// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "V4L2EncodeComponent" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_0::BufferUsage; namespace android { namespace { const VideoPixelFormat kInputPixelFormat = VideoPixelFormat::NV12; // Get the video frame layout from the specified |inputBlock|. // TODO(dstaessens): Clean up code extracting layout from a C2GraphicBlock. std::optional> getVideoFrameLayout(const C2ConstGraphicBlock& block, VideoPixelFormat* format) { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); // Get the C2PlanarLayout from the graphics block. The C2GraphicView returned by block.map() // needs to be released before calling getGraphicBlockInfo(), or the lockYCbCr() call will block // Indefinitely. C2PlanarLayout layout = block.map().get().layout(); // The above layout() cannot fill layout information and memset 0 instead if the input format is // IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED and its backed format is RGB. We fill the layout by using // ImplDefinedToRGBXMap in the case. if (layout.type == C2PlanarLayout::TYPE_UNKNOWN) { std::unique_ptr idMap = ImplDefinedToRGBXMap::Create(block); if (idMap == nullptr) { ALOGE("Unable to parse RGBX_8888 from IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED"); return std::nullopt; } layout.type = C2PlanarLayout::TYPE_RGB; // These parameters would be used in TYPE_GRB case below. layout.numPlanes = 3; // same value as in C2AllocationGralloc::map() layout.rootPlanes = 1; // same value as in C2AllocationGralloc::map() layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R].offset = idMap->offset(); layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R].rowInc = idMap->rowInc(); } std::vector offsets(layout.numPlanes, 0u); std::vector strides(layout.numPlanes, 0u); switch (layout.type) { case C2PlanarLayout::TYPE_YUV: { android_ycbcr ycbcr = getGraphicBlockInfo(block); offsets[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y] = static_cast(reinterpret_cast(ycbcr.y)); offsets[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U] = static_cast(reinterpret_cast(ycbcr.cb)); offsets[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V] = static_cast(reinterpret_cast(ycbcr.cr)); strides[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y] = static_cast(ycbcr.ystride); strides[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U] = static_cast(ycbcr.cstride); strides[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V] = static_cast(ycbcr.cstride); bool crcb = false; if (offsets[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U] > offsets[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V]) { // Swap offsets, no need to swap strides as they are identical for both chroma planes. std::swap(offsets[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U], offsets[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V]); crcb = true; } bool semiplanar = false; if (ycbcr.chroma_step > offsets[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V] - offsets[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U]) { semiplanar = true; } if (!crcb && !semiplanar) { *format = VideoPixelFormat::I420; } else if (!crcb && semiplanar) { *format = VideoPixelFormat::NV12; } else if (crcb && !semiplanar) { // HACK: pretend YV12 is I420 now since VEA only accepts I420. (YV12 will be used // for input byte-buffer mode). // TODO(dstaessens): Is this hack still necessary now we're not using the VEA directly? //format = VideoPixelFormat::YV12; *format = VideoPixelFormat::I420; } else { *format = VideoPixelFormat::NV21; } break; } case C2PlanarLayout::TYPE_RGB: { offsets[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R] = layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R].offset; strides[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R] = static_cast(layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R].rowInc); *format = VideoPixelFormat::ARGB; break; } default: ALOGW("Unknown layout type: %u", static_cast(layout.type)); return std::nullopt; } std::vector planes; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < layout.rootPlanes; ++i) { // The mSize field is not used in our case, so we can safely set it to zero. planes.push_back({strides[i], offsets[i], 