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7 months ago
* Copyright (c) 2017 Politecnico di Torino
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include "BPF.h"
#include "catch.hpp"
TEST_CASE("test bpf table", "[bpf_table]") {
const std::string BPF_PROGRAM = R"(
BPF_TABLE("hash", int, int, myhash, 128);
ebpf::BPF *bpf(new ebpf::BPF);
ebpf::StatusTuple res(0);
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> elements;
res = bpf->init(BPF_PROGRAM);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
ebpf::BPFTable t = bpf->get_table("myhash");
// update element
std::string value;
res = t.update_value("0x07", "0x42");
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
res = t.get_value("0x7", value);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
REQUIRE(value == "0x42");
// update another element
res = t.update_value("0x11", "0x777");
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
res = t.get_value("0x11", value);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
REQUIRE(value == "0x777");
// remove value
res = t.remove_value("0x11");
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
res = t.get_value("0x11", value);
REQUIRE(res.code() != 0);
res = t.update_value("0x15", "0x888");
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
res = t.get_table_offline(elements);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
REQUIRE(elements.size() == 2);
// check that elements match what is in the table
for (auto &it : elements) {
if (it.first == "0x15") {
REQUIRE(it.second == "0x888");
} else if (it.first == "0x7") {
REQUIRE(it.second == "0x42");
} else {
FAIL("Element " + it.first + " should not be on the table", it.first);
res = t.clear_table_non_atomic();
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
res = t.get_table_offline(elements);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
REQUIRE(elements.size() == 0);
// delete bpf_module, call to key/leaf printf/scanf must fail
delete bpf;
res = t.update_value("0x07", "0x42");
REQUIRE(res.code() != 0);
res = t.get_value("0x07", value);
REQUIRE(res.code() != 0);
res = t.remove_value("0x07");
REQUIRE(res.code() != 0);
TEST_CASE("test bpf percpu tables", "[bpf_percpu_table]") {
const std::string BPF_PROGRAM = R"(
BPF_TABLE("percpu_hash", int, u64, myhash, 128);
ebpf::BPF bpf;
ebpf::StatusTuple res(0);
res = bpf.init(BPF_PROGRAM);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
ebpf::BPFTable t = bpf.get_table("myhash");
size_t ncpus = ebpf::BPFTable::get_possible_cpu_count();
std::vector<std::string> v1(ncpus);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) {
| = std::to_string(42 * i);
// update element
std::vector<std::string> value;
res = t.update_value("0x07", v1);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
res = t.get_value("0x07", value);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) {
REQUIRE(42 * i == std::stoul(, nullptr, 16));
TEST_CASE("test bpf hash table", "[bpf_hash_table]") {
const std::string BPF_PROGRAM = R"(
BPF_HASH(myhash, int, int, 128);
ebpf::BPF bpf;
ebpf::StatusTuple res(0);
res = bpf.init(BPF_PROGRAM);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
auto t = bpf.get_hash_table<int, int>("myhash");
int key, value;
// updaate element
key = 0x08;
value = 0x43;
res = t.update_value(key, value);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
REQUIRE(t[key] == value);
// update another element
key = 0x12;
value = 0x778;
res = t.update_value(key, value);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
key = 0x31;
value = 0x123;
res = t.update_value(key, value);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
key = 0x12;
value = 0;
res = t.get_value(key, value);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
REQUIRE(value == 0x778);
// remove value and dump table
key = 0x12;
res = t.remove_value(key);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
auto values = t.get_table_offline();
REQUIRE(values.size() == 2);
// clear table
res = t.clear_table_non_atomic();
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
values = t.get_table_offline();
REQUIRE(values.size() == 0);
TEST_CASE("test bpf stack table", "[bpf_stack_table]") {
const std::string BPF_PROGRAM = R"(
BPF_HASH(id, int, int, 1);
BPF_STACK_TRACE(stack_traces, 8);
int on_sys_getuid(void *ctx) {
int stack_id = stack_traces.get_stackid(ctx, BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID);
int zero = 0, *val;
val = id.lookup_or_init(&zero, &stack_id);
(*val) = stack_id;
return 0;
ebpf::BPF bpf;
ebpf::StatusTuple res(0);
res = bpf.init(BPF_PROGRAM);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
std::string getuid_fnname = bpf.get_syscall_fnname("getuid");
res = bpf.attach_kprobe(getuid_fnname, "on_sys_getuid");
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
REQUIRE(getuid() >= 0);
res = bpf.detach_kprobe(getuid_fnname);
REQUIRE(res.code() == 0);
auto id = bpf.get_hash_table<int, int>("id");
auto stack_traces = bpf.get_stack_table("stack_traces");
int stack_id = id[0];
REQUIRE(stack_id >= 0);
auto addrs = stack_traces.get_stack_addr(stack_id);
auto symbols = stack_traces.get_stack_symbol(stack_id, -1);
REQUIRE(addrs.size() > 0);
REQUIRE(addrs.size() == symbols.size());
bool found = false;
for (const auto &symbol : symbols)
if (symbol.find("sys_getuid") != std::string::npos) {
found = true;
addrs = stack_traces.get_stack_addr(stack_id);
REQUIRE(addrs.size() == 0);