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#testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin"
function BLKID()
bzcat $FILES/blkid/$file.bz2 > temp.img
# e2fsprogs' blkid outputs trailing spaces; no other blkid does.
blkid "$@" temp.img | sed 's/ $//'
rm temp.img
testing "cramfs" "BLKID cramfs" \
'temp.img: LABEL="mycramfs" TYPE="cramfs"\n' "" ""
testing "ext2" "BLKID ext2" \
'temp.img: LABEL="myext2" UUID="e59093ba-4135-4fdb-bcc4-f20beae4dfaf" TYPE="ext2"\n' \
"" ""
testing "ext3" "BLKID ext3" \
'temp.img: LABEL="myext3" UUID="79d1c877-1a0f-4e7d-b21d-fc32ae3ef101" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"\n' \
"" ""
testing "ext4" "BLKID ext4" \
'temp.img: LABEL="myext4" UUID="dc4b7c00-c0c0-4600-af7e-0335f09770fa" TYPE="ext4"\n' \
"" ""
testing "f2fs" "BLKID f2fs" \
'temp.img: LABEL="myf2fs" UUID="b53d3619-c204-4c0b-8504-36363578491c" TYPE="f2fs"\n' \
"" ""
testing "msdos" "BLKID msdos" \
'temp.img: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="mymsdos" UUID="6E1E-0851" TYPE="vfat"\n' \
"" ""
# We use -s here because toybox blkid can't do ntfs volume labels yet.
testing "ntfs" "BLKID ntfs -s UUID -s TYPE" \
'temp.img: UUID="6EE1BF3808608585" TYPE="ntfs"\n' "" ""
testing "reiserfs" "BLKID reiser3" \
'temp.img: LABEL="myreiser" UUID="a5b99bec-45cc-41d7-986e-32f4b6fc28f2" TYPE="reiserfs"\n' \
"" ""
testing "squashfs" "BLKID squashfs" 'temp.img: TYPE="squashfs"\n' "" ""
testing "vfat" "BLKID vfat" \
'temp.img: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="myvfat" UUID="7356-B91D" TYPE="vfat"\n' \
"" ""
testing "xfs" "BLKID xfs" \
'temp.img: LABEL="XFS_test" UUID="d63a1dc3-27d5-4dd4-8b38-f4f97f495c6f" TYPE="xfs"\n' \
"" ""
# Unlike util-linux's blkid, toybox blkid can read from stdin.
toyonly testing "stdin" "bzcat $FILES/blkid/squashfs.bz2 | blkid -" \
'-: TYPE="squashfs"\n' "" ""
#testing "minix" 'bzcat "$BDIR"/minix.bz2 | blkid -'
#adfs bfs btrfs cramfs jfs nilfs romfs
#vfat // fat32 fat12 fat16