0}); } return planes; } // Get the video frame stride for the specified |format| and |size|. std::optional getVideoFrameStride(VideoPixelFormat format, ui::Size size) { // Fetch a graphic block from the pool to determine the stride. std::shared_ptr pool; c2_status_t status = GetCodec2BlockPool(C2BlockPool::BASIC_GRAPHIC, nullptr, &pool); if (status != C2_OK) { ALOGE("Failed to get basic graphic block pool (err=%d)", status); return std::nullopt; } // Android HAL format doesn't have I420, we use YV12 instead and swap the U and V planes when // converting to NV12. YCBCR_420_888 will allocate NV12 by minigbm. HalPixelFormat halFormat = (format == VideoPixelFormat::I420) ? HalPixelFormat::YV12 : HalPixelFormat::YCBCR_420_888; std::shared_ptr block; status = pool->fetchGraphicBlock(size.width, size.height, static_cast(halFormat), C2MemoryUsage(C2MemoryUsage::CPU_READ), &block); if (status != C2_OK) { ALOGE("Failed to fetch graphic block (err=%d)", status); return std::nullopt; } const C2ConstGraphicBlock constBlock = block->share(C2Rect(size.width, size.height), C2Fence()); VideoPixelFormat pixelFormat; std::optional> planes = getVideoFrameLayout(constBlock, &pixelFormat); if (!planes || planes.value().empty()) { ALOGE("Failed to get video frame layout from block"); return std::nullopt; } return planes.value()[0].mStride; } // Create an input frame from the specified graphic block. std::unique_ptr CreateInputFrame(const C2ConstGraphicBlock& block, uint64_t index, int64_t timestamp) { VideoPixelFormat format; std::optional> planes = getVideoFrameLayout(block, &format); if (!planes) { ALOGE("Failed to get input block's layout"); return nullptr; } std::vector fds; const C2Handle* const handle = block.handle(); for (int i = 0; i < handle->numFds; i++) { fds.emplace_back(handle->data[i]); } return std::make_unique(std::move(fds), std::move(planes.value()), format, index, timestamp); } } // namespace // static std::atomic V4L2EncodeComponent::sConcurrentInstances = 0; // static std::shared_ptr V4L2EncodeComponent::create( C2String name, c2_node_id_t id, std::shared_ptr helper, C2ComponentFactory::ComponentDeleter deleter) { ALOGV("%s(%s)", __func__, name.c_str()); static const int32_t kMaxConcurrentInstances = property_get_int32("debug.v4l2_codec2.encode.concurrent-instances", -1); static std::mutex mutex; std::lock_guard lock(mutex); if (kMaxConcurrentInstances >= 0 && sConcurrentInstances.load() >= kMaxConcurrentInstances) { ALOGW("Cannot create additional encoder, maximum number of instances reached: %d", kMaxConcurrentInstances); return nullptr; } auto interface = std::make_shared(name, std::move(helper)); if (interface->status() != C2_OK) { ALOGE("Component interface initialization failed (error code %d)", interface->status()); return nullptr; } return std::shared_ptr(new V4L2EncodeComponent(name, id, std::move(interface)), deleter); } V4L2EncodeComponent::V4L2EncodeComponent(C2String name, c2_node_id_t id, std::shared_ptr interface) : mName(name), mId(id), mInterface(std::move(interface)), mComponentState(ComponentState::LOADED) { ALOGV("%s(%s)", __func__, name.c_str()); sConcurrentInstances.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); } V4L2EncodeComponent::~V4L2EncodeComponent() { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); // Stop encoder thread and invalidate pointers if component wasn't stopped before destroying. if (mEncoderThread.IsRunning()) { mEncoderTaskRunner->PostTask( FROM_HERE, ::base::BindOnce( [](::base::WeakPtrFactory* weakPtrFactory) { weakPtrFactory->InvalidateWeakPtrs(); }, &mWeakThisFactory)); mEncoderThread.Stop(); } sConcurrentInstances.