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8 months ago
|Ldalvik/system/VMRuntime;->setTargetSdkVersion(I)V|,|0|,||,|Use the {@code targetSdkVersion} attribute in the {@code uses-sdk} manifest tag instead.|,||,||
|Ljava/lang/Thread;->threadLocals:Ljava/lang/ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap;|,||,||,|Please update to a current version of the {@code Streamsupport} library; older versions of {@code Streamsupport} do not support current versions of Android.|,||,||
|Ljava/net/HttpCookie;->httpOnly:Z|,||,||,|Use {@link #setHttpOnly()}/{@link #isHttpOnly()} instead.|,||,||
|Ljava/net/InetAddress;->isNumeric(Ljava/lang/String;)Z|,|28|,||,|Use {@code} instead. There is a behavioural difference between the original method and its replacement.|,||,|78686891|
|Ljava/net/InetAddress;->parseNumericAddress(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/InetAddress;|,|28|,||,|Use {@code} instead. There is a behavioural difference between the original method and its replacement.|,||,|78686891|
|Ljava/util/ArrayList$SubList;->size:I|,||,||,|Please update to a current version of the {@code Streamsupport} library; older versions of {@code Streamsupport} do not support current versions of Android.|,||,||
|Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLServerSocketFactory;->defaultServerSocketFactory:Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLServerSocketFactory;|,|28|,||,|Use {@link #getDefault()} to read the current default; from Android API level 21 onwards, apps should have no need to ever write this value because it is automatically recomputed when the set of {@link} security providers changes.|,||,|118741276|
|Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLSocketFactory;->defaultSocketFactory:Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLSocketFactory;|,|28|,||,|Use {@link #getDefault()} to read the current default; from Android API level 21 onwards, apps should have no need to ever write this value because it is automatically recomputed when the set of {@link} security providers changes.|,||,|118741276|
|Llibcore/util/EmptyArray;->BYTE:[B|,|29|,||,|Use {@code new byte[0]} instead.|,||,||
|Llibcore/util/EmptyArray;->INT:[I|,|29|,||,|Use {@code new int[0]} instead.|,||,||
|Llibcore/util/EmptyArray;->LONG:[J|,|29|,||,|Use {@code new long[0]} instead.|,||,||
|Llibcore/util/EmptyArray;->OBJECT:[Ljava/lang/Object;|,|29|,||,|Use {@code new Object[0]} instead.|,||,||