# Lint as: python2, python3 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Tools for serializing and deserializing DHCP packets. DhcpPacket is a class that represents a single DHCP packet and contains some logic to create and parse binary strings containing on the wire DHCP packets. While you could call the constructor explicitly, most users should use the static factories to construct packets with reasonable default values in most of the fields, even if those values are zeros. For example: packet = dhcp_packet.create_offer_packet(transaction_id, hwmac_addr, offer_ip, server_ip) socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Sending to the broadcast address needs special permissions. socket.sendto(response_packet.to_binary_string(), ("", 68)) Note that if you make changes, make sure that the tests in the bottom of this file still pass. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import collections import logging import random from six.moves import range import socket import struct def CreatePacketPieceClass(super_class, field_format): class PacketPiece(super_class): @staticmethod def pack(value): return struct.pack(field_format, value) @staticmethod def unpack(byte_string): return struct.unpack(field_format, byte_string)[0] return PacketPiece """ Represents an option in a DHCP packet. Options may or may not be present in any given packet, depending on the configurations of the client and the server. Using namedtuples as super classes gets us the comparison operators we want to use these Options in dictionaries as keys. Below, we'll subclass Option to reflect that different kinds of options serialize to on the wire formats in different ways. |name| A human readable name for this option. |number| Every DHCP option has a number that goes into the packet to indicate which particular option is being encoded in the next few bytes. This property returns that number for each option. """ Option = collections.namedtuple("Option", ["name", "number"]) ByteOption = CreatePacketPieceClass(Option, "!B") ShortOption = CreatePacketPieceClass(Option, "!H") IntOption = CreatePacketPieceClass(Option, "!I") class IpAddressOption(Option): @staticmethod def pack(value): return socket.inet_aton(value) @staticmethod def unpack(byte_string): return socket.inet_ntoa(byte_string) class IpListOption(Option): @staticmethod def pack(value): return "".join([socket.inet_aton(addr) for addr in value]) @staticmethod def unpack(byte_string): return [socket.inet_ntoa(byte_string[idx:idx+4]) for idx in range(0, len(byte_string), 4)] class RawOption(Option): @staticmethod def pack(value): return value @staticmethod def unpack(byte_string): return byte_string class ByteListOption(Option): @staticmethod def pack(value): return "".join(chr(v) for v in value) @staticmethod def unpack(byte_string): return [ord(c) for c in byte_string] class ClasslessStaticRoutesOption(Option): """ This is a RFC 3442 compliant classless static route option parser and serializer. The symbolic "value" packed and unpacked from this class is a list (prefix_size, destination, router) tuples. """ @staticmethod def pack(value): route_list = value byte_string = "" for prefix_size, destination, router in route_list: byte_string += chr(prefix_size) # Encode only the significant octets of the destination # that fall within the prefix. destination_address_count = (prefix_size + 7) // 8 destination_address = socket.inet_aton(destination) byte_string += destination_address[:destination_address_count] byte_string += socket.inet_aton(router) return byte_string @staticmethod def unpack(byte_string): route_list = [] offset = 0 while offset < len(byte_string): prefix_size = ord(byte_string[offset]) destination_address_count = (prefix_size + 7) // 8 entry_end = offset + 1 + destination_address_count + 4 if entry_end > len(byte_string): raise Exception("Classless domain list is corrupted.") offset += 1 destination_address_end = offset + destination_address_count destination_address = byte_string[offset:destination_address_end] # Pad the destination address bytes with zero byte octets to # fill out an IPv4 address. destination_address += '\x00' * (4 - destination_address_count) router_address = byte_string[destination_address_end:entry_end] route_list.append((prefix_size, socket.inet_ntoa(destination_address), socket.inet_ntoa(router_address))) offset = entry_end return route_list class DomainListOption(Option): """ This is a RFC 1035 compliant domain list option parser and serializer. There are some clever compression optimizations that it does not implement for serialization, but correctly parses. This should be sufficient for testing. """ # Various RFC's let you finish a domain name by pointing to an existing # domain name rather than repeating the same suffix. All such pointers are # two bytes long, specify the offset in the byte string, and begin with # |POINTER_PREFIX| to distinguish them from normal characters. POINTER_PREFIX = ord("\xC0") @staticmethod def pack(value): domain_list = value byte_string = "" for domain in domain_list: for part in domain.split("."): byte_string += chr(len(part)) byte_string += part byte_string += "\x00" return byte_string @staticmethod def unpack(byte_string): domain_list = [] offset = 0 try: while offset < len(byte_string): (new_offset, domain_parts) = DomainListOption._read_domain_name( byte_string, offset) domain_name = ".".join(domain_parts) domain_list.append(domain_name) if new_offset <= offset: raise Exception("Parsing logic error is letting domain " "list parsing go on forever.") offset = new_offset except ValueError: # Badly formatted packets are not necessarily test errors. logging.warning("Found badly formatted DHCP domain search list") return None return domain_list @staticmethod def _read_domain_name(byte_string, offset): """ Recursively parse a domain name from a domain name list. """ parts = [] while True: if offset >= len(byte_string): raise ValueError("Domain list ended without a NULL byte.") maybe_part_len = ord(byte_string[offset]) offset += 1 if maybe_part_len == 0: # Domains are terminated with either a 0 or a pointer to a # domain suffix within |byte_string|. return (offset, parts) elif ((maybe_part_len & DomainListOption.POINTER_PREFIX) == DomainListOption.POINTER_PREFIX): if offset >= len(byte_string): raise ValueError("Missing second byte of domain suffix " "pointer.") maybe_part_len &= ~DomainListOption.POINTER_PREFIX pointer_offset = ((maybe_part_len << 8) + ord(byte_string[offset])) offset += 1 (_, more_parts) = DomainListOption._read_domain_name( byte_string, pointer_offset) parts.extend(more_parts) return (offset, parts) else: # That byte was actually the length of the next part, not a # pointer back into the data. part_len = maybe_part_len if offset + part_len >= len(byte_string): raise ValueError("Part of a domain goes beyond data " "length.") parts.append(byte_string[offset : offset + part_len]) offset += part_len """ Represents a required field in a DHCP packet. Similar to Option, we'll subclass Field to reflect that different fields serialize to on the wire formats in different ways. |name| A human readable name for this field. |offset| The |offset| for a field defines the starting byte of the field in the binary packet string. |offset| is used during parsing, along with |size| to extract the byte string