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930 lines
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7 months ago
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file offers AndroidMkEntriesProvider, which individual modules implement to output
// entries that contain information about the modules built through Soong. Kati reads
// and combines them with the legacy Make-based module definitions to produce the complete view of
// the source tree, which makes this a critical point of Make-Soong interoperability.
// Naturally, Soong-only builds do not rely on this mechanism.
package android
import (
func init() {
func RegisterAndroidMkBuildComponents(ctx RegistrationContext) {
ctx.RegisterSingletonType("androidmk", AndroidMkSingleton)
// Enable androidmk support.
// * Register the singleton
// * Configure that we are inside make
var PrepareForTestWithAndroidMk = GroupFixturePreparers(
// Deprecated: Use AndroidMkEntriesProvider instead, especially if you're not going to use the
// Custom function. It's easier to use and test.
type AndroidMkDataProvider interface {
AndroidMk() AndroidMkData
BaseModuleName() string
type AndroidMkData struct {
Class string
SubName string
DistFiles TaggedDistFiles
OutputFile OptionalPath
Disabled bool
Include string
Required []string
Host_required []string
Target_required []string
Custom func(w io.Writer, name, prefix, moduleDir string, data AndroidMkData)
Extra []AndroidMkExtraFunc
Entries AndroidMkEntries
type AndroidMkExtraFunc func(w io.Writer, outputFile Path)
// Interface for modules to declare their outputs. Note that every module needs to
// implement this in order to be included in the final Android-<product_name>.mk output, even if
// they only need to output the common set of entries without any customizations.
type AndroidMkEntriesProvider interface {
// Returns AndroidMkEntries objects that contain all basic info plus extra customization data
// if needed. This is the core func to implement.
// Note that one can return multiple objects. For example, java_library may return an additional
// AndroidMkEntries object for its hostdex sub-module.
AndroidMkEntries() []AndroidMkEntries
// Modules don't need to implement this as it's already implemented by ModuleBase.
// AndroidMkEntries uses BaseModuleName() instead of ModuleName() because certain modules
// e.g. Prebuilts, override the Name() func and return modified names.
// If a different name is preferred, use SubName or OverrideName in AndroidMkEntries.
BaseModuleName() string
// The core data struct that modules use to provide their data.
type AndroidMkEntries struct {
Class string
// Optional suffix to append to the module name. Useful when a module wants to return multiple
// AndroidMkEntries objects. For example, when a java_library returns an additional entry for
// its hostdex sub-module, this SubName field is set to "-hostdex" so that it can have a
// different name than the parent's.
SubName string
// If set, this value overrides the base module name. SubName is still appended.
OverrideName string
// Dist files to output
DistFiles TaggedDistFiles
// The output file for Kati to process and/or install. If absent, the module is skipped.
OutputFile OptionalPath
// If true, the module is skipped and does not appear on the final Android-<product name>.mk
// file. Useful when a module needs to be skipped conditionally.
Disabled bool
// The postprocessing mk file to include, e.g. $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/
// If not set, $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/ is used.
Include string
// Required modules that need to be built and included in the final build output when building
// this module.
Required []string
// Required host modules that need to be built and included in the final build output when
// building this module.
Host_required []string
// Required device modules that need to be built and included in the final build output when
// building this module.
Target_required []string
header bytes.Buffer
footer bytes.Buffer
// Funcs to append additional entries or modify the common ones. Multiple funcs are
// accepted so that common logic can be factored out as a shared func.
ExtraEntries []AndroidMkExtraEntriesFunc
// Funcs to add extra lines to the module's output. Unlike AndroidMkExtraEntriesFunc,
// which simply sets Make variable values, this can be used for anything since it can write any
// Make statements directly to the final Android-*.mk file.
// Primarily used to call macros or declare/update Make targets.
ExtraFooters []AndroidMkExtraFootersFunc
// A map that holds the up-to-date Make variable values. Can be accessed from tests.
EntryMap map[string][]string
// A list of EntryMap keys in insertion order. This serves a few purposes:
// 1. Prevents churns. Golang map doesn't provide consistent iteration order, so without this,
// the outputted Android-*.mk file may change even though there have been no content changes.
