# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import("perfetto.gni") import("proto_library.gni") if (perfetto_root_path == "//") { import("//gn/standalone/sanitizers/vars.gni") } else { import("//build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni") } # Genereates a header files that contains a macro definition for each build flag # that is required by the codebase. This is to avoid sprinkling cflags all over # the places, which is very fragile especially for our codebase that needs to # deal with several build systems. # The way this works is the following: # - This rule generates a header that contains a bunch of lines like: # #define PERFETTO_BUILDFLAG_DEFINE_PERFETTO_ANDROID_BUILD() # - The generated header is included by base/build_config.h # - Source files in the codebase #include base/build_config and use the # pattern #if PERFETTO_BUILDFLAG(PERFETTO_ANDROID_BUILD) buildflag_gen_dir_ = "$root_gen_dir/$perfetto_root_path/build_config" action("gen_buildflags") { script = "write_buildflag_header.py" gen_header_path = "$buildflag_gen_dir_/perfetto_build_flags.h" perfetto_component_build = false if (defined(is_component_build) && is_component_build) { perfetto_component_build = true } perfetto_force_dlog_on = perfetto_force_dlog == "on" perfetto_force_dlog_off = perfetto_force_dlog == "off" # We can't just use (is_linux || is_android) in perfetto.gni because that # doesn't work in Android Mac host builds. We lose the GN notion of OS once # we run the tools/gen_xxx generators. if (enable_perfetto_watchdog) { perfetto_watchdog = "PERFETTO_BUILDFLAG_DEFINE_PERFETTO_OS_ANDROID() || " + "PERFETTO_BUILDFLAG_DEFINE_PERFETTO_OS_LINUX()" } else { perfetto_watchdog = "0" } if (enable_perfetto_tools) { perfetto_local_symbolizer = "PERFETTO_BUILDFLAG_DEFINE_PERFETTO_OS_LINUX() || " + "PERFETTO_BUILDFLAG_DEFINE_PERFETTO_OS_MAC() ||" + "PERFETTO_BUILDFLAG_DEFINE_PERFETTO_OS_WIN()" } else { perfetto_local_symbolizer = "0" } response_file_contents = [ "--flags", # Keep this marker first. "PERFETTO_ANDROID_BUILD=$perfetto_build_with_android", "PERFETTO_CHROMIUM_BUILD=$build_with_chromium", "PERFETTO_STANDALONE_BUILD=$perfetto_build_standalone", "PERFETTO_START_DAEMONS=$start_daemons_for_testing", "PERFETTO_IPC=$enable_perfetto_ipc", "PERFETTO_WATCHDOG=$perfetto_watchdog", "PERFETTO_COMPONENT_BUILD=$perfetto_component_build", "PERFETTO_FORCE_DLOG_ON=$perfetto_force_dlog_on", "PERFETTO_FORCE_DLOG_OFF=$perfetto_force_dlog_off", "PERFETTO_VERBOSE_LOGS=$perfetto_verbose_logs_enabled", "PERFETTO_VERSION_GEN=$enable_perfetto_version_gen", "PERFETTO_TP_PERCENTILE=$enable_perfetto_trace_processor_percentile", "PERFETTO_TP_LINENOISE=$enable_perfetto_trace_processor_linenoise", "PERFETTO_TP_HTTPD=$enable_perfetto_trace_processor_httpd", "PERFETTO_TP_JSON=$enable_perfetto_trace_processor_json", "PERFETTO_LOCAL_SYMBOLIZER=$perfetto_local_symbolizer", "PERFETTO_ZLIB=$enable_perfetto_zlib", ] rel_out_path = rebase_path(gen_header_path, "$root_build_dir") args = [ "--out", rel_out_path, "--rsp", "{{response_file_name}}", ] outputs = [ gen_header_path ] } # All targets should depend on this target to inherit the right flags and # include directories. group("default_deps") { visibility = [ "../*" ] # Prevent chromium targets from depending on this (breaks component). public_configs = [ ":default_config" ] deps = [ ":gen_buildflags" ] if (perfetto_build_standalone) { public_deps = [ "//gn/standalone:check_build_deps", "//gn/standalone/libc++:deps", "//gn/standalone/sanitizers:deps", ] if (is_android) { public_deps += [ "//gn/standalone:check_build_deps_android" ] } } } # The config that all targets in the perfetto codebase inherit by virtue