# Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Utility functions for sensor_fusion hardware rig.""" import bisect import codecs import logging import struct import time import unittest import numpy as np import scipy.spatial import serial from serial.tools import list_ports # Constants for Rotation Rig ARDUINO_ANGLE_MAX = 180.0 # degrees ARDUINO_ANGLES = [0]*5 +list(range(0, 90, 3)) + [90]*5 +list(range(90, -1, -3)) ARDUINO_BAUDRATE = 9600 ARDUINO_CMD_LENGTH = 3 ARDUINO_CMD_TIME = 2.0 * ARDUINO_CMD_LENGTH / ARDUINO_BAUDRATE # round trip ARDUINO_MOVE_TIME = 0.06 - ARDUINO_CMD_TIME # seconds ARDUINO_PID = 0x0043 ARDUINO_START_BYTE = 255 ARDUINO_START_NUM_TRYS = 3 ARDUINO_TEST_CMD = (b'\x01', b'\x02', b'\x03') ARDUINO_VALID_CH = ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6') ARDUINO_VIDS = (0x2341, 0x2a03) CANAKIT_BAUDRATE = 115200 CANAKIT_CMD_TIME = 0.05 # seconds (found experimentally) CANAKIT_DATA_DELIMITER = '\r\n' CANAKIT_PID = 0xfc73 CANAKIT_SEND_TIMEOUT = 0.02 # seconds CANAKIT_SET_CMD = 'REL' CANAKIT_SLEEP_TIME = 2 # seconds (for full 90 degree rotation) CANAKIT_VALID_CMD = ('ON', 'OFF') CANAKIT_VALID_CH = ('1', '2', '3', '4') CANAKIT_VID = 0x04d8 HS755HB_ANGLE_MAX = 202.0 # throw for rotation motor in degrees _COARSE_FIT_RANGE = 20 # Range area around coarse fit to do optimization. _CORR_TIME_OFFSET_MAX = 50 # ms max shift to try and match camera/gyro times. _CORR_TIME_OFFSET_STEP = 0.5 # ms step for shifts. # Unit translators _MSEC_TO_NSEC = 1000000 _NSEC_TO_SEC = 1E-9 _SEC_TO_NSEC = int(1/_NSEC_TO_SEC) def serial_port_def(name): """Determine the serial port and open. Args: name: string of device to locate (ie. 'Arduino', 'Canakit' or 'Default') Returns: serial port object """ serial_port = None devices = list_ports.comports() for device in devices: if not (device.vid and device.pid): # Not all comm ports have vid and pid continue if name.lower() == 'arduino': if (device.vid in ARDUINO_VIDS and device.pid == ARDUINO_PID): logging.debug('Arduino: %s', str(device)) serial_port = device.device return serial.Serial(serial_port, ARDUINO_BAUDRATE, timeout=1) elif name.lower() in ('canakit', 'default'): if (device.vid == CANAKIT_VID and device.pid == CANAKIT_PID): logging.debug('Canakit: %s', str(device)) serial_port = device.device return serial.Serial(serial_port, CANAKIT_BAUDRATE, timeout=CANAKIT_SEND_TIMEOUT, parity=serial.PARITY_EVEN, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS) raise ValueError(f'{name} device not connected.') def canakit_cmd_send(canakit_serial_port, cmd_str): """Wrapper for sending serial command to Canakit. Args: canakit_serial_port: port to write for canakit cmd_str: str; value to send to device. """ try: logging.debug('writing port...') canakit_serial_port.write(CANAKIT_DATA_DELIMITER.encode()) time.sleep(CANAKIT_CMD_TIME) # This is critical for relay. canakit_serial_port.write(cmd_str.encode()) except IOError: raise IOError(f'Port {CANAKIT_VID}:{CANAKIT_PID} is not open!') def canakit_set_relay_channel_state(canakit_port, ch, state): """Set Canakit relay channel and state. Waits CANAKIT_SLEEP_TIME for rotation to occur. Args: canakit_port: serial port object for the Canakit port. ch: string for channel number of relay to