of a field. |size| Fields in DHCP packets have a fixed size that must be respected. This size property is used in parsing to indicate that |self._size| number of bytes make up this field. """ Field = collections.namedtuple("Field", ["name", "offset", "size"]) ByteField = CreatePacketPieceClass(Field, "!B") ShortField = CreatePacketPieceClass(Field, "!H") IntField = CreatePacketPieceClass(Field, "!I") HwAddrField = CreatePacketPieceClass(Field, "!16s") ServerNameField = CreatePacketPieceClass(Field, "!64s") BootFileField = CreatePacketPieceClass(Field, "!128s") class IpAddressField(Field): @staticmethod def pack(value): return socket.inet_aton(value) @staticmethod def unpack(byte_string): return socket.inet_ntoa(byte_string) # This is per RFC 2131. The wording doesn't seem to say that the packets must # be this big, but that has been the historic assumption in implementations. DHCP_MIN_PACKET_SIZE = 300 IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS = "" # These are required in every DHCP packet. Without these fields, the # packet will not even pass DhcpPacket.is_valid FIELD_OP = ByteField("op", 0, 1) FIELD_HWTYPE = ByteField("htype", 1, 1) FIELD_HWADDR_LEN = ByteField("hlen", 2, 1) FIELD_RELAY_HOPS = ByteField("hops", 3, 1) FIELD_TRANSACTION_ID = IntField("xid", 4, 4) FIELD_TIME_SINCE_START = ShortField("secs", 8, 2) FIELD_FLAGS = ShortField("flags", 10, 2) FIELD_CLIENT_IP = IpAddressField("ciaddr", 12, 4) FIELD_YOUR_IP = IpAddressField("yiaddr", 16, 4) FIELD_SERVER_IP = IpAddressField("siaddr", 20, 4) FIELD_GATEWAY_IP = IpAddressField("giaddr", 24, 4) FIELD_CLIENT_HWADDR = HwAddrField("chaddr", 28, 16) # The following two fields are considered "legacy BOOTP" fields but may # sometimes be used by DHCP clients. FIELD_LEGACY_SERVER_NAME = ServerNameField("servername", 44, 64); FIELD_LEGACY_BOOT_FILE = BootFileField("bootfile", 108, 128); FIELD_MAGIC_COOKIE = IntField("magic_cookie", 236, 4) OPTION_TIME_OFFSET = IntOption("time_offset", 2) OPTION_ROUTERS = IpListOption("routers", 3) OPTION_SUBNET_MASK = IpAddressOption("subnet_mask", 1) OPTION_TIME_SERVERS = IpListOption("time_servers", 4) OPTION_NAME_SERVERS = IpListOption("name_servers", 5) OPTION_DNS_SERVERS = IpListOption("dns_servers", 6) OPTION_LOG_SERVERS = IpListOption("log_servers", 7) OPTION_COOKIE_SERVERS = IpListOption("cookie_servers", 8) OPTION_LPR_SERVERS = IpListOption("lpr_servers", 9) OPTION_IMPRESS_SERVERS = IpListOption("impress_servers", 10) OPTION_RESOURCE_LOC_SERVERS = IpListOption("resource_loc_servers", 11) OPTION_HOST_NAME = RawOption("host_name", 12) OPTION_BOOT_FILE_SIZE = ShortOption("boot_file_size", 13) OPTION_MERIT_DUMP_FILE = RawOption("merit_dump_file", 14) OPTION_DOMAIN_NAME = RawOption("domain_name", 15) OPTION_SWAP_SERVER = IpAddressOption("swap_server", 16) OPTION_ROOT_PATH = RawOption("root_path", 17) OPTION_EXTENSIONS = RawOption("extensions", 18) OPTION_INTERFACE_MTU = ShortOption("interface_mtu", 26) OPTION_VENDOR_ENCAPSULATED_OPTIONS = RawOption( "vendor_encapsulated_options", 43) OPTION_REQUESTED_IP = IpAddressOption("requested_ip", 50) OPTION_IP_LEASE_TIME = IntOption("ip_lease_time", 51) OPTION_OPTION_OVERLOAD = ByteOption("option_overload", 52) OPTION_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE = ByteOption("dhcp_message_type", 53) OPTION_SERVER_ID = IpAddressOption("server_id", 54) OPTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST = ByteListOption("parameter_request_list", 55) OPTION_MESSAGE = RawOption("message", 56) OPTION_MAX_DHCP_MESSAGE_SIZE = ShortOption("max_dhcp_message_size", 57) OPTION_RENEWAL_T1_TIME_VALUE = IntOption("renewal_t1_time_value", 58) OPTION_REBINDING_T2_TIME_VALUE = IntOption("rebinding_t2_time_value", 59) OPTION_VENDOR_ID = RawOption("vendor_id", 60) OPTION_CLIENT_ID = RawOption("client_id", 61) OPTION_TFTP_SERVER_NAME = RawOption("tftp_server_name", 66) OPTION_BOOTFILE_NAME = RawOption("bootfile_name", 67) OPTION_FULLY_QUALIFIED_DOMAIN_NAME = RawOption("fqdn", 81) OPTION_DNS_DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST = DomainListOption("domain_search_list", 119) OPTION_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTES = ClasslessStaticRoutesOption( "classless_static_routes", 121) OPTION_WEB_PROXY_AUTO_DISCOVERY = RawOption("wpad", 252) # Unlike every other option, which are tuples like: # , the pad and end options are just # single bytes "\x00" and "\xff" (without length or data fields). OPTION_PAD = 0 OPTION_END = 255 DHCP_COMMON_FIELDS = [ FIELD_OP, FIELD_HWTYPE, FIELD_HWADDR_LEN, FIELD_RELAY_HOPS, FIELD_TRANSACTION_ID, FIELD_TIME_SINCE_START, FIELD_FLAGS, FIELD_CLIENT_IP, FIELD_YOUR_IP, FIELD_SERVER_IP, FIELD_GATEWAY_IP, FIELD_CLIENT_HWADDR, ] DHCP_REQUIRED_FIELDS = DHCP_COMMON_FIELDS + [ FIELD_MAGIC_COOKIE, ] DHCP_ALL_FIELDS = DHCP_COMMON_FIELDS + [ FIELD_LEGACY_SERVER_NAME, FIELD_LEGACY_BOOT_FILE, FIELD_MAGIC_COOKIE, ] # The op field in an ipv4 packet is either 1 or 2 depending on # whether the packet is from a server or from a client. FIELD_VALUE_OP_CLIENT_REQUEST = 1 FIELD_VALUE_OP_SERVER_RESPONSE = 2 # 1 == 10mb ethernet hardware address type (aka MAC). FIELD_VALUE_HWTYPE_10MB_ETH = 1 # MAC addresses are still 6 bytes long. FIELD_VALUE_HWADDR_LEN_10MB_ETH = 6 FIELD_VALUE_MAGIC_COOKIE = 0x63825363 OPTIONS_START_OFFSET = 240 MessageType = collections.namedtuple('MessageType', 'name option_value') # From RFC2132, the valid DHCP message types are: MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = MessageType('UNKNOWN', 0) MESSAGE_TYPE_DISCOVERY = MessageType('DISCOVERY', 1) MESSAGE_TYPE_OFFER = MessageType('OFFER', 2) MESSAGE_TYPE_REQUEST = MessageType('REQUEST', 3) MESSAGE_TYPE_DECLINE = MessageType('DECLINE', 4) MESSAGE_TYPE_ACK = MessageType('ACK', 5) MESSAGE_TYPE_NAK = MessageType('NAK', 6) MESSAGE_TYPE_RELEASE = MessageType('RELEASE', 7) MESSAGE_TYPE_INFORM = MessageType('INFORM', 8) MESSAGE_TYPE_BY_NUM = [ None, MESSAGE_TYPE_DISCOVERY, MESSAGE_TYPE_OFFER, MESSAGE_TYPE_REQUEST, MESSAGE_TYPE_DECLINE, MESSAGE_TYPE_ACK, MESSAGE_TYPE_NAK, MESSAGE_TYPE_RELEASE, MESSAGE_TYPE_INFORM ] OPTION_VALUE_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST_DEFAULT = [ OPTION_REQUESTED_IP.number, OPTION_IP_LEASE_TIME.number, OPTION_SERVER_ID.number, OPTION_SUBNET_MASK.number, OPTION_ROUTERS.number, OPTION_DNS_SERVERS.number, OPTION_HOST_NAME.number, ] # These are possible options that may not be in every packet. # Frequently, the client can include a bunch of options that indicate # that it would like to receive information about time servers, routers, # lpr servers, and much more, but the DHCP server can usually ignore # those requests. # # Eventually, each option is encoded as: # # Unlike fields, which make up a fixed packet format, options can be in # any order, except where they cannot. For instance, option 1 must # follow option 3 if both are supplied. For this reason, potential # options are in this list, and added to the packet in this order every # time. # # size < 0 indicates that this is variable length field of at least # abs(length) bytes in size. DHCP_PACKET_OPTIONS = [ OPTION_TIME_OFFSET, OPTION_ROUTERS, OPTION_SUBNET_MASK, OPTION_TIME_SERVERS, OPTION_NAME_SERVERS, OPTION_DNS_SERVERS, OPTION_LOG_SERVERS, OPTION_COOKIE_SERVERS, OPTION_LPR_SERVERS, OPTION_IMPRESS_SERVERS, OPTION_RESOURCE_LOC_SERVERS, OPTION_HOST_NAME, OPTION_BOOT_FILE_SIZE, OPTION_MERIT_DUMP_FILE, OPTION_SWAP_SERVER, OPTION_DOMAIN_NAME, OPTION_ROOT_PATH, OPTION_EXTENSIONS, OPTION_INTERFACE_MTU, OPTION_VENDOR_ENCAPSULATED_OPTIONS, OPTION_REQUESTED_IP, OPTION_IP_LEASE_TIME, OPTION_OPTION_OVERLOAD, OPTION_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE, OPTION_SERVER_ID, OPTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST, OPTION_MESSAGE, OPTION_MAX_DHCP_MESSAGE_SIZE, OPTION_RENEWAL_T1_TIME_VALUE, OPTION_REBINDING_T2_TIME_VALUE, OPTION_VENDOR_ID, OPTION_CLIENT_ID, OPTION_TFTP_SERVER_NAME, OPTION_BOOTFILE_NAME, OPTION_FULLY_QUALIFIED_DOMAIN_NAME, OPTION_DNS_DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST, OPTION_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTES, OPTION_WEB_PROXY_AUTO_DISCOVERY, ] def get_dhcp_option_by_number(number): for option in DHCP_PACKET_OPTIONS: if option.number == number: return option return None class DhcpPacket(object): @staticmethod def create_discovery_packet(hwmac_addr): """ Create a discovery packet. Fill in fields of a DHCP packet as if it were being sent from |hwmac_addr|. Requests subnet masks, broadcast addresses, router addresses, dns addresses, domain search lists, client host name, and NTP server addresses. Note that the offer packet received in response to this packet will probably not contain all of that information. """ # MAC addresses are actually only 6 bytes long, however, for whatever # reason, DHCP allocated 12 bytes to this field. Ease the burden on # developers and hide this detail. while len(hwmac_addr) < 12: hwmac_addr += chr(OPTION_PAD) packet = DhcpPacket() packet.set_field(FIELD_OP, FIELD_VALUE_OP_CLIENT_REQUEST) packet.set_field(FIELD_HWTYPE, FIELD_VALUE_HWTYPE_10MB_ETH) packet.set_field(FIELD_HWADDR_LEN, FIELD_VALUE_HWADDR_LEN_10MB_ETH) packet.set_field(FIELD_RELAY_HOPS, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_TRANSACTION_ID, random.getrandbits(32)) packet.set_field(FIELD_TIME_SINCE_START, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_FLAGS, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_CLIENT_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_YOUR_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_SERVER_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_GATEWAY_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_CLIENT_HWADDR, hwmac_addr) packet.set_field(FIELD_MAGIC_COOKIE, FIELD_VALUE_MAGIC_COOKIE) packet.set_option(OPTION_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_TYPE_DISCOVERY.option_value) return packet @staticmethod def create_offer_packet(transaction_id, hwmac_addr, offer_ip, server_ip): """ Create an offer packet, given some fields that tie the packet to a particular offer. """ packet = DhcpPacket() packet.set_field(FIELD_OP, FIELD_VALUE_OP_SERVER_RESPONSE) packet.set_field(FIELD_HWTYPE, FIELD_VALUE_HWTYPE_10MB_ETH) packet.set_field(FIELD_HWADDR_LEN, FIELD_VALUE_HWADDR_LEN_10MB_ETH) # This has something to do with relay agents packet.set_field(FIELD_RELAY_HOPS, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_TRANSACTION_ID, transaction_id) packet.set_field(FIELD_TIME_SINCE_START, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_FLAGS, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_CLIENT_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_YOUR_IP, offer_ip) packet.set_field(FIELD_SERVER_IP, server_ip) packet.set_field(FIELD_GATEWAY_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_CLIENT_HWADDR, hwmac_addr) packet.set_field(FIELD_MAGIC_COOKIE, FIELD_VALUE_MAGIC_COOKIE) packet.set_option(OPTION_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_TYPE_OFFER.option_value) return packet @staticmethod def