/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define TRACE_TAG TRANSPORT #include "sysdeps.h" #include "transport.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "adb.h" #include "adb_io.h" #include "adb_unique_fd.h" #include "adb_utils.h" #include "socket_spec.h" #include "sysdeps/chrono.h" // Android Wear has been using port 5601 in all of its documentation/tooling, // but we search for emulators on ports [5554, 5555 + ADB_LOCAL_TRANSPORT_MAX]. // Avoid stomping on their port by restricting the active scanning range. // Once emulators self-(re-)register, they'll have to avoid 5601 in their own way. static int adb_local_transport_max_port = DEFAULT_ADB_LOCAL_TRANSPORT_PORT + 16 * 2 - 1; static std::mutex& local_transports_lock = *new std::mutex(); static void adb_local_transport_max_port_env_override() { const char* env_max_s = getenv("ADB_LOCAL_TRANSPORT_MAX_PORT"); if (env_max_s != nullptr) { size_t env_max; if (ParseUint(&env_max, env_max_s, nullptr) && env_max < 65536) { // < DEFAULT_ADB_LOCAL_TRANSPORT_PORT harmlessly mimics ADB_EMU=0 adb_local_transport_max_port = env_max; D("transport: ADB_LOCAL_TRANSPORT_MAX_PORT read as %d", adb_local_transport_max_port); } else { D("transport: ADB_LOCAL_TRANSPORT_MAX_PORT '%s' invalid or >= 65536, so ignored", env_max_s); } } } // We keep a map from emulator port to transport. // TODO: weak_ptr? static std::unordered_map local_transports [[clang::no_destroy]] GUARDED_BY(local_transports_lock); bool local_connect(int port) { std::string dummy; return local_connect_arbitrary_ports(port - 1, port, &dummy) == 0; } void connect_device(const std::string& address, std::string* response) { if (address.empty()) { *response = "empty address"; return; } D("connection requested to '%s'", address.c_str()); unique_fd fd; int port; std::string serial, prefix_addr; // If address does not match any socket type, it should default to TCP. if (address.starts_with("vsock:") || address.starts_with("localfilesystem:")) { prefix_addr = address; } else { prefix_addr = "tcp:" + address; } socket_spec_connect(&fd, prefix_addr, &port, &serial, response); if (fd.get() == -1) { return; } auto reconnect = [prefix_addr](atransport* t) { std::string response; unique_fd fd; int port; std::string serial; socket_spec_connect(&fd, prefix_addr, &port, &serial, &response); if (fd == -1) { D("reconnect failed: %s", response.c_str()); return ReconnectResult::Retry; } // This invokes the part of register_socket_transport() that needs to be // invoked if the atransport* has already been setup. This eventually // calls atransport->SetConnection() with a newly created Connection* // that will in turn send the CNXN packet. return init_socket_transport(t, std::move(fd), port, 0) >= 0 ? ReconnectResult::Success : ReconnectResult::Retry; }; int error; if (!register_socket_transport(std::move(fd), serial, port, 0, std::move(reconnect), false, &error)) { if (error == EALREADY) { *response = android::base::StringPrintf("already connected to %s", serial.c_str()); } else if (error == EPERM) { *response = android::base::StringPrintf("failed to authenticate to %s", serial.c_str()); } else { *response = android::base::StringPrintf("failed to connect to %s", serial.c_str()); } } else { *response = android::base::StringPrintf("connected to %s", serial.c_str()); } } int local_connect_arbitrary_ports(int console_port, int adb_port, std::string* error) { unique_fd fd; if (find_emulator_transport_by_adb_port(adb_port) != nullptr || find_emulator_transport_by_console_port(console_port) != nullptr) { return -1; } const char* host = getenv("ADBHOST"); if (host) { fd.reset(network_connect(host, adb_port, SOCK_STREAM, 0, error)); } if (fd < 0) { fd.reset(network_loopback_client(adb_port, SOCK_STREAM, error)); } if (fd >= 0) { D("client: connected on remote on fd %d", fd.get()); close_on_exec(fd.get()); disable_tcp_nagle(fd.get()); std::string serial = getEmulatorSerialString(console_port); if (register_socket_transport( std::move(fd), std::move(serial), adb_port, 1, [](atransport*) { return ReconnectResult::Abort; }, false)) { return 0; } } return -1; } static void PollAllLocalPortsForEmulator() { // Try