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/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*-
* Copyright (c) 1997-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/*! @header DebugServices
Debugging Library
#ifndef __DEBUG_SERVICES__
#define __DEBUG_SERVICES__
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "CommonServices.h"
#include "logLib.h"
#if 0
#pragma mark == Settings ==
// Settings
// General
#if( !defined( DEBUG ) )
#define DEBUG 0
#if( defined( NDEBUG ) && DEBUG )
#error NDEBUG defined and DEBUG is also enabled...they need to be in-sync
// AssertMacros.h/Debugging.h overrides.
// Routine name. Uses ISO __func__ where possible. Otherwise, uses the best thing that is available (if anything).
#if( defined( __MWERKS__ ) || ( __GNUC__ > 2 ) || ( ( __GNUC__ == 2 ) && ( __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 9 ) ) )
#define __ROUTINE__ __func__
#elif( defined( __GNUC__ ) )
#elif( defined( _MSC_VER ) && !defined( _WIN32_WCE ) )
#define __ROUTINE__ __FUNCTION__
#define __ROUTINE__ ""
// Variable argument macro support. Use ANSI C99 __VA_ARGS__ where possible. Otherwise, use the next best thing.
#if( defined( __GNUC__ ) )
#if( ( __GNUC__ > 3 ) || ( ( __GNUC__ == 3 ) && ( __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3) ) )
#define DEBUG_C99_VA_ARGS 1
#define DEBUG_C99_VA_ARGS 0
#elif( defined( __MWERKS__ ) )
#define DEBUG_C99_VA_ARGS 1
#define DEBUG_C99_VA_ARGS 0
#if 0
#pragma mark == Output ==
@abstract Enables ANSI C fprintf output.
#if( !defined( DEBUG_FPRINTF_ENABLED ) )
#error fprintf enabled, but not supported on Mac OS X kernel or Windows CE
@abstract Enables IOLog (Mac OS X Kernel) output.
#if( !defined( DEBUG_MAC_OS_X_IOLOG_ENABLED ) )
@abstract Enables kprintf (Mac OS X Kernel) output.
#if( !defined( DEBUG_KPRINTF_ENABLED ) )
@abstract Enables iDebug (Mac OS X user and Kernel) output.
For Mac OS X kernel development, iDebug is enabled by default because we can dynamically check for the presence
of iDebug via some exported IOKit symbols. Mac OS X app usage doesn't allow dynamic detection because it relies
on statically linking to the iDebugServices.cp file so for Mac OS X app usage, you have to manually enable iDebug.
#if( !defined( DEBUG_IDEBUG_ENABLED ) )
@abstract Controls whether Core Services assert handling is enabled. Enabling requires CoreServices framework.
#if( defined( __DEBUGGING__ ) )
/*! @typedef DebugOutputType
@abstract Type of debug output (i.e. where the output goes).
typedef uint32_t DebugOutputType;
#define kDebugOutputTypeNone 0x6E6F6E65U // 'none' - no params
#define kDebugOutputTypeCustom 0x63757374U // 'cust' - 1st param = function ptr, 2nd param = context
#define kDebugOutputTypeFPrintF 0x66707269U // 'fpri' - 1st param = DebugOutputTypeFlags [, 2nd param = filename]
#define kDebugOutputTypeiDebug 0x69646267U // 'idbg' - no params
#define kDebugOutputTypeKPrintF 0x6B707266U // 'kprf' - no params
#define kDebugOutputTypeMacOSXIOLog 0x696C6F67U // 'ilog' - no params
#define kDebugOutputTypeMacOSXLog 0x786C6F67U // 'xlog' - no params
#define kDebugOutputTypeWindowsDebugger 0x77696E64U // 'wind' - no params
#define kDebugOutputTypeWindowsEventLog 0x7765766CU // 'wevl' - 1st param = C-string name, 2nd param = HMODULE or NULL.
// Console meta output kind - Any kind of Console output (in horizontal order of preference):
// Mac OS X = ANSI printf (viewable in
// Mac OS X Kernel = IOLog (/var/log/system.log) or kprintf (serial).
// Windows = ANSI printf (Console window) or OutputDebugString (debugger).
// Other = ANSI printf (viewer varies).
#define kDebugOutputTypeMetaConsole 0x434F4E53U // 'CONS' - no params
/*! @typedef DebugOutputTypeFlags
@abstract Flags controlling how the output type is configured.
@constant kDebugOutputTypeFlagsTypeMask Bit mask for the output type (e.g. stdout, stderr, file, etc.).
@constant kDebugOutputTypeFlagsStdOut fprintf should go to stdout.
@constant kDebugOutputTypeFlagsStdErr fprintf should go to stderr.
