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31 lines
958 B
31 lines
958 B
4 months ago
#version 310 es
// readonly coherent uniform layout(set = 0, binding = 0) highp image2D image1;
// readonly uniform layout(set = 0, binding = 2) highp image2D image2;
writeonly coherent uniform layout(set = 0, binding = 1, rgba32f) highp image2D image3;
writeonly uniform layout(set = 0, binding = 3, rgba16f) highp image2D image4;
flat in layout(location = 0) highp ivec2 in_coords;
out layout(location = 0) highp vec4 out_color;
highp vec4 image_load(readonly coherent highp image2D image, highp ivec2 coords)
return imageLoad(image, in_coords);
void image_store(writeonly coherent highp image2D image, highp ivec2 coords, highp vec4 data)
imageStore(image, in_coords, data);
void main()
highp vec4 read1 = vec4(0.4); // = image_load(image1, in_coords);
highp vec4 read2 = vec4(0.5); // = image_load(image2, in_coords);
image_store(image3, in_coords, read1*0.5);
image_store(image4, in_coords, read2*2.0);
out_color = vec4(0.0);