# GTest Unit Tests [TOC] ## GTest Unit Tests [GTest](https://github.com/google/googletest) is a Google developed open source unit testing framework for C++ and C code. As the majority of GD code is writeen in C++, GTest provide the first layer of defence against bugs from the implementation level. Used in combination with [GMock](https://github.com/google/googlemock) developers can easily isolate classes and functions from their code to conduct unit testing. * [GTest Primer](https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/googletest/docs/primer.md) * [GMock for Dummies](https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/googlemock/docs/for_dummies.md) ### Test Binary All Gd unit test classes are compiled into a single binary [bluetooth_test_gd](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt/+/master/gd/Android.bp). ### Test Sources Definitions * Tests should live in the same directory as the source code * Mocks should live in the same directory as the source header so that it can be shared among multiple tests * Tests should not modify global states that would affect other tests, so that all tests could be executed using the same binary * Each module can define a filegroup() that includes all test sources. This filegroup is then included in a single cc_test() target that produce a single test binary [bluetooth_test_gd](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt/+/master/gd/Android.bp). A single test binary simplifies the configuration effort needed for compilation, presubmit and postsubmit execution, and so on. ### How to run tests #### Use `atest` [ATest](https://source.android.com/compatibility/tests/development/atest) is an Android tool that allows a developers to run multiple modes of tests from the same `atest` command, including Java Instrumentation Tests, C/C++ GTests, CTS/GTS tests, etc. To use `atest` with GD, simplying sync your Android tree, run `source build/envsetup.sh` and `lunch` to a desired target. Then * To run tests on device, the following command will automatically build, push, and execute tests on a connected Android device ```shell atest bluetooth_test_gd ``` * To run tests on host, the following command will automatically build and run tests on your host machine ```shell atest --host bluetooth_test_gd ``` * To run a single test case, use `:#` format, such as ```shell atest --host bluetooth_test_gd:AclManagerTest#invoke_registered_callback_connection_complete_success ``` See `atest --help` for more documentation on how to use atest to run various tests #### Run it yourself (Not receommended unless really needed) Sometimes, you may want to execute the test binary directly because you want to attach a debugger or you want to avoid the test boostrap delay in `atest`. You can do it with the following steps 1. Sync Android tree, run `build/envsetup` and `lunch` desired target, `cd` into Android checkout root directory 1. Make bluetooth_test_gd binary ```shell m -j40 bluetooth_test_gd ``` 1. Run the test on host {value=3} ```shell $ANDROID_HOST_OUT/nativetest64/bluetooth_test_gd/bluetooth_test_gd ``` 1. Run the test on device {value=4} Push test to device ```shell adb push $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/testcases/bluetooth_test_gd/arm64/bluetooth_test_gd /data/nativetest64/bluetooth_test_gd ``` Run test using ADB ```shell adb shell /data/nativetest64/bluetooth_test_gd ``` 1. Run test with filter (Works the same way for device based test) {value=5} ```shell $ANDROID_HOST_OUT/nativetest64/bluetooth_test_gd/bluetooth_test_gd --gtest_filter=AclManagerTest.invoke_registered_callback_connection_complete_success* ``` Note: the '*' wildcard is very important 1. Get command line help {value=6} ```shell $ANDROID_HOST_OUT/nativetest64/bluetooth_test_gd/bluetooth_test_gd --help ``` ### Example: L2capClassicFixedChannelImplTest Note: All paths are relative to [system/bt/gd](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt/+/master/gd) #### Source code: * [l2cap/classic/internal/fixed_channel_impl.h](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt/+/master/gd/l2cap/classic/internal/fixed_channel_impl.h) ```c++ #pragma once #include "common/bidi_queue.h" #include "l2cap/cid.h" #include "l2cap/classic/fixed_channel.h" #include "l2cap/internal/channel_impl.h" #include "l2cap/l2cap_packets.h" #include "os/handler.h" #include "os/log.h" namespace bluetooth { namespace l2cap { namespace classic { namespace internal { class