@constant kDebugOutputTypeFlagsFile fprintf should go to a specific file (filename passed as va_arg).
typedef unsigned int DebugOutputTypeFlags;
#define kDebugOutputTypeFlagsTypeMask 0xF
#define kDebugOutputTypeFlagsStdOut 1
#define kDebugOutputTypeFlagsStdErr 2
#define kDebugOutputTypeFlagsFile 10
/*! @typedef DebugOutputFunctionPtr
@abstract Function ptr for a custom callback to print debug output.
typedef void ( *DebugOutputFunctionPtr )( char *inData, size_t inSize, void *inContext );
// Constants
#if 0
#pragma mark == Flags ==
/*! @typedef DebugFlags
@abstract Flags controlling how output is printed.
typedef uint32_t DebugFlags;
#define kDebugFlagsNone 0
#define kDebugFlagsNoAddress ( 1 << 0 )
#define kDebugFlagsNoOffset ( 1 << 1 )
#define kDebugFlags32BitOffset ( 1 << 2 )
#define kDebugFlagsNoASCII ( 1 << 3 )
#define kDebugFlagsNoNewLine ( 1 << 4 )
#define kDebugFlags8BitSeparator ( 1 << 5 )
#define kDebugFlags16BitSeparator ( 1 << 6 )
#define kDebugFlagsNo32BitSeparator ( 1 << 7 )
#define kDebugFlagsNo16ByteHexPad ( 1 << 8 )
#define kDebugFlagsNoByteCount ( 1 << 9 )
/*! @enum DebugTaskLevelFlags
@abstract Flags indicating the task level.
kDebugInterruptLevelShift = 0,
kDebugInterruptLevelMask = 0x00000007,
kDebugInVBLTaskMask = 0x00000010,
kDebugInDeferredTaskMask = 0x00000020,
kDebugInSecondaryInterruptHandlerMask = 0x00000040,
kDebugPageFaultFatalMask = 0x00000100, // There should be a "kPageFaultFatalMask" in Debugging.h.
kDebugMPTaskLevelMask = 0x00000200, // There should be a "kMPTaskLevelMask" in Debugging.h.
kDebugInterruptDepthShift = 16,
kDebugInterruptDepthMask = 0x00FF0000
#define DebugExtractTaskLevelInterruptLevel( LEVEL ) \
( ( ( LEVEL ) & kDebugInterruptLevelMask ) >> kDebugInterruptLevelShift )
#define DebugExtractTaskLevelInterruptDepth( LEVEL ) \
( ( ( LEVEL ) & kDebugInterruptDepthMask ) >> kDebugInterruptDepthShift )
#if 0
#pragma mark == Levels ==
// Constants & Types - Levels
/*! @typedef DebugLevel
@abstract Level used to control debug logging.
typedef int32_t DebugLevel;
// Levels
#define kDebugLevelMask 0x0000FFFF
#define kDebugLevelChatty 100
#define kDebugLevelVerbose 500
#define kDebugLevelTrace 800
#define kDebugLevelInfo 1000
#define kDebugLevelNotice 3000
#define kDebugLevelWarning 5000
#define kDebugLevelAssert 6000
#define kDebugLevelRequire 7000
#define kDebugLevelError 8000
#define kDebugLevelCritical 9000
#define kDebugLevelAlert 10000
#define kDebugLevelEmergency 11000
#define kDebugLevelTragic 12000
#define kDebugLevelMax 0x0000FFFF
// Level Flags
#define kDebugLevelFlagMask 0xFFFF0000
#define kDebugLevelFlagStackTrace 0x00010000
#define kDebugLevelFlagDebugBreak 0x00020000
/*! @typedef LogLevel
@abstract Level used to control which events are logged.
typedef int32_t LogLevel;
#define kLogLevelUninitialized -1L
#define kLogLevelAll 0L
#define kLogLevelChatty 100L
#define kLogLevelVerbose 500L
#define kLogLevelTrace 800L
#define kLogLevelInfo 1000L
#define kLogLevelNotice 3000L
#define kLogLevelWarning 4000L
#define kLogLevelAssert 6000L
#define kLogLevelRequire 7000L
#define kLogLevelError 8000L
#define kLogLevelCritical 9000L
#define kLogLevelAlert 10000L
#define kLogLevelEmergency 11000L
#define kLogLevelTragic 12000L
#define kLogLevelOff 0x0000FFFEL
#if 0
#pragma mark == Properties ==
/*! @typedef DebugPropertyTag
@abstract Tag for properties.
typedef uint32_t DebugPropertyTag;
#define kDebugPropertyTagPrintLevelMin 0x6D696E70U // 'minp' Get: 1st param = DebugLevel *
// Set: 1st param = DebugLevel
#define kDebugPropertyTagPrintLevel kDebugPropertyTagPrintLevelMin
#define kDebugPropertyTagPrintLevelMax 0x706D786CU // 'maxp' Get: 1st param = DebugLevel *
// Set: 1st param = DebugLevel
#define kDebugPropertyTagBreakLevel 0x62726B6CU // 'brkl' Get: 1st param = DebugLevel *
// Set: 1st param = DebugLevel
#if 0
#pragma mark == General macros ==
/*! @defined DEBUG_UNUSED
@abstract Macro to mark a paramter as unused to avoid unused parameter warnings.
