HALs are served from system. Check the value from executable
// location / cmdline first.
if (fqInstance.inPackage("android.hardware")) {
if (process != Partition::UNKNOWN) {
return process;
return Partition::VENDOR;
return process;
bool match(const vintf::ManifestInstance& instance, const FqInstance& fqInstance,
vintf::TransportArch ta) {
// For hwbinder libs, allow missing arch in manifest.
// For passthrough libs, allow missing interface/instance in table.
return (ta.transport == instance.transport()) &&
(ta.transport == vintf::Transport::HWBINDER ||
vintf::contains(instance.arch(), ta.arch)) &&
(!fqInstance.hasInterface() || fqInstance.getInterface() == instance.interface()) &&
(!fqInstance.hasInstance() || fqInstance.getInstance() == instance.instance());
bool match(const vintf::MatrixInstance& instance, const FqInstance& fqInstance,
vintf::TransportArch /* ta */) {
return (!fqInstance.hasInterface() || fqInstance.getInterface() == instance.interface()) &&
(!fqInstance.hasInstance() || instance.matchInstance(fqInstance.getInstance()));
template <typename ObjectType>
VintfInfo getVintfInfo(const std::shared_ptr<const ObjectType>& object,
const FqInstance& fqInstance, vintf::TransportArch ta, VintfInfo value) {
bool found = false;
(void)object->forEachHidlInstanceOfVersion(fqInstance.getPackage(), fqInstance.getVersion(),
[&](const auto& instance) {
found = match(instance, fqInstance, ta);
return !found; // continue if not found
return found ? value : VINTF_INFO_EMPTY;
std::shared_ptr<const vintf::HalManifest> ListCommand::getDeviceManifest() const {
return vintf::VintfObject::GetDeviceHalManifest();
std::shared_ptr<const vintf::CompatibilityMatrix> ListCommand::getDeviceMatrix() const {
return vintf::VintfObject::GetDeviceCompatibilityMatrix();
std::shared_ptr<const vintf::HalManifest> ListCommand::getFrameworkManifest() const {
return vintf::VintfObject::GetFrameworkHalManifest();
std::shared_ptr<const vintf::CompatibilityMatrix> ListCommand::getFrameworkMatrix() const {
return vintf::VintfObject::GetFrameworkCompatibilityMatrix();
VintfInfo ListCommand::getVintfInfo(const std::string& fqInstanceName,
vintf::TransportArch ta) const {
FqInstance fqInstance;
if (!fqInstance.setTo(fqInstanceName) &&
// Ignore interface / instance for passthrough libs
!fqInstance.setTo(getPackageAndVersion(fqInstanceName))) {
err() << "Warning: Cannot parse '" << fqInstanceName << "'; no VINTF info." << std::endl;
return lshal::getVintfInfo(getDeviceManifest(), fqInstance, ta, DEVICE_MANIFEST) |
lshal::getVintfInfo(getFrameworkManifest(), fqInstance, ta, FRAMEWORK_MANIFEST) |
lshal::getVintfInfo(getDeviceMatrix(), fqInstance, ta, DEVICE_MATRIX) |
lshal::getVintfInfo(getFrameworkMatrix(), fqInstance, ta, FRAMEWORK_MATRIX);
bool ListCommand::getPidInfo(
pid_t serverPid, BinderPidInfo *pidInfo) const {
const auto& status = getBinderPidInfo(BinderDebugContext::HWBINDER, serverPid, pidInfo);
return status == OK;
const BinderPidInfo* ListCommand::getPidInfoCached(pid_t serverPid) {
auto pair = mCachedPidInfos.insert({serverPid, BinderPidInfo{}});
if (pair.second /* did insertion take place? */) {
if (!getPidInfo(serverPid, &pair.first->second)) {
return nullptr;
return &pair.first->second;
bool ListCommand::shouldFetchHalType(const HalType &type) const {
return (std::find(mFetchTypes.begin(), mFetchTypes.end(), type) != mFetchTypes.end());
Table* ListCommand::tableForType(HalType type) {
switch (type) {
return &mServicesTable;
return &mPassthroughRefTable;
return &mImplementationsTable;
return &mManifestHalsTable;
case HalType::LAZY_HALS:
return &mLazyHalsTable;
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown HAL type " << static_cast<int64_t>(type);
return nullptr;
const Table* ListCommand::tableForType(HalType type) const {
return const_cast<ListCommand*>(this)->tableForType(type);
void ListCommand::forEachTable(const std::function<void(Table &)> &f) {
for (const auto& type : mListTypes) {
void ListCommand::forEachTable(const std::function<void(const Table &)> &f) const {
for (const auto& type : mListTypes) {
void ListCommand::postprocess() {
forEachTable([this](Table &table) {
if (mSortColumn) {
std::sort(table.begin(), table.end(), mSortColumn);
for (TableEntry &entry : table) {
entry.serverCmdline = getCmdline(entry.serverPid);
for (auto pid : entry.clientPids) {
for (TableEntry& entry : table) {
if (entry.partition == Partition::UNKNOWN) {
entry.partition = getPartition(entry.serverPid);
entry.vintfInfo = getVintfInfo(entry.interfaceName, {entry.transport, entry.arch});
// use a double for loop here because lshal doesn't care about efficiency.