of # having explicit deps on //gn:default_deps. This config is NOT propagated up to # embedders that depend on perfetto (e.g. chrome). :public_config (see below) is # used for that. config("default_config") { visibility = [ "../*" ] # Prevent chromium targets from depending on this (breaks component). configs = [ ":public_config" ] defines = [ "PERFETTO_IMPLEMENTATION" ] include_dirs = [ "..", "../src/profiling/memory/include", ] if (build_with_chromium && is_android) { # Included for __android_log_print libs = [ "log" ] } } # This config is propagated to embedders via libperfetto. It's also included in # the default_config above. config("public_config") { include_dirs = [ "../include", # For perfetto_build_flags.h buildflag_gen_dir_, # For generated files (proto libraries etc). We add the directory here # because we stop propagation of the configs for individual proto libraries # to avoid duplicate include directory command line flags in compiler # invocations, see proto_library.gni, crbug.com/1043279, crbug.com/gn/142. "$root_gen_dir/$perfetto_root_path", ] } config("asan_instrumentation") { if (use_sanitizer_configs_without_instrumentation) { defines = [ "ADDRESS_SANITIZER_WITHOUT_INSTRUMENTATION" ] } } if (perfetto_root_path != "//") { config("gtest_and_gmock_embedder_config") { include_dirs = [ "//testing/gtest/include", "//testing/gmock/include", ] } } group("gtest_and_gmock") { testonly = true if (perfetto_root_path == "//") { public_deps = [ "//buildtools:gmock", "//buildtools:gtest", ] } else { public_configs = [ ":gtest_and_gmock_embedder_config" ] public_deps = [ "//testing/gmock", "//testing/gtest", ] } } group("gtest_main") { testonly = true if (perfetto_root_path == "//") { public_deps = [ "//buildtools:gtest_main" ] } else if (build_with_chromium) { public_deps = [ "//base/test:run_all_unittests" ] } else { public_deps = [ "//testing/gtest:gtest_main" ] } } # Full protobuf is just for host tools .No binary shipped on device should # depend on this. protobuf_full_deps_allowlist = [ "../src/ipc/protoc_plugin:*", "../src/protozero/protoc_plugin:*", "../src/protozero/filtering:filter_util", "../src/trace_processor:trace_processor_shell", "../src/protozero/filtering:filter_util", "../tools/*", ] group("protoc") { public_deps = [ "${perfetto_protobuf_target_prefix}:protoc($host_toolchain)" ] } config("system_protoc") { libs = [ "protoc" ] # This will link against libprotoc.so } config("system_protobuf") { libs = [ "protobuf" ] # This will link against libprotobuf.so } # protoc compiler library, it's used for building protoc plugins. group("protoc_lib") { visibility = protobuf_full_deps_allowlist if (current_toolchain == host_toolchain) { if (perfetto_use_system_protobuf) { public_configs = [ ":system_protobuf", ":system_protoc", ":protobuf_gen_config", ] } else { public_deps = [ "${perfetto_protobuf_target_prefix}:protoc_lib" ] } } } group("protobuf_full") { visibility = protobuf_full_deps_allowlist if (perfetto_use_system_protobuf) { public_configs = [ ":system_protobuf" ] } else { public_deps = [ "${perfetto_protobuf_target_prefix}:protobuf_full" ] } } group("protobuf_lite") { if (perfetto_use_system_protobuf) { public_configs = [ ":system_protobuf" ] } else { public_deps = [ "${perfetto_protobuf_target_prefix}:protobuf_lite" ] } } # This config is applied to the .pb.