You can not select more than 25 topics
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641 lines
23 KiB
641 lines
23 KiB
7 months ago
import re
from io import BytesIO
import pytest
from jinja2 import contextfunction
from jinja2 import DictLoader
from jinja2 import Environment
from jinja2 import nodes
from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateAssertionError
from jinja2.ext import Extension
from jinja2.lexer import count_newlines
from jinja2.lexer import Token
importable_object = 23
_gettext_re = re.compile(r"_\((.*?)\)", re.DOTALL)
i18n_templates = {
"master.html": '<title>{{ page_title|default(_("missing")) }}</title>'
"{% block body %}{% endblock %}",
"child.html": '{% extends "master.html" %}{% block body %}'
"{% trans %}watch out{% endtrans %}{% endblock %}",
"plural.html": "{% trans user_count %}One user online{% pluralize %}"
"{{ user_count }} users online{% endtrans %}",
"plural2.html": "{% trans user_count=get_user_count() %}{{ user_count }}s"
"{% pluralize %}{{ user_count }}p{% endtrans %}",
"stringformat.html": '{{ _("User: %(num)s")|format(num=user_count) }}',
newstyle_i18n_templates = {
"master.html": '<title>{{ page_title|default(_("missing")) }}</title>'
"{% block body %}{% endblock %}",
"child.html": '{% extends "master.html" %}{% block body %}'
"{% trans %}watch out{% endtrans %}{% endblock %}",
"plural.html": "{% trans user_count %}One user online{% pluralize %}"
"{{ user_count }} users online{% endtrans %}",
"stringformat.html": '{{ _("User: %(num)s", num=user_count) }}',
"ngettext.html": '{{ ngettext("%(num)s apple", "%(num)s apples", apples) }}',
"ngettext_long.html": "{% trans num=apples %}{{ num }} apple{% pluralize %}"
"{{ num }} apples{% endtrans %}",
"transvars1.html": "{% trans %}User: {{ num }}{% endtrans %}",
"transvars2.html": "{% trans num=count %}User: {{ num }}{% endtrans %}",
"transvars3.html": "{% trans count=num %}User: {{ count }}{% endtrans %}",
"novars.html": "{% trans %}%(hello)s{% endtrans %}",
"vars.html": "{% trans %}{{ foo }}%(foo)s{% endtrans %}",
"explicitvars.html": '{% trans foo="42" %}%(foo)s{% endtrans %}',
languages = {
"de": {
"missing": "fehlend",
"watch out": "pass auf",
"One user online": "Ein Benutzer online",
"%(user_count)s users online": "%(user_count)s Benutzer online",
"User: %(num)s": "Benutzer: %(num)s",
"User: %(count)s": "Benutzer: %(count)s",
"%(num)s apple": "%(num)s Apfel",
"%(num)s apples": "%(num)s Äpfel",
def gettext(context, string):
language = context.get("LANGUAGE", "en")
return languages.get(language, {}).get(string, string)
def ngettext(context, s, p, n):
language = context.get("LANGUAGE", "en")
if n != 1:
return languages.get(language, {}).get(p, p)
return languages.get(language, {}).get(s, s)
i18n_env = Environment(
loader=DictLoader(i18n_templates), extensions=["jinja2.ext.i18n"]
i18n_env.globals.update({"_": gettext, "gettext": gettext, "ngettext": ngettext})
i18n_env_trimmed = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.i18n"])
i18n_env_trimmed.policies["ext.i18n.trimmed"] = True
{"_": gettext, "gettext": gettext, "ngettext": ngettext}
newstyle_i18n_env = Environment(
loader=DictLoader(newstyle_i18n_templates), extensions=["jinja2.ext.i18n"]
newstyle_i18n_env.install_gettext_callables(gettext, ngettext, newstyle=True)
class ExampleExtension(Extension):
tags = {"test"}
ext_attr = 42
context_reference_node_cls = nodes.ContextReference
def parse(self, parser):
return nodes.Output(
nodes.ImportedName(__name__ + ".importable_object"),
def _dump(self, sandboxed, ext_attr, imported_object, context):
return (
class DerivedExampleExtension(ExampleExtension):
context_reference_node_cls = nodes.DerivedContextReference
class PreprocessorExtension(Extension):