for (TableEntry &packageEntry : mImplementationsTable) {
std::string packageName = packageEntry.interfaceName;
FQName fqPackageName;
if (!FQName::parse(packageName.substr(0, packageName.find("::")), &fqPackageName)) {
for (TableEntry &interfaceEntry : mPassthroughRefTable) {
if (interfaceEntry.arch != vintf::Arch::ARCH_EMPTY) {
FQName interfaceName;
if (!FQName::parse(splitFirst(interfaceEntry.interfaceName, '/').first, &interfaceName)) {
if (interfaceName.getPackageAndVersion() == fqPackageName) {
interfaceEntry.arch = packageEntry.arch;
"| All HIDL binderized services (registered with hwservicemanager)");
"| All HIDL interfaces getService() has ever returned as a passthrough interface;\n"
"| PIDs / processes shown below might be inaccurate because the process\n"
"| might have relinquished the interface or might have died.\n"
"| The Server / Server CMD column can be ignored.\n"
"| The Clients / Clients CMD column shows all process that have ever dlopen'ed \n"
"| the library and successfully fetched the passthrough implementation.");
"| All available HIDL passthrough implementations (all files).\n"
"| These may return subclasses through their respective HIDL_FETCH_I* functions.");
"| All HIDL HALs that are in VINTF manifest.");
"| All HIDL HALs that are declared in VINTF manifest:\n"
"| - as hwbinder HALs but are not registered to hwservicemanager, and\n"
"| - as hwbinder/passthrough HALs with no implementation.");
bool ListCommand::addEntryWithInstance(const TableEntry& entry,
vintf::HalManifest* manifest) const {
FqInstance fqInstance;
if (!fqInstance.setTo(entry.interfaceName)) {
err() << "Warning: '" << entry.interfaceName << "' is not a valid FqInstance." << std::endl;
return false;
if (fqInstance.getPackage() == "android.hidl.base") {
return true; // always remove IBase from manifest
Partition partition = resolvePartition(entry.partition, fqInstance);
if (partition == Partition::UNKNOWN) {
err() << "Warning: Cannot guess the partition of FqInstance " << fqInstance.string()
<< std::endl;
return false;
if (partition != mVintfPartition) {
return true; // strip out instances that is in a different partition.