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); ALOGV("%s(): done", __func__); } c2_status_t V4L2EncodeComponent::start() { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); // Lock while starting, to synchronize start/stop/reset/release calls. std::lock_guard lock(mComponentLock); // According to the specification start() should only be called in the LOADED state. if (mComponentState != ComponentState::LOADED) { return C2_BAD_STATE; } if (!mEncoderThread.Start()) { ALOGE("Failed to start encoder thread"); return C2_CORRUPTED; } mEncoderTaskRunner = mEncoderThread.task_runner(); mWeakThis = mWeakThisFactory.GetWeakPtr(); // Initialize the encoder on the encoder thread. ::base::WaitableEvent done; bool success = false; mEncoderTaskRunner->PostTask( FROM_HERE, ::base::Bind(&V4L2EncodeComponent::startTask, mWeakThis, &success, &done)); done.Wait(); if (!success) { ALOGE("Failed to initialize encoder"); return C2_CORRUPTED; } setComponentState(ComponentState::RUNNING); return C2_OK; } c2_status_t V4L2EncodeComponent::stop() { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); // Lock while stopping, to synchronize start/stop/reset/release calls. std::lock_guard lock(mComponentLock); if (mComponentState != ComponentState::RUNNING && mComponentState != ComponentState::ERROR) { return C2_BAD_STATE; } // Return immediately if the component is already stopped. if (!mEncoderThread.IsRunning()) { return C2_OK; } // Wait for the component to stop. ::base::WaitableEvent done; mEncoderTaskRunner->PostTask( FROM_HERE, ::base::BindOnce(&V4L2EncodeComponent::stopTask, mWeakThis, &done)); done.Wait(); mEncoderThread.Stop(); setComponentState(ComponentState::LOADED); ALOGV("%s() - done", __func__); return C2_OK; } c2_status_t V4L2EncodeComponent::reset() { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); // The interface specification says: "This method MUST be supported in all (including tripped) // states other than released". if (mComponentState == ComponentState::UNLOADED) { return C2_BAD_STATE; } // TODO(dstaessens): Reset the component's interface to default values. stop(); return C2_OK; } c2_status_t V4L2EncodeComponent::release() { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); // The interface specification says: "This method MUST be supported in stopped state.", but the // release method seems to be called in other states as well. reset(); setComponentState(ComponentState::UNLOADED); return C2_OK; } c2_status_t V4L2EncodeComponent::queue_nb(std::list>* const items) { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); if (mComponentState != ComponentState::RUNNING) { ALOGE("Trying to queue work item while component is not running"); return C2_BAD_STATE; } while (!items->empty()) { mEncoderTaskRunner->PostTask(FROM_HERE, ::base::BindOnce(&V4L2EncodeComponent::queueTask, mWeakThis, std::move(items->front()))); items->pop_front(); } return C2_OK; } c2_status_t V4L2EncodeComponent::drain_nb(drain_mode_t mode) { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); if (mode == DRAIN_CHAIN) { return C2_OMITTED; // Tunneling is not supported for now. } if (mComponentState != ComponentState::RUNNING) { return C2_BAD_STATE; } mEncoderTaskRunner->PostTask( FROM_HERE, ::base::BindOnce(&V4L2EncodeComponent::drainTask, mWeakThis, mode)); return C2_OK; } c2_status_t V4L2EncodeComponent::flush_sm(flush_mode_t mode, std::list>* const flushedWork) { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); if (mode != FLUSH_COMPONENT) { return C2_OMITTED; // Tunneling is not supported by now } if (mComponentState != ComponentState::RUNNING) { return C2_BAD_STATE; } // Work that can be immediately discarded should be returned in |flushedWork|. This method may // be momentarily blocking but must return within 5ms, which should give us enough time to // immediately abandon all non-started work on the encoder thread. We can return all work that // can't be immediately discarded using onWorkDone() later. ::base::WaitableEvent done; mEncoderTaskRunner->PostTask(FROM_HERE, ::base::BindOnce(&V4L2EncodeComponent::flushTask, mWeakThis, &done, flushedWork)); done.Wait(); return C2_OK; } c2_status_t V4L2EncodeComponent::announce_nb(const std::vector& items) { return C2_OMITTED; // Tunneling is not supported by now } c2_status_t V4L2EncodeComponent::setListener_vb(const std::shared_ptr& listener, c2_blocking_t mayBlock) { ALOG_ASSERT(mComponentState != ComponentState::UNLOADED); // Lock so we're sure the component isn't currently starting or stopping. std::lock_guard lock(mComponentLock); // If the encoder thread is not running it's safe to update the listener directly. if (!mEncoderThread.IsRunning()) { mListener = listener; return C2_OK; } // The listener should be updated before exiting this function. If called while the component is // currently running we should be allowed