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7 months ago
* Copyright 2020, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#if !defined(EIC_INSIDE_LIBEIC_H) && !defined(EIC_COMPILATION)
#error "Never include this file directly, include libeic.h instead."
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Uncomment or define if debug messages are needed.
//#define EIC_DEBUG
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// The following defines must be set to something appropriate
// EIC_SHA256_CONTEXT_SIZE - the size of EicSha256Ctx
// EIC_HMAC_SHA256_CONTEXT_SIZE - the size of EicHmacSha256Ctx
// For example, if EicSha256Ctx is implemented using BoringSSL this would be defined
// as sizeof(SHA256_CTX).
// We expect the implementation to provide a header file with the name
// EicOpsImpl.h to do all this.
#include "EicOpsImpl.h"
#define EIC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE 32
// The size of a P-256 private key.
#define EIC_P256_PRIV_KEY_SIZE 32
// The size of a P-256 public key in uncompressed form.
// The public key is stored in uncompressed form, first the X coordinate, then
// the Y coordinate.
#define EIC_P256_PUB_KEY_SIZE 64
// Size of one of the coordinates in a curve-point.
// The size of an ECSDA signature using P-256.
// The R and S values are stored here, first R then S.
#define EIC_AES_128_KEY_SIZE 16
// The following are definitions of implementation functions the
// underlying platform must provide.
struct EicSha256Ctx {
uint8_t reserved[EIC_SHA256_CONTEXT_SIZE];
typedef struct EicSha256Ctx EicSha256Ctx;
struct EicHmacSha256Ctx {
uint8_t reserved[EIC_HMAC_SHA256_CONTEXT_SIZE];
typedef struct EicHmacSha256Ctx EicHmacSha256Ctx;
#ifdef EIC_DEBUG
// Debug macro. Don't include a new-line in message.
#define eicDebug(...) \
do { \
eicPrint("%s:%d: ", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
eicPrint(__VA_ARGS__); \
eicPrint("\n"); \
} while (0)
#define eicDebug(...) \
do { \
} while (0)
// Prints message which should include new-line character. Can be no-op.
// Don't use this from code, use eicDebug() instead.
#ifdef EIC_DEBUG
void eicPrint(const char* format, ...);
inline void eicPrint(const char*, ...) {}
// Dumps data as pretty-printed hex. Can be no-op.
#ifdef EIC_DEBUG
void eicHexdump(const char* message, const uint8_t* data, size_t dataSize);
inline void eicHexdump(const char*, const uint8_t*, size_t) {}
// Pretty-prints encoded CBOR. Can be no-op.
// If a byte-string is larger than |maxBStrSize| its contents will not be
// printed, instead the value of the form "<bstr size=1099016
// sha1=ef549cca331f73dfae2090e6a37c04c23f84b07b>" will be printed. Pass zero
// for |maxBStrSize| to disable this.
#ifdef EIC_DEBUG
void eicCborPrettyPrint(const uint8_t* cborData, size_t cborDataSize, size_t maxBStrSize);
inline void eicCborPrettyPrint(const uint8_t*, size_t, size_t) {}
// Memory setting, see memset(3).
void* eicMemSet(void* s, int c, size_t n);
// Memory copying, see memcpy(3).
void* eicMemCpy(void* dest, const void* src, size_t n);
// String length, see strlen(3).
size_t eicStrLen(const char* s);
// Memory compare, see CRYPTO_memcmp(3SSL)
// It takes an amount of time dependent on len, but independent of the contents of the
// memory regions pointed to by s1 and s2.
int eicCryptoMemCmp(const void* s1, const void* s2, size_t n);
// Random number generation.
bool eicOpsRandom(uint8_t* buf, size_t numBytes);
// If |testCredential| is true, returns the 128-bit AES Hardware-Bound Key (16 bytes).
// Otherwise returns all zeroes (16 bytes).
const uint8_t* eicOpsGetHardwareBoundKey(bool testCredential);
// Encrypts |data| with |key| and |additionalAuthenticatedData| using |nonce|,
// returns the resulting (nonce || ciphertext || tag) in |encryptedData| which
// must be of size |dataSize| + 28.
bool eicOpsEncryptAes128Gcm(
const uint8_t* key, // Must be 16 bytes
const uint8_t* nonce, // Must be 12 bytes
const uint8_t* data, // May be NULL if size is 0
size_t dataSize,
const uint8_t* additionalAuthenticationData, // May be NULL if size is 0
size_t additionalAuthenticationDataSize, uint8_t* encryptedData);
// Decrypts |encryptedData| using |key| and |additionalAuthenticatedData|,
// returns resulting plaintext in |data| must be of size |encryptedDataSize| - 28.
// The format of |encryptedData| must be as specified in the
// encryptAes128Gcm() function.
bool eicOpsDecryptAes128Gcm(const uint8_t* key, // Must be 16 bytes
const uint8_t* encryptedData, size_t encryptedDataSize,
const uint8_t* additionalAuthenticationData,
size_t additionalAuthenticationDataSize, uint8_t* data);
// Creates an EC key using the P-256 curve. The private key is written to
// |privateKey|. The public key is written to |publicKey|.
bool eicOpsCreateEcKey(uint8_t privateKey[EIC_P256_PRIV_KEY_SIZE],
uint8_t publicKey[EIC_P256_PUB_KEY_SIZE]);
// Generates CredentialKey plus an attestation certificate.