vintf::Arch arch;
if (entry.transport == vintf::Transport::HWBINDER) {
arch = vintf::Arch::ARCH_EMPTY; // no need to specify arch in manifest
} else if (entry.transport == vintf::Transport::PASSTHROUGH) {
if (entry.arch == vintf::Arch::ARCH_EMPTY) {
err() << "Warning: '" << entry.interfaceName << "' doesn't have bitness info.";
return false;
arch = entry.arch;
} else {
err() << "Warning: '" << entry.transport << "' is not a valid transport." << std::endl;
return false;
std::string e;
if (!manifest->insertInstance(fqInstance, entry.transport, arch, vintf::HalFormat::HIDL, &e)) {
err() << "Warning: Cannot insert '" << fqInstance.string() << ": " << e << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
bool ListCommand::addEntryWithoutInstance(const TableEntry& entry,
const vintf::HalManifest* manifest) const {
const auto& packageAndVersion = splitFirst(getPackageAndVersion(entry.interfaceName), '@');
const auto& package = packageAndVersion.first;
vintf::Version version;
if (!vintf::parse(packageAndVersion.second, &version)) {
err() << "Warning: Cannot parse version '" << packageAndVersion.second << "' for entry '"
<< entry.interfaceName << "'" << std::endl;
return false;
bool found = false;
(void)manifest->forEachHidlInstanceOfVersion(package, version, [&found](const auto&) {
found = true;
return false; // break
return found;
void ListCommand::dumpVintf(const NullableOStream<std::ostream>& out) const {
using vintf::operator|=;
using vintf::operator<<;
using namespace std::placeholders;
vintf::HalManifest manifest;
std::vector<std::string> error;
for (const TableEntry& entry : mServicesTable)
if (!addEntryWithInstance(entry, &manifest)) error.push_back(entry.interfaceName);
for (const TableEntry& entry : mPassthroughRefTable)
if (!addEntryWithInstance(entry, &manifest)) error.push_back(entry.interfaceName);
for (const TableEntry& entry : mManifestHalsTable)
if (!addEntryWithInstance(entry, &manifest)) error.push_back(entry.interfaceName);
std::vector<std::string> passthrough;
for (const TableEntry& entry : mImplementationsTable)
if (!addEntryWithoutInstance(entry, &manifest)) passthrough.push_back(entry.interfaceName);
out << "<!-- " << std::endl
<< " This is a skeleton " << manifest.type() << " manifest. Notes: " << std::endl
if (!error.empty()) {
out << std::endl << " The following HALs are not added; see warnings." << std::endl;
for (const auto& e : error) {
out << " " << e << std::endl;
if (!passthrough.empty()) {
out << std::endl
<< " The following HALs are passthrough and no interface or instance " << std::endl
<< " names can be inferred." << std::endl;
for (const auto& e : passthrough) {
out << " " << e << std::endl;
out << "-->" << std::endl;
out << vintf::toXml(manifest, vintf::SerializeFlags::HALS_ONLY);
std::string ListCommand::INIT_VINTF_NOTES{
" 1. If a HAL is supported in both hwbinder and passthrough transport,\n"
" only hwbinder is shown.\n"
" 2. It is likely that HALs in passthrough transport does not have\n"
" <interface> declared; users will have to write them by hand.\n"
" 3. A HAL with lower minor version can be overridden by a HAL with\n"
" higher minor version if they have the same name and major version.\n"
" 4. This output is intended for launch devices.\n"
" Upgrading devices should not use this tool to generate device\n"
" manifest and replace the existing manifest directly, but should\n"
" edit the existing manifest manually.\n"
" Specifically, devices which launched at Android O-MR1 or earlier\n"
" should not use the 'fqname' format for required HAL entries and\n"
" should instead use the legacy package, name, instance-name format\n"
" until they are updated.\n"
static vintf::Arch fromBaseArchitecture(::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo::Architecture a) {
switch (a) {
case ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo::Architecture::IS_64BIT:
return vintf::Arch::ARCH_64;
case ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo::Architecture::IS_32BIT:
return vintf::Arch::ARCH_32;
case ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo::Architecture::UNKNOWN: // fallthrough
return vintf::Arch::ARCH_EMPTY;
void ListCommand::dumpTable(const NullableOStream<std::ostream>& out) const {
if (mNeat) {
std::vector<const Table*> tables;
forEachTable([&tables](const Table &table) {
forEachTable([this, &out](const Table &table) {
// We're only interested in dumping debug info for already
// instantiated services. There's little value in dumping the
// debug info for a service we create on the fly, so we only operate
// on the "mServicesTable".
