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81 lines
2.5 KiB

# REQUIRES: mips
# Check R_MIPS_GOT16 relocation calculation.
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=mips-unknown-linux %s -o %t.o
# RUN: echo "SECTIONS { \
# RUN: . = 0x1000; .text ALIGN(0x1000) : { *(.text) } \
# RUN: . = 0x3000; .data : { *(.data) } \
# RUN: }" > %t.script
# RUN: ld.lld %t.o -shared --script %t.script -o
# RUN: llvm-objdump -d -t --no-show-raw-insn | FileCheck %s
# RUN: llvm-readelf -r -A | FileCheck -check-prefix=GOT %s
# CHECK: 00024008 l .data 00000000 .hidden bar
# CHECK: 00000000 *UND* 00000000 foo
# CHECK: <__start>:
# CHECK-NEXT: lw $8, -32744($gp)
# CHECK-NEXT: addi $8, $8, 8236
# CHECK-NEXT: lw $8, -32732($gp)
# CHECK-NEXT: addi $8, $8, -16384
# CHECK-NEXT: lw $8, -32728($gp)
# CHECK-NEXT: addi $8, $8, -16380
# CHECK-NEXT: lw $8, -32728($gp)
# CHECK-NEXT: addi $8, $8, 16388
# CHECK-NEXT: lw $8, -32720($gp)
# CHECK-NEXT: addi $8, $8, 16392
# CHECK-NEXT: lw $8, -32716($gp)
# GOT: There are no relocations in this file.
# GOT: Local entries:
# GOT-NEXT: Access Initial
# GOT-NEXT: -32744(gp) 00000000
# ^-- (0x2000 + 0x8000) & ~0xffff
# GOT-NEXT: -32740(gp) 00010000
# ^-- redundant unused entry
# GOT-NEXT: -32736(gp) 00000000
# ^-- redundant unused entry
# GOT-NEXT: -32732(gp) 00010000
# ^-- (0x3000 + 0x9000 + 0x8000) & ~0xffff
# GOT-NEXT: -32728(gp) 00020000
# ^-- (0x3000 + 0x9000 + 0x10004 + 0x8000) & ~0xffff
# ^-- (0x3000 + 0x9000 + 0x18004 + 0x8000) & ~0xffff
# GOT-NEXT: -32724(gp) 00030000
# ^-- redundant unused entry
# GOT-NEXT: -32720(gp) 00024008
# ^-- 'bar' address
# GOT-NEXT: Global entries:
# GOT-NEXT: Access Initial Sym.Val. Type Ndx Name
# GOT-NEXT: -32716(gp) 00000000 00000000 NOTYPE UND foo
.globl __start
lw $t0,%got($LC0)($gp)
addi $t0,$t0,%lo($LC0)
lw $t0,%got($LC1)($gp)
addi $t0,$t0,%lo($LC1)
lw $t0,%got($LC1+0x10004)($gp)
addi $t0,$t0,%lo($LC1+0x10004)
lw $t0,%got($LC1+0x18004)($gp)
addi $t0,$t0,%lo($LC1+0x18004)
lw $t0,%got(bar)($gp)
addi $t0,$t0,%lo(bar)
lw $t0,%got(foo)($gp)
.space 0x9000
.word 0
.space 0x18000
.word 0
.global bar
.hidden bar
.word 0