/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "legacy_audio_hw_hal" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android_audio_legacy { class AudioHardwareInterface; extern "C" { struct legacy_audio_module { struct audio_module module; }; struct legacy_audio_device { struct audio_hw_device device; AudioHardwareInterface *hwif; }; struct legacy_stream_out { struct audio_stream_out stream; AudioStreamOut *legacy_out; }; struct legacy_stream_in { struct audio_stream_in stream; AudioStreamIn *legacy_in; }; enum { HAL_API_REV_1_0, HAL_API_REV_2_0, HAL_API_REV_NUM } hal_api_rev; static uint32_t audio_device_conv_table[][HAL_API_REV_NUM] = { /* output devices */ { AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO_CARKIT, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO_CARKIT }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP_HEADPHONES, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP_HEADPHONES }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP_SPEAKER, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP_SPEAKER }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_AUX_DIGITAL, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_AUX_DIGITAL }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_ANLG_DOCK_HEADSET, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ANLG_DOCK_HEADSET }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_DGTL_DOCK_HEADSET, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_DGTL_DOCK_HEADSET }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_DEFAULT, AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_DEFAULT }, /* input devices */ { AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_COMMUNICATION, AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_COMMUNICATION }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_AMBIENT, AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_AMBIENT }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC, AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET, AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_WIRED_HEADSET, AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_WIRED_HEADSET }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_AUX_DIGITAL, AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_AUX_DIGITAL }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_VOICE_CALL, AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_VOICE_CALL }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_BACK_MIC, AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BACK_MIC }, { AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_DEFAULT, AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_DEFAULT }, }; static audio_devices_t convert_audio_device(uint32_t from_device, int from_rev, int to_rev) { const uint32_t k_num_devices = sizeof(audio_device_conv_table)/sizeof(uint32_t)/HAL_API_REV_NUM; audio_devices_t to_device = AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE; uint32_t in_bit = 0; if (from_rev != HAL_API_REV_1_0) { in_bit = from_device & AUDIO_DEVICE_BIT_IN; from_device &= ~AUDIO_DEVICE_BIT_IN; } while (from_device) { uint32_t i = 31 - __builtin_clz(from_device); uint32_t cur_device = (1 << i) | in_bit; for (i = 0; i < k_num_devices; i++) { if (audio_device_conv_table[i][from_rev] == cur_device) { to_device = (audio_devices_t)(to_device | audio_device_conv_table[i][to_rev]); break; } } from_device &= ~cur_device; } return to_device; } /** audio_stream_out implementation **/ static uint32_t out_get_sample_rate(const struct audio_stream *stream) { const struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); return out->legacy_out->sampleRate(); } static int out_set_sample_rate(struct audio_stream *stream, uint32_t rate) { struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); ALOGE("(%s:%d) %s: Implement me!", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); /* TODO: implement this */ return 0; } static size_t out_get_buffer_size(const struct audio_stream *stream) { const struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); return out->legacy_out->bufferSize(); } static audio_channel_mask_t out_get_channels(const struct audio_stream *stream) { const struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); return (audio_channel_mask_t) out->legacy_out->channels(); } static audio_format_t out_get_format(const struct audio_stream *stream) { const struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); // legacy API, don't change return type return (audio_format_t) out->legacy_out->format(); } static int out_set_format(struct audio_stream *stream, audio_format_t format) { struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); ALOGE("(%s:%d) %s: Implement me!", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); /* TODO: implement me */ return 0; } static int out_standby(struct audio_stream *stream) { struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); return out->legacy_out->standby(); } static int out_dump(const struct audio_stream *stream, int fd) { const struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); Vector args; return out->legacy_out->dump(fd, args); } static int out_set_parameters(struct audio_stream *stream, const char *kvpairs) { struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); int val; String8 s8 = String8(kvpairs); AudioParameter parms = AudioParameter(String8(kvpairs)); if (parms.getInt(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING), val) == NO_ERROR) { val = convert_audio_device(val, HAL_API_REV_2_0, HAL_API_REV_1_0); parms.remove(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING)); parms.addInt(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING), val); s8 = parms.toString(); } return out->legacy_out->setParameters(s8); } static char * out_get_parameters(const struct audio_stream *stream, const char *keys) { const struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); String8 s8; int val; s8 = out->legacy_out->getParameters(String8(keys)); AudioParameter parms = AudioParameter(s8); if (parms.getInt(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING), val) == NO_ERROR) { val = convert_audio_device(val, HAL_API_REV_1_0, HAL_API_REV_2_0); parms.remove(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING)); parms.addInt(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING), val); s8 = parms.toString(); } return strdup(s8.string()); } static uint32_t out_get_latency(const struct audio_stream_out *stream) { const struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); return out->legacy_out->latency(); } static int out_set_volume(struct audio_stream_out *stream, float left, float right) { struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); return out->legacy_out->setVolume(left, right); } static ssize_t out_write(struct audio_stream_out *stream, const void* buffer, size_t bytes) { struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); return out->legacy_out->write(buffer, bytes); } static int out_get_render_position(const struct audio_stream_out *stream, uint32_t *dsp_frames) { const struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); return out->legacy_out->getRenderPosition(dsp_frames); } static int out_get_next_write_timestamp(const struct audio_stream_out *stream, int64_t *timestamp) { const struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); return out->legacy_out->getNextWriteTimestamp(timestamp); } static int out_add_audio_effect(const struct audio_stream *stream, effect_handle_t effect) { return 0; } static int out_remove_audio_effect(const struct audio_stream *stream, effect_handle_t effect) { return 0; } /** audio_stream_in implementation **/ static uint32_t in_get_sample_rate(const struct audio_stream *stream) { const struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); return in->legacy_in->sampleRate(); } static int in_set_sample_rate(struct audio_stream *stream, uint32_t rate) { struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); ALOGE("(%s:%d) %s: Implement me!", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); /* TODO: implement this */ return 0; } static size_t in_get_buffer_size(const struct audio_stream *stream) { const struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); return in->legacy_in->bufferSize(); } static audio_channel_mask_t in_get_channels(const struct audio_stream *stream) { const struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); return (audio_channel_mask_t) in->legacy_in->channels(); } static audio_format_t in_get_format(const struct audio_stream *stream) { const struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); // legacy API, don't change return type return (audio_format_t) in->legacy_in->format(); } static int in_set_format(struct audio_stream *stream, audio_format_t format) { struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); ALOGE("(%s:%d) %s: Implement me!", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); /* TODO: implement me */ return 0; } static int in_standby(struct audio_stream *stream) { struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); return in->legacy_in->standby(); } static int in_dump(const struct audio_stream *stream, int fd) { const struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); Vector args; return in->legacy_in->dump(fd, args); } static int in_set_parameters(struct audio_stream *stream, const char *kvpairs) { struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); int val; AudioParameter parms = AudioParameter(String8(kvpairs)); String8 s8 = String8(kvpairs); if (parms.getInt(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING), val) == NO_ERROR) { val = convert_audio_device(val, HAL_API_REV_2_0, HAL_API_REV_1_0); parms.remove(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING)); parms.addInt(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING), val); s8 = parms.toString(); } return in->legacy_in->setParameters(s8); } static char * in_get_parameters(const struct audio_stream *stream, const char *keys) { const struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); String8 s8; int val; s8 = in->legacy_in->getParameters(String8(keys)); AudioParameter parms = AudioParameter(s8); if (parms.getInt(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING), val) == NO_ERROR) { val = convert_audio_device(val, HAL_API_REV_1_0, HAL_API_REV_2_0); parms.remove(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING)); parms.addInt(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING), val); s8 = parms.toString(); } return strdup(s8.string()); } static int in_set_gain(struct audio_stream_in *stream, float gain) { struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); return in->legacy_in->setGain(gain); } static ssize_t in_read(struct audio_stream_in *stream, void* buffer, size_t bytes) { struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); return in->legacy_in->read(buffer, bytes); } static uint32_t in_get_input_frames_lost(struct audio_stream_in *stream) { struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); return in->legacy_in->getInputFramesLost(); } static int in_add_audio_effect(const struct audio_stream *stream, effect_handle_t effect) { const struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); return in->legacy_in->addAudioEffect(effect); } static int in_remove_audio_effect(const struct audio_stream *stream, effect_handle_t effect) { const struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); return in->legacy_in->removeAudioEffect(effect); } /** audio_hw_device implementation **/ static inline struct legacy_audio_device * to_ladev(struct audio_hw_device *dev) { return reinterpret_cast(dev); } static inline const struct legacy_audio_device * to_cladev(const struct audio_hw_device *dev) { return reinterpret_cast(dev); } static int adev_init_check(const struct audio_hw_device *dev) { const struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_cladev(dev); return ladev->hwif->initCheck(); } static int adev_set_voice_volume(struct audio_hw_device *dev, float volume) { struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_ladev(dev); return ladev->hwif->setVoiceVolume(volume); } static int adev_set_master_volume(struct audio_hw_device *dev, float volume) { struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_ladev(dev); return ladev->hwif->setMasterVolume(volume); } static int adev_get_master_volume(struct audio_hw_device *dev, float* volume) { struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_ladev(dev); return ladev->hwif->getMasterVolume(volume); } static int adev_set_mode(struct audio_hw_device *dev, audio_mode_t mode) { struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_ladev(dev); // as this is the legacy API, don't change it to use audio_mode_t instead of int return ladev->hwif->setMode((int) mode); } static int adev_set_mic_mute(struct audio_hw_device *dev, bool state) { struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_ladev(dev); return ladev->hwif->setMicMute(state); } static int adev_get_mic_mute(const struct audio_hw_device *dev, bool *state) { const struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_cladev(dev); return ladev->hwif->getMicMute(state); } static int adev_set_parameters(struct audio_hw_device *dev, const char *kvpairs) { struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_ladev(dev); return ladev->hwif->setParameters(String8(kvpairs)); } static char * adev_get_parameters(const struct audio_hw_device *dev, const char *keys) { const struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_cladev(dev); String8 s8; s8 = ladev->hwif->getParameters(String8(keys)); return strdup(s8.string()); } static size_t adev_get_input_buffer_size(const struct audio_hw_device *dev, const struct audio_config *config) { const struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_cladev(dev); return ladev->hwif->getInputBufferSize(config->sample_rate, (int) config->format, audio_channel_count_from_in_mask(config->channel_mask)); } static int adev_open_output_stream(struct audio_hw_device *dev, audio_io_handle_t handle, audio_devices_t devices, audio_output_flags_t flags, struct audio_config *config, struct audio_stream_out **stream_out, const char *address __unused) { struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_ladev(dev); status_t status; struct legacy_stream_out *out; int ret; out = (struct legacy_stream_out *)calloc(1, sizeof(*out)); if (!out) return -ENOMEM; devices = convert_audio_device(devices, HAL_API_REV_2_0, HAL_API_REV_1_0); uint32_t raw_channel_mask = config->channel_mask; out->legacy_out = ladev->hwif->openOutputStreamWithFlags(devices, flags, (int *) &config->format, &raw_channel_mask, &config->sample_rate, &status); if (!out->legacy_out) { ret = status; goto err_open; } config->channel_mask = (audio_channel_mask_t)raw_channel_mask; out->stream.common.get_sample_rate = out_get_sample_rate; out->stream.common.set_sample_rate = out_set_sample_rate; out->stream.common.get_buffer_size = out_get_buffer_size; out->stream.common.get_channels = out_get_channels; out->stream.common.get_format = out_get_format; out->stream.common.set_format = out_set_format; out->stream.common.standby = out_standby; out->stream.common.dump = out_dump; out->stream.common.set_parameters = out_set_parameters; out->stream.common.get_parameters = out_get_parameters; out->stream.common.add_audio_effect = out_add_audio_effect; out->stream.common.remove_audio_effect = out_remove_audio_effect; out->stream.get_latency = out_get_latency; out->stream.set_volume = out_set_volume; out->stream.write = out_write; out->stream.get_render_position = out_get_render_position; out->stream.get_next_write_timestamp = out_get_next_write_timestamp; *stream_out = &out->stream; return 0; err_open: free(out); *stream_out = NULL; return ret; } static void adev_close_output_stream(struct audio_hw_device *dev, struct audio_stream_out* stream) { struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_ladev(dev); struct legacy_stream_out *out = reinterpret_cast(stream); ladev->hwif->closeOutputStream(out->legacy_out); free(out); } /** This method creates and opens the audio hardware input stream */ static int adev_open_input_stream(struct audio_hw_device *dev, audio_io_handle_t handle, audio_devices_t devices, struct audio_config *config, struct audio_stream_in **stream_in, audio_input_flags_t flags __unused, const char *address __unused, audio_source_t source __unused) { struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_ladev(dev); status_t status; struct legacy_stream_in *in; int ret; in = (struct legacy_stream_in *)calloc(1, sizeof(*in)); if (!in) return -ENOMEM; devices = convert_audio_device(devices, HAL_API_REV_2_0, HAL_API_REV_1_0); uint32_t raw_channel_mask = config->channel_mask; in->legacy_in = ladev->hwif->openInputStream(devices, (int *) &config->format, &raw_channel_mask, &config->sample_rate, &status, (AudioSystem::audio_in_acoustics)0); if (!in->legacy_in) { ret = status; goto err_open; } config->channel_mask = (audio_channel_mask_t)raw_channel_mask; in->stream.common.get_sample_rate = in_get_sample_rate; in->stream.common.set_sample_rate = in_set_sample_rate; in->stream.common.get_buffer_size = in_get_buffer_size; in->stream.common.get_channels = in_get_channels; in->stream.common.get_format = in_get_format; in->stream.common.set_format = in_set_format; in->stream.common.standby = in_standby; in->stream.common.dump = in_dump; in->stream.common.set_parameters = in_set_parameters; in->stream.common.get_parameters = in_get_parameters; in->stream.common.add_audio_effect = in_add_audio_effect; in->stream.common.remove_audio_effect = in_remove_audio_effect; in->stream.set_gain = in_set_gain; in->stream.read = in_read; in->stream.get_input_frames_lost = in_get_input_frames_lost; *stream_in = &in->stream; return 0; err_open: free(in); *stream_in = NULL; return ret; } static void adev_close_input_stream(struct audio_hw_device *dev, struct audio_stream_in *stream) { struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_ladev(dev); struct legacy_stream_in *in = reinterpret_cast(stream); ladev->hwif->closeInputStream(in->legacy_in); free(in); } static int adev_dump(const struct audio_hw_device *dev, int fd) { const struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_cladev(dev); Vector args; return ladev->hwif->dumpState(fd, args); } static int legacy_adev_close(hw_device_t* device) { struct audio_hw_device *hwdev = reinterpret_cast(device); struct legacy_audio_device *ladev = to_ladev(hwdev); if (!ladev) return 0; if (ladev->hwif) delete ladev->hwif; free(ladev); return 0; } static int legacy_adev_open(const hw_module_t* module, const char* name, hw_device_t** device) { struct legacy_audio_device *ladev; int ret; if (strcmp(name, AUDIO_HARDWARE_INTERFACE) != 0) return -EINVAL; ladev = (struct legacy_audio_device *)calloc(1, sizeof(*ladev)); if (!ladev) return -ENOMEM; ladev->device.common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG; ladev->device.common.version = AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_2_0; ladev->device.common.module = const_cast(module); ladev->device.common.close = legacy_adev_close; ladev->device.init_check = adev_init_check; ladev->device.set_voice_volume = adev_set_voice_volume; ladev->device.set_master_volume = adev_set_master_volume; ladev->device.get_master_volume = adev_get_master_volume; ladev->device.set_mode = adev_set_mode; ladev->device.set_mic_mute = adev_set_mic_mute; ladev->device.get_mic_mute = adev_get_mic_mute; ladev->device.set_parameters = adev_set_parameters; ladev->device.get_parameters = adev_get_parameters; ladev->device.get_input_buffer_size = adev_get_input_buffer_size; ladev->device.open_output_stream = adev_open_output_stream; ladev->device.close_output_stream = adev_close_output_stream; ladev->device.open_input_stream = adev_open_input_stream; ladev->device.close_input_stream = adev_close_input_stream; ladev->device.dump = adev_dump; ladev->hwif = createAudioHardware(); if (!ladev->hwif) { ret = -EIO; goto err_create_audio_hw; } *device = &ladev->device.common; return 0; err_create_audio_hw: free(ladev); return ret; } static struct hw_module_methods_t legacy_audio_module_methods = { open: legacy_adev_open }; struct legacy_audio_module HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = { module: { common: { tag: HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG, module_api_version: AUDIO_MODULE_API_VERSION_0_1, hal_api_version: HARDWARE_HAL_API_VERSION, id: AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, name: "LEGACY Audio HW HAL", author: "The Android Open Source Project", methods: &legacy_audio_module_methods, dso : NULL, reserved : {0}, }, }, }; }; // extern "C" }; // namespace android_audio_legacy