def preprocess(self, source, name, filename=None):
return source.replace("[[TEST]]", "({{ foo }})")
class StreamFilterExtension(Extension):
def filter_stream(self, stream):
for token in stream:
if token.type == "data":
yield from self.interpolate(token)
yield token
def interpolate(self, token):
pos = 0
end = len(token.value)
lineno = token.lineno
while 1:
match =, pos)
if match is None:
value = token.value[pos : match.start()]
if value:
yield Token(lineno, "data", value)
lineno += count_newlines(token.value)
yield Token(lineno, "variable_begin", None)
yield Token(lineno, "name", "gettext")
yield Token(lineno, "lparen", None)
yield Token(lineno, "string",
yield Token(lineno, "rparen", None)
yield Token(lineno, "variable_end", None)
pos = match.end()
if pos < end:
yield Token(lineno, "data", token.value[pos:])
class TestExtensions:
def test_extend_late(self):
env = Environment()
t = env.from_string('{% autoescape true %}{{ "<test>" }}{% endautoescape %}')
assert t.render() == "<test>"
def test_loop_controls(self):
env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.loopcontrols"])
tmpl = env.from_string(
{%- for item in [1, 2, 3, 4] %}
{%- if item % 2 == 0 %}{% continue %}{% endif -%}
{{ item }}
{%- endfor %}"""
assert tmpl.render() == "13"
tmpl = env.from_string(
{%- for item in [1, 2, 3, 4] %}
{%- if item > 2 %}{% break %}{% endif -%}
{{ item }}
{%- endfor %}"""
assert tmpl.render() == "12"
def test_do(self):
env = Environment(extensions=[""])
tmpl = env.from_string(
{%- set items = [] %}
{%- for char in "foo" %}
{%- do items.append(loop.index0 ~ char) %}
{%- endfor %}{{ items|join(', ') }}"""
assert tmpl.render() == "0f, 1o, 2o"
def test_extension_nodes(self):
env = Environment(extensions=[ExampleExtension])
tmpl = env.from_string("{% test %}")
assert tmpl.render() == "False|42|23|{}|None"
def test_contextreference_node_passes_context(self):
env = Environment(extensions=[ExampleExtension])
tmpl = env.from_string('{% set test_var="test_content" %}{% test %}')
assert tmpl.render() == "False|42|23|{}|test_content"
def test_contextreference_node_can_pass_locals(self):
env = Environment(extensions=[DerivedExampleExtension])
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{% for test_var in ["test_content"] %}{% test %}{% endfor %}'
assert tmpl.render() == "False|42|23|{}|test_content"
def test_identifier(self):
assert ExampleExtension.identifier == __name__ + ".ExampleExtension"
def test_rebinding(self):
original = Environment(extensions=[ExampleExtension])
overlay = original.overlay()
for env in original, overlay:
for ext in env.extensions.values():
assert ext.environment is env
def test_preprocessor_extension(self):
env = Environment(extensions=[PreprocessorExtension])
tmpl = env.from_string("{[[TEST]]}")
assert tmpl.render(foo=42) == "{(42)}"
def test_streamfilter_extension(self):
env = Environment(extensions=[StreamFilterExtension])
env.globals["gettext"] = lambda x: x.upper()
tmpl = env.from_string("Foo _(bar) Baz")
out = tmpl.render()
assert out == "Foo BAR Baz"
def test_extension_ordering(self):
class T1(Extension):
priority = 1
class T2(Extension):
priority = 2
env = Environment(extensions=[T1, T2])
ext = list(env.iter_extensions())
assert ext[0].__class__ is T1
assert ext[1].__class__ is T2
def test_debug(self):
env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.debug"])
t = env.from_string("Hello\n{% debug %}\nGoodbye")
out = t.render()
for value in ("context", "cycler", "filters", "abs", "tests", "!="):
assert f"'{value}'" in out
class TestInternationalization:
def test_trans(self):
tmpl = i18n_env.get_template("child.html")
assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de") == "<title>fehlend</title>pass auf"
def test_trans_plural(self):
tmpl = i18n_env.get_template("plural.html")
assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", user_count=1) == "Ein Benutzer online"
assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", user_count=2) == "2 Benutzer online"
def test_trans_plural_with_functions(self):
tmpl = i18n_env.get_template("plural2.html")
def get_user_count():
get_user_count.called += 1
return 1
get_user_count.called = 0
assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", get_user_count=get_user_count) == "1s"
assert get_user_count.called == 1
def test_complex_plural(self):
tmpl = i18n_env.from_string(
"{% trans foo=42, count=2 %}{{ count }} item{% "
"pluralize count %}{{ count }} items{% endtrans %}"
assert tmpl.render() == "2 items"
"{% trans foo %}...{% pluralize bar %}...{% endtrans %}",
def test_trans_stringformatting(self):
tmpl = i18n_env.get_template("stringformat.html")
assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", user_count=5) == "Benutzer: 5"
def test_trimmed(self):
tmpl = i18n_env.from_string(
"{%- trans trimmed %} hello\n world {% endtrans -%}"
assert tmpl.render() == "hello world"
def test_trimmed_policy(self):
s = "{%- trans %} hello\n world {% endtrans -%}"
tmpl = i18n_env.from_string(s)
trimmed_tmpl = i18n_env_trimmed.from_string(s)
assert tmpl.render() == " hello\n world "
assert trimmed_tmpl.render() == "hello world"
def test_trimmed_policy_override(self):
tmpl = i18n_env_trimmed.from_string(
"{%- trans notrimmed %} hello\n world {% endtrans -%}"
assert tmpl.render() == " hello\n world "
def test_trimmed_vars(self):
tmpl = i18n_env.from_string(
'{%- trans trimmed x="world" %} hello\n {{ x }} {% endtrans -%}'
assert tmpl.render() == "hello world"
def test_trimmed_varname_trimmed(self):
# unlikely variable name, but when used as a variable
# it should not enable trimming
tmpl = i18n_env.from_string(
"{%- trans trimmed = 'world' %} hello\n {{ trimmed }} {% endtrans -%}"
assert tmpl.render() == " hello\n world "
def test_extract(self):
from jinja2.ext import babel_extract
source = BytesIO(
{{ gettext('Hello World') }}
{% trans %}Hello World{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}{{ users }} user{% pluralize %}{{ users }} users{% endtrans %}
assert list(babel_extract(source, ("gettext", "ngettext", "_"), [], {})) == [
(2, "gettext", "Hello World", []),
(3, "gettext", "Hello World", []),
(4, "ngettext", ("%(users)s user", "%(users)s users", None), []),
def test_extract_trimmed(self):
from jinja2.ext import babel_extract
source = BytesIO(
{{ gettext(' Hello \n World') }}
{% trans trimmed %} Hello \n World{% endtrans %}
{% trans trimmed %}{{ users }} \n user
{%- pluralize %}{{ users }} \n users{% endtrans %}
assert list(babel_extract(source, ("gettext", "ngettext", "_"), [], {})) == [
(2, "gettext", " Hello \n World", []),
(4, "gettext", "Hello World", []),
(6, "ngettext", ("%(users)s user", "%(users)s users", None), []),
def test_extract_trimmed_option(self):
from jinja2.ext import babel_extract
source = BytesIO(
{{ gettext(' Hello \n World') }}
{% trans %} Hello \n World{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}{{ users }} \n user
{%- pluralize %}{{ users }} \n users{% endtrans %}
opts = {"trimmed": "true"}
assert list(babel_extract(source, ("gettext", "ngettext", "_"), [], opts)) == [
(2, "gettext", " Hello \n World", []),
(4, "gettext", "Hello World", []),
(6, "ngettext", ("%(users)s user", "%(users)s users", None), []),
def test_comment_extract(self):
from jinja2.ext import babel_extract
source = BytesIO(
{# trans first #}
{{ gettext('Hello World') }}
{% trans %}Hello World{% endtrans %}{# trans second #}
{#: third #}
{% trans %}{{ users }} user{% pluralize %}{{ users }} users{% endtrans %}
assert list(
babel_extract(source, ("gettext", "ngettext", "_"), ["trans", ":"], {})