std::function<std::string(const std::string&)> emitDebugInfo = nullptr;
if (mEmitDebugInfo && &table == &mServicesTable) {
emitDebugInfo = [this](const auto& iName) {
std::stringstream ss;
auto pair = splitFirst(iName, '/');
mLshal.emitDebugInfo(pair.first, pair.second, {},
ParentDebugInfoLevel::FQNAME_ONLY, ss,
return ss.str();
table.createTextTable(mNeat, emitDebugInfo).dump(out.buf());
out << std::endl;
Status ListCommand::dump() {
auto dump = mVintf ? &ListCommand::dumpVintf : &ListCommand::dumpTable;
if (mFileOutputPath.empty()) {
return OK;
std::ofstream fileOutput(mFileOutputPath);
if (!fileOutput.is_open()) {
err() << "Could not open file '" << mFileOutputPath << "'." << std::endl;
return IO_ERROR;
chown(mFileOutputPath.c_str(), AID_SHELL, AID_SHELL);
return OK;
void ListCommand::putEntry(HalType type, TableEntry &&entry) {
Status ListCommand::fetchAllLibraries(const sp<IServiceManager> &manager) {
if (!shouldFetchHalType(HalType::PASSTHROUGH_LIBRARIES)) { return OK; }
using namespace ::android::hardware;
using namespace ::android::hidl::manager::V1_0;
using namespace ::android::hidl::base::V1_0;
using std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""s;
auto ret = timeoutIPC(10s, manager, &IServiceManager::debugDump, [&] (const auto &infos) {
std::map<std::string, TableEntry> entries;
for (const auto &info : infos) {
std::string interfaceName = std::string{info.interfaceName.c_str()} + "/" +
entries.emplace(interfaceName, TableEntry{
.interfaceName = interfaceName,
.transport = vintf::Transport::PASSTHROUGH,
.clientPids = info.clientPids,
}).first->second.arch |= fromBaseArchitecture(info.arch);
for (auto &&pair : entries) {
putEntry(HalType::PASSTHROUGH_LIBRARIES, std::move(pair.second));
if (!ret.isOk()) {
err() << "Error: Failed to call list on getPassthroughServiceManager(): "
<< ret.description() << std::endl;
return OK;
Status ListCommand::fetchPassthrough(const sp<IServiceManager> &manager) {
if (!shouldFetchHalType(HalType::PASSTHROUGH_CLIENTS)) { return OK; }
using namespace ::android::hardware;
using namespace ::android::hardware::details;
using namespace ::android::hidl::manager::V1_0;
using namespace ::android::hidl::base::V1_0;
auto ret = timeoutIPC(manager, &IServiceManager::debugDump, [&] (const auto &infos) {
for (const auto &info : infos) {
if (info.clientPids.size() <= 0) {
.interfaceName =
std::string{info.interfaceName.c_str()} + "/" +
.transport = vintf::Transport::PASSTHROUGH,
.serverPid = info.clientPids.size() == 1 ? info.clientPids[0] : NO_PID,
.clientPids = info.clientPids,
.arch = fromBaseArchitecture(info.arch)
if (!ret.isOk()) {
err() << "Error: Failed to call debugDump on defaultServiceManager(): "
<< ret.description() << std::endl;
return OK;
Status ListCommand::fetchBinderized(const sp<IServiceManager> &manager) {
using vintf::operator<<;
if (!shouldFetchHalType(HalType::BINDERIZED_SERVICES)) { return OK; }
const vintf::Transport mode = vintf::Transport::HWBINDER;
hidl_vec<hidl_string> fqInstanceNames;
// copying out for timeoutIPC
auto listRet = timeoutIPC(manager, &IServiceManager::list, [&] (const auto &names) {
fqInstanceNames = names;
if (!listRet.isOk()) {
err() << "Error: Failed to list services for " << mode << ": "
<< listRet.description() << std::endl;
Status status = OK;
std::map<std::string, TableEntry> allTableEntries;
for (const auto &fqInstanceName : fqInstanceNames) {
// create entry and default assign all fields.