set. '1', '2', '3', or '4' state: string of either 'ON' or 'OFF' """ logging.debug('Setting relay state %s', state) if ch in CANAKIT_VALID_CH and state in CANAKIT_VALID_CMD: canakit_cmd_send(canakit_port, CANAKIT_SET_CMD + ch + '.' + state + '\r\n') time.sleep(CANAKIT_SLEEP_TIME) else: logging.debug('Invalid ch (%s) or state (%s), no command sent.', ch, state) def arduino_read_cmd(port): """Read back Arduino command from serial port.""" cmd = [] for _ in range(ARDUINO_CMD_LENGTH): cmd.append(port.read()) return cmd def arduino_send_cmd(port, cmd): """Send command to serial port.""" for i in range(ARDUINO_CMD_LENGTH): port.write(cmd[i]) def arduino_loopback_cmd(port, cmd): """Send command to serial port.""" arduino_send_cmd(port, cmd) time.sleep(ARDUINO_CMD_TIME) return arduino_read_cmd(port) def establish_serial_comm(port): """Establish connection with serial port.""" logging.debug('Establishing communication with %s', port.name) trys = 1 hex_test = convert_to_hex(ARDUINO_TEST_CMD) logging.debug(' test tx: %s %s %s', hex_test[0], hex_test[1], hex_test[2]) while trys <= ARDUINO_START_NUM_TRYS: cmd_read = arduino_loopback_cmd(port, ARDUINO_TEST_CMD) hex_read = convert_to_hex(cmd_read) logging.debug(' test rx: %s %s %s', hex_read[0], hex_read[1], hex_read[2]) if cmd_read != list(ARDUINO_TEST_CMD): trys += 1 else: logging.debug(' Arduino comm established after %d try(s)', trys) break def convert_to_hex(cmd): return [('%0.2x' % int(codecs.encode(x, 'hex_codec'), 16) if x else '--') for x in cmd] def arduino_rotate_servo_to_angle(ch, angle, serial_port, delay=0): """Rotate servo to the specified angle. Args: ch: str; servo to rotate in ARDUINO_VALID_CH angle: int; servo angle to move to serial_port: object; serial port delay: int; time in seconds """ if angle < 0 or angle > ARDUINO_ANGLE_MAX: logging.debug('Angle must be between 0 and %d.', ARDUINO_ANGLE_MAX) angle = 0 if angle > ARDUINO_ANGLE_MAX: angle = ARDUINO_ANGLE_MAX cmd = [struct.pack('B', i) for i in [ARDUINO_START_BYTE, int(ch), angle]] arduino_send_cmd(serial_port, cmd) time.sleep(delay) def arduino_rotate_servo(ch, serial_port): """Rotate servo between 0 --> 90 --> 0. Args: ch: str; servo to rotate serial_port: object; serial port """ for angle in ARDUINO_ANGLES: angle_norm = int(round(angle*ARDUINO_ANGLE_MAX/HS755HB_ANGLE_MAX, 0)) arduino_rotate_servo_to_angle( ch, angle_norm, serial_port, ARDUINO_MOVE_TIME) def rotation_rig(rotate_cntl, rotate_ch, num_rotations): """Rotate the phone n times using rotate_cntl and rotate_ch defined. rotate_ch is hard wired and must be determined from physical setup. First initialize the port and send a test string defined by ARDUINO_TEST_CMD to establish communications. Then rotate servo motor to origin position. Args: rotate_cntl: str to identify as 'arduino' or 'canakit' controller. rotate_ch: str to identify rotation channel number. num_rotations: int number of rotations. """ logging.debug('Controller: %s, ch: %s', rotate_cntl, rotate_ch) if rotate_cntl.lower() == 'arduino': # identify port arduino_serial_port = serial_port_def('Arduino') # send test cmd to Arduino until cmd returns properly establish_serial_comm(arduino_serial_port) # initialize servo at origin logging.debug('Moving