) == [
(3, "gettext", "Hello World", ["first"]),
(4, "gettext", "Hello World", ["second"]),
(6, "ngettext", ("%(users)s user", "%(users)s users", None), ["third"]),
class TestScope:
def test_basic_scope_behavior(self):
# This is what the old with statement compiled down to
class ScopeExt(Extension):
tags = {"scope"}
def parse(self, parser):
node = nodes.Scope(lineno=next(
assignments = []
while != "block_end":
lineno =
if assignments:
target = parser.parse_assign_target()
expr = parser.parse_expression()
assignments.append(nodes.Assign(target, expr, lineno=lineno))
node.body = assignments + list(
parser.parse_statements(("name:endscope",), drop_needle=True)
return node
env = Environment(extensions=[ScopeExt])
tmpl = env.from_string(
{%- scope a=1, b=2, c=b, d=e, e=5 -%}
{{ a }}|{{ b }}|{{ c }}|{{ d }}|{{ e }}
{%- endscope -%}
assert tmpl.render(b=3, e=4) == "1|2|2|4|5"
class TestNewstyleInternationalization:
def test_trans(self):
tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("child.html")
assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de") == "<title>fehlend</title>pass auf"
def test_trans_plural(self):
tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("plural.html")
assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", user_count=1) == "Ein Benutzer online"
assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", user_count=2) == "2 Benutzer online"
def test_complex_plural(self):
tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.from_string(
"{% trans foo=42, count=2 %}{{ count }} item{% "
"pluralize count %}{{ count }} items{% endtrans %}"
assert tmpl.render() == "2 items"
"{% trans foo %}...{% pluralize bar %}...{% endtrans %}",
def test_trans_stringformatting(self):
tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("stringformat.html")
assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", user_count=5) == "Benutzer: 5"
def test_newstyle_plural(self):
tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("ngettext.html")
assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", apples=1) == "1 Apfel"
assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", apples=5) == "5 Äpfel"
def test_autoescape_support(self):
env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.autoescape", "jinja2.ext.i18n"])
lambda x: "<strong>Wert: %(name)s</strong>",
lambda s, p, n: s,
t = env.from_string(
'{% autoescape ae %}{{ gettext("foo", name='
'"<test>") }}{% endautoescape %}'
assert t.render(ae=True) == "<strong>Wert: <test></strong>"
assert t.render(ae=False) == "<strong>Wert: <test></strong>"
def test_autoescape_macros(self):
env = Environment(autoescape=False, extensions=["jinja2.ext.autoescape"])
template = (
"{% macro m() %}<html>{% endmacro %}"
"{% autoescape true %}{{ m() }}{% endautoescape %}"
assert env.from_string(template).render() == "<html>"
def test_num_used_twice(self):
tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("ngettext_long.html")
assert tmpl.render(apples=5, LANGUAGE="de") == "5 Äpfel"
def test_num_called_num(self):
source = newstyle_i18n_env.compile(
{% trans num=3 %}{{ num }} apple{% pluralize
%}{{ num }} apples{% endtrans %}
# quite hacky, but the only way to properly test that. The idea is
# that the generated code does not pass num twice (although that
# would work) for better performance. This only works on the
# newstyle gettext of course
assert (
|"u?'%\(num\)s apple', u?'%\(num\)s apples', 3", source)
is not None
def test_trans_vars(self):
t1 = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("transvars1.html")
t2 = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("transvars2.html")
t3 = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("transvars3.html")