// 2. Allows modules to refer to other variables, like LOCAL_BAR_VAR := $(LOCAL_FOO_VAR),
// without worrying about the variables being mixed up in the actual mk file.
// 3. Makes troubleshooting and spotting errors easier.
entryOrder []string
type AndroidMkExtraEntriesContext interface {
Provider(provider blueprint.ProviderKey) interface{}
type androidMkExtraEntriesContext struct {
ctx fillInEntriesContext
mod blueprint.Module
func (a *androidMkExtraEntriesContext) Provider(provider blueprint.ProviderKey) interface{} {
return a.ctx.ModuleProvider(a.mod, provider)
type AndroidMkExtraEntriesFunc func(ctx AndroidMkExtraEntriesContext, entries *AndroidMkEntries)
type AndroidMkExtraFootersFunc func(w io.Writer, name, prefix, moduleDir string)
// Utility funcs to manipulate variable entries.
// SetString sets a Make variable with the given name to the given value.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) SetString(name, value string) {
if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok {
a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name)
a.EntryMap[name] = []string{value}
// SetPath sets a Make variable with the given name to the given path string.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) SetPath(name string, path Path) {
if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok {
a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name)
a.EntryMap[name] = []string{path.String()}
// SetOptionalPath sets a Make variable with the given name to the given path string if it is valid.
// It is a no-op if the given path is invalid.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) SetOptionalPath(name string, path OptionalPath) {
if path.Valid() {
a.SetPath(name, path.Path())
// AddPath appends the given path string to a Make variable with the given name.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) AddPath(name string, path Path) {
if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok {
a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name)
a.EntryMap[name] = append(a.EntryMap[name], path.String())
// AddOptionalPath appends the given path string to a Make variable with the given name if it is
// valid. It is a no-op if the given path is invalid.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) AddOptionalPath(name string, path OptionalPath) {
if path.Valid() {
a.AddPath(name, path.Path())
// SetPaths sets a Make variable with the given name to a slice of the given path strings.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) SetPaths(name string, paths Paths) {
if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok {
a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name)
a.EntryMap[name] = paths.Strings()
// SetOptionalPaths sets a Make variable with the given name to a slice of the given path strings
// only if there are a non-zero amount of paths.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) SetOptionalPaths(name string, paths Paths) {
if len(paths) > 0 {
a.SetPaths(name, paths)
// AddPaths appends the given path strings to a Make variable with the given name.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) AddPaths(name string, paths Paths) {
if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok {
a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name)
a.EntryMap[name] = append(a.EntryMap[name], paths.Strings()...)
// SetBoolIfTrue sets a Make variable with the given name to true if the given flag is true.
// It is a no-op if the given flag is false.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) SetBoolIfTrue(name string, flag bool) {
if flag {
if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok {
a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name)
a.EntryMap[name] = []string{"true"}
// SetBool sets a Make variable with the given name to if the given bool flag value.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) SetBool(name string, flag bool) {
if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok {
a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name)
if flag {
a.EntryMap[name] = []string{"true"}
} else {
a.EntryMap[name] = []string{"false"}
// AddStrings appends the given strings to a Make variable with the given name.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) AddStrings(name string, value ...string) {
if len(value) == 0 {
if _, ok := a.EntryMap[name]; !ok {
a.entryOrder = append(a.entryOrder, name)
a.EntryMap[name] = append(a.EntryMap[name], value...)
// AddCompatibilityTestSuites adds the supplied test suites to the EntryMap, with special handling
// for partial MTS test suites.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) AddCompatibilityTestSuites(suites ...string) {
// MTS supports a full test suite and partial per-module MTS test suites, with naming mts-${MODULE}.
// To reduce repetition, if we find a partial MTS test suite without an full MTS test suite,
// we add the full test suite to our list.
if PrefixInList(suites, "mts-") && !InList("mts", suites) {
suites = append(suites, "mts")
a.AddStrings("LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE", suites...)