There is no universally supported pragma/attribute for indicating a variable is unused. DEBUG_UNUSED lets us
indicate a variable is unused in a manner that is supported by most compilers.
#define DEBUG_UNUSED( X ) (void)( X )
/*! @defined DEBUG_USE_ONLY
@abstract Macro to mark a variable as used only when debugging is enabled.
Variables are sometimes needed only for debugging. When debugging is turned off, these debug-only variables generate
compiler warnings about unused variables. To eliminate these warnings, use these macros to indicate variables that
are only used for debugging.
#if( DEBUG )
#define DEBUG_USE_ONLY( X )
#define DEBUG_USE_ONLY( X ) (void)( X )
/*! @defined DEBUG_LOCAL
@abstract Macros to make variables and functions static when debugging is off, but extern when debugging is on.
Rather than using "static" directly, using this macros allows you to access these variables external while
debugging without being penalized for production builds.
#if( DEBUG )
#define DEBUG_LOCAL static
/*! @defined DEBUG_STATIC
@abstract Macros to make variables and functions static when debugging is off, but extern when debugging is on.
Rather than using "static" directly, using this macros allows you to access these variables external while
debugging without being penalized for production builds.
#if( DEBUG )
#define DEBUG_STATIC static
/*! @defined DEBUG_EXPORT
@abstract Macros to export variables.
"__private_extern__" is a hack for IOKit to allow symbols to be exported from compilation units, but
// not exported outside a driver (IOKit uses a lame global namespace for symbols). This still does not
// solve the problem of multiple drivers in the same dependency chain since they share symbols.
#define DEBUG_EXPORT __private_extern__
#define DEBUG_EXPORT extern
/*! @defined debug_add
@abstract Macro to add (or subtract if negative) a value when debugging is on. Does nothing if debugging is off.
#if( DEBUG )
#define debug_add( A, B ) ( A ) += ( B )
#define debug_add( A, B )
/*! @defined debug_perform
@abstract Macro to perform something in debug-only builds.
#if( DEBUG )
#define debug_perform( X ) do { X; } while( 0 )
#define debug_perform( X )
/*! @function translate_errno
@abstract Returns 0 if the test success. If the test fails, returns errno if non-zero and othewise the alternate error.
#define translate_errno( TEST, ERRNO, ALTERNATE_ERROR ) ( ( TEST ) ? 0 : ( ERRNO ) ? ( ERRNO ) : ( ALTERNATE_ERROR ) )
#if 0
#pragma mark == Compile Time macros ==
/*! @defined check_compile_time
@abstract Performs a compile-time check of something such as the size of an int.
This declares an array with a size that is determined by a compile-time expression. If the expression evaluates
to 0, the array has a size of -1, which is illegal and generates a compile-time error.
For example:
check_compile_time( sizeof( int ) == 4 );
Note: This only works with compile-time expressions.
Note: This only works in places where extern declarations are allowed (e.g. global scope).
Note: The following macros differ from the macros on the web site because those versions do not
work with GCC due to GCC allow a zero-length array. Using a -1 condition turned out to be more portable.
#define check_compile_time( X ) extern int debug_compile_time_name[ ( X ) ? 1 : -1 ]
/*! @defined check_compile_time_code
@abstract Perform a compile-time check, suitable for placement in code, of something such as the size of an int.
This creates a switch statement with an existing case for 0 and an additional case using the result of a
compile-time expression. A switch statement cannot have two case labels with the same constant so if the
compile-time expression evaluates to 0, it is illegal and generates a compile-time error. If the compile-time
expression does not evaluate to 0, the resulting value is used as the case label and it compiles without error.
For example:
check_compile_time_code( sizeof( int ) == 4 );
Note: This only works with compile-time expressions.
Note: This does not work in a global scope so it must be inside a function.
#define check_compile_time_code( X ) switch( 0 ) { case 0: case X:; }
#if 0
#pragma mark == check macros ==
/*! @defined check
@abstract Check that an expression is true (non-zero).
If expression evalulates to false, this prints debugging information (actual expression string, file, line number,
function name, etc.) using the default debugging output method.
Code inside check() statements is not compiled into production builds.
#undef check
#if( !defined( check ) )
#if( DEBUG )
#define check( X ) \
do \
{ \
if( !( X ) ) \
{ \
debug_print_assert( 0, #X, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
} \
} while( 0 )
#define check( X )
/*! @defined check_string
@abstract Check that an expression is true (non-zero) with an explanation.
If expression evalulates to false, this prints debugging information (actual expression string, file, line number,
function name, etc.) and a custom explanation string using the default debugging output method.