servo to origin') arduino_rotate_servo_to_angle(rotate_ch, 0, arduino_serial_port, 1) elif rotate_cntl.lower() == 'canakit': canakit_serial_port = serial_port_def('Canakit') # rotate phone logging.debug('Rotating phone %dx', num_rotations) for _ in range(num_rotations): if rotate_cntl == 'arduino': arduino_rotate_servo(rotate_ch, arduino_serial_port) else: canakit_set_relay_channel_state(canakit_serial_port, rotate_ch, 'ON') canakit_set_relay_channel_state(canakit_serial_port, rotate_ch, 'OFF') logging.debug('Finished rotations') def get_gyro_rotations(gyro_events, cam_times): """Get the rotation values of the gyro. Integrates the gyro data between each camera frame to compute an angular displacement. Args: gyro_events: List of gyro event objects. cam_times: Array of N camera times, one for each frame. Returns: Array of N-1 gyro rotation measurements (rads/s). """ gyro_times = np.array([e['time'] for e in gyro_events]) all_gyro_rots = np.array([e['z'] for e in gyro_events]) gyro_rots = [] if gyro_times[0] > cam_times[0] or gyro_times[-1] < cam_times[-1]: raise AssertionError('Gyro times do not bound camera times! ' f'gyro: {gyro_times[0]:.0f} -> {gyro_times[-1]:.0f} ' f'cam: {cam_times[0]} -> {cam_times[-1]} (ns).') # Integrate the gyro data between each pair of camera frame times. for i_cam in range(len(cam_times)-1): # Get the window of gyro samples within the current pair of frames. # Note: bisect always picks first gyro index after camera time. t_cam0 = cam_times[i_cam] t_cam1 = cam_times[i_cam+1] i_gyro_window0 = bisect.bisect(gyro_times, t_cam0) i_gyro_window1 = bisect.bisect(gyro_times, t_cam1) gyro_sum = 0 # Integrate samples within the window. for i_gyro in range(i_gyro_window0, i_gyro_window1): gyro_val = all_gyro_rots[i_gyro+1] t_gyro0 = gyro_times[i_gyro] t_gyro1 = gyro_times[i_gyro+1] t_gyro_delta = (t_gyro1 - t_gyro0) * _NSEC_TO_SEC gyro_sum += gyro_val * t_gyro_delta # Handle the fractional intervals at the sides of the window. for side, i_gyro in enumerate([i_gyro_window0-1, i_gyro_window1]): gyro_val = all_gyro_rots[i_gyro+1] t_gyro0 = gyro_times[i_gyro] t_gyro1 = gyro_times[i_gyro+1] t_gyro_delta = (t_gyro1 - t_gyro0) * _NSEC_TO_SEC if side == 0: f = (t_cam0 - t_gyro0) / (t_gyro1 - t_gyro0) frac_correction = gyro_val * t_gyro_delta * (1.0 - f) gyro_sum += frac_correction else: f = (t_cam1 - t_gyro0) / (t_gyro1 - t_gyro0) frac_correction = gyro_val * t_gyro_delta * f gyro_sum += frac_correction gyro_rots.append(gyro_sum) gyro_rots = np.array(gyro_rots) return gyro_rots def get_best_alignment_offset(cam_times, cam_rots, gyro_events): """Find the best offset to align the camera and gyro motion traces. This function integrates the shifted gyro data between camera samples for a range of candidate shift values, and returns the shift that result in the best correlation. Uses a correlation distance metric between the curves, where a smaller value means that the curves are better-correlated. Fits a curve to the correlation distance data to measure the minima more accurately, by looking at the correlation distances within a range of +/- 10ms from the measured best score; note that this will use fewer than the full +/- 10 range for the curve fit if the measured score (which is used as the center of the fit) is within 10ms of the edge of the +/- 50ms candidate range. Args: cam_times: Array of N camera times, one for each frame. cam_rots: Array of N-1 camera rotation displacements (rad). gyro_events: List of gyro event objects. Returns: Best alignment offset(ms), fit coefficients, candidates, and distances. """ # Measure the correlation distance over defined shift shift_candidates = np.arange(-_CORR_TIME_OFFSET_MAX, _CORR_TIME_OFFSET_MAX+_CORR_TIME_OFFSET_STEP, _CORR_TIME_OFFSET_STEP).tolist() spatial_distances = [] for shift in shift_candidates: shifted_cam_times = cam_times + shift*_MSEC_TO_NSEC gyro_rots = get_gyro_rotations(gyro_events, shifted_cam_times) spatial_distance = scipy.spatial.distance.correlation(cam_rots, gyro_rots) logging.debug('shift %.1fms spatial distance: %.5f', shift, spatial_distance) spatial_distances.append(spatial_distance) best_corr_dist = min(spatial_distances) coarse_best_shift = shift_candidates[spatial_distances.index(best_corr_dist)] logging.debug('Best shift without fitting is %.4f ms', coarse_best_shift) # Fit a 2nd order polynomial around coarse_best_shift to extract best fit i = spatial_distances.index(best_corr_dist) i_poly_fit_min = i - _COARSE_FIT_RANGE i_poly_fit_max = i + _COARSE_FIT_RANGE + 1 shift_candidates = shift_candidates[i_poly_fit_min:i_poly_fit_max] spatial_distances = spatial_distances[i_poly_fit_min:i_poly_fit_max] fit_coeffs = np.polyfit(shift_candidates, spatial_distances, 2) # ax^2+bx+c exact_best_shift = -fit_coeffs[1]/(2*fit_coeffs[0]) if abs(coarse_best_shift - exact_best_shift) > 2.0: raise AssertionError( f'Test failed. Bad fit to time-shift curve. Coarse best shift: ' f'{coarse_best_shift}, Exact best shift: {exact_best_shift}.') if fit_coeffs[0] <= 0 or fit_coeffs[2] <= 0: raise AssertionError( f'Coefficients are < 0: a: {fit_coeffs[0]}, c: {fit_coeffs[2]}.') return exact_best_shift, fit_coeffs, shift_candidates, spatial_distances class SensorFusionUtilsTests(unittest.TestCase): """Run a suite of unit tests on this module.""" _CAM_FRAME_TIME = 30 * _MSEC_TO_NSEC # Similar to 30FPS _CAM_ROT_AMPLITUDE = 0.04 # Empirical number for rotation per frame (rads/s). def _generate_pwl_waveform(self, pts, step, amplitude): """Helper function to generate piece wise linear waveform.""" pwl_waveform = [] for t in range(pts[0], pts[1], step): pwl_waveform.append(0) for t in range(pts[1], pts[2], step): pwl_waveform.append((t-pts[1])/(pts[2]-pts[1])*amplitude) for t in range(pts[2], pts[3], step): pwl_waveform.append(amplitude) for t in range(pts[3], pts[4], step): pwl_waveform.append((pts[4]-t)/(pts[4]-pts[3])*amplitude) for t in range(pts[4], pts[5], step): pwl_waveform.append(0) for t in range(pts[5], pts[6], step): pwl_waveform.append((-1*(t-pts[5])/(pts[6]-pts[5]))*amplitude) for t in range(pts[6], pts[7], step): pwl_waveform.append(-1*amplitude) for t in range(pts[7], pts[8], step): pwl_waveform.append((t-pts[8])/(pts[8]-pts[7])*amplitude) for t in range(pts[8], pts[9], step): pwl_waveform.append(0) return pwl_waveform def _generate_test_waveforms(self, gyro_sampling_rate, t_offset=0): """Define ideal camera/gryo behavior. Args: gyro_sampling_rate: Value in samples/sec. t_offset: Value