// The attestation certificate will be signed by the attestation keys the secure
// area has been provisioned with. The given |challenge| and |applicationId|
// will be used as will |testCredential|.
// The generated certificate will be in X.509 format and returned in |cert|
// and |certSize| must be set to the size of this array and this function will
// set it to the size of the certification chain on successfully return.
// This may return either a single certificate or an entire certificate
// chain. If it returns only a single certificate, the implementation of
// SecureHardwareProvisioningProxy::createCredentialKey() should amend the
// remainder of the certificate chain on the HAL side.
bool eicOpsCreateCredentialKey(uint8_t privateKey[EIC_P256_PRIV_KEY_SIZE], const uint8_t* challenge,
size_t challengeSize, const uint8_t* applicationId,
size_t applicationIdSize, bool testCredential, uint8_t* cert,
size_t* certSize); // inout
// Generate an X.509 certificate for the key identified by |publicKey| which
// must be of the form returned by eicOpsCreateEcKey().
// If proofOfBinding is not NULL, it will be included as an OCTET_STRING
// X.509 extension at OID
// The certificate will be signed by the key identified by |signingKey| which
// must be of the form returned by eicOpsCreateEcKey().
bool eicOpsSignEcKey(const uint8_t publicKey[EIC_P256_PUB_KEY_SIZE],
const uint8_t signingKey[EIC_P256_PRIV_KEY_SIZE], unsigned int serial,
const char* issuerName, const char* subjectName, time_t validityNotBefore,
time_t validityNotAfter, const uint8_t* proofOfBinding,
size_t proofOfBindingSize, uint8_t* cert, size_t* certSize); // inout
// Uses |privateKey| to create an ECDSA signature of some data (the SHA-256 must
// be given by |digestOfData|). Returns the signature in |signature|.
bool eicOpsEcDsa(const uint8_t privateKey[EIC_P256_PRIV_KEY_SIZE],
const uint8_t digestOfData[EIC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE],
uint8_t signature[EIC_ECDSA_P256_SIGNATURE_SIZE]);
// Performs Elliptic Curve Diffie-Helman.
bool eicOpsEcdh(const uint8_t publicKey[EIC_P256_PUB_KEY_SIZE],
const uint8_t privateKey[EIC_P256_PRIV_KEY_SIZE],
uint8_t sharedSecret[EIC_P256_COORDINATE_SIZE]);
// Performs HKDF.
bool eicOpsHkdf(const uint8_t* sharedSecret, size_t sharedSecretSize, const uint8_t* salt,
size_t saltSize, const uint8_t* info, size_t infoSize, uint8_t* output,
size_t outputSize);
// SHA-256 functions.
void eicOpsSha256Init(EicSha256Ctx* ctx);
void eicOpsSha256Update(EicSha256Ctx* ctx, const uint8_t* data, size_t len);
void eicOpsSha256Final(EicSha256Ctx* ctx, uint8_t digest[EIC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE]);
// HMAC SHA-256 functions.
void eicOpsHmacSha256Init(EicHmacSha256Ctx* ctx, const uint8_t* key, size_t keySize);
void eicOpsHmacSha256Update(EicHmacSha256Ctx* ctx, const uint8_t* data, size_t len);
void eicOpsHmacSha256Final(EicHmacSha256Ctx* ctx, uint8_t digest[EIC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE]);
// Extracts the public key in the given X.509 certificate.
// If the key is not an EC key, this function fails.
// Otherwise the public key is stored in uncompressed form in |publicKey| which
// size should be set in |publicKeySize|. On successful return |publicKeySize|
// is set to the length of the key. If there is not enough space, the function
// fails.
// (The public key returned is not necessarily a P-256 key, even if it is note
// that its size is not EIC_P256_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE because of the leading 0x04.)
bool eicOpsX509GetPublicKey(const uint8_t* x509Cert, size_t x509CertSize, uint8_t* publicKey,
size_t* publicKeySize);
// Checks that the X.509 certificate given by |x509Cert| is signed by the public
// key given by |publicKey| which must be an EC key in uncompressed form (e.g.
// same formatt as returned by eicOpsX509GetPublicKey()).
bool eicOpsX509CertSignedByPublicKey(const uint8_t* x509Cert, size_t x509CertSize,
const uint8_t* publicKey, size_t publicKeySize);
// Checks that |signature| is a signature of some data (given by |digest|),
// signed by the public key given by |publicKey|.
// The key must be an EC key in uncompressed form (e.g. same format as returned
// by eicOpsX509GetPublicKey()).
// The format of the signature is the same encoding as the 'signature' field of
// COSE_Sign1 - that is, it's the R and S integers both with the same length as
// the key-size.
// The size of digest must match the size of the key.
bool eicOpsEcDsaVerifyWithPublicKey(const uint8_t* digest, size_t digestSize,
const uint8_t* signature, size_t signatureSize,
const uint8_t* publicKey, size_t publicKeySize);
// Validates that the passed in data constitutes a valid auth- and verification tokens.
bool eicOpsValidateAuthToken(uint64_t challenge, uint64_t secureUserId, uint64_t authenticatorId,
int hardwareAuthenticatorType, uint64_t timeStamp, const uint8_t* mac,
size_t macSize, uint64_t verificationTokenChallenge,
uint64_t verificationTokenTimeStamp,
int verificationTokenSecurityLevel,
const uint8_t* verificationTokenMac, size_t verificationTokenMacSize);
#ifdef __cplusplus