{cc,h} generated by proto_library(). This # config is propagated up to the source sets that depend on generated proto # headers and proto libraries. Therefore this should stay as lean and clean as # possible in terms of -W-no* suppressions. Thankfully the autogenerated .pb.h # headers violate less warnings than the libprotobuf_* library itself. # This config is defined here (as opposed to //buildtools/BUILD.gn) so that when # perfetto_use_system_protobuf=true, the right compiler flags are passed. config("protobuf_gen_config") { visibility = [ "*" ] # This is injected by standalone/proto_library.gni defines = [ "GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_NO_RTTI", "GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_NO_STATIC_INITIALIZER", ] cflags = [] if (is_clang || !is_win) { cflags += [ "-Wno-unknown-warning-option", "-Wno-deprecated", "-Wno-undef", "-Wno-zero-as-null-pointer-constant", ] } if (is_clang && is_win) { cflags += [ "-Wno-reserved-id-macro", "-Wno-language-extension-token", "-Wno-sign-conversion", "-Wno-suggest-destructor-override", "-Wno-undefined-reinterpret-cast", "-Wno-inconsistent-missing-destructor-override", "-Wno-unused-parameter", ] } if (!perfetto_use_system_protobuf) { cflags += [ # Using -isystem instead of include_dirs (-I), so we don't need to # suppress warnings coming from libprotobuf headers. Doing so would mask # warnings in our own code. perfetto_isystem_cflag, rebase_path("../buildtools/protobuf/src", root_build_dir), ] } } # The Google C++ Benchmark library. # Only available in standalone builds. if (enable_perfetto_benchmarks) { group("benchmark") { testonly = true public_deps = [ "//buildtools:benchmark" ] } } # Libbacktrace, used for printing stack traces from crash handler, only in # standalone debug builds. if (perfetto_build_standalone && (is_linux || is_android)) { group("libbacktrace") { public_deps = [ "//buildtools:libbacktrace" ] } } if (enable_perfetto_trace_processor_sqlite) { group("sqlite") { if (perfetto_root_path == "//") { public_deps = [ "//buildtools:sqlite" ] } else { if (build_with_chromium) { public_deps = [ "//third_party/sqlite:sqlite_dev" ] } else { public_deps = [ "//third_party/sqlite:sqlite" ] } public_configs = [ ":sqlite_third_party_include_path" ] } } } config("sqlite_third_party_include_path") { if (build_with_chromium) { include_dirs = [ "//third_party/sqlite/dev" ] } else { include_dirs = [ "//third_party/sqlite" ] } } if (enable_perfetto_trace_processor_json) { group("jsoncpp") { if (perfetto_root_path == "//") { public_configs = [ "//buildtools:jsoncpp_config" ] public_deps = [ "//buildtools:jsoncpp" ] } else { public_deps = [ "//third_party/jsoncpp:jsoncpp" ] } } } if (enable_perfetto_trace_processor_linenoise) { # Used by the trace_processor_shell for REPL history. # Only available in standalone builds. group("linenoise") { public_deps = [ "//buildtools:linenoise" ] } } # if (enable_perfetto_trace_processor_linenoise) # Only used by src/profiling in standalone and android builds. if (enable_perfetto_heapprofd || enable_perfetto_traced_perf) { group("libunwindstack") { public_configs = [ "//buildtools:libunwindstack_config" ] public_deps = [ "//buildtools:libunwindstack" ] } } # Used by src/profiling/perf for perf_regs.h. if (enable_perfetto_traced_perf) { group("bionic_kernel_uapi_headers") { public_configs = [ "//buildtools:bionic_kernel_uapi_headers" ] } } config("system_zlib_config") { libs = [ "z" ] } # Zlib is used both by trace_processor and by perfetto_cmd. if (enable_perfetto_zlib) { group("zlib") { if (perfetto_use_system_zlib) { public_configs = [ "//gn:system_zlib_config" ] } else if (perfetto_root_path == "//") { public_configs = [ "//buildtools:zlib_config" ] public_deps = [ "//buildtools:zlib" ] } else { public_configs = [ "//third_party/zlib:zlib_config" ] public_deps = [ "//third_party/zlib" ] } } } # Used by fuzzers. if (enable_perfetto_fuzzers && use_libfuzzer) { group("libfuzzer") { assert(perfetto_root_path == "//") public_deps = [ "//buildtools:libfuzzer" ] } }