// The contributions to the dist.
type distContributions struct {
// List of goals and the dist copy instructions.
copiesForGoals []*copiesForGoals
// getCopiesForGoals returns a copiesForGoals into which copy instructions that
// must be processed when building one or more of those goals can be added.
func (d *distContributions) getCopiesForGoals(goals string) *copiesForGoals {
copiesForGoals := &copiesForGoals{goals: goals}
d.copiesForGoals = append(d.copiesForGoals, copiesForGoals)
return copiesForGoals
// Associates a list of dist copy instructions with a set of goals for which they
// should be run.
type copiesForGoals struct {
// goals are a space separated list of build targets that will trigger the
// copy instructions.
goals string
// A list of instructions to copy a module's output files to somewhere in the
// dist directory.
copies []distCopy
// Adds a copy instruction.
func (d *copiesForGoals) addCopyInstruction(from Path, dest string) {
d.copies = append(d.copies, distCopy{from, dest})
// Instruction on a path that must be copied into the dist.
type distCopy struct {
// The path to copy from.
from Path
// The destination within the dist directory to copy to.
dest string
// Compute the contributions that the module makes to the dist.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) getDistContributions(mod blueprint.Module) *distContributions {
amod := mod.(Module).base()
name := amod.BaseModuleName()
// Collate the set of associated tag/paths available for copying to the dist.
// Start with an empty (nil) set.
var availableTaggedDists TaggedDistFiles
// Then merge in any that are provided explicitly by the module.
if a.DistFiles != nil {
// Merge the DistFiles into the set.
availableTaggedDists = availableTaggedDists.merge(a.DistFiles)
// If no paths have been provided for the DefaultDistTag and the output file is
// valid then add that as the default dist path.
if _, ok := availableTaggedDists[DefaultDistTag]; !ok && a.OutputFile.Valid() {
availableTaggedDists = availableTaggedDists.addPathsForTag(DefaultDistTag, a.OutputFile.Path())
// If the distFiles created by GenerateTaggedDistFiles contains paths for the
// DefaultDistTag then that takes priority so delete any existing paths.
if _, ok := amod.distFiles[DefaultDistTag]; ok {
delete(availableTaggedDists, DefaultDistTag)
// Finally, merge the distFiles created by GenerateTaggedDistFiles.
availableTaggedDists = availableTaggedDists.merge(amod.distFiles)
if len(availableTaggedDists) == 0 {
// Nothing dist-able for this module.
return nil
// Collate the contributions this module makes to the dist.
distContributions := &distContributions{}
// Iterate over this module's dist structs, merged from the dist and dists properties.
for _, dist := range amod.Dists() {
// Get the list of goals this dist should be enabled for. e.g. sdk, droidcore
goals := strings.Join(dist.Targets, " ")
// Get the tag representing the output files to be dist'd. e.g. ".jar", ".proguard_map"
var tag string
if dist.Tag == nil {
// If the dist struct does not specify a tag, use the default output files tag.
tag = DefaultDistTag
} else {
tag = *dist.Tag
// Get the paths of the output files to be dist'd, represented by the tag.
// Can be an empty list.
tagPaths := availableTaggedDists[tag]
if len(tagPaths) == 0 {
// Nothing to dist for this tag, continue to the next dist.
if len(tagPaths) > 1 && (dist.Dest != nil || dist.Suffix != nil) {
errorMessage := "%s: Cannot apply dest/suffix for more than one dist " +
"file for %q goals tag %q in module %s. The list of dist files, " +
"which should have a single element, is:\n%s"
panic(fmt.Errorf(errorMessage, mod, goals, tag, name, tagPaths))
copiesForGoals := distContributions.getCopiesForGoals(goals)
// Iterate over each path adding a copy instruction to copiesForGoals
for _, path := range tagPaths {
// It's possible that the Path is nil from errant modules. Be defensive here.
if path == nil {
tagName := "default" // for error message readability
if dist.Tag != nil {
tagName = *dist.Tag
panic(fmt.Errorf("Dist file should not be nil for the %s tag in %s", tagName, name))
dest := filepath.Base(path.String())
if dist.Dest != nil {
var err error
if dest, err = validateSafePath(*dist.Dest); err != nil {
// This was checked in ModuleBase.GenerateBuildActions
if dist.Suffix != nil {
ext := filepath.Ext(dest)
suffix := *dist.Suffix
dest = strings.TrimSuffix(dest, ext) + suffix + ext
if dist.Dir != nil {
var err error
if dest, err = validateSafePath(*dist.Dir, dest); err != nil {
// This was checked in ModuleBase.GenerateBuildActions
copiesForGoals.addCopyInstruction(path, dest)
return distContributions
// generateDistContributionsForMake generates make rules that will generate the
// dist according to the instructions in the supplied distContribution.