Code inside check_string() statements is not compiled into production builds.
#undef check_string
#if( !defined( check_string ) )
#if( DEBUG )
#define check_string( X, STR ) \
do \
{ \
if( !( X ) ) \
{ \
debug_print_assert( 0, #X, STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
} \
} while( 0 )
#define check_string( X, STR )
/*! @defined check_noerr
@abstract Check that an error code is noErr (0).
If the error code is non-0, this prints debugging information (actual expression string, file, line number,
function name, etc.) using the default debugging output method.
Code inside check_noerr() statements is not compiled into production builds.
#undef check_noerr
#if( !defined( check_noerr ) )
#if( DEBUG )
#define check_noerr( ERR ) \
do \
{ \
int_least32_t localErr; \
localErr = (int_least32_t)( ERR ); \
if( localErr != 0 ) \
{ \
debug_print_assert( localErr, NULL, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
} \
} while( 0 )
#define check_noerr( ERR )
/*! @defined check_noerr_string
@abstract Check that an error code is noErr (0) with an explanation.
If the error code is non-0, this prints debugging information (actual expression string, file, line number,
function name, etc.) and a custom explanation string using the default debugging output method.
Code inside check_noerr_string() statements is not compiled into production builds.
#undef check_noerr_string
#if( !defined( check_noerr_string ) )
#if( DEBUG )
#define check_noerr_string( ERR, STR ) \
do \
{ \
int_least32_t localErr; \
localErr = (int_least32_t)( ERR ); \
if( localErr != 0 ) \
{ \
debug_print_assert( localErr, NULL, STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
} \
} while( 0 )
#define check_noerr_string( ERR, STR )
/*! @defined check_translated_errno
@abstract Check a condition and prints errno (if non-zero) to the log.
Code inside check_translated_errno() statements is not compiled into production builds.
#if( !defined( check_translated_errno ) )
#if( DEBUG )
#define check_translated_errno( TEST, ERRNO, ALTERNATE_ERROR ) \
do \
{ \
if( !( TEST ) ) \
{ \
int_least32_t localErr; \
localErr = (int_least32_t)( ERRNO ); \
localErr = ( localErr != 0 ) ? localErr : (int_least32_t)( ALTERNATE_ERROR ); \
debug_print_assert( localErr, #TEST, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
} \
} while( 0 )
#define check_translated_errno( TEST, ERRNO, ALTERNATE_ERROR )
/*! @defined check_ptr_overlap
@abstract Checks that two ptrs do not overlap.
#define check_ptr_overlap( P1, P1_SIZE, P2, P2_SIZE ) \
do \
{ \
check( !( ( (uintptr_t)( P1 ) >= (uintptr_t)( P2 ) ) && \
( (uintptr_t)( P1 ) < ( ( (uintptr_t)( P2 ) ) + ( P2_SIZE ) ) ) ) ); \
check( !( ( (uintptr_t)( P2 ) >= (uintptr_t)( P1 ) ) && \
( (uintptr_t)( P2 ) < ( ( (uintptr_t)( P1 ) ) + ( P1_SIZE ) ) ) ) ); \
} while( 0 )
#if 0
#pragma mark == require macros ==
/*! @defined require
@abstract Requires that an expression evaluate to true.
If expression evalulates to false, this prints debugging information (actual expression string, file, line number,
function name, etc.) using the default debugging output method then jumps to a label.
#undef require
#if( !defined( require ) )
#define require( X, LABEL ) \
do \
{ \
if( !( X ) ) \
{ \
debug_print_assert( 0, #X, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
goto LABEL; \
} \
} while( 0 )
/*! @defined require_string
@abstract Requires that an expression evaluate to true with an explanation.
If expression evalulates to false, this prints debugging information (actual expression string, file, line number,
function name, etc.) and a custom explanation string using the default debugging output method then jumps to a label.
#undef require_string
#if( !defined( require_string ) )
#define require_string( X, LABEL, STR ) \
do \
{ \
if( !( X ) ) \
{ \
debug_print_assert( 0, #X, STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
goto LABEL; \
} \
} while( 0 )
/*! @defined require_quiet
@abstract Requires that an expression evaluate to true.
If expression evalulates to false, this jumps to a label. No debugging information is printed.
#undef require_quiet
#if( !defined( require_quiet ) )
#define require_quiet( X, LABEL ) \
do \
{ \
if( !( X ) ) \
{ \
goto LABEL; \
} \
} while( 0 )
/*! @defined require_noerr
@abstract Require that an error code is noErr (0).
If the error code is non-0, this prints debugging information (actual expression string, file, line number,
function name, etc.) using the default debugging output method then jumps to a label.
#undef require_noerr
#if( !defined( require_noerr ) )
#define require_noerr( ERR, LABEL ) \
do \
{ \
int_least32_t localErr; \
localErr = (int_least32_t)( ERR ); \
if( localErr != 0 ) \
{ \
debug_print_assert( localErr, NULL, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
goto LABEL; \
} \
} while( 0 )
/*! @defined require_noerr_string
@abstract Require that an error code is noErr (0).