TableEntry& entry = allTableEntries[fqInstanceName];
entry.interfaceName = fqInstanceName;
entry.transport = mode;
entry.serviceStatus = ServiceStatus::NON_RESPONSIVE;
status |= fetchBinderizedEntry(manager, &entry);
for (auto& pair : allTableEntries) {
putEntry(HalType::BINDERIZED_SERVICES, std::move(pair.second));
return status;
Status ListCommand::fetchBinderizedEntry(const sp<IServiceManager> &manager,
TableEntry *entry) {
Status status = OK;
const auto handleError = [&](Status additionalError, const std::string& msg) {
err() << "Warning: Skipping \"" << entry->interfaceName << "\": " << msg << std::endl;
status |= DUMP_BINDERIZED_ERROR | additionalError;
const auto pair = splitFirst(entry->interfaceName, '/');
const auto &serviceName = pair.first;
const auto &instanceName = pair.second;
auto getRet = timeoutIPC(manager, &IServiceManager::get, serviceName, instanceName);
if (!getRet.isOk()) {
"cannot be fetched from service manager:" + getRet.description());
return status;
sp<IBase> service = getRet;
if (service == nullptr) {
handleError(NO_INTERFACE, "cannot be fetched from service manager (null)");
return status;
// getDebugInfo
do {
DebugInfo debugInfo;
auto debugRet = timeoutIPC(service, &IBase::getDebugInfo, [&] (const auto &received) {
debugInfo = received;
if (!debugRet.isOk()) {
"debugging information cannot be retrieved: " + debugRet.description());
break; // skip getPidInfo
entry->serverPid =;
entry->serverObjectAddress = debugInfo.ptr;
entry->arch = fromBaseArchitecture(debugInfo.arch);
if ( != NO_PID) {
const BinderPidInfo* pidInfo = getPidInfoCached(;
if (pidInfo == nullptr) {
"no information for PID " + std::to_string( +
", are you root?");
if (debugInfo.ptr != NO_PTR) {
auto it = pidInfo->refPids.find(debugInfo.ptr);
if (it != pidInfo->refPids.end()) {
entry->clientPids = it->second;
entry->threadUsage = pidInfo->threadUsage;
entry->threadCount = pidInfo->threadCount;
} while (0);
// hash
do {
ssize_t hashIndex = -1;
auto ifaceChainRet = timeoutIPC(service, &IBase::interfaceChain, [&] (const auto& c) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < c.size(); ++i) {
if (serviceName == c[i]) {
hashIndex = static_cast<ssize_t>(i);
if (!ifaceChainRet.isOk()) {
"interfaceChain fails: " + ifaceChainRet.description());
break; // skip getHashChain
if (hashIndex < 0) {
handleError(BAD_IMPL, "Interface name does not exist in interfaceChain.");
break; // skip getHashChain
auto hashRet = timeoutIPC(service, &IBase::getHashChain, [&] (const auto& hashChain) {
if (static_cast<size_t>(hashIndex) >= hashChain.size()) {
"interfaceChain indicates position " + std::to_string(hashIndex) +
" but getHashChain returns " + std::to_string(hashChain.size()) +
" hashes");
auto&& hashArray = hashChain[hashIndex];
std::vector<uint8_t> hashVec{, + hashArray.size()};
entry->hash = Hash::hexString(hashVec);
if (!hashRet.isOk()) {
handleError(TRANSACTION_ERROR, "getHashChain failed: " + hashRet.description());
} while (0);
if (status == OK) {
entry->serviceStatus = ServiceStatus::ALIVE;
return status;
Status ListCommand::fetchManifestHals() {
if (!shouldFetchHalType(HalType::VINTF_MANIFEST)) { return OK; }
Status status = OK;
for (auto manifest : {getDeviceManifest(), getFrameworkManifest()}) {
if (manifest == nullptr) {
status |= VINTF_ERROR;
std::map<std::string, TableEntry> entries;
manifest->forEachHidlInstance([&] (const vintf::ManifestInstance& manifestInstance) {
TableEntry entry{
.interfaceName = manifestInstance.description(),
.transport = manifestInstance.transport(),
.arch = manifestInstance.arch(),
// TODO(b/71555570): Device manifest does not distinguish HALs from vendor or ODM.
.partition = toPartition(manifest->type()),
.serviceStatus = ServiceStatus::DECLARED};
std::string key = entry.interfaceName;
entries.emplace(std::move(key), std::move(entry));
return true;
for (auto&& pair : entries)
return status;
Status ListCommand::fetchLazyHals() {
using vintf::operator<<;
if (!shouldFetchHalType(HalType::LAZY_HALS)) { return OK; }
Status status = OK;
for (const TableEntry& manifestEntry : mManifestHalsTable) {
if (manifestEntry.transport == vintf::Transport::HWBINDER) {
if (!hasHwbinderEntry(manifestEntry)) {
if (manifestEntry.transport == vintf::Transport::PASSTHROUGH) {
if (!hasPassthroughEntry(manifestEntry)) {
err() << "Warning: unrecognized transport in VINTF manifest: "
<< manifestEntry.transport;
status |= VINTF_ERROR;
return status;
bool ListCommand::hasHwbinderEntry(const TableEntry& entry) const {
for (const TableEntry& existing : mServicesTable) {
if (existing.interfaceName == entry.interfaceName) {
return true;
return false;
bool ListCommand::hasPassthroughEntry(const TableEntry& entry) const {
FqInstance entryFqInstance;
if (!entryFqInstance.setTo(entry.interfaceName)) {
return false; // cannot parse, so add it anyway.
