%{ #include #include #include #include #include "declarations.h" #include "logging.h" #include "language_y.h" #include "field_list.h" #include "fields/all_fields.h" extern int yylex(yy::parser::semantic_type*, yy::parser::location_type*, void *); ParseLocation toParseLocation(yy::parser::location_type loc) { return ParseLocation(loc.begin.line); } #define LOC toParseLocation(yylloc) %} %parse-param { void* scanner } %parse-param { Declarations* decls } %lex-param { void* scanner } %glr-parser %skeleton "glr.cc" %expect-rr 0 %debug %define parse.error verbose %locations %verbose %union { int integer; std::string* string; EnumDef* enum_definition; std::map* enumeration_values; std::pair* enumeration_value; PacketDef* packet_definition_value; FieldList* packet_field_definitions; PacketField* packet_field_type; StructDef* struct_definition_value; std::set* test_cases_t; std::string* test_case_t; std::map>* constraint_list_t; std::pair>* constraint_t; } %token INTEGER %token IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN %token IDENTIFIER %token SIZE_MODIFIER %token STRING %token ENUM "enum" %token PACKET "packet" %token PAYLOAD "payload" %token BODY "body" %token STRUCT "struct" %token SIZE "size" %token COUNT "count" %token FIXED "fixed" %token RESERVED "reserved" %token GROUP "group" %token CUSTOM_FIELD "custom_field" %token CHECKSUM "checksum" %token CHECKSUM_START "checksum_start" %token PADDING "padding" %token TEST "test" %type enum_definition %type enumeration_list %type enumeration %type packet_definition; %type field_definition_list; %type field_definition; %type group_field_definition; %type type_def_field_definition; %type scalar_field_definition; %type checksum_start_field_definition; %type padding_field_definition; %type size_field_definition; %type payload_field_definition; %type body_field_definition; %type fixed_field_definition; %type reserved_field_definition; %type array_field_definition; %type struct_definition; %type test_definition; %type test_case_list; %type test_case; %type constraint_list; %type constraint; %destructor { std::cout << "DESTROYING STRING " << *$$ << "\n"; delete $$; } IDENTIFIER STRING SIZE_MODIFIER %% file : IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN declarations { decls->is_little_endian = ($1 == 1); if (decls->is_little_endian) { DEBUG() << "LITTLE ENDIAN "; } else { DEBUG() << "BIG ENDIAN "; } } declarations : /* empty */ | declarations declaration declaration : enum_definition { DEBUG() << "FOUND ENUM\n\n"; decls->AddTypeDef($1->name_, $1); } | packet_definition { DEBUG() << "FOUND PACKET\n\n"; decls->AddPacketDef($1->name_, $1); } | struct_definition { DEBUG() << "FOUND STRUCT\n\n"; decls->AddTypeDef($1->name_, $1); } | group_definition { // All actions are handled in group_definition } | checksum_definition { // All actions are handled in checksum_definition } | custom_field_definition { // All actions are handled in custom_field_definition } | test_definition { // All actions are handled in test_definition } enum_definition : ENUM IDENTIFIER ':' INTEGER '{' enumeration_list ',' '}' { DEBUG() << "Enum Declared: name=" << *$2 << " size=" << $4 << "\n"; $$ = new EnumDef(std::move(*$2), $4); for (const auto& e : *$6) { $$->AddEntry(e.second, e.first); } delete $2; delete $6; } enumeration_list : enumeration { DEBUG() << "Enumerator with comma\n"; $$ = new std::map(); $$->insert(std::move(*$1)); delete $1; } | enumeration_list ',' enumeration { DEBUG() << "Enumerator with list\n"; $$ = $1; $$->insert(std::move(*$3)); delete $3; } enumeration : IDENTIFIER '=' INTEGER { DEBUG() << "Enumerator: name=" << *$1 << " value=" << $3 << "\n"; $$ = new