to block, as we can only change the listener on the // encoder thread. ALOG_ASSERT(mayBlock == c2_blocking_t::C2_MAY_BLOCK); ::base::WaitableEvent done; mEncoderTaskRunner->PostTask(FROM_HERE, ::base::BindOnce(&V4L2EncodeComponent::setListenerTask, mWeakThis, listener, &done)); done.Wait(); return C2_OK; } std::shared_ptr V4L2EncodeComponent::intf() { return std::make_shared>(mName.c_str(), mId, mInterface); } void V4L2EncodeComponent::startTask(bool* success, ::base::WaitableEvent* done) { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); *success = initializeEncoder(); done->Signal(); } void V4L2EncodeComponent::stopTask(::base::WaitableEvent* done) { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); // Flushing the encoder will abort all pending work. flush(); mInputFormatConverter.reset(); mEncoder.reset(); mOutputBlockPool.reset(); // Invalidate all weak pointers so no more functions will be executed on the encoder thread. mWeakThisFactory.InvalidateWeakPtrs(); done->Signal(); } void V4L2EncodeComponent::queueTask(std::unique_ptr work) { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoder); // Currently only a single worklet per work item is supported. An input buffer should always be // supplied unless this is a drain or CSD request. ALOG_ASSERT(work->input.buffers.size() <= 1u && work->worklets.size() == 1u); // Set the default values for the output worklet. work->worklets.front()->output.flags = static_cast(0); work->worklets.front()->output.buffers.clear(); work->worklets.front()->output.ordinal = work->input.ordinal; uint64_t index = work->input.ordinal.frameIndex.peeku(); int64_t timestamp = static_cast(work->input.ordinal.timestamp.peeku()); bool endOfStream = work->input.flags & C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM; ALOGV("Queuing next encode (index: %" PRIu64 ", timestamp: %" PRId64 ", EOS: %d)", index, timestamp, endOfStream); // The codec 2.0 framework might queue an empty CSD request, but this is currently not // supported. We will return the CSD with the first encoded buffer work. if (work->input.buffers.empty() && !endOfStream) { ALOGV("Discarding empty CSD request"); reportWork(std::move(work)); return; } // By the time we get an input buffer, the output block pool should be configured. if (!mOutputBlockPool && !getBlockPool()) { reportError(C2_CORRUPTED); return; } // If conversion is required but no free buffers are available we queue the work item. if (mInputFormatConverter && !mInputFormatConverter->isReady()) { ALOGV("Input format convertor ran out of buffers"); mInputConverterQueue.push(std::move(work)); return; } // If we have data to encode send it to the encoder. If conversion is required we will first // convert the data to the requested pixel format. if (!work->input.buffers.empty()) { C2ConstGraphicBlock inputBlock = work->input.buffers.front()->data().graphicBlocks().front(); if (mInputFormatConverter) { ALOGV("Converting input block (index: %" PRIu64 ")", index); c2_status_t status = C2_CORRUPTED; inputBlock = mInputFormatConverter->convertBlock(index, inputBlock, &status); if (status != C2_OK) { ALOGE("Failed to convert input block (index: %" PRIu64 ")", index); reportError(status); return; } } if (!encode(inputBlock, index, timestamp)) { return; } } mWorkQueue.push_back(std::move(work)); if (endOfStream) { mEncoder->drain(); } } void V4L2EncodeComponent::drainTask(drain_mode_t /*drainMode*/) { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); // We can only start draining if all work has been queued in the encoder, so we mark the last // item waiting for conversion as EOS if required. if (!mInputConverterQueue.empty()) { C2Work* work = mInputConverterQueue.back().get(); work->input.flags = static_cast(work->input.flags | C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM); return; } // Mark the last item in the output work queue as EOS, so we will only report it as finished // after draining has completed. if (!mWorkQueue.empty()) { ALOGV("Starting drain and marking last item in output work queue as EOS"); C2Work* work = mWorkQueue.back().get(); work->input.flags = static_cast(work->input.flags | C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM); mEncoder->drain(); } } void V4L2EncodeComponent::onDrainDone(bool success) { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); ALOG_ASSERT(!mWorkQueue.empty()); if (!success) { ALOGE("draining the encoder failed"); reportError(C2_CORRUPTED); return; } // Find the first work item marked as EOS. This might not be the first item in the queue, as // previous buffers in the queue might still be waiting for their associated input buffers. auto it = std::find_if( mWorkQueue.cbegin(), mWorkQueue.cend(), [](const std::unique_ptr& work) { return ((work->input.flags & C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) && !