for (const TableEntry& existing : mImplementationsTable) {
FqInstance existingFqInstance;
if (!existingFqInstance.setTo(getPackageAndVersion(existing.interfaceName))) {
// For example, manifest may say graphics.mapper@2.1 but passthroughServiceManager
// can only list graphics.mapper@2.0.
if (entryFqInstance.getPackage() == existingFqInstance.getPackage() &&
.minorAtLeast(vintf::Version{existingFqInstance.getVersion()})) {
return true;
return false;
Status ListCommand::fetch() {
Status status = OK;
auto bManager = mLshal.serviceManager();
if (bManager == nullptr) {
err() << "Failed to get defaultServiceManager()!" << std::endl;
} else {
status |= fetchBinderized(bManager);
// Passthrough PIDs are registered to the binderized manager as well.
status |= fetchPassthrough(bManager);
auto pManager = mLshal.passthroughManager();
if (pManager == nullptr) {
err() << "Failed to get getPassthroughServiceManager()!" << std::endl;
} else {
status |= fetchAllLibraries(pManager);
status |= fetchManifestHals();
status |= fetchLazyHals();
return status;
void ListCommand::initFetchTypes() {
// TODO: refactor to do polymorphism on each table (so that dependency graph is not hardcoded).
static const std::map<HalType, std::set<HalType>> kDependencyGraph{
mFetchTypes.insert(mListTypes.begin(), mListTypes.end());
for (HalType listType : mListTypes) {
auto it = kDependencyGraph.find(listType);
if (it != kDependencyGraph.end()) {
mFetchTypes.insert(it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
// Get all values of enum type T, assuming the first value is 0 and the last value is T::LAST.
// T::LAST is not included in the returned list.
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> GetAllValues() {
using BaseType = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
std::vector<T> ret;
for (BaseType i = 0; i < static_cast<BaseType>(T::LAST); ++i) {
return ret;
void ListCommand::registerAllOptions() {
int v = mOptions.size();
// A list of acceptable command line options
// key: value returned by getopt_long
// long options with short alternatives
mOptions.push_back({'h', "help", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand*, const char*) {
return USAGE;
}, ""});
mOptions.push_back({'i', "interface", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char*) {
return OK;
}, "print the instance name column"});
mOptions.push_back({'l', "released", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char*) {
return OK;
}, "print the 'is released?' column\n(Y=released, N=unreleased, ?=unknown)"});
mOptions.push_back({'t', "transport", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char*) {
return OK;
}, "print the transport mode column"});
mOptions.push_back({'r', "arch", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char*) {
return OK;
}, "print the bitness column"});
mOptions.push_back({'s', "hash", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char*) {
return OK;
}, "print hash of the interface"});
mOptions.push_back({'p', "pid", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char*) {
return OK;
}, "print the server PID, or server cmdline if -m is set"});
mOptions.push_back({'a', "address", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char*) {
return OK;
}, "print the server object address column"});
mOptions.push_back({'c', "clients", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char*) {
return OK;
}, "print the client PIDs, or client cmdlines if -m is set"});
mOptions.push_back({'e', "threads", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char*) {
return OK;
}, "print currently used/available threads\n(note, available threads created lazily)"});
mOptions.push_back({'m', "cmdline", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char*) {
thiz->mEnableCmdlines = true;
return OK;
}, "print cmdline instead of PIDs"});
mOptions.push_back({'d', "debug", optional_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char* arg) {
thiz->mEmitDebugInfo = true;
if (arg) thiz->mFileOutputPath = arg;
return OK;
}, "Emit debug info from\nIBase::debug with empty options. Cannot be used with --neat.\n"
"Writes to specified file if 'arg' is provided, otherwise stdout."});
mOptions.push_back({'V', "vintf", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char*) {