to connect to any number of running emulator instances. for (int port = DEFAULT_ADB_LOCAL_TRANSPORT_PORT; port <= adb_local_transport_max_port; port += 2) { local_connect(port); // Note, uses port and port-1, so '=max_port' is OK. } } // Retry the disconnected local port for 60 times, and sleep 1 second between two retries. static constexpr uint32_t LOCAL_PORT_RETRY_COUNT = 60; static constexpr auto LOCAL_PORT_RETRY_INTERVAL = 1s; struct RetryPort { int port; uint32_t retry_count; }; // Retry emulators just kicked. static std::vector& retry_ports = *new std::vector; std::mutex& retry_ports_lock = *new std::mutex; std::condition_variable& retry_ports_cond = *new std::condition_variable; static void client_socket_thread(std::string_view) { adb_thread_setname("client_socket_thread"); D("transport: client_socket_thread() starting"); PollAllLocalPortsForEmulator(); while (true) { std::vector ports; // Collect retry ports. { std::unique_lock lock(retry_ports_lock); while (retry_ports.empty()) { retry_ports_cond.wait(lock); } retry_ports.swap(ports); } // Sleep here instead of the end of loop, because if we immediately try to reconnect // the emulator just kicked, the adbd on the emulator may not have time to remove the // just kicked transport. std::this_thread::sleep_for(LOCAL_PORT_RETRY_INTERVAL); // Try connecting retry ports. std::vector next_ports; for (auto& port : ports) { VLOG(TRANSPORT) << "retry port " << port.port << ", last retry_count " << port.retry_count; if (local_connect(port.port)) { VLOG(TRANSPORT) << "retry port " << port.port << " successfully"; continue; } if (--port.retry_count > 0) { next_ports.push_back(port); } else { VLOG(TRANSPORT) << "stop retrying port " << port.port; } } // Copy back left retry ports. { std::unique_lock lock(retry_ports_lock); retry_ports.insert(retry_ports.end(), next_ports.begin(), next_ports.end()); } } } void local_init(const std::string& addr) { D("transport: local client init"); std::thread(client_socket_thread, addr).detach(); adb_local_transport_max_port_env_override(); } struct EmulatorConnection : public FdConnection { EmulatorConnection(unique_fd fd, int local_port) : FdConnection(std::move(fd)), local_port_(local_port) {} ~EmulatorConnection() { VLOG(TRANSPORT) << "remote_close, local_port = " << local_port_; std::unique_lock lock(retry_ports_lock); RetryPort port; port.port = local_port_; port.retry_count = LOCAL_PORT_RETRY_COUNT; retry_ports.push_back(port); retry_ports_cond.notify_one(); } void Close() override { std::lock_guard lock(local_transports_lock); local_transports.erase(local_port_); FdConnection::Close(); } int local_port_; }; /* Only call this function if you already hold local_transports_lock. */ static atransport* find_emulator_transport_by_adb_port_locked(int adb_port) REQUIRES(local_transports_lock) { auto it = local_transports.find(adb_port); if (it == local_transports.end()) { return nullptr; } return it->second; } atransport* find_emulator_transport_by_adb_port(int adb_port) { std::lock_guard lock(local_transports_lock); return find_emulator_transport_by_adb_port_locked(adb_port); } atransport* find_emulator_transport_by_console_port(int console_port) { return find_transport(getEmulatorSerialString(console_port).c_str()); } std::string getEmulatorSerialString(int console_port) { return android::base::StringPrintf("emulator-%d", console_port); } int init_socket_transport(atransport* t, unique_fd fd, int adb_port, int local) { int fail = 0; t->type = kTransportLocal; // Emulator connection. if (local) { auto emulator_connection = std::make_unique(std::move(fd), adb_port); t->SetConnection( std::make_unique(std::move(emulator_connection))); std::lock_guard lock(local_transports_lock); atransport* existing_transport = find_emulator_transport_by_adb_port_locked(adb_port); if (existing_transport != nullptr) { D("local transport for port %d already registered (%p)?", adb_port, existing_transport); fail = -1; } else { local_transports[adb_port] = t; } return fail; } // Regular tcp connection. auto fd_connection = std::make_unique(std::move(fd)); t->SetConnection(std::make_unique(std::move(fd_connection))); return fail; }