assert t1.render(num=1, LANGUAGE="de") == "Benutzer: 1"
assert t2.render(count=23, LANGUAGE="de") == "Benutzer: 23"
assert t3.render(num=42, LANGUAGE="de") == "Benutzer: 42"
def test_novars_vars_escaping(self):
t = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("novars.html")
assert t.render() == "%(hello)s"
t = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("vars.html")
assert t.render(foo="42") == "42%(foo)s"
t = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("explicitvars.html")
assert t.render() == "%(foo)s"
class TestAutoEscape:
def test_scoped_setting(self):
env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.autoescape"], autoescape=True)
tmpl = env.from_string(
{{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
{% autoescape false %}
{{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
{% endautoescape %}
{{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
assert tmpl.render().split() == [
env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.autoescape"], autoescape=False)
tmpl = env.from_string(
{{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
{% autoescape true %}
{{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
{% endautoescape %}
{{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
assert tmpl.render().split() == [
def test_nonvolatile(self):
env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.autoescape"], autoescape=True)
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ {"foo": "<test>"}|xmlattr|escape }}')
assert tmpl.render() == ' foo="<test>"'
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{% autoescape false %}{{ {"foo": "<test>"}'
"|xmlattr|escape }}{% endautoescape %}"
assert tmpl.render() == " foo="&lt;test&gt;""
def test_volatile(self):
env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.autoescape"], autoescape=True)
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{% autoescape foo %}{{ {"foo": "<test>"}'
"|xmlattr|escape }}{% endautoescape %}"
assert tmpl.render(foo=False) == " foo="&lt;test&gt;""
assert tmpl.render(foo=True) == ' foo="<test>"'
def test_scoping(self):
env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.autoescape"])
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{% autoescape true %}{% set x = "<x>" %}{{ x }}'
'{% endautoescape %}{{ x }}{{ "<y>" }}'
assert tmpl.render(x=1) == "<x>1<y>"
def test_volatile_scoping(self):
env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.autoescape"])
tmplsource = """
{% autoescape val %}
{% macro foo(x) %}
[{{ x }}]
{% endmacro %}
{{ foo().__class__.__name__ }}
{% endautoescape %}
{{ '<testing>' }}
tmpl = env.from_string(tmplsource)
assert tmpl.render(val=True).split()[0] == "Markup"
assert tmpl.render(val=False).split()[0] == "str"
# looking at the source we should see <testing> there in raw
# (and then escaped as well)
env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.autoescape"])
pysource = env.compile(tmplsource, raw=True)
assert "<testing>\\n" in pysource
env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.autoescape"], autoescape=True)
pysource = env.compile(tmplsource, raw=True)
assert "<testing>\\n" in pysource
def test_overlay_scopes(self):
class MagicScopeExtension(Extension):
tags = {"overlay"}
def parse(self, parser):
node = nodes.OverlayScope(lineno=next(
node.body = list(
parser.parse_statements(("name:endoverlay",), drop_needle=True)
node.context = self.call_method("get_scope")
return node
def get_scope(self):
return {"x": [1, 2, 3]}
env = Environment(extensions=[MagicScopeExtension])
tmpl = env.from_string(
{{- x }}|{% set z = 99 %}
{%- overlay %}
{{- y }}|{{ z }}|{% for item in x %}[{{ item }}]{% endfor %}
{%- endoverlay %}|
{{- x -}}
assert tmpl.render(x=42, y=23) == "42|23|99|[1][2][3]|42"