Link; class FixedChannelImpl : public l2cap::internal::ChannelImpl { public: FixedChannelImpl(Cid cid, Link* link, os::Handler* l2cap_handler); virtual ~FixedChannelImpl() = default; hci::Address GetDevice() const; virtual void RegisterOnCloseCallback(os::Handler* user_handler, FixedChannel::OnCloseCallback on_close_callback); virtual void Acquire(); virtual void Release(); virtual bool IsAcquired() const; virtual void OnClosed(hci::ErrorCode status); virtual std::string ToString(); common::BidiQueueEnd>* GetQueueUpEnd(); common::BidiQueueEnd, packet::BasePacketBuilder>* GetQueueDownEnd(); Cid GetCid() const; Cid GetRemoteCid() const; private: // private fields omitted in doc ... }; } // namespace internal } // namespace classic } // namespace l2cap } // namespace bluetooth ``` * [system/bt/gd/l2cap/classic/internal/fixed_channel_impl.cc](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt/+/master/gd/l2cap/classic/internal/fixed_channel_impl.cc) #### Mocks for dependencies' unit tests * [l2cap/classic/internal/fixed_channel_impl_mock.h](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt/+/master/gd/l2cap/classic/internal/fixed_channel_impl_mock.h) ```c++ #pragma once #include "l2cap/classic/internal/fixed_channel_impl.h" #include // Unit test interfaces namespace bluetooth { namespace l2cap { namespace classic { namespace internal { namespace testing { class MockFixedChannelImpl : public FixedChannelImpl { public: MockFixedChannelImpl(Cid cid, Link* link, os::Handler* l2cap_handler) : FixedChannelImpl(cid, link, l2cap_handler) {} MOCK_METHOD(void, RegisterOnCloseCallback, (os::Handler * user_handler, FixedChannel::OnCloseCallback on_close_callback), (override)); MOCK_METHOD(void, Acquire, (), (override)); MOCK_METHOD(void, Release, (), (override)); MOCK_METHOD(bool, IsAcquired, (), (override, const)); MOCK_METHOD(void, OnClosed, (hci::ErrorCode status), (override)); }; } // namespace testing } // namespace internal } // namespace classic } // namespace l2cap } // namespace bluetooth ``` #### Tests * [l2cap/classic/internal/fixed_channel_impl_test.cc](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt/+/master/gd/l2cap/classic/internal/fixed_channel_impl_test.cc) ```c++ #include "l2cap/classic/internal/fixed_channel_impl.h" #include "common/testing/bind_test_util.h" #include "l2cap/cid.h" #include "l2cap/classic/internal/link_mock.h" #include "l2cap/internal/parameter_provider_mock.h" #include "os/handler.h" #include #include namespace bluetooth { namespace l2cap { namespace classic { namespace internal { using l2cap::internal::testing::MockParameterProvider; using ::testing::_; using testing::MockLink; using ::testing::Return; class L2capClassicFixedChannelImplTest : public ::testing::Test { public: static void SyncHandler(os::Handler* handler) { std::promise promise; auto future = promise.get_future(); handler->Post(common::BindOnce(&std::promise::set_value, common::Unretained(&promise))); future.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); } protected: void SetUp() override { thread_ = new os::Thread("test_thread", os::Thread::Priority::NORMAL); l2cap_handler_ = new os::Handler(thread_); } void TearDown() override { l2cap_handler_->Clear(); delete l2cap_handler_; delete thread_; } os::Thread* thread_ = nullptr; os::Handler* l2cap_handler_ = nullptr; }; TEST_F(L2capClassicFixedChannelImplTest, get_device) { MockParameterProvider mock_parameter_provider; EXPECT_CALL(mock_parameter_provider, GetClassicLinkIdleDisconnectTimeout()) .WillRepeatedly(Return(std::chrono::seconds(5))); testing::MockClassicAclConnection* mock_acl_connection = new testing::MockClassicAclConnection(); EXPECT_CALL(*mock_acl_connection, GetAddress()).Times(1); EXPECT_CALL(*mock_acl_connection, RegisterCallbacks(_, l2cap_handler_)).Times(1); EXPECT_CALL(*mock_acl_connection, UnregisterCallbacks(_)).Times(1); MockLink mock_classic_link(l2cap_handler_, &mock_parameter_provider, std::unique_ptr(mock_acl_connection)); hci::AddressWithType device{hci::Address{{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06}}, hci::AddressType::PUBLIC_IDENTITY_ADDRESS}; EXPECT_CALL(mock_classic_link, GetDevice()).WillRepeatedly(Return(device)); FixedChannelImpl fixed_channel_impl(kSmpBrCid, &mock_classic_link, l2cap_handler_); EXPECT_EQ(device.GetAddress(), fixed_channel_impl.GetDevice()); } // Other test cases omitted in doc ... } // namespace internal } // namespace classic } // namespace l2cap } // namespace bluetooth ```