(work->worklets.back()->output.flags & C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM)); }); if (it == mWorkQueue.end()) { ALOGW("No EOS work item found in queue"); return; } // Mark the item in the output work queue as EOS done. C2Work* eosWork = it->get(); eosWork->worklets.back()->output.flags = C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM; // Draining is done which means all buffers on the device output queue have been returned, but // not all buffers on the device input queue might have been returned yet. if ((eosWork != mWorkQueue.front().get()) || !isWorkDone(*eosWork)) { ALOGV("Draining done, waiting for input buffers to be returned"); return; } ALOGV("Draining done"); reportWork(std::move(mWorkQueue.front())); mWorkQueue.pop_front(); } void V4L2EncodeComponent::flushTask(::base::WaitableEvent* done, std::list>* const flushedWork) { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); // Move all work that can immediately be aborted to flushedWork, and notify the caller. if (flushedWork) { while (!mInputConverterQueue.empty()) { std::unique_ptr work = std::move(mInputConverterQueue.front()); work->input.buffers.clear(); flushedWork->push_back(std::move(work)); mInputConverterQueue.pop(); } } done->Signal(); flush(); } void V4L2EncodeComponent::setListenerTask(const std::shared_ptr& listener, ::base::WaitableEvent* done) { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); mListener = listener; done->Signal(); } bool V4L2EncodeComponent::initializeEncoder() { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); ALOG_ASSERT(!mInputFormatConverter); ALOG_ASSERT(!mEncoder); mCSDSubmitted = false; // Get the requested profile and level. C2Config::profile_t outputProfile = mInterface->getOutputProfile(); std::optional h264Level; if (outputProfile >= C2Config::PROFILE_AVC_BASELINE && outputProfile <= C2Config::PROFILE_AVC_ENHANCED_MULTIVIEW_DEPTH_HIGH) { h264Level = c2LevelToV4L2Level(mInterface->getOutputLevel()); } // Get the stride used by the C2 framework, as this might be different from the stride used by // the V4L2 encoder. std::optional stride = getVideoFrameStride(kInputPixelFormat, mInterface->getInputVisibleSize()); if (!stride) { ALOGE("Failed to get video frame stride"); reportError(C2_CORRUPTED); return false; } mEncoder = V4L2Encoder::create( outputProfile, h264Level, mInterface->getInputVisibleSize(), *stride, mInterface->getKeyFramePeriod(), ::base::BindRepeating(&V4L2EncodeComponent::fetchOutputBlock, mWeakThis), ::base::BindRepeating(&V4L2EncodeComponent::onInputBufferDone, mWeakThis), ::base::BindRepeating(&V4L2EncodeComponent::onOutputBufferDone, mWeakThis), ::base::BindRepeating(&V4L2EncodeComponent::onDrainDone, mWeakThis), ::base::BindRepeating(&V4L2EncodeComponent::reportError, mWeakThis, C2_CORRUPTED), mEncoderTaskRunner); if (!mEncoder) { ALOGE("Failed to create V4L2Encoder (profile: %s)", profileToString(outputProfile)); return false; } // Add an input format convertor if the device doesn't support the requested input format. ALOGV("Creating input format convertor (%s)", videoPixelFormatToString(mEncoder->inputFormat()).c_str()); mInputFormatConverter = FormatConverter::Create(mEncoder->inputFormat(), mEncoder->visibleSize(), V4L2Encoder::kInputBufferCount, mEncoder->codedSize()); if (!mInputFormatConverter) { ALOGE("Failed to created input format convertor"); return false; } return true; } bool V4L2EncodeComponent::updateEncodingParameters() { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); // Query the interface for the encoding parameters requested by the codec 2.0 framework. C2StreamBitrateInfo::output bitrateInfo; C2StreamFrameRateInfo::output