return OK;
}, "print VINTF info. This column contains a comma-separated list of:\n"
" - DM: if the HIDL HAL is in the device manifest\n"
" - DC: if the HIDL HAL is in the device compatibility matrix\n"
" - FM: if the HIDL HAL is in the framework manifest\n"
" - FC: if the HIDL HAL is in the framework compatibility matrix\n"
" - X: if the HIDL HAL is in none of the above lists"});
mOptions.push_back({'S', "service-status", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char*) {
return OK;
}, "print service status column. Possible values are:\n"
" - alive: alive and running hwbinder service;\n"
" - registered;dead: registered to hwservicemanager but is not responsive;\n"
" - declared: only declared in VINTF manifest but is not registered to hwservicemanager;\n"
" - N/A: no information for passthrough HALs."});
mOptions.push_back({'A', "all", no_argument, v++,
[](ListCommand* thiz, const char*) {
auto allColumns = GetAllValues<TableColumnType>();
allColumns.begin(), allColumns.end());
return OK;
"print all columns"});
// long options without short alternatives
mOptions.push_back({'\0', "init-vintf", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char* arg) {
thiz->mVintf = true;
if (thiz->mVintfPartition == Partition::UNKNOWN)
thiz->mVintfPartition = Partition::VENDOR;
if (arg) thiz->mFileOutputPath = arg;
return OK;
}, "form a skeleton HAL manifest to specified file,\nor stdout if no file specified."});
mOptions.push_back({'\0', "init-vintf-partition", required_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char* arg) {
if (!arg) return USAGE;
thiz->mVintfPartition = android::procpartition::parsePartition(arg);
if (thiz->mVintfPartition == Partition::UNKNOWN) return USAGE;
return OK;
}, "Specify the partition of the HAL manifest\ngenerated by --init-vintf.\n"
"Valid values are 'system', 'vendor', and 'odm'. Default is 'vendor'."});
mOptions.push_back({'\0', "sort", required_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char* arg) {
if (strcmp(arg, "interface") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "i") == 0) {
thiz->mSortColumn = TableEntry::sortByInterfaceName;
} else if (strcmp(arg, "pid") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "p") == 0) {
thiz->mSortColumn = TableEntry::sortByServerPid;
} else {
thiz->err() << "Unrecognized sorting column: " << arg << std::endl;
return USAGE;
return OK;
}, "sort by a column. 'arg' can be (i|interface) or (p|pid)."});
mOptions.push_back({'\0', "neat", no_argument, v++, [](ListCommand* thiz, const char*) {
thiz->mNeat = true;
return OK;
}, "output is machine parsable (no explanatory text).\nCannot be used with --debug."});
{'\0', "types", required_argument, v++,
[](ListCommand* thiz, const char* arg) {
if (!arg) {
return USAGE;
static const std::map<std::string, std::vector<HalType>> kHalTypeMap{
{"binderized", {HalType::BINDERIZED_SERVICES}},
{"passthrough_clients", {HalType::PASSTHROUGH_CLIENTS}},
{"passthrough_libs", {HalType::PASSTHROUGH_LIBRARIES}},
{"vintf", {HalType::VINTF_MANIFEST}},
{"v", {HalType::VINTF_MANIFEST}},
{"lazy", {HalType::LAZY_HALS}},
{"z", {HalType::LAZY_HALS}},
{"all", GetAllValues<HalType>()},
{"a", GetAllValues<HalType>()},
std::vector<std::string> halTypesArgs = split(std::string(arg), ',');
for (const auto& halTypeArg : halTypesArgs) {
if (halTypeArg.empty()) continue;
const auto& halTypeIter = kHalTypeMap.find(halTypeArg);
if (halTypeIter == kHalTypeMap.end()) {
thiz->err() << "Unrecognized HAL type: " << halTypeArg << std::endl;
return USAGE;
// Append unique (non-repeated) HAL types to the reporting list
for (auto halType : halTypeIter->second) {
if (std::find(thiz->mListTypes.begin(), thiz->mListTypes.end(), halType) ==
thiz->mListTypes.end()) {
if (thiz->mListTypes.empty()) {
return USAGE;
return OK;
"comma-separated list of one or more sections.\nThe output is restricted to the "
"selected section(s). Valid options\nare: (b|binderized), (c|passthrough_clients), (l|"
"passthrough_libs), (v|vintf), (z|lazy), and (a|all).\nDefault is `b,c,l`."});
// Create 'longopts' argument to getopt_long. Caller is responsible for maintaining
// the lifetime of "options" during the usage of the returned array.
