# Lint as: python2, python3 # Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import logging import os import re import time import common from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error, global_config from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import retry from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import frontend_wrappers from autotest_lib.server.hosts import cros_host from autotest_lib.server.hosts import cros_repair from chromite.lib import timeout_util import six AUTOTEST_INSTALL_DIR = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( 'SCHEDULER', 'drone_installation_directory') #'/usr/local/autotest' SHADOW_CONFIG_PATH = '%s/shadow_config.ini' % AUTOTEST_INSTALL_DIR ATEST_PATH = '%s/cli/atest' % AUTOTEST_INSTALL_DIR # Sample output of fping that we are matching against, the fping command # will return 10 lines but they will be one of these two formats. # We want to get the IP address for the first line and not match the # second line that has a non 0 %loss. # : xmt/rcv/%loss = 10/10/0%, min/avg/max = 0.68/0.88/1.13 # : xmt/rcv/%loss = 10/0/100% SUBNET_DUT_SEARCH_RE = (r'(?P192.168.231.1[0-1][0-9]) : ' 'xmt\/rcv\/%loss = [0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/0%') MOBLAB_HOME = '/home/moblab' MOBLAB_BOTO_LOCATION = '%s/.boto' % MOBLAB_HOME MOBLAB_LAUNCH_CONTROL_KEY_LOCATION = '%s/.launch_control_key' % MOBLAB_HOME MOBLAB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_LOCATION = '%s/.service_account.json' % MOBLAB_HOME MOBLAB_AUTODIR = '/usr/local/autodir' DHCPD_LEASE_FILE = '/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases' MOBLAB_SERVICES = ['moblab-scheduler-init', 'moblab-database-init', 'moblab-devserver-init', 'moblab-gsoffloader-init', 'moblab-gsoffloader_s-init'] MOBLAB_PROCESSES = ['apache2', 'dhcpd'] DUT_VERIFY_SLEEP_SECS = 5 DUT_VERIFY_TIMEOUT = 15 * 60 MOBLAB_TMP_DIR = '/mnt/moblab/tmp' MOBLAB_PORT = 80 class UpstartServiceNotRunning(error.AutoservError): """An expected upstart service was not in the expected state.""" def __init__(self, service_name): """Create us. @param service_name: Name of the service_name that was in the worng state. """ super(UpstartServiceNotRunning, self).__init__( 'Upstart service %s not in running state. Most likely this ' 'means moblab did not boot correctly, check the boot logs ' 'for detailed error messages as to see why this service was ' 'not started.' % service_name) class MoblabHost(cros_host.CrosHost): """Moblab specific host class.""" def _initialize_frontend_rpcs(self, timeout_min): """Initialize frontends for AFE and TKO for a moblab host. We tunnel all communication to the frontends through an SSH tunnel as many testing environments block everything except SSH access to the moblab DUT. @param timeout_min: The timeout minuties for AFE services. """ web_address = self.rpc_server_tracker.tunnel_connect(MOBLAB_PORT) # Pass timeout_min to self.afe self.afe = frontend_wrappers.RetryingAFE(timeout_min=timeout_min, user='moblab', server=web_address) # Use default timeout_min of MoblabHost for self.tko self.tko = frontend_wrappers.RetryingTKO(timeout_min=self.timeout_min, user='moblab', server=web_address) def _initialize(self, *args, **dargs): super(MoblabHost, self)._initialize(*args, **dargs) # TODO(jrbarnette): Our superclass already initialized # _repair_strategy, and now we're re-initializing it here. # That's awkward, if not actually wrong. self._repair_strategy = cros_repair.create_moblab_repair_strategy() self.timeout_min = dargs.get('rpc_timeout_min', 1) self._initialize_frontend_rpcs(self.timeout_min) @staticmethod def check_host(host, timeout=10): """ Check if the given host is an moblab host. @param host: An ssh host representing a device. @param timeout: The timeout for the run command. @return: True if the host device has adb. @raises AutoservRunError: If the command failed. @raises AutoservSSHTimeout: Ssh connection has timed out. """ try: result = host.run( 'grep -q moblab /etc/lsb-release', ignore_status=True, timeout=timeout) except (error.AutoservRunError, error.AutoservSSHTimeout): return False return result.exit_status == 0 def install_boto_file(self, boto_path=''): """Install a boto file on the Moblab device. @param boto_path: Path to the boto file to install. If None, sends the boto file in the current HOME directory. @raises error.TestError if the boto file does not exist. """ if not boto_path: boto_path = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.boto') if not os.path.exists(boto_path): raise error.TestError('Boto File:%s does not exist.' % boto_path) self.send_file(boto_path, MOBLAB_BOTO_LOCATION) self.run('chown moblab:moblab %s' % MOBLAB_BOTO_LOCATION) def get_autodir(self): """Return the directory to install autotest for client side tests.""" return self.autodir or MOBLAB_AUTODIR def run_as_moblab(self, command, **kwargs): """Moblab commands should be ran as the moblab user not root. @param command: Command to run as user moblab. """ command = "su - moblab -c '%s'" % command return self.run(command, **kwargs) def wait_afe_up(self, timeout_min=5): """Wait till the AFE is up and loaded. Attempt to reach the Moblab's AFE and database through its RPC interface. @param timeout_min: Minutes to wait for the AFE to respond. Default is 5 minutes. @raises urllib2.HTTPError if AFE does not respond within the timeout. """ # Use moblabhost's own AFE object