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8 months ago
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script will take any number of trace files generated by strace(1)
# and output a system call filtering policy suitable for use with Minijail.
"""Tool to generate a minijail seccomp filter from strace or audit output."""
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import collections
import os
import re
import sys
# auparse may not be installed and is currently optional.
import auparse
except ImportError:
auparse = None
NOTICE = """# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
ALLOW = '1'
# This ignores any leading PID tag and trailing <unfinished ...>, and extracts
# the syscall name and the argument list.
LINE_RE = re.compile(r'^\s*(?:\[[^]]*\]|\d+)?\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\(([^)<]*)')
'accept', 'bind', 'connect', 'getpeername', 'getsockname', 'getsockopt',
'listen', 'recv', 'recvfrom', 'recvmsg', 'send', 'sendmsg', 'sendto',
'setsockopt', 'shutdown', 'socket', 'socketpair',
# List of private ARM syscalls. These can be found in any ARM specific unistd.h
# such as Linux's arch/arm/include/uapi/asm/unistd.h.
983041: 'ARM_breakpoint',
983042: 'ARM_cacheflush',
983043: 'ARM_usr26',
983044: 'ARM_usr32',
983045: 'ARM_set_tls',
ArgInspectionEntry = collections.namedtuple('ArgInspectionEntry',
('arg_index', 'value_set'))
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class BucketInputFiles(argparse.Action):
"""Buckets input files using simple content based heuristics.
audit_logs: Mutually exclusive list of audit log filenames.
traces: Mutually exclusive list of strace log filenames.
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
audit_logs = []
traces = []
strace_line_re = re.compile(r'[a-z]+[0-9]*\(.+\) += ')
audit_line_re = re.compile(r'type=(SYSCALL|SECCOMP)')
for filename in values:
if not os.path.exists(filename):
parser.error(f'Input file {filename} not found.')
with open(filename, mode='r', encoding='utf8') as input_file:
for line in input_file.readlines():
# Treat it as an strace log to retain legacy behaviour and
# also just in case the strace regex is imperfect.
setattr(namespace, 'audit_logs', audit_logs)
setattr(namespace, 'traces', traces)
# pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods
def parse_args(argv):
"""Returns the parsed CLI arguments for this tool."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true',
help='output informational messages to stderr')
parser.add_argument('--frequency', type=argparse.FileType('w'),
help='frequency file')
parser.add_argument('--policy', type=argparse.FileType('w'),
default=sys.stdout, help='policy file')
parser.add_argument('input-logs', action=BucketInputFiles,
help='strace and/or audit logs', nargs='+')
parser.add_argument('--audit-comm', type=str, metavar='PROCESS_NAME',
help='relevant process name from the audit.log files')
opts = parser.parse_args(argv)
if opts.audit_logs and not auparse:
parser.error('Python bindings for the audit subsystem were not found.\n'
'Please install the python3-audit (sometimes python-audit)'
' package for your distro to process audit logs: '
if opts.audit_logs and not opts.audit_comm:
parser.error(f'--audit-comm is required when using audit logs as input:'
f' {opts.audit_logs}')
if not opts.audit_logs and opts.audit_comm:
parser.error('--audit-comm was specified yet none of the input files '
'matched our hueristic for an audit log')
return opts
def get_seccomp_bpf_filter(syscall, entry):
"""Returns a minijail seccomp-bpf filter expression for the syscall."""
arg_index = entry.arg_index
arg_values = entry.value_set
atoms = []
if syscall in ('mmap', 'mmap2', 'mprotect') and arg_index == 2:
# See if there is at least one instance of any of these syscalls trying
# to map memory with both PROT_EXEC and PROT_WRITE. If there isn't, we
# can craft a concise expression to forbid this.
write_and_exec = set(('PROT_EXEC', 'PROT_WRITE'))
for arg_value in arg_values:
if write_and_exec.issubset(set(p.strip() for p in
atoms.extend(['arg2 in ~PROT_EXEC', 'arg2 in ~PROT_WRITE'])
arg_values = set()
atoms.extend(f'arg{arg_index} == {arg_value}' for arg_value in arg_values)
return ' || '.join(atoms)
def parse_trace_file(trace_filename, syscalls, arg_inspection):
"""Parses one file produced by strace."""
uses_socketcall = ('i386' in trace_filename or
('x86' in trace_filename and
'64' not in trace_filename))
with open(trace_filename, encoding='utf8') as trace_file:
for line in trace_file:
matches = LINE_RE.match(line)
if not matches:
syscall, args = matches.groups()
if uses_socketcall and syscall in SOCKETCALLS:
syscall = 'socketcall'
# strace omits the 'ARM_' prefix on all private ARM syscalls. Add
# it manually here as a workaround. These syscalls are exclusive
# to ARM so we don't need to predicate this on a trace_filename
# based heuristic for the arch.
if f'ARM_{syscall}' in PRIVATE_ARM_SYSCALLS.values():
syscall = f'ARM_{syscall}'
syscalls[syscall] += 1
args = [arg.strip() for arg in args.split(',')]
if syscall in arg_inspection:
arg_value = args[arg_inspection[syscall].arg_index]
def parse_audit_log(audit_log, audit_comm, syscalls, arg_inspection):
"""Parses one audit.log file generated by the Linux audit subsystem."""