static std::unique_ptr<struct option[]> getLongOptions(
const ListCommand::RegisteredOptions& options,
int* longOptFlag) {
std::unique_ptr<struct option[]> ret{new struct option[options.size() + 1]};
int i = 0;
for (const auto& e : options) {
ret[i].name = e.longOption.c_str();
ret[i].has_arg = e.hasArg;
ret[i].flag = longOptFlag;
ret[i].val = e.val;
// getopt_long last option has all zeros
ret[i].name = nullptr;
ret[i].has_arg = 0;
ret[i].flag = nullptr;
ret[i].val = 0;
return ret;
// Create 'optstring' argument to getopt_long.
static std::string getShortOptions(const ListCommand::RegisteredOptions& options) {
std::stringstream ss;
for (const auto& e : options) {
if (e.shortOption != '\0') {
ss << e.shortOption;
return ss.str();
Status ListCommand::parseArgs(const Arg &arg) {
if (mOptions.empty()) {
int longOptFlag;
std::unique_ptr<struct option[]> longOptions = getLongOptions(mOptions, &longOptFlag);
std::string shortOptions = getShortOptions(mOptions);
// suppress output to std::err for unknown options
opterr = 0;
int optionIndex;
int c;
// Lshal::parseArgs has set optind to the next option to parse
for (;;) {
c = getopt_long(arg.argc, arg.argv,
shortOptions.c_str(), longOptions.get(), &optionIndex);
if (c == -1) {
const RegisteredOption* found = nullptr;
if (c == 0) {
// see long option
for (const auto& e : mOptions) {
if (longOptFlag == e.val) found = &e;
} else {
// see short option
for (const auto& e : mOptions) {
if (c == e.shortOption) found = &e;
if (found == nullptr) {
// see unrecognized options
err() << "unrecognized option `" << arg.argv[optind - 1] << "'" << std::endl;
return USAGE;
Status status = found->op(this, optarg);
if (status != OK) {
return status;
if (optind < arg.argc) {
// see non option
err() << "unrecognized option `" << arg.argv[optind] << "'" << std::endl;
return USAGE;
if (mNeat && mEmitDebugInfo) {
err() << "Error: --neat should not be used with --debug." << std::endl;
return USAGE;
if (mSelectedColumns.empty()) {
mSelectedColumns = {TableColumnType::VINTF, TableColumnType::RELEASED,
TableColumnType::INTERFACE_NAME, TableColumnType::THREADS,
TableColumnType::SERVER_PID, TableColumnType::CLIENT_PIDS};
if (mEnableCmdlines) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < mSelectedColumns.size(); ++i) {
if (mSelectedColumns[i] == TableColumnType::SERVER_PID) {
mSelectedColumns[i] = TableColumnType::SERVER_CMD;
if (mSelectedColumns[i] == TableColumnType::CLIENT_PIDS) {
mSelectedColumns[i] = TableColumnType::CLIENT_CMDS;
// By default, list all HAL types
if (mListTypes.empty()) {
forEachTable([this] (Table& table) {
return OK;
Status ListCommand::main(const Arg &arg) {
Status status = parseArgs(arg);
if (status != OK) {
return status;
status = fetch();
status |= dump();
return status;
const std::string& ListCommand::RegisteredOption::getHelpMessageForArgument() const {
static const std::string empty{};
static const std::string optional{"[=<arg>]"};
static const std::string required{"=<arg>"};
if (hasArg == optional_argument) {
return optional;
if (hasArg == required_argument) {
return required;
return empty;
void ListCommand::usage() const {
err() << "list:" << std::endl
<< " lshal" << std::endl
<< " lshal list" << std::endl
<< " List all hals with default ordering and columns (`lshal list -Vliepc`)" << std::endl
<< " lshal list [-h|--help]" << std::endl
<< " -h, --help: Print help message for list (`lshal help list`)" << std::endl
<< " lshal [list] [OPTIONS...]" << std::endl;
for (const auto& e : mOptions) {
if ( {
err() << " ";
if (e.shortOption != '\0')
err() << "-" << e.shortOption << e.getHelpMessageForArgument();
if (e.shortOption != '\0' && !e.longOption.empty())
err() << ", ";
if (!e.longOption.empty())
err() << "--" << e.longOption << e.getHelpMessageForArgument();
err() << ": ";
std::vector<std::string> lines = split(, '\n');
for (const auto& line : lines) {
if (&line != &lines.front())
err() << " ";
err() << line << std::endl;
} // namespace lshal
} // namespace android