/* * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "hal/hci_hal_host.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hal/hci_hal.h" #include "hal/serialize_packet.h" #include "os/log.h" #include "os/thread.h" #include "os/utils.h" #include "packet/raw_builder.h" using ::bluetooth::os::Thread; namespace bluetooth { namespace hal { namespace { uint16_t kTestPort = 6537; constexpr uint8_t kH4Command = 0x01; constexpr uint8_t kH4Acl = 0x02; constexpr uint8_t kH4Sco = 0x03; constexpr uint8_t kH4Event = 0x04; constexpr uint8_t kH4Iso = 0x05; using H4Packet = std::vector; std::queue> incoming_packets_queue_; class TestHciHalCallbacks : public HciHalCallbacks { public: void hciEventReceived(HciPacket packet) override { incoming_packets_queue_.emplace(kH4Event, packet); } void aclDataReceived(HciPacket packet) override { incoming_packets_queue_.emplace(kH4Acl, packet); } void scoDataReceived(HciPacket packet) override { incoming_packets_queue_.emplace(kH4Sco, packet); } void isoDataReceived(HciPacket packet) override { incoming_packets_queue_.emplace(kH4Iso, packet); } }; // An implementation of rootcanal desktop HCI server which listens on localhost:kListeningPort class FakeRootcanalDesktopHciServer { public: FakeRootcanalDesktopHciServer() { struct sockaddr_in listen_address; socklen_t sockaddr_in_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); memset(&listen_address, 0, sockaddr_in_size); RUN_NO_INTR(listen_fd_ = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)); if (listen_fd_ < 0) { LOG_WARN("Error creating socket for test channel."); return; } listen_address.sin_family = AF_INET; listen_address.sin_port = htons(HciHalHostRootcanalConfig::Get()->GetPort()); listen_address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); if (bind(listen_fd_, reinterpret_cast(&listen_address), sockaddr_in_size) < 0) { LOG_WARN("Error binding test channel listener socket to address."); close(listen_fd_); return; } if (listen(listen_fd_, 1) < 0) { LOG_WARN("Error listening for test channel."); close(listen_fd_); return; } } ~FakeRootcanalDesktopHciServer() { close(listen_fd_); } int Accept() { int accept_fd; RUN_NO_INTR(accept_fd = accept(listen_fd_, nullptr, nullptr)); int flags = fcntl(accept_fd, F_GETFL, NULL); int ret = fcntl(accept_fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); if (ret == -1) { LOG_ERROR("Can't fcntl"); return -1; } if (accept_fd < 0) { LOG_WARN("Error accepting test channel connection errno=%d (%s).", errno, strerror(errno)); if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) { LOG_ERROR("Closing listen_fd_ (won't try again)."); close(listen_fd_); return -1; } } return accept_fd; } private: int listen_fd_ = -1; }; class HciHalRootcanalTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() override { thread_ = new Thread("test_thread", Thread::Priority::NORMAL); HciHalHostRootcanalConfig::Get()->SetPort(kTestPort); fake_server_ = new FakeRootcanalDesktopHciServer; hal_ = fake_registry_.Start(thread_); hal_->registerIncomingPacketCallback(&callbacks_); fake_server_socket_ = fake_server_->Accept(); // accept() after client is connected to avoid blocking std::queue> empty; std::swap(incoming_packets_queue_, empty); } void TearDown() override { hal_->unregisterIncomingPacketCallback(); fake_registry_.StopAll(); close(fake_server_socket_); delete fake_server_; delete thread_; } void SetFakeServerSocketToBlocking() { int flags = fcntl(fake_server_socket_, F_GETFL, NULL); int ret = fcntl(fake_server_socket_, F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK); EXPECT_NE(ret, -1) << "Can't set accept fd to blocking"; } FakeRootcanalDesktopHciServer* fake_server_ = nullptr; HciHal* hal_ = nullptr; ModuleRegistry fake_registry_; TestHciHalCallbacks callbacks_; int fake_server_socket_ = -1; Thread* thread_; }; void check_packet_equal(std::pair hci_packet1_type_data_pair, H4Packet h4_packet2) { auto packet1_hci_size = hci_packet1_type_data_pair.second.size(); ASSERT_EQ(packet1_hci_size + 