/* * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include "bta/include/bta_av_api.h" #include "btif/include/btif_common.h" #include "device/include/interop.h" #include "include/hardware/bt_rc.h" #include "osi/test/AllocationTestHarness.h" #include "stack/include/btm_api_types.h" #include "types/raw_address.h" #undef LOG_TAG #include "btif/src/btif_rc.cc" extern void allocation_tracker_uninit(void); namespace { int AVRC_BldResponse_ = 0; } // namespace uint8_t appl_trace_level = BT_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING; uint8_t btif_trace_level = BT_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING; tAVRC_STS AVRC_BldCommand(tAVRC_COMMAND* p_cmd, BT_HDR** pp_pkt) { return 0; } tAVRC_STS AVRC_BldResponse(uint8_t handle, tAVRC_RESPONSE* p_rsp, BT_HDR** pp_pkt) { AVRC_BldResponse_++; return 0; } tAVRC_STS AVRC_Ctrl_ParsCommand(tAVRC_MSG* p_msg, tAVRC_COMMAND* p_result) { return 0; } tAVRC_STS AVRC_Ctrl_ParsResponse(tAVRC_MSG* p_msg, tAVRC_RESPONSE* p_result, uint8_t* p_buf, uint16_t* buf_len) { return 0; } tAVRC_STS AVRC_ParsCommand(tAVRC_MSG* p_msg, tAVRC_COMMAND* p_result, uint8_t* p_buf, uint16_t buf_len) { return 0; } tAVRC_STS AVRC_ParsResponse(tAVRC_MSG* p_msg, tAVRC_RESPONSE* p_result, UNUSED_ATTR uint8_t* p_buf, UNUSED_ATTR uint16_t buf_len) { return 0; } void BTA_AvCloseRc(uint8_t rc_handle) {} void BTA_AvMetaCmd(uint8_t rc_handle, uint8_t label, tBTA_AV_CMD cmd_code, BT_HDR* p_pkt) {} void BTA_AvMetaRsp(uint8_t rc_handle, uint8_t label, tBTA_AV_CODE rsp_code, BT_HDR* p_pkt) {} void BTA_AvRemoteCmd(uint8_t rc_handle, uint8_t label, tBTA_AV_RC rc_id, tBTA_AV_STATE key_state) {} void BTA_AvRemoteVendorUniqueCmd(uint8_t rc_handle, uint8_t label, tBTA_AV_STATE key_state, uint8_t* p_msg, uint8_t buf_len) {} void BTA_AvVendorCmd(uint8_t rc_handle, uint8_t label, tBTA_AV_CODE cmd_code, uint8_t* p_data, uint16_t len) {} void BTA_AvVendorRsp(uint8_t rc_handle, uint8_t label, tBTA_AV_CODE rsp_code, uint8_t* p_data, uint16_t len, uint32_t company_id) {} void btif_av_clear_remote_suspend_flag(void) {} bool btif_av_is_connected(void) { return false; } bool btif_av_is_sink_enabled(void) { return false; } RawAddress btif_av_sink_active_peer(void) { return RawAddress(); } RawAddress btif_av_source_active_peer(void) { return RawAddress(); } bool btif_av_stream_started_ready(void) { return false; } bt_status_t btif_transfer_context(tBTIF_CBACK* p_cback, uint16_t event, char* p_params, int param_len, tBTIF_COPY_CBACK* p_copy_cback) { return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } const char* dump_rc_event(uint8_t event) { return nullptr; } const char* dump_rc_notification_event_id(uint8_t event_id) { return nullptr; } const char* dump_rc_pdu(uint8_t pdu) { return nullptr; } bt_status_t do_in_jni_thread(const base::Location& from_here, base::OnceClosure task) { return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread* get_main_thread() { return nullptr; } bool interop_match_addr(const interop_feature_t feature, const RawAddress* addr) { return false; } void LogMsg(uint32_t trace_set_mask, const char* fmt_str, ...) {} /** * Test class to test selected functionality in hci/src/hci_layer.cc */ class BtifRcTest : public AllocationTestHarness { protected: void SetUp() override { AllocationTestHarness::SetUp(); // Disable our allocation tracker to allow ASAN full range allocation_tracker_uninit(); } void TearDown() override { AllocationTestHarness::TearDown(); } }; TEST_F(BtifRcTest, get_element_attr_rsp) { RawAddress bd_addr; btif_rc_cb.rc_multi_cb[0].rc_addr = bd_addr; btif_rc_cb.rc_multi_cb[0].rc_connected = true; btif_rc_cb.rc_multi_cb[0] .rc_pdu_info[IDX_GET_ELEMENT_ATTR_RSP] .is_rsp_pending = true; btif_rc_cb.rc_multi_cb[0].rc_state = BTRC_CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTED; btrc_element_attr_val_t p_attrs[BTRC_MAX_ELEM_ATTR_SIZE]; uint8_t num_attr = BTRC_MAX_ELEM_ATTR_SIZE + 1; CHECK(get_element_attr_rsp(bd_addr, num_attr, p_attrs) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS); CHECK(AVRC_BldResponse_ == 1); }