get(encodedRequest, clientVersion=None, clientId=None, x__xgafv=None)
get(encodedRequest, clientVersion=None, clientId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Args: encodedRequest: string, A serialized FindFullHashesRequest proto. (required) clientVersion: string, The version of the client implementation. clientId: string, A client ID that (hopefully) uniquely identifies the client implementation of the Safe Browsing API. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { "negativeCacheDuration": "A String", # For requested entities that did not match the threat list, how long to # cache the response. "matches": [ # The full hashes that matched the requested prefixes. { # A match when checking a threat entry in the Safe Browsing threat lists. "threatType": "A String", # The threat type matching this threat. "threatEntryMetadata": { # The metadata associated with a specific threat entry. The client is expected # Optional metadata associated with this threat. # to know the metadata key/value pairs associated with each threat type. "entries": [ # The metadata entries. { # A single metadata entry. "key": "A String", # The metadata entry key. For JSON requests, the key is base64-encoded. "value": "A String", # The metadata entry value. For JSON requests, the value is base64-encoded. }, ], }, "threatEntryType": "A String", # The threat entry type matching this threat. "cacheDuration": "A String", # The cache lifetime for the returned match. Clients must not cache this # response for more than this duration to avoid false positives. "threat": { # An individual threat; for example, a malicious URL or its hash # The threat matching this threat. # representation. Only one of these fields should be set. "url": "A String", # A URL. "hash": "A String", # A hash prefix, consisting of the most significant 4-32 bytes of a SHA256 # hash. This field is in binary format. For JSON requests, hashes are # base64-encoded. "digest": "A String", # The digest of an executable in SHA256 format. The API supports both # binary and hex digests. For JSON requests, digests are base64-encoded. }, "platformType": "A String", # The platform type matching this threat. }, ], "minimumWaitDuration": "A String", # The minimum duration the client must wait before issuing any find hashes # request. If this field is not set, clients can issue a request as soon as # they want. }