with a longer timeout to wait for the # AFE to load. Also re-create the ssh tunnel for connections to moblab. # Set the timeout_min to be longer than self.timeout_min for rebooting. self._initialize_frontend_rpcs(timeout_min) # Verify the AFE can handle a simple request. self._check_afe() # Reset the timeout_min after rebooting checks for afe services. self.afe.set_timeout(self.timeout_min) def add_dut(self, hostname): """Add a DUT hostname to the AFE. @param hostname: DUT hostname to add. """ result = self.run_as_moblab('%s host create %s' % (ATEST_PATH, hostname)) logging.debug('atest host create output for host %s:\n%s', hostname, result.stdout) def find_and_add_duts(self): """Discover DUTs on the testing subnet and add them to the AFE. Pings the range of IP's a DUT might be assigned by moblab, then parses the output to discover connected DUTs, connected means they have 0% dropped pings. If they are not already in the AFE, adds them to AFE. """ existing_hosts = [host.hostname for host in self.afe.get_hosts()] fping_result = self.run('fping -g ' '-a -c 10 -p 30 -q', ignore_status=True) for line in fping_result.stderr.splitlines(): match = re.match(SUBNET_DUT_SEARCH_RE, line) if match: dut_ip = match.group('ip') if dut_ip in existing_hosts: break if self._check_dut_ssh(dut_ip): self.add_dut(dut_ip) existing_hosts.append(dut_ip) def _check_dut_ssh(self, dut_ip): is_sshable = False count = 0 while not is_sshable and count < 10: cmd = ('ssh -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o ConnectionAttempts=30' ' root@%s echo Testing' % dut_ip) result = self.run(cmd) is_sshable = 'Testing' in result.stdout logging.info(is_sshable) count += 1 return is_sshable def verify_software(self): """Create the autodir then do standard verify.""" # In case cleanup or powerwash wiped the autodir, create an empty # directory. # Removing this mkdir command will result in the disk size check # not being performed. self.run('mkdir -p %s' % MOBLAB_AUTODIR) super(MoblabHost, self).verify_software() def _verify_upstart_service(self, service, timeout_m): """Verify that the given moblab service is running. @param service: The upstart service to check for. @timeout_m: Timeout (in minuts) before giving up. @raises TimeoutException or UpstartServiceNotRunning if service isn't running. """ @retry.retry(error.AutoservError, timeout_min=timeout_m, delay_sec=10) def _verify(): if not self.upstart_status(service): raise UpstartServiceNotRunning(service) _verify() def verify_moblab_services(self, timeout_m): """Verify the required Moblab services are up and running. @param timeout_m: Timeout (in minutes) for how long to wait for services to start. Actual time taken may be slightly more than this. @raises AutoservError if any moblab service is not running. """ if not MOBLAB_SERVICES: return service = MOBLAB_SERVICES[0] try: # First service can take a long time to start, especially on first # boot where container setup can take 5-10 minutes, depending on the # device. self._verify_upstart_service(service, timeout_m) except error.TimeoutException: raise UpstartServiceNotRunning(service) for service in MOBLAB_SERVICES[1:]: try: # Follow up services should come up quickly. self._verify_upstart_service(service, 0.5) except error.TimeoutException: raise UpstartServiceNotRunning(service) for process in MOBLAB_PROCESSES: try: self.run('pgrep %s' % process) except error.AutoservRunError: raise error.AutoservError('Moblab process: %s is not running.' % process) def _check_afe(self): """Verify whether afe of moblab works before verifying its DUTs. Verifying moblab sometimes happens after a successful provision, in which case moblab is restarted but tunnel of afe is not re-connected. This func is used to check whether afe is working now. @return True if afe works. @raises error.AutoservError if AFE is down; other exceptions are passed through. """ try: self.afe.get_hosts() except (error.TimeoutException, timeout_util.TimeoutError) as e: raise error.AutoservError('Moblab AFE is not responding: %s' % str(e)) except Exception as e: logging.error('Unknown exception when checking moblab AFE: %s', e) raise return True def verify_duts(self): """Verify the Moblab DUTs are up and running. @raises AutoservError if no DUTs are in the Ready State. """ hosts = self.afe.reverify_hosts() logging.debug('DUTs scheduled for reverification: %s', hosts) def verify_special_tasks_complete(self): """Wait till the special tasks on the moblab host are complete.""" total_time = 0 while (self.afe.get_special_tasks(is_complete=False) and total_time < DUT_VERIFY_TIMEOUT): total_time = total_time + DUT_VERIFY_SLEEP_SECS time.sleep(DUT_VERIFY_SLEEP_SECS) if not self.afe.get_hosts(status='Ready'): for host in self.afe.get_hosts(): logging.error('DUT: %s Status: %s', host, host.status) raise error.AutoservError('Moblab has 0 Ready DUTs') def get_platform(self): """Determine the correct platform label for this host. For Moblab devices '_moblab' is appended. @returns a string representing this host's platform. """ return super(MoblabHost, self).get_platform() + '_moblab' def make_tmp_dir(self, base=MOBLAB_TMP_DIR): """Creates a temporary directory. @param base: The directory where it should be created. @return Path to a newly created temporary directory. """ self.run('mkdir -p %s' % base) return self.run('mktemp -d -p %s' % base).stdout.strip() def get_os_type(self): return 'moblab'