func generateDistContributionsForMake(distContributions *distContributions) []string {
var ret []string
for _, d := range distContributions.copiesForGoals {
ret = append(ret, fmt.Sprintf(".PHONY: %s\n", d.goals))
// Create dist-for-goals calls for each of the copy instructions.
for _, c := range d.copies {
ret = append(
fmt.Sprintf("$(call dist-for-goals,%s,%s:%s)\n", d.goals, c.from.String(), c.dest))
return ret
// Compute the list of Make strings to declare phony goals and dist-for-goals
// calls from the module's dist and dists properties.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) GetDistForGoals(mod blueprint.Module) []string {
distContributions := a.getDistContributions(mod)
if distContributions == nil {
return nil
return generateDistContributionsForMake(distContributions)
// Write the license variables to Make for AndroidMkData.Custom(..) methods that do not call WriteAndroidMkData(..)
// It's required to propagate the license metadata even for module types that have non-standard interfaces to Make.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) WriteLicenseVariables(w io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS :=", strings.Join(a.EntryMap["LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS"], " "))
fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_LICENSE_CONDITIONS :=", strings.Join(a.EntryMap["LOCAL_LICENSE_CONDITIONS"], " "))
fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_NOTICE_FILE :=", strings.Join(a.EntryMap["LOCAL_NOTICE_FILE"], " "))
if pn, ok := a.EntryMap["LOCAL_LICENSE_PACKAGE_NAME"]; ok {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "LOCAL_LICENSE_PACKAGE_NAME :=", strings.Join(pn, " "))
// fillInEntries goes through the common variable processing and calls the extra data funcs to
// generate and fill in AndroidMkEntries's in-struct data, ready to be flushed to a file.
type fillInEntriesContext interface {
ModuleDir(module blueprint.Module) string
Config() Config
ModuleProvider(module blueprint.Module, provider blueprint.ProviderKey) interface{}
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) fillInEntries(ctx fillInEntriesContext, mod blueprint.Module) {
a.EntryMap = make(map[string][]string)
amod := mod.(Module).base()
name := amod.BaseModuleName()
if a.OverrideName != "" {
name = a.OverrideName
if a.Include == "" {
a.Include = "$(BUILD_PREBUILT)"
a.Required = append(a.Required, amod.commonProperties.Required...)
a.Host_required = append(a.Host_required, amod.commonProperties.Host_required...)
a.Target_required = append(a.Target_required, amod.commonProperties.Target_required...)
for _, distString := range a.GetDistForGoals(mod) {
fmt.Fprintf(&a.header, distString)
fmt.Fprintln(&a.header, "\ninclude $(CLEAR_VARS)")
// Collect make variable assignment entries.
a.SetString("LOCAL_PATH", ctx.ModuleDir(mod))
a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE", name+a.SubName)
a.AddStrings("LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS", amod.commonProperties.Effective_license_kinds...)
a.AddStrings("LOCAL_LICENSE_CONDITIONS", amod.commonProperties.Effective_license_conditions...)
a.AddStrings("LOCAL_NOTICE_FILE", amod.commonProperties.Effective_license_text.Strings()...)
// TODO(b/151177513): Does this code need to set LOCAL_MODULE_IS_CONTAINER ?
if amod.commonProperties.Effective_package_name != nil {
a.SetString("LOCAL_LICENSE_PACKAGE_NAME", *amod.commonProperties.Effective_package_name)
} else if len(amod.commonProperties.Effective_licenses) > 0 {
a.SetString("LOCAL_LICENSE_PACKAGE_NAME", strings.Join(amod.commonProperties.Effective_licenses, " "))
a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS", a.Class)
a.SetString("LOCAL_PREBUILT_MODULE_FILE", a.OutputFile.String())
a.AddStrings("LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES", a.Required...)
a.AddStrings("LOCAL_HOST_REQUIRED_MODULES", a.Host_required...)
a.AddStrings("LOCAL_TARGET_REQUIRED_MODULES", a.Target_required...)
