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#version 450
layout(binding = 0, r32f) uniform coherent image1D i1D;
layout(binding = 1, r32f) uniform volatile image2D i2D;
layout(binding = 2, r32f) uniform restrict image2DRect i2DRect;
layout(binding = 3, r32f) uniform readonly image3D i3D;
layout(binding = 3, r32f) uniform writeonly imageCube iCube;
struct Data
float f1;
vec2 f2;
coherent buffer Buffer
volatile float f1;
restrict vec2 f2;
readonly vec3 f3;
writeonly vec4 f4;
int i1;
Data data;
void main()
vec4 texel = imageLoad(i1D, 1);
texel += imageLoad(i2D, ivec2(1));
texel += imageLoad(i2DRect, ivec2(1));
texel += imageLoad(i3D, ivec3(1));
imageStore(iCube, ivec3(1), texel);
texel[i1] = f1;
texel.xy += f2; -= f3;
texel.w += data.f1 + data.f2[1];
f4 = texel;