If the error code is non-0, this prints debugging information (actual expression string, file, line number,
function name, etc.), and a custom explanation string using the default debugging output method using the
default debugging output method then jumps to a label.
#undef require_noerr_string
#if( !defined( require_noerr_string ) )
#define require_noerr_string( ERR, LABEL, STR ) \
do \
{ \
int_least32_t localErr; \
localErr = (int_least32_t)( ERR ); \
if( localErr != 0 ) \
{ \
debug_print_assert( localErr, NULL, STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
goto LABEL; \
} \
} while( 0 )
/*! @defined require_noerr_action_string
@abstract Require that an error code is noErr (0).
If the error code is non-0, this prints debugging information (actual expression string, file, line number,
function name, etc.), and a custom explanation string using the default debugging output method using the
default debugging output method then executes an action and jumps to a label.
#undef require_noerr_action_string
#if( !defined( require_noerr_action_string ) )
#define require_noerr_action_string( ERR, LABEL, ACTION, STR ) \
do \
{ \
int_least32_t localErr; \
localErr = (int_least32_t)( ERR ); \
if( localErr != 0 ) \
{ \
debug_print_assert( localErr, NULL, STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
{ ACTION; } \
goto LABEL; \
} \
} while( 0 )
/*! @defined require_noerr_quiet
@abstract Require that an error code is noErr (0).
If the error code is non-0, this jumps to a label. No debugging information is printed.
#undef require_noerr_quiet
#if( !defined( require_noerr_quiet ) )
#define require_noerr_quiet( ERR, LABEL ) \
do \
{ \
if( ( ERR ) != 0 ) \
{ \
goto LABEL; \
} \
} while( 0 )
/*! @defined require_noerr_action
@abstract Require that an error code is noErr (0) with an action to execute otherwise.
If the error code is non-0, this prints debugging information (actual expression string, file, line number,
function name, etc.) using the default debugging output method then executes an action and jumps to a label.
#undef require_noerr_action
#if( !defined( require_noerr_action ) )
#define require_noerr_action( ERR, LABEL, ACTION ) \
do \
{ \
int_least32_t localErr; \
localErr = (int_least32_t)( ERR ); \
if( localErr != 0 ) \
{ \
debug_print_assert( localErr, NULL, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
{ ACTION; } \
goto LABEL; \
} \
} while( 0 )
/*! @defined require_noerr_action_quiet
@abstract Require that an error code is noErr (0) with an action to execute otherwise.
If the error code is non-0, this executes an action and jumps to a label. No debugging information is printed.
#undef require_noerr_action_quiet
#if( !defined( require_noerr_action_quiet ) )
#define require_noerr_action_quiet( ERR, LABEL, ACTION ) \
do \
{ \
if( ( ERR ) != 0 ) \
{ \
{ ACTION; } \
goto LABEL; \
} \
} while( 0 )
/*! @defined require_action
@abstract Requires that an expression evaluate to true with an action to execute otherwise.
If expression evalulates to false, this prints debugging information (actual expression string, file, line number,
function name, etc.) using the default debugging output method then executes an action and jumps to a label.
#undef require_action
#if( !defined( require_action ) )
#define require_action( X, LABEL, ACTION ) \
do \
{ \
if( !( X ) ) \
{ \
debug_print_assert( 0, #X, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
{ ACTION; } \
goto LABEL; \
} \
} while( 0 )
/*! @defined require_action_quiet
@abstract Requires that an expression evaluate to true with an action to execute otherwise.
If expression evalulates to false, this executes an action and jumps to a label. No debugging information is printed.
#undef require_action_quiet
#if( !defined( require_action_quiet ) )
#define require_action_quiet( X, LABEL, ACTION ) \
do \
{ \
if( !( X ) ) \
{ \
{ ACTION; } \
goto LABEL; \
} \
} while( 0 )
/*! @defined require_action_string
@abstract Requires that an expression evaluate to true with an explanation and action to execute otherwise.
If expression evalulates to false, this prints debugging information (actual expression string, file, line number,
function name, etc.) and a custom explanation string using the default debugging output method then executes an
action and jumps to a label.
#undef require_action_string
#if( !defined( require_action_string ) )
#define require_action_string( X, LABEL, ACTION, STR ) \
do \
{ \
if( !( X ) ) \
{ \
debug_print_assert( 0, #X, STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
{ ACTION; } \
goto LABEL; \
} \
} while( 0 )
/*! @defined require_throw
@abstract Requires that an expression evaluates to true or an exception is thrown.
If the expression evaluates to false, this prints debugging information (actual expression string, file,
line number, function name, etc.) using the default debugging output method then throws an exception.