framerateInfo; c2_status_t status = mInterface->query({&bitrateInfo, &framerateInfo}, {}, C2_DONT_BLOCK, nullptr); if (status != C2_OK) { ALOGE("Failed to query interface for encoding parameters (error code: %d)", status); reportError(status); return false; } // Ask device to change bitrate if it's different from the currently configured bitrate. uint32_t bitrate = bitrateInfo.value; if (mBitrate != bitrate) { ALOG_ASSERT(bitrate > 0u); ALOGV("Setting bitrate to %u", bitrate); if (!mEncoder->setBitrate(bitrate)) { reportError(C2_CORRUPTED); return false; } mBitrate = bitrate; } // Ask device to change framerate if it's different from the currently configured framerate. uint32_t framerate = static_cast(std::round(framerateInfo.value)); if (mFramerate != framerate) { ALOG_ASSERT(framerate > 0u); ALOGV("Setting framerate to %u", framerate); if (!mEncoder->setFramerate(framerate)) { ALOGE("Requesting framerate change failed"); reportError(C2_CORRUPTED); return false; } mFramerate = framerate; } // Check whether an explicit key frame was requested, if so reset the key frame counter to // immediately request a key frame. C2StreamRequestSyncFrameTuning::output requestKeyFrame; status = mInterface->query({&requestKeyFrame}, {}, C2_DONT_BLOCK, nullptr); if (status != C2_OK) { ALOGE("Failed to query interface for key frame request (error code: %d)", status); reportError(status); return false; } if (requestKeyFrame.value == C2_TRUE) { mEncoder->requestKeyframe(); requestKeyFrame.value = C2_FALSE; std::vector> failures; status = mInterface->config({&requestKeyFrame}, C2_MAY_BLOCK, &failures); if (status != C2_OK) { ALOGE("Failed to reset key frame request on interface (error code: %d)", status); reportError(status); return false; } } return true; } bool V4L2EncodeComponent::encode(C2ConstGraphicBlock block, uint64_t index, int64_t timestamp) { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoder); ALOGV("Encoding input block (index: %" PRIu64 ", timestamp: %" PRId64 ", size: %dx%d)", index, timestamp, block.width(), block.height()); // Update dynamic encoding parameters (bitrate, framerate, key frame) if requested. if (!updateEncodingParameters()) return false; // Create an input frame from the graphic block. std::unique_ptr frame = CreateInputFrame(block, index, timestamp); if (!frame) { ALOGE("Failed to create video frame from input block (index: %" PRIu64 ", timestamp: %" PRId64 ")", index, timestamp); reportError(C2_CORRUPTED); return false; } if (!mEncoder->encode(std::move(frame))) { return false; } return true; } void V4L2EncodeComponent::flush() { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); mEncoder->flush(); // Report all queued work items as aborted. std::list> abortedWorkItems; while (!mInputConverterQueue.empty()) { std::unique_ptr work = std::move(mInputConverterQueue.front()); work->result = C2_NOT_FOUND; work->input.buffers.clear(); abortedWorkItems.push_back(std::move(work)); mInputConverterQueue.pop(); } while (!mWorkQueue.empty()) { std::unique_ptr work = std::move(mWorkQueue.front()); // Return buffer to the input format convertor if required. if (mInputFormatConverter && work->input.buffers.empty()) { mInputFormatConverter->returnBlock(work->input.ordinal.frameIndex.peeku()); } work->result = C2_NOT_FOUND; work->input.buffers.clear(); abortedWorkItems.push_back(std::move(work)); mWorkQueue.pop_front(); } if (!abortedWorkItems.empty()) { mListener->onWorkDone_nb(shared_from_this(), std::move(abortedWorkItems)); } } void V4L2EncodeComponent::fetchOutputBlock(uint32_t size, std::unique_ptr* buffer) { ALOGV("Fetching linear block (size: %u)", size); std::shared_ptr block; c2_status_t status = mOutputBlockPool->fetchLinearBlock( size, C2MemoryUsage(C2MemoryUsage::CPU_READ | static_cast(BufferUsage::VIDEO_ENCODER)), &block); if (status != C2_OK) { ALOGE("Failed to fetch linear block (error: %d)", status); reportError(status); } // Store a reference to the block to keep the fds alive. int fd = block->handle()->data[0]; ALOG_ASSERT(!mOutputBuffersMap[fd]); mOutputBuffersMap[fd] = std::move(block); // TODO(dstaessens) Store the C2LinearBlock directly into the BitstreamBuffer. *buffer = std::make_unique(fd, fd, 0, size); } void V4L2EncodeComponent::onInputBufferDone(uint64_t