std::pair($3, std::move(*$1)); delete $1; } group_definition : GROUP IDENTIFIER '{' field_definition_list '}' { decls->AddGroupDef(*$2, $4); delete $2; } checksum_definition : CHECKSUM IDENTIFIER ':' INTEGER STRING { DEBUG() << "Checksum field defined\n"; decls->AddTypeDef(*$2, new ChecksumDef(*$2, *$5, $4)); delete $2; delete $5; } custom_field_definition : CUSTOM_FIELD IDENTIFIER ':' INTEGER STRING { decls->AddTypeDef(*$2, new CustomFieldDef(*$2, *$5, $4)); delete $2; delete $5; } | CUSTOM_FIELD IDENTIFIER STRING { decls->AddTypeDef(*$2, new CustomFieldDef(*$2, *$3)); delete $2; delete $3; } test_definition : TEST IDENTIFIER '{' test_case_list ',' '}' { auto&& packet_name = *$2; DEBUG() << "Test Declared: name=" << *$2 << "\n"; auto packet = decls->GetPacketDef(packet_name); if (packet == nullptr) { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "Could not find packet " << packet_name << "\n"; } for (const auto& t : *$4) { packet->AddTestCase(*t); } delete $2; delete $4; } test_case_list : test_case { DEBUG() << "Test case with comma\n"; $$ = new std::set(); $$->insert($1); } | test_case_list ',' test_case { DEBUG() << "Test case with list\n"; $$ = $1; $$->insert($3); } test_case : STRING { DEBUG() << "Test Case: name=" << *$1 << "\n"; $$ = $1; } struct_definition : STRUCT IDENTIFIER '{' field_definition_list '}' { auto&& struct_name = *$2; auto&& field_definition_list = *$4; DEBUG() << "Struct " << struct_name << " with no parent"; DEBUG() << "STRUCT FIELD LIST SIZE: " << field_definition_list.size(); auto struct_definition = new StructDef(std::move(struct_name), std::move(field_definition_list)); struct_definition->AssignSizeFields(); $$ = struct_definition; delete $2; delete $4; } | STRUCT IDENTIFIER ':' IDENTIFIER '{' field_definition_list '}' { auto&& struct_name = *$2; auto&& parent_struct_name = *$4; auto&& field_definition_list = *$6; DEBUG() << "Struct " << struct_name << " with parent " << parent_struct_name << "\n"; DEBUG() << "STRUCT FIELD LIST SIZE: " << field_definition_list.size() << "\n"; auto parent_struct = decls->GetTypeDef(parent_struct_name); if (parent_struct == nullptr) { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "Could not find struct " << parent_struct_name << " used as parent for " << struct_name; } if (parent_struct->GetDefinitionType() != TypeDef::Type::STRUCT) { ERRORLOC(LOC) << parent_struct_name << " is not a struct"; } auto struct_definition = new StructDef(std::move(struct_name), std::move(field_definition_list), (StructDef*)parent_struct); struct_definition->AssignSizeFields(); $$ = struct_definition; delete $2; delete $4; delete $6; } | STRUCT IDENTIFIER ':' IDENTIFIER '(' constraint_list ')' '{' field_definition_list '}' { auto&& struct_name = *$2; auto&& parent_struct_name = *$4; auto&& constraints = *$6; auto&& field_definition_list = *$9; auto parent_struct = decls->GetTypeDef(parent_struct_name); if (parent_struct == nullptr) { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "Could not find struct " << parent_struct_name << " used as parent for " << struct_name; } if (parent_struct->GetDefinitionType() != TypeDef::Type::STRUCT) { ERRORLOC(LOC) << parent_struct_name << " is not a struct"; } auto struct_definition = new StructDef(std::move(struct_name), std::move(field_definition_list), (StructDef*)parent_struct); struct_definition->AssignSizeFields(); for (const auto& constraint : constraints) { const auto& constraint_name = constraint.first; const auto& constraint_value = constraint.second; DEBUG() << "Parent constraint on " << constraint_name; struct_definition->AddParentConstraint(constraint_name, constraint_value); } $$ = struct_definition; delete $2; delete $4; delete $6; delete $9; } packet_definition : PACKET IDENTIFIER '{' field_definition_list '}' /* Packet with no parent */ { auto&& packet_name = *$2; auto&& field_definition_list = *$4; DEBUG() << "Packet " << packet_name << " with no parent"; DEBUG() << "PACKET FIELD LIST SIZE: " << field_definition_list.size(); auto packet_definition = new PacketDef(std::move(packet_name), std::move(field_definition_list)); packet_definition->AssignSizeFields(); $$ = packet_definition; delete $2; delete $4; } | PACKET IDENTIFIER ':' IDENTIFIER '{' field_definition_list '}' { auto&& packet_name = *$2; auto&& parent_packet_name = *$4; auto&& field_definition_list = *$6; DEBUG() << "Packet " << packet_name << " with parent " << parent_packet_name << "\n"; DEBUG() << "PACKET FIELD LIST SIZE: " << field_definition_list.size() << "\n"; auto parent_packet = decls->GetPacketDef(parent_packet_name); if (parent_packet == nullptr) { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "Could not find packet " << parent_packet_name << " used as parent for " << packet_name; } auto packet_definition = new PacketDef(std::move(packet_name), std::move(field_definition_list), parent_packet); packet_definition->AssignSizeFields(); $$ = packet_definition; delete $2; delete $4; delete $6; } | PACKET IDENTIFIER ':' IDENTIFIER '(' constraint_list ')' '{' field_definition_list '}' { auto&& packet_name = *$2; auto&& parent_packet_name = *$4; auto&& constraints = *$6; auto&& field_definition_list = *$9; DEBUG() << "Packet " << packet_name << " with parent " << parent_packet_name << "\n"; DEBUG() << "PACKET FIELD LIST SIZE: " << field_definition_list.size() << "\n"; DEBUG() << "CONSTRAINT LIST SIZE: " << constraints.size() << "\n"; auto parent_packet = decls->GetPacketDef(parent_packet_name); if (parent_packet == nullptr) { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "Could not find packet " << parent_packet_name << " used as parent for " << packet_name << "\n"; } auto packet_definition = new PacketDef(std::move(packet_name), std::move(field_definition_list), parent_packet); packet_definition->AssignSizeFields(); for (const auto& constraint : constraints) { const auto& constraint_name = constraint.first; const auto& constraint_value = constraint.second; DEBUG() << "Parent constraint on " << constraint_name; packet_definition->AddParentConstraint(constraint_name, constraint_value); } $$ = packet_definition; delete $2; delete $4; delete $6; delete $9; } field_definition_list : /* empty */ { DEBUG() << "Empty Field definition\n"; $$ = new FieldList(); } | field_definition { DEBUG() << "Field definition\n"; $$ = new FieldList(); if ($1->GetFieldType() == GroupField::kFieldType) { auto group_fields = static_cast($1)->GetFields(); FieldList reversed_fields(group_fields->rbegin(), group_fields->rend()); for (auto& field : reversed_fields) { $$->PrependField(field); } delete $1; break; } $$->PrependField($1); } | field_definition ',' field_definition_list { DEBUG() << "Field definition with list\n"; $$ = $3; if ($1->GetFieldType() == GroupField::kFieldType) { auto group_fields = static_cast($1)->GetFields(); FieldList reversed_fields(group_fields->rbegin(), group_fields->rend()); for (auto& field : reversed_fields) { $$->PrependField(field); } delete $1; break; } $$->PrependField($1); } field_definition : group_field_definition { DEBUG() << "Group Field"; $$ = $1; } | type_def_field_definition { DEBUG() << "Field with a pre-defined type\n"; $$ = $1; } | scalar_field_definition { DEBUG() << "Scalar field\n"; $$ = $1; } | checksum_start_field_definition { DEBUG() << "Checksum start field\n"; $$ = $1; } | padding_field_definition { DEBUG() << "Padding field\n"; $$ = $1; } | size_field_definition { DEBUG() << "Size field\n"; $$ = $1; } | body_field_definition { DEBUG() << "Body field\n"; $$ = $1; } | payload_field_definition { DEBUG() << "Payload field\n"; $$ = $1; } | fixed_field_definition { DEBUG() << "Fixed field\n"; $$ = $1; } | reserved_field_definition { DEBUG() << "Reserved field\n"; $$ = $1; } | array_field_definition { DEBUG() << "ARRAY field\n"; $$ = $1; } group_field_definition : IDENTIFIER { auto group = decls->GetGroupDef(*$1); if (group == nullptr) { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "Could not find group with name " << *$1; } std::list* expanded_fields; expanded_fields = new std::list(group->begin(), group->end()); $$ = new GroupField(LOC, expanded_fields); delete $1; } | IDENTIFIER '{' constraint_list '}' { DEBUG() << "Group with fixed field(s) " << *$1 << "\n"; auto group = decls->GetGroupDef(*$1); if (group == nullptr) { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "Could not find group with name " << *$1; } std::list* expanded_fields = new std::list(); for (const auto field : *group) { const auto constraint = $3->find(field->GetName()); if (constraint != $3->end()) { if (field->GetFieldType() == ScalarField::kFieldType) { DEBUG() << "Fixing group scalar value\n"; expanded_fields->push_back(new FixedScalarField(field->GetSize().bits(), std::get(constraint->second), LOC)); } else if (field->GetFieldType() == EnumField::kFieldType) { DEBUG() << "Fixing group enum value\n"; auto type_def = decls->GetTypeDef(field->GetDataType()); EnumDef* enum_def = (type_def->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::ENUM ? (EnumDef*)type_def : nullptr); if (enum_def == nullptr) { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "No enum found of type " << field->GetDataType(); } if (!enum_def->HasEntry(std::get(constraint->second))) { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "Enum " << field->GetDataType() << " has no enumeration " << std::get(constraint->second); } expanded_fields->push_back(new FixedEnumField(enum_def, std::get(constraint->second), LOC)); } else { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "Unimplemented constraint of type " << field->GetFieldType(); } $3->erase(constraint); } else { expanded_fields->push_back(field); } } if ($3->size() > 0) { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "Could not find member " << $3->begin()->first << " in group " << *$1; } $$ = new GroupField(LOC, expanded_fields); delete $1; delete $3; } constraint_list : constraint ',' constraint_list { DEBUG() << "Group field value list\n"; $3->insert(*$1); $$ = $3; delete($1); } | constraint { DEBUG() << "Group field value\n"; $$ = new std::map>(); $$->insert(*$1); delete($1); } constraint : IDENTIFIER '=' INTEGER { DEBUG() << "Group with a fixed integer value=" << $1 << " value=" << $3 << "\n"; $$ = new std::pair(*$1, std::variant($3)); delete $1; } | IDENTIFIER '=' IDENTIFIER { DEBUG() << "Group with a fixed enum field value=" << *$3 << " enum=" << *$1; $$ = new std::pair(*$1, std::variant(*$3)); delete $1; delete $3; } type_def_field_definition : IDENTIFIER ':' IDENTIFIER { DEBUG() << "Predefined type field " << *$1 << " : " << *$3 << "\n"; if (auto type_def = decls->GetTypeDef(*$3)) { $$ = type_def->GetNewField(*$1, LOC); } else { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "No type with this name\n"; } delete $1; delete $3; } scalar_field_definition : IDENTIFIER ':' INTEGER { DEBUG() << "Scalar field " << *$1 << " : " << $3 << "\n"; $$ = new ScalarField(*$1, $3, LOC); delete $1; } body_field_definition : BODY { DEBUG() << "Body field\n"; $$ = new BodyField(LOC); } payload_field_definition : PAYLOAD ':' '[' SIZE_MODIFIER ']' { DEBUG() << "Payload field with modifier " << *$4 << "\n"; $$ = new PayloadField(*$4, LOC); delete $4; } | PAYLOAD { DEBUG() << "Payload field\n"; $$ = new PayloadField("", LOC); } checksum_start_field_definition : CHECKSUM_START '(' IDENTIFIER ')' { DEBUG() << "ChecksumStart field defined\n"; $$ = new ChecksumStartField(*$3, LOC); delete $3; } padding_field_definition : PADDING '[' INTEGER ']' { DEBUG() << "Padding field defined\n"; $$ = new PaddingField($3, LOC); } size_field_definition : SIZE '(' IDENTIFIER ')' ':' INTEGER { DEBUG() << "Size field defined\n"; $$ = new SizeField(*$3, $6, LOC); delete $3; } | SIZE '(' PAYLOAD ')' ':' INTEGER { DEBUG() << "Size for payload defined\n"; $$ = new SizeField("payload", $6, LOC); } | SIZE '(' BODY ')' ':' INTEGER { DEBUG() << "Size for body defined\n"; $$ = new SizeField("body", $6, LOC); } | COUNT '(' IDENTIFIER ')' ':' INTEGER { DEBUG() << "Count field defined\n"; $$ = new CountField(*$3, $6, LOC); delete $3; } fixed_field_definition : FIXED '=' INTEGER ':' INTEGER { DEBUG() << "Fixed field defined value=" << $3 << " size=" << $5 << "\n"; $$ = new FixedScalarField($5, $3, LOC); } | FIXED '=' IDENTIFIER ':' IDENTIFIER { DEBUG() << "Fixed enum field defined value=" << *$3 << " enum=" << *$5; auto type_def = decls->GetTypeDef(*$5); if (type_def != nullptr) { EnumDef* enum_def = (type_def->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::ENUM ? (EnumDef*)type_def : nullptr); if (!enum_def->HasEntry(*$3)) { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "Previously defined enum " << enum_def->GetTypeName() << " has no entry for " << *$3; } $$ = new FixedEnumField(enum_def, *$3, LOC); } else { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "No enum found with name " << *$5; } delete $3; delete $5; } reserved_field_definition : RESERVED ':' INTEGER { DEBUG() << "Reserved field of size=" << $3 << "\n"; $$ = new ReservedField($3, LOC); } array_field_definition : IDENTIFIER ':' INTEGER '[' ']' { DEBUG() << "Vector field defined name=" << *$1 << " element_size=" << $3; $$ = new VectorField(*$1, $3, "", LOC); delete $1; } | IDENTIFIER ':' INTEGER '[' SIZE_MODIFIER ']' { DEBUG() << "Vector field defined name=" << *$1 << " element_size=" << $3 << " size_modifier=" << *$5; $$ = new VectorField(*$1, $3, *$5, LOC); delete $1; delete $5; } | IDENTIFIER ':' INTEGER '[' INTEGER ']' { DEBUG() << "Array field defined name=" << *$1 << " element_size=" << $3 << " fixed_size=" << $5; $$ = new ArrayField(*$1, $3, $5, LOC); delete $1; } | IDENTIFIER ':' IDENTIFIER '[' ']' { DEBUG() << "Vector field defined name=" << *$1 << " type=" << *$3; if (auto type_def = decls->GetTypeDef(*$3)) { $$ = new VectorField(*$1, type_def, "", LOC); } else { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "Can't find type used in array field."; } delete $1; delete $3; } | IDENTIFIER ':' IDENTIFIER '[' SIZE_MODIFIER ']' { DEBUG() << "Vector field defined name=" << *$1 << " type=" << *$3 << " size_modifier=" << *$5; if (auto type_def = decls->GetTypeDef(*$3)) { $$ = new VectorField(*$1, type_def, *$5, LOC); } else { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "Can't find type used in array field."; } delete $1; delete $3; delete $5; } | IDENTIFIER ':' IDENTIFIER '[' INTEGER ']' { DEBUG() << "Array field defined name=" << *$1 << " type=" << *$3 << " fixed_size=" << $5; if (auto type_def = decls->GetTypeDef(*$3)) { $$ = new ArrayField(*$1, type_def, $5, LOC); } else { ERRORLOC(LOC) << "Can't find type used in array field."; } delete $1; delete $3; } %% void yy::parser::error(const yy::parser::location_type& loc, const std::string& error) { ERROR() << error << " at location " << loc << "\n"; abort(); }