#if( defined( __cplusplus ) )
#define require_throw( X ) \
do \
{ \
if( !( X ) ) \
{ \
debug_print_assert( 0, #X, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
throw kUnknownErr; \
} \
} while( 0 )
#if 0
#pragma mark == Design-By-Contract macros ==
// Design-By-Contract macros
#define ensure( X ) check( X )
#define ensure_string( X, STR ) check_string( X, STR )
#define ensure_noerr( ERR ) check_noerr( ERR )
#define ensure_noerr_string( ERR, STR ) check_noerr_string( ERR, STR )
#define ensure_translated_errno( TEST, ERRNO, ALTERNATE_ERROR ) check_translated_errno( TEST, ERRNO, ALTERNATE_ERROR )
// Note: Design-By-Contract "require" macros are already defined elsewhere.
#if 0
#pragma mark == Expect macros ==
// Expect macros
// Expect macros allow code to include runtime checking of things that should not happen in shipping code (e.g. internal
// programmer errors, such as a NULL parameter where it is not allowed). Once the code has been verified to work correctly
// without asserting, the DEBUG_EXPECT_VERIFIED conditional can be set to eliminate the error checking entirely. It can
// also be useful to measure the cost of error checking code by profiling with it enable and with it disabled.
#define require_expect
#define require_string_expect
#define require_quiet_expect
#define require_noerr_expect
#define require_noerr_string_expect
#define require_noerr_action_string_expect
#define require_noerr_quiet_expect
#define require_noerr_action_expect
#define require_noerr_action_quiet_expect
#define require_action_expect
#define require_action_quiet_expect
#define require_action_string_expect
#define require_expect require
#define require_string_expect require_string
#define require_quiet_expect require_quiet
#define require_noerr_expect require_noerr
#define require_noerr_string_expect require_noerr_string
#define require_noerr_action_string_expect require_noerr_action_string
#define require_noerr_quiet_expect require_noerr_quiet
#define require_noerr_action_expect require_noerr_action
#define require_noerr_action_quiet_expect require_noerr_action_quiet
#define require_action_expect require_action
#define require_action_quiet_expect require_action_quiet
#define require_action_string_expect require_action_string
#if 0
#pragma mark == Output macros ==
/*! @defined debug_string
@abstract Prints a debugging C string.
#undef debug_string
#if( !defined( debug_string ) )
#if( DEBUG )
#define debug_string( STR ) \
do \
{ \
debug_print_assert( 0, NULL, STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, __ROUTINE__ ); \
} while( 0 )
#define debug_string( STR )
/*! @defined debug_print_assert
@abstract Prints an assertion.
#if( DEBUG )
/*! @defined dlog
@abstract Prints a debug-only message.
#if( DEBUG )
#if( DEBUG_C99_VA_ARGS )
#define dlog( ... ) DebugPrintF( __VA_ARGS__ )
#define dlog( ARGS... ) DebugPrintF( ## ARGS )
#define dlog DebugPrintF
#if( DEBUG_C99_VA_ARGS )
#define dlog( ... )
#define dlog( ARGS... )
#define dlog while( 0 )
/*! @defined dlogv
@abstract Prints a debug-only message.
#if( DEBUG )
#define dlogv( LEVEL, FORMAT, LIST ) DebugPrintFVAList( ( LEVEL ), ( FORMAT ), ( LIST ) )
#define dlogv( LEVEL, FORMAT, LIST )
/*! @defined dlogmem
@abstract Prints a debug-only dump of memory.
#if( DEBUG )
#define dlogmem( LEVEL, PTR, SIZE ) \
DebugHexDump( ( LEVEL ), 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, ( PTR ), ( PTR ), ( SIZE ), kDebugFlagsNone, NULL, 0 )
#define dlogmem( LEVEL, PTR, SIZE )
/*! @defined DebugNSLog
@abstract Debug-only macro for the Cocoa NSLog function.
#if( DEBUG )
#if( DEBUG_C99_VA_ARGS )
#define DebugNSLog( ... ) NSLog( __VA_ARGS__ )
#define DebugNSLog( ARGS... ) NSLog( ## ARGS )
#define DebugNSLog NSLog
#if( DEBUG_C99_VA_ARGS )
#define DebugNSLog( ... )
#define DebugNSLog( ARGS... )
#define DebugNSLog while( 0 )
/*! @defined DebugLogMsg
@abstract Debug-only macro for the VxWorks logMsg function.
#if( DEBUG )
#define DebugLogMsg( LEVEL, FORMAT, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 ) \
do \
{ \
if( ( inLevel >= gDebugPrintLevelMin ) || ( inLevel <= gDebugPrintLevelMax ) ) \
{ \
logMsg( ( FORMAT ), ( P1 ), ( P2 ), ( P3 ), ( P4 ), ( P5 ), ( P6 ) ); \
} \
} while( 0 )
#define DebugLogMsg( LEVEL, FORMAT, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 )
#define DebugLogMsg dlog
#if 0
#pragma mark == Routines - General ==
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/*! @function DebugInitialize
@abstract Initializes the debugging library for a specific kind of output.