if am, ok := mod.(ApexModule); ok {
a.SetBoolIfTrue("LOCAL_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_PLATFORM", am.NotAvailableForPlatform())
archStr := amod.Arch().ArchType.String()
host := false
switch amod.Os().Class {
case Host:
if amod.Target().HostCross {
// Make cannot identify LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_CROSS_ARCH:= common.
if amod.Arch().ArchType != Common {
} else {
// Make cannot identify LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_ARCH:= common.
if amod.Arch().ArchType != Common {
a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_ARCH", archStr)
host = true
case Device:
// Make cannot identify LOCAL_MODULE_TARGET_ARCH:= common.
if amod.Arch().ArchType != Common {
if amod.Target().NativeBridge {
hostArchStr := amod.Target().NativeBridgeHostArchName
if hostArchStr != "" {
a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_TARGET_ARCH", hostArchStr)
} else {
a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_TARGET_ARCH", archStr)
if !amod.InRamdisk() && !amod.InVendorRamdisk() {
a.AddPaths("LOCAL_FULL_INIT_RC", amod.initRcPaths)
if len(amod.vintfFragmentsPaths) > 0 {
a.AddPaths("LOCAL_FULL_VINTF_FRAGMENTS", amod.vintfFragmentsPaths)
a.SetBoolIfTrue("LOCAL_PROPRIETARY_MODULE", Bool(amod.commonProperties.Proprietary))
if Bool(amod.commonProperties.Vendor) || Bool(amod.commonProperties.Soc_specific) {
a.SetString("LOCAL_VENDOR_MODULE", "true")
a.SetBoolIfTrue("LOCAL_ODM_MODULE", Bool(amod.commonProperties.Device_specific))
a.SetBoolIfTrue("LOCAL_PRODUCT_MODULE", Bool(amod.commonProperties.Product_specific))
a.SetBoolIfTrue("LOCAL_SYSTEM_EXT_MODULE", Bool(amod.commonProperties.System_ext_specific))
if amod.commonProperties.Owner != nil {
a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_OWNER", *amod.commonProperties.Owner)
if len(amod.noticeFiles) > 0 {
a.SetString("LOCAL_NOTICE_FILE", strings.Join(amod.noticeFiles.Strings(), " "))
if host {
makeOs := amod.Os().String()
if amod.Os() == Linux || amod.Os() == LinuxBionic {
makeOs = "linux"
a.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_OS", makeOs)
a.SetString("LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE", "true")
prefix := ""
if amod.ArchSpecific() {
switch amod.Os().Class {
case Host:
if amod.Target().HostCross {
prefix = "HOST_CROSS_"
} else {
prefix = "HOST_"
case Device:
prefix = "TARGET_"
if amod.Arch().ArchType != ctx.Config().Targets[amod.Os()][0].Arch.ArchType {
prefix = "2ND_" + prefix
extraCtx := &androidMkExtraEntriesContext{
ctx: ctx,
mod: mod,
for _, extra := range a.ExtraEntries {
extra(extraCtx, a)
// Write to footer.
fmt.Fprintln(&a.footer, "include "+a.Include)
blueprintDir := ctx.ModuleDir(mod)
for _, footerFunc := range a.ExtraFooters {
footerFunc(&a.footer, name, prefix, blueprintDir)
// write flushes the AndroidMkEntries's in-struct data populated by AndroidMkEntries into the
// given Writer object.
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) write(w io.Writer) {
if a.Disabled {
if !a.OutputFile.Valid() {
for _, name := range a.entryOrder {
fmt.Fprintln(w, name+" := "+strings.Join(a.EntryMap[name], " "))
func (a *AndroidMkEntries) FooterLinesForTests() []string {
return strings.Split(string(a.footer.Bytes()), "\n")
// AndroidMkSingleton is a singleton to collect data from all modules and dump them into
// the final Android-<product_name>.mk file output.
func AndroidMkSingleton() Singleton {
return &androidMkSingleton{}
type androidMkSingleton struct{}
func (c *androidMkSingleton) GenerateBuildActions(ctx SingletonContext) {
// Skip if Soong wasn't invoked from Make.
