/* * Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "modules/pacing/round_robin_packet_queue.h" #include #include #include #include "absl/strings/match.h" #include "rtc_base/checks.h" namespace webrtc { namespace { static constexpr DataSize kMaxLeadingSize = DataSize::Bytes(1400); } RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket::QueuedPacket(const QueuedPacket& rhs) = default; RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket::~QueuedPacket() = default; RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket::QueuedPacket( int priority, Timestamp enqueue_time, uint64_t enqueue_order, std::multiset::iterator enqueue_time_it, std::unique_ptr packet) : priority_(priority), enqueue_time_(enqueue_time), enqueue_order_(enqueue_order), is_retransmission_(packet->packet_type() == RtpPacketMediaType::kRetransmission), enqueue_time_it_(enqueue_time_it), owned_packet_(packet.release()) {} bool RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket::operator<( const RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket& other) const { if (priority_ != other.priority_) return priority_ > other.priority_; if (is_retransmission_ != other.is_retransmission_) return other.is_retransmission_; return enqueue_order_ > other.enqueue_order_; } int RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket::Priority() const { return priority_; } RtpPacketMediaType RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket::Type() const { return *owned_packet_->packet_type(); } uint32_t RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket::Ssrc() const { return owned_packet_->Ssrc(); } Timestamp RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket::EnqueueTime() const { return enqueue_time_; } bool RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket::IsRetransmission() const { return Type() == RtpPacketMediaType::kRetransmission; } uint64_t RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket::EnqueueOrder() const { return enqueue_order_; } RtpPacketToSend* RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket::RtpPacket() const { return owned_packet_; } void RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket::UpdateEnqueueTimeIterator( std::multiset::iterator it) { enqueue_time_it_ = it; } std::multiset::iterator RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket::EnqueueTimeIterator() const { return enqueue_time_it_; } void RoundRobinPacketQueue::QueuedPacket::SubtractPauseTime( TimeDelta pause_time_sum) { enqueue_time_ -= pause_time_sum; } RoundRobinPacketQueue::PriorityPacketQueue::const_iterator RoundRobinPacketQueue::PriorityPacketQueue::begin() const { return c.begin(); } RoundRobinPacketQueue::PriorityPacketQueue::const_iterator RoundRobinPacketQueue::PriorityPacketQueue::end() const { return c.end(); } RoundRobinPacketQueue::Stream::Stream() : size(DataSize::Zero()), ssrc(0) {} RoundRobinPacketQueue::Stream::Stream(const Stream& stream) = default; RoundRobinPacketQueue::Stream::~Stream() = default; bool IsEnabled(const WebRtcKeyValueConfig* field_trials, const char* name) { if (!field_trials) { return false; } return absl::StartsWith(field_trials->Lookup(name), "Enabled"); } RoundRobinPacketQueue::RoundRobinPacketQueue( Timestamp start_time, const WebRtcKeyValueConfig* field_trials) : transport_overhead_per_packet_(DataSize::Zero()), time_last_updated_(start_time), paused_(false), size_packets_(0), size_(DataSize::Zero()), max_size_(kMaxLeadingSize), queue_time_sum_(TimeDelta::Zero()), pause_time_sum_(TimeDelta::Zero()), include_overhead_(false) {} RoundRobinPacketQueue::~RoundRobinPacketQueue() { // Make sure to release any packets owned by raw pointer in QueuedPacket. while (!Empty()) { Pop(); } } void RoundRobinPacketQueue::Push(int priority, Timestamp enqueue_time, uint64_t enqueue_order, std::unique_ptr packet) { RTC_DCHECK(packet->packet_type().has_value()); if (size_packets_ == 0) { // Single packet fast-path. single_packet_queue_.emplace( QueuedPacket(priority, enqueue_time, enqueue_order, enqueue_times_.end(), std::move(packet))); UpdateQueueTime(enqueue_time); single_packet_queue_->SubtractPauseTime(pause_time_sum_); size_packets_ = 1; size_ += PacketSize(*single_packet_queue_); } else { MaybePromoteSinglePacketToNormalQueue(); Push(QueuedPacket(priority, enqueue_time, enqueue_order, enqueue_times_.insert(enqueue_time), std::move(packet))); } } std::unique_ptr RoundRobinPacketQueue::Pop() { if (single_packet_queue_.has_value()) { RTC_DCHECK(stream_priorities_.empty()); std::unique_ptr rtp_packet( single_packet_queue_->RtpPacket()); single_packet_queue_.reset(); queue_time_sum_ = TimeDelta::Zero(); size_packets_ = 0; size_ = DataSize::Zero(); return rtp_packet; } RTC_DCHECK(!Empty()); Stream* stream = GetHighestPriorityStream(); const QueuedPacket& queued_packet = stream->packet_queue.top(); stream_priorities_.erase(stream->priority_it); // Calculate the total amount of time spent by this packet in the queue // while in a non-paused state. Note that the |pause_time_sum_ms_| was // subtracted from |packet.enqueue_time_ms| when the packet was pushed, and // by subtracting it now we effectively remove the time spent in in the // queue while in a paused state. TimeDelta time_in_non_paused_state = time_last_updated_ - queued_packet.EnqueueTime() - pause_time_sum_; queue_time_sum_ -= time_in_non_paused_state; RTC_CHECK(queued_packet.EnqueueTimeIterator() != enqueue_times_.end()); enqueue_times_.erase(queued_packet.EnqueueTimeIterator()); // Update |bytes| of this stream. The general idea is that the stream that // has sent the least amount of bytes should have the highest priority. // The problem with that is if streams send with different rates, in which // case a "budget" will be built up for the stream sending at the lower // rate. To avoid building a too large budget we limit |bytes| to be within // kMaxLeading bytes of the stream that has sent the most amount of bytes. DataSize packet_size = PacketSize(queued_packet); stream->size = std::max(stream->size + packet_size, max_size_ - kMaxLeadingSize); max_size_ = std::max(max_size_, stream->size); size_ -= packet_size; size_packets_ -= 1; RTC_CHECK(size_packets_ > 0 || queue_time_sum_ == TimeDelta::Zero()); std::unique_ptr rtp_packet(queued_packet.RtpPacket()); stream->packet_queue.pop(); // If there are packets left to be sent, schedule the stream again. RTC_CHECK(!IsSsrcScheduled(stream->ssrc)); if (stream->packet_queue.empty()) { stream->priority_it = stream_priorities_.end(); } else { int priority = stream->packet_queue.top().Priority(); stream->priority_it = stream_priorities_.emplace( StreamPrioKey(priority, stream->size), stream->ssrc); } return rtp_packet; } bool RoundRobinPacketQueue::Empty() const { if (size_packets_ == 0) { RTC_DCHECK(!single_packet_queue_.has_value() && stream_priorities_.empty()); return true; } RTC_DCHECK(single_packet_queue_.has_value() || !stream_priorities_.empty()); return false; } size_t RoundRobinPacketQueue::SizeInPackets() const { return size_packets_; } DataSize RoundRobinPacketQueue::Size() const { return size_; } absl::optional RoundRobinPacketQueue::LeadingAudioPacketEnqueueTime() const { if (single_packet_queue_.has_value()) { if (single_packet_queue_->Type() == RtpPacketMediaType::kAudio) { return single_packet_queue_->EnqueueTime(); } return absl::nullopt; } if (stream_priorities_.empty()) { return absl::nullopt; } uint32_t ssrc = stream_priorities_.begin()->second; const auto& top_packet = streams_.find(ssrc)->second.packet_queue.top(); if (top_packet.Type() == RtpPacketMediaType::kAudio) { return top_packet.EnqueueTime(); } return absl::nullopt; } Timestamp RoundRobinPacketQueue::OldestEnqueueTime() const { if (single_packet_queue_.has_value()) { return single_packet_queue_->EnqueueTime(); } if (Empty()) return Timestamp::MinusInfinity(); RTC_CHECK(!enqueue_times_.empty()); return *enqueue_times_.begin(); } void RoundRobinPacketQueue::UpdateQueueTime(Timestamp now) { RTC_CHECK_GE(now, time_last_updated_); if (now == time_last_updated_) return; TimeDelta delta = now - time_last_updated_; if (paused_) { pause_time_sum_ += delta; } else { queue_time_sum_ += TimeDelta::Micros(delta.us() * size_packets_); } time_last_updated_ = now; } void RoundRobinPacketQueue::SetPauseState(bool paused, Timestamp now) { if (paused_ == paused) return; UpdateQueueTime(now); paused_ = paused; } void RoundRobinPacketQueue::SetIncludeOverhead() { MaybePromoteSinglePacketToNormalQueue(); include_overhead_ = true; // We need to update the size to reflect overhead for existing packets. for (const auto& stream : streams_) { for (const QueuedPacket& packet : stream.second.packet_queue) { size_ += DataSize::Bytes(packet.RtpPacket()->headers_size()) + transport_overhead_per_packet_; } } } void RoundRobinPacketQueue::SetTransportOverhead(DataSize overhead_per_packet) { MaybePromoteSinglePacketToNormalQueue(); if (include_overhead_) { DataSize previous_overhead = transport_overhead_per_packet_; // We need to update the size to reflect overhead for existing packets. for (const auto& stream : streams_) { int packets = stream.second.packet_queue.size(); size_ -= packets * previous_overhead; size_ += packets * overhead_per_packet; } } transport_overhead_per_packet_ = overhead_per_packet; } TimeDelta RoundRobinPacketQueue::AverageQueueTime() const { if (Empty()) return TimeDelta::Zero(); return queue_time_sum_ / size_packets_; } void RoundRobinPacketQueue::Push(QueuedPacket packet) { auto stream_info_it = streams_.find(packet.Ssrc()); if (stream_info_it == streams_.end()) { stream_info_it = streams_.emplace(packet.Ssrc(), Stream()).first; stream_info_it->second.priority_it = stream_priorities_.end(); stream_info_it->second.ssrc = packet.Ssrc(); } Stream* stream = &stream_info_it->second; if (stream->priority_it == stream_priorities_.end()) { // If the SSRC is not currently scheduled, add it to |stream_priorities_|. RTC_CHECK(!IsSsrcScheduled(stream->ssrc)); stream->priority_it = stream_priorities_.emplace( StreamPrioKey(packet.Priority(), stream->size), packet.Ssrc()); } else if (packet.Priority() < stream->priority_it->first.priority) { // If the priority of this SSRC increased, remove the outdated StreamPrioKey // and insert a new one with the new priority. Note that |priority_| uses // lower ordinal for higher priority. stream_priorities_.erase(stream->priority_it); stream->priority_it = stream_priorities_.emplace( StreamPrioKey(packet.Priority(), stream->size), packet.Ssrc()); } RTC_CHECK(stream->priority_it != stream_priorities_.end()); if (packet.EnqueueTimeIterator() == enqueue_times_.end()) { // Promotion from single-packet queue. Just add to enqueue times. packet.UpdateEnqueueTimeIterator( enqueue_times_.insert(packet.EnqueueTime())); } else { // In order to figure out how much time a packet has spent in the queue // while not in a paused state, we subtract the total amount of time the // queue has been paused so far, and when the packet is popped we subtract // the total amount of time the queue has been paused at that moment. This // way we subtract the total amount of time the packet has spent in the // queue while in a paused state. UpdateQueueTime(packet.EnqueueTime()); packet.SubtractPauseTime(pause_time_sum_); size_packets_ += 1; size_ += PacketSize(packet); } stream->packet_queue.push(packet); } DataSize RoundRobinPacketQueue::PacketSize(const QueuedPacket& packet) const { DataSize packet_size = DataSize::Bytes(packet.RtpPacket()->payload_size() + packet.RtpPacket()->padding_size()); if (include_overhead_) { packet_size += DataSize::Bytes(packet.RtpPacket()->headers_size()) + transport_overhead_per_packet_; } return packet_size; } void RoundRobinPacketQueue::MaybePromoteSinglePacketToNormalQueue() { if (single_packet_queue_.has_value()) { Push(*single_packet_queue_); single_packet_queue_.reset(); } } RoundRobinPacketQueue::Stream* RoundRobinPacketQueue::GetHighestPriorityStream() { RTC_CHECK(!stream_priorities_.empty()); uint32_t ssrc = stream_priorities_.begin()->second; auto stream_info_it = streams_.find(ssrc); RTC_CHECK(stream_info_it != streams_.end()); RTC_CHECK(stream_info_it->second.priority_it == stream_priorities_.begin()); RTC_CHECK(!stream_info_it->second.packet_queue.empty()); return &stream_info_it->second; } bool RoundRobinPacketQueue::IsSsrcScheduled(uint32_t ssrc) const { for (const auto& scheduled_stream : stream_priorities_) { if (scheduled_stream.second == ssrc) return true; } return false; } } // namespace webrtc