index) { ALOGV("%s(): Input buffer done (index: %" PRIu64 ")", __func__, index); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoder); // There are no guarantees the input buffers are returned in order, so we need to find the work // item which this buffer belongs to. C2Work* work = getWorkByIndex(index); if (!work) { ALOGE("Failed to find work associated with input buffer %" PRIu64, index); reportError(C2_CORRUPTED); return; } // We're done using the input block, release reference to return the block to the client. LOG_ASSERT(!work->input.buffers.empty()); work->input.buffers.front().reset(); // Return the block to the convertor if required. If we have buffers awaiting conversion, we can // now attempt to convert and encode them again. if (mInputFormatConverter) { c2_status_t status = mInputFormatConverter->returnBlock(index); if (status != C2_OK) { reportError(status); return; } while (!mInputConverterQueue.empty() && mInputFormatConverter->isReady()) { std::unique_ptr work = std::move(mInputConverterQueue.front()); mInputConverterQueue.pop(); queueTask(std::move(work)); } } // Return all completed work items. The work item might have been waiting for it's input buffer // to be returned, in which case we can report it as completed now. As input buffers are not // necessarily returned in order we might be able to return multiple ready work items now. while (!mWorkQueue.empty() && isWorkDone(*mWorkQueue.front())) { reportWork(std::move(mWorkQueue.front())); mWorkQueue.pop_front(); } } void V4L2EncodeComponent::onOutputBufferDone(size_t dataSize, int64_t timestamp, bool keyFrame, std::unique_ptr buffer) { ALOGV("%s(): output buffer done (timestamp: %" PRId64 ", size: %zu, keyframe: %d)", __func__, timestamp, dataSize, keyFrame); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); std::shared_ptr outputBlock = std::move(mOutputBuffersMap[buffer->id]); mOutputBuffersMap.erase(buffer->id); ALOG_ASSERT(outputBlock); C2ConstLinearBlock constBlock = outputBlock->share(outputBlock->offset(), dataSize, C2Fence()); // If no CSD (content-specific-data, e.g. SPS for H.264) has been submitted yet, we expect this // output block to contain CSD. We only submit the CSD once, even if it's attached to each key // frame. if (!mCSDSubmitted) { ALOGV("No CSD submitted yet, extracting CSD"); std::unique_ptr csd; C2ReadView view = constBlock.map().get(); extractCSDInfo(&csd, view.data(), view.capacity()); if (!csd) { ALOGE("Failed to extract CSD"); reportError(C2_CORRUPTED); return; } // Attach the CSD to the first item in our output work queue. LOG_ASSERT(!mWorkQueue.empty()); C2Work* work = mWorkQueue.front().get(); work->worklets.front()->output.configUpdate.push_back(std::move(csd)); mCSDSubmitted = true; } // Get the work item associated with the timestamp. C2Work* work = getWorkByTimestamp(timestamp); if (!work) { // It's possible we got an empty CSD request with timestamp 0, which we currently just // discard. if (timestamp != 0) { reportError(C2_CORRUPTED); } return; } std::shared_ptr linearBuffer = C2Buffer::CreateLinearBuffer(std::move(constBlock)); if (!linearBuffer) { ALOGE("Failed to create linear buffer from block"); reportError(C2_CORRUPTED); return; } if (keyFrame) { linearBuffer->setInfo( std::make_shared(0u, C2Config::SYNC_FRAME)); } work->worklets.front()->output.buffers.emplace_back(std::move(linearBuffer)); // We can report the work item as completed if its associated input buffer has also been // released. As output buffers are not necessarily returned in order we might be able to return // multiple ready work items now. while (!mWorkQueue.empty() && isWorkDone(*mWorkQueue.front())) { reportWork(std::move(mWorkQueue.front())); mWorkQueue.pop_front(); } } C2Work* V4L2EncodeComponent::getWorkByIndex(uint64_t index) { ALOGV("%s(): getting work item (index: %" PRIu64 ")", __func__, index); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); auto it = std::find_if(mWorkQueue.begin(), mWorkQueue.end(), [index](const std::unique_ptr& w) { return w->input.ordinal.frameIndex.peeku() == index; }); if (it == mWorkQueue.end()) { ALOGE("Failed to find work (index: %" PRIu64 ")", index); return nullptr; } return it->get(); } C2Work* V4L2EncodeComponent::getWorkByTimestamp(int64_t timestamp) { ALOGV("%s(): getting work item (timestamp: %" PRId64 ")", __func__, timestamp); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); ALOG_ASSERT(timestamp >= 0); // Find the work with specified timestamp by looping over the output work queue. This should be // very fast as the output work queue will never be longer then a few items. Ignore empty work // items that are marked as EOS, as their timestamp might clash with other work items. auto it = std::find_if( mWorkQueue.begin(), mWorkQueue.end(), [timestamp](const std::unique_ptr& w) { return !