create_request_packet(transaction_id, hwmac_addr): packet = DhcpPacket() packet.set_field(FIELD_OP, FIELD_VALUE_OP_CLIENT_REQUEST) packet.set_field(FIELD_HWTYPE, FIELD_VALUE_HWTYPE_10MB_ETH) packet.set_field(FIELD_HWADDR_LEN, FIELD_VALUE_HWADDR_LEN_10MB_ETH) # This has something to do with relay agents packet.set_field(FIELD_RELAY_HOPS, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_TRANSACTION_ID, transaction_id) packet.set_field(FIELD_TIME_SINCE_START, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_FLAGS, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_CLIENT_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_YOUR_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_SERVER_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_GATEWAY_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_CLIENT_HWADDR, hwmac_addr) packet.set_field(FIELD_MAGIC_COOKIE, FIELD_VALUE_MAGIC_COOKIE) packet.set_option(OPTION_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_TYPE_REQUEST.option_value) return packet @staticmethod def create_acknowledgement_packet(transaction_id, hwmac_addr, granted_ip, server_ip): packet = DhcpPacket() packet.set_field(FIELD_OP, FIELD_VALUE_OP_SERVER_RESPONSE) packet.set_field(FIELD_HWTYPE, FIELD_VALUE_HWTYPE_10MB_ETH) packet.set_field(FIELD_HWADDR_LEN, FIELD_VALUE_HWADDR_LEN_10MB_ETH) # This has something to do with relay agents packet.set_field(FIELD_RELAY_HOPS, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_TRANSACTION_ID, transaction_id) packet.set_field(FIELD_TIME_SINCE_START, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_FLAGS, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_CLIENT_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_YOUR_IP, granted_ip) packet.set_field(FIELD_SERVER_IP, server_ip) packet.set_field(FIELD_GATEWAY_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_CLIENT_HWADDR, hwmac_addr) packet.set_field(FIELD_MAGIC_COOKIE, FIELD_VALUE_MAGIC_COOKIE) packet.set_option(OPTION_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_TYPE_ACK.option_value) return packet @staticmethod def create_nak_packet(transaction_id, hwmac_addr): """ Create a negative acknowledge packet. @param transaction_id: The DHCP transaction ID. @param hwmac_addr: The client's MAC address. """ packet = DhcpPacket() packet.set_field(FIELD_OP, FIELD_VALUE_OP_SERVER_RESPONSE) packet.set_field(FIELD_HWTYPE, FIELD_VALUE_HWTYPE_10MB_ETH) packet.set_field(FIELD_HWADDR_LEN, FIELD_VALUE_HWADDR_LEN_10MB_ETH) # This has something to do with relay agents packet.set_field(FIELD_RELAY_HOPS, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_TRANSACTION_ID, transaction_id) packet.set_field(FIELD_TIME_SINCE_START, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_FLAGS, 0) packet.set_field(FIELD_CLIENT_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_YOUR_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_SERVER_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_GATEWAY_IP, IPV4_NULL_ADDRESS) packet.set_field(FIELD_CLIENT_HWADDR, hwmac_addr) packet.set_field(FIELD_MAGIC_COOKIE, FIELD_VALUE_MAGIC_COOKIE) packet.set_option(OPTION_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_TYPE_NAK.option_value) return packet def __init__(self, byte_str=None): """ Create a DhcpPacket, filling in fields from a byte string if given. Assumes that the packet starts at offset 0 in the binary string. This includes the fields and options. Fields are different from options in that we bother to decode these into more usable data types like integers rather than keeping them as raw byte strings. Fields are also required to exist, unlike options which may not. Each option is encoded as a tuple