if !ctx.Config().KatiEnabled() {
var androidMkModulesList []blueprint.Module
ctx.VisitAllModulesBlueprint(func(module blueprint.Module) {
androidMkModulesList = append(androidMkModulesList, module)
// Sort the module list by the module names to eliminate random churns, which may erroneously
// invoke additional build processes.
sort.SliceStable(androidMkModulesList, func(i, j int) bool {
return ctx.ModuleName(androidMkModulesList[i]) < ctx.ModuleName(androidMkModulesList[j])
transMk := PathForOutput(ctx, "Android"+String(ctx.Config().productVariables.Make_suffix)+".mk")
if ctx.Failed() {
err := translateAndroidMk(ctx, absolutePath(transMk.String()), androidMkModulesList)
if err != nil {
ctx.Build(pctx, BuildParams{
Rule: blueprint.Phony,
Output: transMk,
func translateAndroidMk(ctx SingletonContext, mkFile string, mods []blueprint.Module) error {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
fmt.Fprintln(buf, "LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))")
typeStats := make(map[string]int)
for _, mod := range mods {
err := translateAndroidMkModule(ctx, buf, mod)
if err != nil {
return err
if amod, ok := mod.(Module); ok && ctx.PrimaryModule(amod) == amod {
typeStats[ctx.ModuleType(amod)] += 1
keys := []string{}
fmt.Fprintln(buf, "\nSTATS.SOONG_MODULE_TYPE :=")
for k := range typeStats {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, mod_type := range keys {
fmt.Fprintln(buf, "STATS.SOONG_MODULE_TYPE +=", mod_type)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "STATS.SOONG_MODULE_TYPE.%s := %d\n", mod_type, typeStats[mod_type])
// Don't write to the file if it hasn't changed
if _, err := os.Stat(absolutePath(mkFile)); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(absolutePath(mkFile)); err == nil {
matches := buf.Len() == len(data)
if matches {
for i, value := range buf.Bytes() {
if value != data[i] {
matches = false
if matches {
return nil
return ioutil.WriteFile(absolutePath(mkFile), buf.Bytes(), 0666)
func translateAndroidMkModule(ctx SingletonContext, w io.Writer, mod blueprint.Module) error {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s in translateAndroidMkModule for module %s variant %s",
r, ctx.ModuleName(mod), ctx.ModuleSubDir(mod)))
// Additional cases here require review for correct license propagation to make.
switch x := mod.(type) {
case AndroidMkDataProvider:
return translateAndroidModule(ctx, w, mod, x)
case bootstrap.GoBinaryTool:
return translateGoBinaryModule(ctx, w, mod, x)
case AndroidMkEntriesProvider:
return translateAndroidMkEntriesModule(ctx, w, mod, x)
// Not exported to make so no make variables to set.
return nil
// A simple, special entry output func to make it possible to build blueprint tools using
// m by making them phony targets.
func translateGoBinaryModule(ctx SingletonContext, w io.Writer, mod blueprint.Module,
goBinary bootstrap.GoBinaryTool) error {
name := ctx.ModuleName(mod)
fmt.Fprintln(w, ".PHONY:", name)
fmt.Fprintln(w, name+":", goBinary.InstallPath())
fmt.Fprintln(w, "")
// Assuming no rules in make include go binaries in distributables.
// If the assumption is wrong, make will fail to build without the necessary .meta_lic and .meta_module files.
// In that case, add the targets and rules here to build a .meta_lic file for `name` and a .meta_module for
// `goBinary.InstallPath()` pointing to the `name`.meta_lic file.
return nil
func (data *AndroidMkData) fillInData(ctx fillInEntriesContext, mod blueprint.Module) {
// Get the preamble content through AndroidMkEntries logic.
data.Entries = AndroidMkEntries{
Class: data.Class,
SubName: data.SubName,
DistFiles: data.DistFiles,
OutputFile: data.OutputFile,
Disabled: data.Disabled,
Include: data.Include,
Required: data.Required,
Host_required: data.Host_required,
Target_required: data.Target_required,
data.Entries.fillInEntries(ctx, mod)
// copy entries back to data since it is used in Custom
data.Required = data.Entries.Required
data.Host_required = data.Entries.Host_required
data.Target_required = data.Entries.Target_required
// A support func for the deprecated AndroidMkDataProvider interface. Use AndroidMkEntryProvider
// instead.