unknown_syscall_re = re.compile(r'unknown-syscall\((?P<syscall_num>\d+)\)')
au = auparse.AuParser(auparse.AUSOURCE_FILE, audit_log)
# Quick validity check for whether this parses as a valid audit log. The
# first event should have at least one record.
if not au.first_record():
raise ValueError(f'Unable to parse audit log file {}')
# Iterate through events where _any_ contained record matches
# ((type == SECCOMP || type == SYSCALL) && comm == audit_comm).
au.search_add_item('type', '=', 'SECCOMP', auparse.AUSEARCH_RULE_CLEAR)
au.search_add_item('type', '=', 'SYSCALL', auparse.AUSEARCH_RULE_OR)
au.search_add_item('comm', '=', f'"{audit_comm}"',
# auparse_find_field(3) will ignore preceding fields in the record and
# at the same time happily cross record boundaries when looking for the
# field. This helper method always seeks the cursor back to the first
# field in the record and stops searching before crossing over to the
# next record; making the search far less error prone.
# Also implicitly seeks the internal 'cursor' to the matching field
# for any subsequent calls like auparse_interpret_field.
def _find_field_in_current_record(name):
while True:
if au.get_field_name() == name:
return au.get_field_str()
if not au.next_field():
return None
while au.search_next_event():
# The event may have multiple records. Loop through all.
for _ in range(au.get_num_records()):
event_type = _find_field_in_current_record('type')
comm = _find_field_in_current_record('comm')
# Some of the records in this event may not be relevant
# despite the event-specific search filter. Skip those.
if (event_type not in ('SECCOMP', 'SYSCALL') or
comm != f'"{audit_comm}"'):
if not _find_field_in_current_record('syscall'):
raise ValueError(f'Could not find field "syscall" in event of '
f'type {event_type}')
# Intepret the syscall field that's under our 'cursor' following the
# find. Interpreting fields yields human friendly names instead
# of integers. E.g '16' -> 'ioctl'.
syscall = au.interpret_field()
# TODO(crbug/1172449): Add these syscalls to upstream
# audit-userspace and remove this workaround.
# This is redundant but safe for non-ARM architectures due to the
# disjoint set of private syscall numbers.
match = unknown_syscall_re.match(syscall)
if match:
syscall_num = int('syscall_num'))
syscall = PRIVATE_ARM_SYSCALLS.get(syscall_num, syscall)
if ((syscall in arg_inspection and event_type == 'SECCOMP') or
(syscall not in arg_inspection and event_type == 'SYSCALL')):
# Skip SECCOMP records for syscalls that require argument
# inspection. Similarly, skip SYSCALL records for syscalls
# that do not require argument inspection. Technically such
# records wouldn't exist per our setup instructions but audit
# sometimes lets a few records slip through.
elif event_type == 'SYSCALL':
arg_field_name = f'a{arg_inspection[syscall].arg_index}'
if not _find_field_in_current_record(arg_field_name):
raise ValueError(f'Could not find field "{arg_field_name}"'
f'in event of type {event_type}')
# Intepret the arg field that's under our 'cursor' following the
# find. This may yield a more human friendly name.
# E.g '5401' -> 'TCGETS'.
syscalls[syscall] += 1
def main(argv=None):
"""Main entrypoint."""
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv[1:]
opts = parse_args(argv)
syscalls = collections.defaultdict(int)
arg_inspection = {
'socket': ArgInspectionEntry(0, set([])), # int domain
'ioctl': ArgInspectionEntry(1, set([])), # int request
'prctl': ArgInspectionEntry(0, set([])), # int option
'mmap': ArgInspectionEntry(2, set([])), # int prot
'mmap2': ArgInspectionEntry(2, set([])), # int prot
'mprotect': ArgInspectionEntry(2, set([])), # int prot
if opts.verbose:
# Print an informational message to stderr in case the filetype detection
# heuristics are wonky.
print('Generating a seccomp policy using these input files:',
print(f'Strace logs: {opts.traces}', file=sys.stderr)
print(f'Audit logs: {opts.audit_logs}', file=sys.stderr)
for trace_filename in opts.traces:
parse_trace_file(trace_filename, syscalls, arg_inspection)
for audit_log in opts.audit_logs:
parse_audit_log(audit_log, opts.audit_comm, syscalls, arg_inspection)
# Add the basic set if they are not yet present.
basic_set = [
'restart_syscall', 'exit', 'exit_group', 'rt_sigreturn',
for basic_syscall in basic_set:
if basic_syscall not in syscalls:
syscalls[basic_syscall] = 1
# If a frequency file isn't used then sort the syscalls based on frequency
# to make the common case fast (by checking frequent calls earlier).
# Otherwise, sort alphabetically to make it easier for humans to see which
# calls are in use (and if necessary manually add a new syscall to the
# list).
if opts.frequency is None:
sorted_syscalls = list(
x[0] for x in sorted(syscalls.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1],
sorted_syscalls = list(
x[0] for x in sorted(syscalls.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[0])
print(NOTICE, file=opts.policy)
if opts.frequency is not None:
print(NOTICE, file=opts.frequency)
for syscall in sorted_syscalls:
if syscall in arg_inspection:
arg_filter = get_seccomp_bpf_filter(syscall,
arg_filter = ALLOW
print(f'{syscall}: {arg_filter}', file=opts.policy)
if opts.frequency is not None:
print(f'{syscall}: {syscalls[syscall]}', file=opts.frequency)
if __name__ == '__main__':