1, h4_packet2.size()); ASSERT_EQ(hci_packet1_type_data_pair.first, h4_packet2[0]); ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(hci_packet1_type_data_pair.second.data(), h4_packet2.data() + 1, packet1_hci_size), 0); } HciPacket make_sample_hci_cmd_pkt(uint8_t parameter_total_length) { HciPacket pkt; pkt.assign(2 + 1 + parameter_total_length, 0x01); pkt[2] = parameter_total_length; return pkt; } HciPacket make_sample_hci_acl_pkt(uint8_t payload_size) { HciPacket pkt; pkt.assign(2 + 2 + payload_size, 0x01); pkt[2] = payload_size; return pkt; } HciPacket make_sample_hci_sco_pkt(uint8_t payload_size) { HciPacket pkt; pkt.assign(3 + payload_size, 0x01); pkt[2] = payload_size; return pkt; } H4Packet make_sample_h4_evt_pkt(uint8_t parameter_total_length) { H4Packet pkt; pkt.assign(1 + 1 + 1 + parameter_total_length, 0x01); pkt[0] = kH4Event; pkt[2] = parameter_total_length; return pkt; } HciPacket make_sample_h4_acl_pkt(uint8_t payload_size) { HciPacket pkt; pkt.assign(1 + 2 + 2 + payload_size, 0x01); pkt[0] = kH4Acl; pkt[3] = payload_size; pkt[4] = 0; return pkt; } HciPacket make_sample_h4_sco_pkt(uint8_t payload_size) { HciPacket pkt; pkt.assign(1 + 3 + payload_size, 0x01); pkt[0] = kH4Sco; pkt[3] = payload_size; return pkt; } HciPacket make_sample_h4_iso_pkt(uint8_t payload_size) { HciPacket pkt; pkt.assign(1 + 4 + payload_size, 0x01); pkt[0] = kH4Iso; pkt[3] = payload_size; pkt[4] = 0; return pkt; } size_t read_with_retry(int socket, uint8_t* data, size_t length) { size_t bytes_read = 0; ssize_t bytes_read_current = 0; do { bytes_read_current = read(socket, data + bytes_read, length - bytes_read); bytes_read += bytes_read_current; } while (length > bytes_read && bytes_read_current > 0); return bytes_read; } TEST_F(HciHalRootcanalTest, init_and_close) {} TEST_F(HciHalRootcanalTest, receive_hci_evt) { H4Packet incoming_packet = make_sample_h4_evt_pkt(3); write(fake_server_socket_, incoming_packet.data(), incoming_packet.size()); while (incoming_packets_queue_.size() != 1) { } auto packet = incoming_packets_queue_.front(); incoming_packets_queue_.pop(); check_packet_equal(packet, incoming_packet); } TEST_F(HciHalRootcanalTest, receive_hci_acl) { H4Packet incoming_packet = make_sample_h4_acl_pkt(3); write(fake_server_socket_, incoming_packet.data(), incoming_packet.size()); while (incoming_packets_queue_.size() != 1) { } auto packet = incoming_packets_queue_.front(); incoming_packets_queue_.pop(); check_packet_equal(packet, incoming_packet); } TEST_F(HciHalRootcanalTest, receive_hci_sco) { H4Packet incoming_packet = make_sample_h4_sco_pkt(3); write(fake_server_socket_, incoming_packet.data(), incoming_packet.size()); while (incoming_packets_queue_.size() != 1) { } auto packet = incoming_packets_queue_.front(); incoming_packets_queue_.pop(); check_packet_equal(packet, incoming_packet); } TEST_F(HciHalRootcanalTest, receive_hci_iso) { H4Packet incoming_packet = make_sample_h4_iso_pkt(3); write(fake_server_socket_, incoming_packet.data(), incoming_packet.size()); while (incoming_packets_queue_.size() != 1) { } auto packet = incoming_packets_queue_.front(); incoming_packets_queue_.pop(); check_packet_equal(packet, incoming_packet); } TEST_F(HciHalRootcanalTest, receive_two_hci_evts) { H4Packet incoming_packet = make_sample_h4_evt_pkt(3); H4Packet incoming_packet2 = make_sample_h4_evt_pkt(5); write(fake_server_socket_, incoming_packet.data(), incoming_packet.size()); write(fake_server_socket_, incoming_packet2.data(), incoming_packet2.size()); while (incoming_packets_queue_.size() != 2) { } auto packet = incoming_packets_queue_.front(); incoming_packets_queue_.pop(); check_packet_equal(packet, incoming_packet); packet = incoming_packets_queue_.front(); incoming_packets_queue_.pop(); check_packet_equal(packet, incoming_packet2); } TEST_F(HciHalRootcanalTest, receive_evt_and_acl) { H4Packet incoming_packet = make_sample_h4_evt_pkt(3); H4Packet incoming_packet2 = make_sample_h4_acl_pkt(5); write(fake_server_socket_, incoming_packet.data(), incoming_packet.size()); write(fake_server_socket_, incoming_packet2.data(), incoming_packet2.size()); while (incoming_packets_queue_.size() != 2) { } auto packet = incoming_packets_queue_.front(); incoming_packets_queue_.pop(); check_packet_equal(packet, incoming_packet); packet = incoming_packets_queue_.front(); incoming_packets_queue_.pop(); check_packet_equal(packet, incoming_packet2); } TEST_F(HciHalRootcanalTest, receive_multiple_acl_batch) { H4Packet incoming_packet = make_sample_h4_acl_pkt(5); int num_packets = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < num_packets; i++) { write(fake_server_socket_, incoming_packet.data(), incoming_packet.size()); } while (incoming_packets_queue_.size() != num_packets) { } for (int i = 0; i < num_packets; i++) { auto packet = incoming_packets_queue_.front(); incoming_packets_queue_.pop(); check_packet_equal(packet, incoming_packet); } } TEST_F(HciHalRootcanalTest, receive_multiple_acl_sequential) { H4Packet incoming_packet = make_sample_h4_acl_pkt(5); int num_packets = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < num_packets; i++) { write(fake_server_socket_, incoming_packet.data(), incoming_packet.size()); while (incoming_packets_queue_.empty()) { } auto packet = incoming_packets_queue_.front(); incoming_packets_queue_.pop(); check_packet_equal(packet, incoming_packet); } } TEST_F(HciHalRootcanalTest, send_hci_cmd) { uint8_t hci_cmd_param_size = 2; HciPacket hci_data = make_sample_hci_cmd_pkt(hci_cmd_param_size); hal_->sendHciCommand(hci_data); H4Packet read_buf(1 + 2 + 1 + hci_cmd_param_size); SetFakeServerSocketToBlocking(); auto size_read = read_with_retry(fake_server_socket_, read_buf.data(), read_buf.size()); ASSERT_EQ(size_read, 1 + hci_data.size()); check_packet_equal({kH4Command, hci_data}, read_buf); } TEST_F(HciHalRootcanalTest, send_acl) { uint8_t acl_payload_size = 200; HciPacket acl_packet = make_sample_hci_acl_pkt(acl_payload_size); hal_->sendAclData(acl_packet); H4Packet read_buf(1 + 2 + 2 + acl_payload_size); SetFakeServerSocketToBlocking(); auto size_read = read_with_retry(fake_server_socket_, read_buf.data(), read_buf.size()); ASSERT_EQ(size_read, 1 + acl_packet.size()); check_packet_equal({kH4Acl, acl_packet}, read_buf); } TEST_F(HciHalRootcanalTest, send_sco) { uint8_t sco_payload_size = 200; HciPacket sco_packet = make_sample_hci_sco_pkt(sco_payload_size); hal_->sendScoData(sco_packet); H4Packet read_buf(1 + 3 + sco_payload_size); SetFakeServerSocketToBlocking(); auto size_read = read_with_retry(fake_server_socket_, read_buf.data(), read_buf.size()); ASSERT_EQ(size_read, 1 + sco_packet.size()); check_packet_equal({kH4Sco, sco_packet}, read_buf); } TEST_F(HciHalRootcanalTest, send_multiple_acl_batch) { uint8_t acl_payload_size = 200; int num_packets = 1000; HciPacket acl_packet = make_sample_hci_acl_pkt(acl_payload_size); for (int i = 0; i < num_packets; i++) { hal_->sendAclData(acl_packet); } H4Packet read_buf(1 + 2 + 2 + acl_payload_size); SetFakeServerSocketToBlocking(); for (int i = 0; i < num_packets; i++) { auto size_read = read_with_retry(fake_server_socket_, read_buf.data(), read_buf.size()); ASSERT_EQ(size_read, 1 + acl_packet.size()); check_packet_equal({kH4Acl, acl_packet}, read_buf); } } TEST_F(HciHalRootcanalTest, send_multiple_acl_sequential) { uint8_t acl_payload_size = 200; int num_packets = 1000; HciPacket acl_packet = make_sample_hci_acl_pkt(acl_payload_size); SetFakeServerSocketToBlocking(); for (int i = 0; i < num_packets; i++) { hal_->sendAclData(acl_packet); H4Packet read_buf(1 + 2 + 2 + acl_payload_size); auto size_read = read_with_retry(fake_server_socket_, read_buf.data(), read_buf.size()); ASSERT_EQ(size_read, 1 + acl_packet.size()); check_packet_equal({kH4Acl, acl_packet}, read_buf); } } TEST(HciHalHidlTest, serialize) { std::vector bytes = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; auto packet_bytes = hal::SerializePacket(std::unique_ptr(new packet::RawBuilder(bytes))); ASSERT_EQ(bytes, packet_bytes); } } // namespace } // namespace hal } // namespace bluetooth