@param inType
@param varArg Variable number parameters, controlled by the "inType" parameter.
#if( DEBUG )
DEBUG_EXPORT OSStatus DebugInitialize( DebugOutputType inType, ... );
#if( DEBUG )
#if( DEBUG_C99_VA_ARGS )
#define debug_initialize( ... ) DebugInitialize( __VA_ARGS__ )
#define debug_initialize( ARGS... ) DebugInitialize( ## ARGS )
#define debug_initialize DebugInitialize
#if( DEBUG_C99_VA_ARGS )
#define debug_initialize( ... )
#define debug_initialize( ARGS... )
#define debug_initialize while( 0 )
/*! @function DebugFinalize
@abstract Releases any resources used by the debugging library
#if( DEBUG )
DEBUG_EXPORT void DebugFinalize( void );
#if( DEBUG )
#define debug_terminate() DebugFinalize()
#define debug_terminate()
/*! @function DebugGetProperty
@abstract Gets the specified property from the debugging library.
#if( DEBUG )
DEBUG_EXPORT OSStatus DebugGetProperty( DebugPropertyTag inTag, ... );
#if( DEBUG )
#if( DEBUG_C99_VA_ARGS )
#define debug_get_property( ... ) DebugGetProperty( __VA_ARGS__ )
#define debug_get_property( ARGS... ) DebugGetProperty( ## ARGS )
#define debug_get_property DebugGetProperty
#if( DEBUG_C99_VA_ARGS )
#define debug_get_property( ... )
#define debug_get_property( ARGS... )
#define debug_get_property while( 0 )
/*! @function DebugSetProperty
@abstract Sets the specified property from the debugging library.
#if( DEBUG )
DEBUG_EXPORT OSStatus DebugSetProperty( DebugPropertyTag inTag, ... );
#if( DEBUG )
#if( DEBUG_C99_VA_ARGS )
#define debug_set_property( ... ) DebugSetProperty( __VA_ARGS__ )
#define debug_set_property( ARGS... ) DebugSetProperty( ## ARGS )
#define debug_set_property DebugSetProperty
#if( DEBUG_C99_VA_ARGS )
#define debug_set_property( ... )
#define debug_set_property( ARGS... )
#define debug_set_property while( 0 )
#if 0
#pragma mark == Routines - Debugging Output ==
/*! @function DebugPrintF
@abstract Prints a debug message with printf-style formatting.
@param inLevel Error that generated this assert or noErr.
@param inFormatString
C string containing assertion text.
@param VAR_ARG
Variable number of arguments depending on the format string.
@result Number of bytes printed or -1 on error.
#if( DEBUG )
DEBUG_EXPORT size_t DebugPrintF( DebugLevel inLevel, const char *inFormat, ... );
/*! @function DebugPrintFVAList
@abstract va_list version of DebugPrintF. See DebugPrintF for more info.
#if( DEBUG )
DEBUG_EXPORT size_t DebugPrintFVAList( DebugLevel inLevel, const char *inFormat, va_list inArgs );
/*! @function DebugPrintAssert
@abstract Prints a message describing the reason the (e.g. an assert failed), an optional error message,
an optional source filename, an optional source line number.
@param inErrorCode Error that generated this assert or noErr.
@param inAssertString C string containing assertion text.
@param inMessage C string containing a message about the assert.
@param inFileName C string containing path of file where the error occurred.
@param inLineNumber Line number in source file where the error occurred.
@param inFunction C string containing name of function where assert occurred.
Example output:
[ASSERT] assert: "dataPtr != NULL" allocate memory for object failed
[ASSERT] where: "MyFile.c", line 123, ("MyFunction")
[ASSERT] error: -6728 (kNoMemoryErr)
[ASSERT] where: "MyFile.c", line 123, ("MyFunction")
#if( DEBUG )
int_least32_t inErrorCode,
const char * inAssertString,
const char * inMessage,
const char * inFilename,
int_least32_t inLineNumber,
const char * inFunction );
#if 0
#pragma mark == Routines - Utilities ==
/*! @function DebugSNPrintF
@abstract Debugging versions of standard C snprintf with extra features.
@param sbuffer Buffer to receive result. Null terminated unless the buffer size is 0.
@param buflen Size of the buffer including space for the null terminator.
@param fmt printf-style format string.
@param VAR_ARG Variable number of arguments depending on the format string.
@result Number of characters written (minus the null terminator).
Extra features over the standard C snprintf:
64-bit support for %d (%lld), %i (%lli), %u (%llu), %o (%llo), %x (%llx), and %b (%llb).
%@ - Cocoa/CoreFoundation object. Param is the object. Strings are used directly. Others use CFCopyDescription.
