// Configuration for running the tests in google3 // The only thing to specify is the static file dependencies. // For everything else the defaults for the karam_web_test_suite are used. module.exports = function(config) { // By default this contains any srcs in the build rule, but we need to add our // generated js and wasm files, and they need to come first, hence unshift config.files.unshift( // pattern is a path relative to google3 root referring to any file // provided by a target in the data attribute of the js_library of the test. { pattern: 'third_party/skia/HEAD/modules/canvaskit/tests/util.js', included:true, served:false}, { pattern: 'third_party/skia/HEAD/modules/canvaskit/canvaskit_wasm/canvaskit_cc.wasm', included:false, served:true}, { pattern: 'third_party/skia/HEAD/modules/canvaskit/canvaskit_wasm/canvaskit_cc.js', included:true, served:false}, { pattern: 'third_party/skia/HEAD/modules/canvaskit/tests/assets/*', included:false, served:true}, ); // proxies have the following form // {'/dir-to-serve/': '/base/dir-relative-to-google3-root'} config.proxies['/canvaskit/'] = '/base/third_party/skia/HEAD/modules/canvaskit/canvaskit_wasm/'; config.proxies['/assets/'] = '/base/third_party/skia/HEAD/modules/canvaskit/tests/assets/'; };