in ns for gyro/camera timing offset. Returns: cam_times: numpy array of camera times N values long. cam_rots: numpy array of camera rotations N-1 values long. gyro_events: list of dicts of gyro events N*gyro_sampling_rate/30 long. Round trip for motor is ~2 seconds (~60 frames) 1111111111111111 i i i i i i 0000 0000 0000 i i i i i i -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 t_0 t_1 t_2 t_3 t_4 t_5 t_6 t_7 t_8 t_9 Note gyro waveform must extend +/- _CORR_TIME_OFFSET_MAX to enable shifting of camera waveform to find best correlation. """ t_ramp = 4 * self._CAM_FRAME_TIME pts = {} pts[0] = 3 * self._CAM_FRAME_TIME pts[1] = pts[0] + 3 * self._CAM_FRAME_TIME pts[2] = pts[1] + t_ramp pts[3] = pts[2] + 32 * self._CAM_FRAME_TIME pts[4] = pts[3] + t_ramp pts[5] = pts[4] + 4 * self._CAM_FRAME_TIME pts[6] = pts[5] + t_ramp pts[7] = pts[6] + 32 * self._CAM_FRAME_TIME pts[8] = pts[7] + t_ramp pts[9] = pts[8] + 4 * self._CAM_FRAME_TIME cam_times = np.array(range(pts[0], pts[9], self._CAM_FRAME_TIME)) cam_rots = self._generate_pwl_waveform( pts, self._CAM_FRAME_TIME, self._CAM_ROT_AMPLITUDE) cam_rots.pop() # rots is N-1 for N length times. cam_rots = np.array(cam_rots) # Generate gyro waveform. gyro_step = int(round(_SEC_TO_NSEC/gyro_sampling_rate, 0)) gyro_pts = {k: v+t_offset+self._CAM_FRAME_TIME//2 for k, v in pts.items()} gyro_pts[0] = 0 # adjust end pts to bound camera gyro_pts[9] += self._CAM_FRAME_TIME*2 # adjust end pt to bound camera gyro_rot_amplitude = ( self._CAM_ROT_AMPLITUDE / self._CAM_FRAME_TIME * _SEC_TO_NSEC) gyro_rots = self._generate_pwl_waveform( gyro_pts, gyro_step, gyro_rot_amplitude) # Create gyro events list of dicts. gyro_events = [] for i, t in enumerate(range(gyro_pts[0], gyro_pts[9], gyro_step)): gyro_events.append({'time': t, 'z': gyro_rots[i]}) return cam_times, cam_rots, gyro_events def test_get_gyro_rotations(self): """Tests that gyro rotations are masked properly by camera rotations. Note that waveform ideal waveform generation only works properly with integer multiples of frame rate. """ # Run with different sampling rates to validate. for gyro_sampling_rate in [200, 1000]: # 6x, 30x frame rate cam_times, cam_rots, gyro_events = self._generate_test_waveforms( gyro_sampling_rate) gyro_rots = get_gyro_rotations(gyro_events, cam_times) e_msg = f'gyro sampling rate = {gyro_sampling_rate}\n' e_msg += f'cam_times = {list(cam_times)}\n' e_msg += f'cam_rots = {list(cam_rots)}\n' e_msg += f'gyro_rots = {list(gyro_rots)}' self.assertTrue(np.allclose( gyro_rots, cam_rots, atol=self._CAM_ROT_AMPLITUDE*0.10), e_msg) def test_get_best_alignment_offset(self): """Unittest for alignment offset check.""" gyro_sampling_rate = 5000 for t_offset_ms in [0, 1]: # Run with different offsets to validate. t_offset = int(t_offset_ms * _MSEC_TO_NSEC) cam_times, cam_rots, gyro_events = self._generate_test_waveforms( gyro_sampling_rate, t_offset) best_fit_offset, coeffs, x, y = get_best_alignment_offset( cam_times, cam_rots, gyro_events) e_msg = f'best: {best_fit_offset} ms\n' e_msg += f'coeffs: {coeffs}\n' e_msg += f'x: {x}\n' e_msg += f'y: {y}' self.assertTrue(np.isclose(t_offset_ms, best_fit_offset, atol=0.1), e_msg) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()