/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma version(1) #pragma rs java_package_name(com.android.rs.cppkernelvariables) char char_global = 12; uchar uchar_global = 234; short short_global = -321; ushort ushort_global = 432; int int_global = 1234; uint uint_global = 2345; float float_global = 4.5f; long long_global = -77777; ulong ulong_global = 8888; double double_global = -456.5f; char2 char2_global = {11, -22}; uchar2 uchar2_global = {33, 44}; short2 short2_global = {-555, 666}; ushort2 ushort2_global = {777, 888}; int2 int2_global = {999, -1111}; uint2 uint2_global = {2222, 3333}; float2 float2_global = {4.5f, -5.0f}; long2 long2_global = {-4444, 5555}; ulong2 ulong2_global = {6666, 7777}; double2 double2_global = {88.5f, -99.0f}; char3 char3_global = {11, -22, -33}; uchar3 uchar3_global = {33, 44, 55}; short3 short3_global = {-555, 666, 777}; ushort3 ushort3_global = {777, 888, 999}; int3 int3_global = {999, -1111, 2222}; uint3 uint3_global = {2222, 3333, 4444}; float3 float3_global = {4.5f, -5.0f, -6.5f}; long3 long3_global = {-4444, 5555, 6666}; ulong3 ulong3_global = {6666, 7777, 8888}; double3 double3_global = {88.5f, -99.0f, 111.5f}; char4 char4_global = {55, 11, -22, -33}; uchar4 uchar4_global = {222, 33, 44, 55}; short4 short4_global = {-444, -555, 666, 777}; ushort4 ushort4_global = {666, 777, 888, 999}; int4 int4_global = {888, 999, -1111, 2222}; uint4 uint4_global = {1111, 2222, 3333, 4444}; float4 float4_global = {3.0f, 4.5f, -5.0f, -6.5f}; long4 long4_global = {-3333, -4444, 5555, 6666}; ulong4 ulong4_global = {5555, 6666, 7777, 8888}; double4 double4_global = {-77.0f, 88.5f, -99.0f, 111.5f}; rs_matrix2x2 matrix2x2_global; rs_matrix3x3 matrix3x3_global; rs_matrix4x4 matrix4x4_global; rs_quaternion quaternion_global; rs_allocation allocation_1D_global; rs_allocation allocation_1D_global2; rs_allocation allocation_2D_global; rs_allocation allocation_2D_global2; rs_allocation allocation_3D_global; rs_allocation allocation_YUV_2D_global; rs_allocation_cubemap_face cubemap_face_global; rs_sampler sampler_global; uchar4 __attribute__((kernel)) kernel(uchar4 in) { char char_local = 'a'; uchar uchar_local = 'b'; short short_local = -321; ushort ushort_local = 432; int int_local = 1234; uint uint_local = 2345; float float_local = 4.5f; long long_local = -77777; ulong ulong_local = 8888; double double_local = -456.5f; char2 char2_local = {-11, -22}; uchar2 uchar2_local = {33, 44}; short2 short2_local = {-555, 666}; ushort2 ushort2_local = {777, 888}; int2 int2_local = {999, -1111}; uint2 uint2_local = {2222, 3333}; float2 float2_local = {4.5f, -5.0f}; long2 long2_local = {-4444, 5555}; ulong2 ulong2_local = {6666, 7777}; double2 double2_local = {88.5f, -99.0f}; char3 char3_local = {11, -22, -33}; uchar3 uchar3_local = {33, 44, 55}; short3 short3_local = {-555, 666, 777}; ushort3 ushort3_local = {777, 888, 999}; int3 int3_local = {999, -1111, 2222}; uint3 uint3_local = {2222, 3333, 4444}; float3 float3_local = {4.5f, -5.0f, -6.5f}; long3 long3_local = {-4444, 5555, 6666}; ulong3 ulong3_local = {6666, 7777, 8888}; double3 double3_local = {88.5f, -99.0f, 111.5f}; char4 char4_local = {55, 11, -22, -33}; uchar4 uchar4_local = {22, 33, 44, 55}; short4 short4_local = {-444, -555, 666, 777}; ushort4 ushort4_local = {666, 777, 888, 999}; int4 int4_local = {888, 999, -1111, 2222}; uint4 uint4_local = {1111, 2222, 3333, 4444}; float4 float4_local = {3.0f, 4.5f, -5.0f, -6.5f}; long4 long4_local = {-3333, -4444, 5555, 6666}; ulong4 ulong4_local = {5555, 6666, 7777, 8888}; double4 double4_local = {-77.0f, 88.5f, -99.0f, 111.5f}; rs_matrix2x2 matrix2x2_local = {{1., 2.5, 3., 4.5}}; rs_matrix3x3 matrix3x3_local = {{5., 6.5, 7., 8.5, 9., 1.5, 2., 3.5, 4.}}; rs_matrix4x4 matrix4x4_local = {{5.5, 6., 7.5, 8., 9., 1.5, 2., 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7., 8., 9.5, 1.5, 2.5}}; matrix2x2_global = matrix2x2_local; matrix3x3_global = matrix3x3_local; matrix4x4_global = matrix4x4_local; rsQuaternionSet(&quaternion_global, 3.0, 4.5, 5.5, 6.0); rs_quaternion quaternion_local; rsQuaternionSet(&quaternion_local, 7.5, 8.0, 9.0, 0.5); char char_combined = char_local + (char)uchar_local + char2_local.x + (char)uchar2_local.x + char3_local.x - (char)uchar3_local.x + char4_local.x + (char)uchar4_local.x; short short_combined = short_local + (short)ushort_local + short2_local.x + (short)ushort2_local.x + short3_local.x + (short)ushort3_local.x + short4_local.x + (short)ushort4_local.x; int int_combined = int_local + (int)uint_local + int2_local.x + (int)uint2_local.x + int3_local.x + (int)uint3_local.x + int4_local.x + (int)uint4_local.x; float float_combined = float_local + float2_local.x + float3_local.x + float4_local.x; long long_combined = long_local + (long)ulong_local + long2_local.x + (long)ulong2_local.x + long3_local.x + (long)ulong3_local.x + long4_local.x + (long)ulong4_local.x; double double_combined = double_local + double2_local.x + double3_local.x + double4_local.x; char_global = char_combined; short_global = short_combined; int_global = int_combined; float_global = float_combined; long_global = long_combined; double_global = double_combined; uchar4 result = {1,2,3,4}; return result; } float use_constants_global; void setup(void) { use_constants_global = M_1_PI + M_2_PI + M_2_PIl + M_2_SQRTPI + M_E + M_LN10 + M_LN2 + M_LOG10E + M_LOG2E + M_PI + M_PI_2 + M_PI_4 + M_SQRT1_2 + M_SQRT2; }