%a - Network Address: %.4a=IPv4, %.6a=Ethernet, %.8a Fibre Channel, %.16a=IPv6. Arg=ptr to network address.
%#a - IPv4 or IPv6 mDNSAddr. Arg=ptr to mDNSAddr.
%##a - IPv4 (if AF_INET defined) or IPv6 (if AF_INET6 defined) sockaddr. Arg=ptr to sockaddr.
%b - Binary representation of integer (e.g. 01101011). Modifiers and arg=the same as %d, %x, etc.
%C - Mac-style FourCharCode (e.g. 'APPL'). Arg=32-bit value to print as a Mac-style FourCharCode.
%H - Hex Dump (e.g. "\x6b\xa7" -> "6B A7"). 1st arg=ptr, 2nd arg=size, 3rd arg=max size.
%#H - Hex Dump & ASCII (e.g. "\x41\x62" -> "6B A7 'Ab'"). 1st arg=ptr, 2nd arg=size, 3rd arg=max size.
%m - Error Message (e.g. 0 -> "kNoErr"). Modifiers and error code arg=the same as %d, %x, etc.
%#s - Pascal-style length-prefixed string. Arg=ptr to string.
%##s - DNS label-sequence name. Arg=ptr to name.
%S - UTF-16 string, 0x0000 terminated. Host order if no BOM. Precision is UTF-16 count. Precision includes BOM.
%#S - Big Endian UTF-16 string (unless BOM overrides). Otherwise, the same as %S.
%##S - Little Endian UTF-16 string (unless BOM overrides). Otherwise, the same as %S.
%U - Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) (e.g. 6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8). Arg=ptr to 16-byte UUID.
#if( DEBUG )
DEBUG_EXPORT size_t DebugSNPrintF(char *sbuffer, size_t buflen, const char *fmt, ...);
/*! @function DebugSNPrintFVAList
@abstract va_list version of DebugSNPrintF. See DebugSNPrintF for more info.
#if( DEBUG )
DEBUG_EXPORT size_t DebugSNPrintFVAList(char *sbuffer, size_t buflen, const char *fmt, va_list arg);
/*! @function DebugGetErrorString
@abstract Gets an error string from an error code.
@param inStatus Error code to get the string for.
@param inBuffer Optional buffer to copy the string to for non-static strings. May be null.
@param inBufferSize Size of optional buffer. May be 0.
@result C string containing error string for the error code. Guaranteed to be a valid, static string. If a
buffer is supplied, the return value will always be a pointer to the supplied buffer, which will
contain the best available description of the error code. If a buffer is not supplied, the return
value will be the best available description of the error code that can be represented as a static
string. This allows code that cannot use a temporary buffer to hold the result to still get a useful
error string in most cases, but also allows code that can use a temporary buffer to get the best
available description.
#if( DEBUG )
DEBUG_EXPORT const char * DebugGetErrorString( int_least32_t inErrorCode, char *inBuffer, size_t inBufferSize );
/*! @function DebugHexDump
@abstract Hex dumps data to a string or to the output device.
#if( DEBUG )
DebugLevel inLevel,
int inIndent,
const char * inLabel,
size_t inLabelSize,
int inLabelMinWidth,
const char * inType,
size_t inTypeSize,
const void * inDataStart,
const void * inData,
size_t inDataSize,
DebugFlags inFlags,
char * outBuffer,
size_t inBufferSize );
#if( DEBUG )
DebugHexDump( ( LEVEL ), (INDENT), ( LABEL ), ( LABEL_SIZE ), ( LABEL_MIN_SIZE ), ( TYPE ), ( TYPE_SIZE ), \
/*! @function DebugTaskLevel
@abstract Returns the current task level.
@result Current task level
Bit masks to isolate portions of the result (note that some masks may also need bit shifts to right justify):
kDebugInterruptLevelMask - Indicates the current interrupt level (> 0 means interrupt time).
kDebugInVBLTaskMask - Indicates if a VBL task is currently being executed.
kDebugInDeferredTaskMask - Indicates if a Deferred Task is currently being executed.
kDebugInSecondaryInterruptHandlerMask - Indicates if a Secondary Interrupt Handler is currently being executed.
kDebugPageFaultFatalMask - Indicates if it is unsafe to cause a page fault (worse than interrupt time).
kDebugMPTaskLevelMask - Indicates if being called from an MP task.
kDebugInterruptDepthMask - 0 means task level, 1 means in interrupt, > 1 means in nested interrupt.
DebugExtractTaskLevelInterruptDepth() - Macro to extract interrupt depth from task level value.
#if( DEBUG )
DEBUG_EXPORT uint32_t DebugTaskLevel( void );
/*! @function DebugServicesTest
@abstract Unit test.
#if( DEBUG )
DEBUG_EXPORT OSStatus DebugServicesTest( void );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __DEBUG_SERVICES__