func translateAndroidModule(ctx SingletonContext, w io.Writer, mod blueprint.Module,
provider AndroidMkDataProvider) error {
amod := mod.(Module).base()
if shouldSkipAndroidMkProcessing(amod) {
return nil
data := provider.AndroidMk()
if data.Include == "" {
data.Include = "$(BUILD_PREBUILT)"
data.fillInData(ctx, mod)
prefix := ""
if amod.ArchSpecific() {
switch amod.Os().Class {
case Host:
if amod.Target().HostCross {
prefix = "HOST_CROSS_"
} else {
prefix = "HOST_"
case Device:
prefix = "TARGET_"
if amod.Arch().ArchType != ctx.Config().Targets[amod.Os()][0].Arch.ArchType {
prefix = "2ND_" + prefix
name := provider.BaseModuleName()
blueprintDir := filepath.Dir(ctx.BlueprintFile(mod))
if data.Custom != nil {
// List of module types allowed to use .Custom(...)
// Additions to the list require careful review for proper license handling.
switch reflect.TypeOf(mod).String() { // ctx.ModuleType(mod) doesn't work: aidl_interface creates phony without type
case "*aidl.aidlApi": // writes non-custom before adding .phony
case "*aidl.aidlMapping": // writes non-custom before adding .phony
case "*android.customModule": // appears in tests only
case "*apex.apexBundle": // license properties written
case "*bpf.bpf": // license properties written (both for module and objs)
case "*genrule.Module": // writes non-custom before adding .phony
case "*java.SystemModules": // doesn't go through base_rules
case "*java.systemModulesImport": // doesn't go through base_rules
case "*phony.phony": // license properties written
case "*selinux.selinuxContextsModule": // license properties written
case "*sysprop.syspropLibrary": // license properties written
if ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("ANDROID_REQUIRE_LICENSES") {
return fmt.Errorf("custom make rules not allowed for %q (%q) module %q", ctx.ModuleType(mod), reflect.TypeOf(mod), ctx.ModuleName(mod))
data.Custom(w, name, prefix, blueprintDir, data)
} else {
WriteAndroidMkData(w, data)
return nil
// A support func for the deprecated AndroidMkDataProvider interface. Use AndroidMkEntryProvider
// instead.
func WriteAndroidMkData(w io.Writer, data AndroidMkData) {
if data.Disabled {
if !data.OutputFile.Valid() {
// write preamble via Entries
data.Entries.footer = bytes.Buffer{}
for _, extra := range data.Extra {
extra(w, data.OutputFile.Path())
fmt.Fprintln(w, "include "+data.Include)
func translateAndroidMkEntriesModule(ctx SingletonContext, w io.Writer, mod blueprint.Module,
provider AndroidMkEntriesProvider) error {
if shouldSkipAndroidMkProcessing(mod.(Module).base()) {
return nil
// Any new or special cases here need review to verify correct propagation of license information.
for _, entries := range provider.AndroidMkEntries() {
entries.fillInEntries(ctx, mod)
return nil
func shouldSkipAndroidMkProcessing(module *ModuleBase) bool {
if !module.commonProperties.NamespaceExportedToMake {
// TODO(jeffrygaston) do we want to validate that there are no modules being
// exported to Kati that depend on this module?
return true
return !module.Enabled() ||
module.commonProperties.HideFromMake ||
// Make does not understand LinuxBionic
module.Os() == LinuxBionic
// A utility func to format LOCAL_TEST_DATA outputs. See the comments on DataPath to understand how
// to use this func.
func AndroidMkDataPaths(data []DataPath) []string {
var testFiles []string
for _, d := range data {
rel := d.SrcPath.Rel()
path := d.SrcPath.String()
// LOCAL_TEST_DATA requires the rel portion of the path to be removed from the path.
if !strings.HasSuffix(path, rel) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("path %q does not end with %q", path, rel))
path = strings.TrimSuffix(path, rel)
testFileString := path + ":" + rel
if len(d.RelativeInstallPath) > 0 {
testFileString += ":" + d.RelativeInstallPath
testFiles = append(testFiles, testFileString)
return testFiles