(w->input.flags & C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) && w->input.ordinal.timestamp.peeku() == static_cast(timestamp); }); if (it == mWorkQueue.end()) { ALOGE("Failed to find work (timestamp: %" PRIu64 ")", timestamp); return nullptr; } return it->get(); } bool V4L2EncodeComponent::isWorkDone(const C2Work& work) const { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); if ((work.input.flags & C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) && !(work.worklets.front()->output.flags & C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM)) { ALOGV("Work item %" PRIu64 " is marked as EOS but draining has not finished yet", work.input.ordinal.frameIndex.peeku()); return false; } if (!work.input.buffers.empty() && work.input.buffers.front()) { ALOGV("Input buffer associated with work item %" PRIu64 " not returned yet", work.input.ordinal.frameIndex.peeku()); return false; } // If the work item had an input buffer to be encoded, it should have an output buffer set. if (!work.input.buffers.empty() && work.worklets.front()->output.buffers.empty()) { ALOGV("Output buffer associated with work item %" PRIu64 " not returned yet", work.input.ordinal.frameIndex.peeku()); return false; } return true; } void V4L2EncodeComponent::reportWork(std::unique_ptr work) { ALOG_ASSERT(work); ALOGV("%s(): Reporting work item as finished (index: %llu, timestamp: %llu)", __func__, work->input.ordinal.frameIndex.peekull(), work->input.ordinal.timestamp.peekull()); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); work->result = C2_OK; work->workletsProcessed = static_cast(work->worklets.size()); std::list> finishedWorkList; finishedWorkList.emplace_back(std::move(work)); mListener->onWorkDone_nb(shared_from_this(), std::move(finishedWorkList)); } bool V4L2EncodeComponent::getBlockPool() { C2BlockPool::local_id_t poolId = mInterface->getBlockPoolId(); if (poolId == C2BlockPool::BASIC_LINEAR) { ALOGW("Using unoptimized linear block pool"); } c2_status_t status = GetCodec2BlockPool(poolId, shared_from_this(), &mOutputBlockPool); if (status != C2_OK || !mOutputBlockPool) { ALOGE("Failed to get output block pool, error: %d", status); return false; } return true; } void V4L2EncodeComponent::reportError(c2_status_t error) { ALOGV("%s()", __func__); ALOG_ASSERT(mEncoderTaskRunner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()); // TODO(dstaessens): Report all pending work items as finished upon failure. std::lock_guard lock(mComponentLock); if (mComponentState != ComponentState::ERROR) { setComponentState(ComponentState::ERROR); mListener->onError_nb(shared_from_this(), static_cast(error)); } } void V4L2EncodeComponent::setComponentState(ComponentState state) { // Check whether the state change is valid. switch (state) { case ComponentState::UNLOADED: ALOG_ASSERT(mComponentState == ComponentState::LOADED); break; case ComponentState::LOADED: ALOG_ASSERT(mComponentState == ComponentState::UNLOADED || mComponentState == ComponentState::RUNNING || mComponentState == ComponentState::ERROR); break; case ComponentState::RUNNING: ALOG_ASSERT(mComponentState == ComponentState::LOADED); break; case ComponentState::ERROR: break; } ALOGV("Changed component state from %s to %s", componentStateToString(mComponentState), componentStateToString(state)); mComponentState = state; } const char* V4L2EncodeComponent::componentStateToString(V4L2EncodeComponent::ComponentState state) { switch (state) { case ComponentState::UNLOADED: return "UNLOADED"; case ComponentState::LOADED: return "LOADED"; case ComponentState::RUNNING: return "RUNNING"; case ComponentState::ERROR: return "ERROR"; } } } // namespace android