package { // See: http://go/android-license-faq // A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import // all of the 'license_kinds' from "system_bt_license" // to get the below license kinds: // SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 // SPDX-license-identifier-BSD default_applicable_licenses: ["system_bt_license"], } crypto_toolbox_srcs = [ "crypto_toolbox/", "crypto_toolbox/", "crypto_toolbox/", ] cc_test_library { name: "crypto_toolbox_for_tests", defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], host_supported: true, include_dirs: [ "system/bt", ], srcs: crypto_toolbox_srcs } // Bluetooth stack static library for target // ======================================================== cc_library_static { name: "libbt-stack", defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], local_include_dirs: [ "include", "avct", "btm", "avrc", "l2cap", "avdt", "eatt", "gatt", "gap", "pan", "bnep", "hid", "metrics", "sdp", "smp", "srvc", ], header_libs: [ "libbluetooth_headers", ], include_dirs: [ "external/aac/libAACenc/include", "external/aac/libAACdec/include", "external/aac/libSYS/include", "external/libldac/inc", "external/libldac/abr/inc", "system/bt", "system/bt/btcore/include", "system/bt/vnd/include", "system/bt/vnd/ble", "system/bt/btif/include", "system/bt/hci/include", "system/bt/internal_include", "system/bt/udrv/include", "system/bt/bta/include", "system/bt/bta/sys", "system/bt/utils/include", "system/bt/gd/rust/shim", ], srcs: crypto_toolbox_srcs + [ "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "a2dp/", "avct/", "avct/", "avct/", "avct/", "avct/", "avct/", "avct/", "avdt/", "avdt/", "avdt/", "avdt/", "avdt/", "avdt/", "avdt/", "avdt/", "avrc/", "avrc/", "avrc/", "avrc/", "avrc/", "avrc/", "avrc/", "avrc/", "bnep/", "bnep/", "bnep/", "btm/", "acl/", "acl/", "acl/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "acl/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "acl/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btu/", "btu/", "eatt/", "gap/", "gap/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "hcic/", "hcic/", "hid/", "hid/", "hid/", "hid/", "l2cap/", "l2cap/", "l2cap/", "l2cap/", "l2cap/", "l2cap/", "l2cap/", "metrics/", "pan/", "pan/", "pan/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "sdp/", "sdp/", "sdp/", "sdp/", "sdp/", "sdp/", "smp/", "smp/", "smp/", "smp/", "smp/", "smp/", "smp/", "smp/", "smp/", "smp/", "srvc/", "srvc/", ], static_libs: [ "libbt-hci", "libFraunhoferAAC", ], shared_libs: [ "libcutils", "liblog", "libcrypto", ], required: [ "libldacBT_enc", "libldacBT_abr", ], host_supported: true, } // Bluetooth stack unit tests for target // ======================================================== cc_test { name: "net_test_stack", defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], test_suites: ["device-tests"], local_include_dirs: [ "include", ], include_dirs: [ "system/bt", "system/bt/internal_include", ], srcs: [ "test/", "test/", ], shared_libs: [ "android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0", "android.hardware.bluetooth@1.1", "android.hardware.bluetooth.a2dp@1.0", "", "", "android.system.suspend.control-V1-ndk", "libaaudio", "libbinder_ndk", "libcutils", "libdl", "libfmq", "libhidlbase", "liblog", "libprocessgroup", "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", "libutils", "libtinyxml2", "libz", "libcrypto", ], static_libs: [ "libbt-audio-hal-interface", "libbtcore", "libbt-bta", "libbt-stack", "libbt-common", "libbt-sbc-decoder", "libbt-sbc-encoder", "libbt-utils", "libbtif", "libFraunhoferAAC", "libbt-hci", "libbtdevice", "libg722codec", "libosi", "libudrv-uipc", "libbt-protos-lite", ], whole_static_libs: [ "libbluetooth-for-tests", ], } cc_test { name: "net_test_stack_rfcomm", defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], test_suites: ["device-tests"], host_supported: true, local_include_dirs: [ "include", "btm", "l2cap", "smp", "rfcomm", "test/common", ], include_dirs: [ "system/bt", "system/bt/internal_include", "system/bt/btcore/include", "system/bt/hci/include", "system/bt/utils/include", ], srcs: [ "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "rfcomm/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/rfcomm/", "test/rfcomm/", "test/rfcomm/", "test/rfcomm/", ], shared_libs: [ "libcutils", "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", "libcrypto", ], static_libs: [ "liblog", "libgmock", "libosi", "libbt-common", "libbt-protos-lite", ], sanitize: { cfi: false, }, } // Bluetooth stack smp unit tests for target // ======================================================== cc_test { name: "net_test_stack_smp", defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], test_suites: ["device-tests"], local_include_dirs: [ "include", "btm", "l2cap", "smp", ], include_dirs: [ "system/bt", "system/bt/internal_include", "system/bt/btcore/include", "system/bt/hci/include", "system/bt/utils/include", ], srcs: crypto_toolbox_srcs + [ "smp/", "smp/", "smp/", "smp/", "smp/", "smp/", "smp/", "test/", "test/", ], shared_libs: [ "libcutils", "libcrypto", ], static_libs: [ "liblog", "libgmock", "libosi", ], } // Bluetooth stack multi-advertising unit tests for target // ======================================================== cc_test { name: "net_test_stack_multi_adv", defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], test_suites: ["device-tests"], local_include_dirs: [ "include", "btm", ], include_dirs: [ "system/bt", "system/bt/internal_include", "system/bt/btcore/include", "system/bt/hci/include", "system/bt/internal_include", "system/bt/utils/include", ], srcs: [ "btm/", "test/", ], shared_libs: [ "libcutils", ], static_libs: [ "libbluetooth-types", "liblog", "libgmock", ], sanitize: { cfi: false, }, } // Bluetooth stack advertise data parsing unit tests for target // ============================================================= cc_test { name: "net_test_stack_ad_parser", defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], test_suites: ["device-tests"], local_include_dirs: [ "include", ], srcs: [ "test/", ], static_libs: [ "libbluetooth-types", "liblog", "libgmock", ], } // Bluetooth stack connection multiplexing // ======================================================== cc_test { name: "net_test_gatt_conn_multiplexing", defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], local_include_dirs: [ "include", "btm", ], include_dirs: [ "system/bt", "system/bt/internal_include", "system/bt/btcore/include", "system/bt/hci/include", "system/bt/internal_include", "system/bt/utils/include", ], srcs: [ "gatt/", "test/", ], shared_libs: [ "libcutils", ], static_libs: [ "libbluetooth-types", "liblog", "libgmock", ], sanitize: { cfi: false, }, } cc_test { name: "net_test_stack_gatt_native", defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], test_suites: ["device-tests"], host_supported: true, test_options: { unit_test: true, }, include_dirs: [ "system/bt", "system/bt/stack/include", "system/bt/stack/eatt", "system/bt/stack/l2cap", "system/bt/stack/btm", "system/bt/utils/include", ], srcs: [ "gatt/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/gatt/", ], shared_libs: [ "libcutils", "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", "libcrypto", ], static_libs: [ "liblog", "libosi", "libbt-common", "libbt-protos-lite", "libgmock", "libosi-AllocationTestHarness", ], sanitize: { address: true, cfi: true, misc_undefined: ["bounds"], }, } cc_test { name: "net_test_stack_avdtp", defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], test_suites: ["device-tests"], host_supported: true, test_options: { unit_test: true, }, include_dirs: [ "external/libldac/inc", "system/bt", "system/bt/stack/include", "system/bt/utils/include", ], srcs: [ "test/", "avdt/", "avdt/", "avdt/", "avdt/", "avdt/", "avdt/", "avdt/", "test/common/", "test/common/", ":TestMockStackL2cap", ":TestMockStackAcl", ":TestMockStackA2dp", ":TestMockBta", ":TestMockDevice", ], shared_libs: [ "libcrypto", "libcutils", "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", ], static_libs: [ "libbt-common", "libbt-protos-lite", "liblog", "libosi", "libosi-AllocationTestHarness", ], sanitize: { address: true, cfi: true, misc_undefined: ["bounds"], }, } cc_test { name: "net_test_stack_a2dp_native", defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], test_suites: ["device-tests"], host_supported: true, test_options: { unit_test: true, }, include_dirs: [ "external/libldac/inc", "system/bt", "system/bt/stack/include", ], srcs: [ "test/a2dp/", "test/a2dp/", ], shared_libs: [ "libcrypto", "libcutils", "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", ], static_libs: [ "libbt-common", "libbt-protos-lite", "liblog", "libosi", "libosi-AllocationTestHarness", ], sanitize: { address: true, cfi: true, misc_undefined: ["bounds"], }, } // gatt sr hash test cc_test { name: "net_test_stack_gatt_sr_hash_native", defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], test_suites: ["device-tests"], host_supported: true, include_dirs: [ "system/bt", "system/bt/stack/btm", "system/bt/stack/eatt", "system/bt/stack/include", "system/bt/utils/include", ], srcs: crypto_toolbox_srcs + [ "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/gatt/", "test/", ], shared_libs: [ "libcutils", "libcrypto", "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", ], static_libs: [ "libbt-common", "libbt-protos-lite", "liblog", "libgmock", "libosi", ], } // Iso manager unit tests cc_test { name: "net_test_btm_iso", test_suites: ["device-tests"], host_supported: true, test_options: { unit_test: true, }, defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], local_include_dirs: [ "btm", "include", "test/common", ], include_dirs: [ "system/bt", "system/bt/btcore/include", ], srcs: [ "btm/", "test/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/common/", ], static_libs: [ "libbt-common", "libgmock", "liblog", "libosi", ], sanitize: { cfi: true, scs: true, address: true, all_undefined: true, integer_overflow: true, diag: { undefined : true }, }, } // EATT unit tests cc_test { name: "net_test_eatt", test_suites: ["device-tests"], host_supported: true, test_options: { unit_test: true, }, defaults: [ "fluoride_defaults", "clang_coverage_bin", ], local_include_dirs: [ "include", "btm", "eatt", "gatt", "l2cap", "test/common", ], include_dirs:[ "system/bt", "system/bt/btcore/include", ], srcs: [ "eatt/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/common/", "test/gatt/", "test/eatt/", ], shared_libs: [ "libcutils", "libcrypto", "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", ], static_libs: [ "libbt-common", "libbt-protos-lite", "liblog", "libgmock", "libosi", ], sanitize: { cfi: false, }, } cc_test { name: "net_test_stack_btm", test_suites: ["device-tests"], host_supported: true, test_options: { unit_test: true, }, defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], local_include_dirs: [ "include", "btm", "test/common", ], include_dirs: [ "system/bt", "system/bt/gd", "system/bt/vnd/ble", ], generated_headers: [ "BluetoothGeneratedBundlerSchema_h_bfbs", "BluetoothGeneratedDumpsysDataSchema_h", "BluetoothGeneratedPackets_h", ], srcs: crypto_toolbox_srcs + [ ":BluetoothBtaaSources_host", ":BluetoothHalSources_hci_host", ":BluetoothOsSources_host", ":TestMockBta", ":TestMockBtif", ":TestMockDevice", ":TestMockLegacyHciCommands", ":TestMockMainBte", ":TestMockMainShim", ":TestMockStackBtu", ":TestMockStackGap", ":TestMockStackGatt", ":TestMockStackSmp", ":TestStackL2cap", "acl/", "acl/", "acl/", "acl/", "acl/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "btm/", "metrics/", "test/btm/", "test/btm/", "test/btm/", ], static_libs: [ "libbt-common", "libbt-protos-lite", "libbtdevice", "libgmock", "liblog", "libosi", ], shared_libs: [ "libcrypto", "libflatbuffers-cpp", "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", ], sanitize: { address: true, all_undefined: true, cfi: true, integer_overflow: true, scs: true, diag: { undefined : true }, }, } cc_test { name: "net_test_stack_hci", test_suites: ["device-tests"], host_supported: true, defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], local_include_dirs: [ "include", "btm", "test/common", ], include_dirs: [ "system/bt", "system/bt/vnd/ble", ], srcs: crypto_toolbox_srcs + [ "test/hci/", ], static_libs: [ "libbt-common", "libbt-protos-lite", "libbte", "libgmock", "liblog", "libosi", "libbtdevice", ], shared_libs: [ "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", "libcrypto", ], sanitize: { address: true, all_undefined: true, cfi: true, integer_overflow: true, scs: true, diag: { undefined : true }, }, } cc_test { name: "net_test_stack_hid", test_suites: ["device-tests"], host_supported: true, defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], local_include_dirs: [ "include", "test/common", ], include_dirs: [ "system/bt", ], srcs: crypto_toolbox_srcs + [ ":TestStackL2cap", ":TestStackSdp", ":TestStackBtm", ":TestStubLegacyTrace", "hid/", "hid/", "hid/", "hid/", "test/hid/", ], static_libs: [ "libbt-common", "libbt-protos-lite", "libbtdevice", "libbte", "libgmock", "liblog", "libosi", ], shared_libs: [ "libcrypto", "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", ], sanitize: { address: true, all_undefined: true, cfi: true, integer_overflow: true, scs: true, diag: { undefined : true }, }, } cc_test { name: "net_test_stack_btu", test_suites: ["device-tests"], host_supported: true, defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], local_include_dirs: [ "include", "test/common", ], include_dirs: [ "system/bt", "system/bt/gd", ], generated_headers: [ "BluetoothGeneratedBundlerSchema_h_bfbs", "BluetoothGeneratedDumpsysDataSchema_h", "BluetoothGeneratedPackets_h", ], srcs: [ ":TestMockBta", ":TestMockBtif", ":TestMockHci", ":TestMockLegacyHciCommands", ":TestMockMainShim", ":TestMockStackAcl", ":TestMockStackSmp", ":TestStackBtm", ":TestStackL2cap", ":TestMockStackMetrics", "btu/", "btu/", "test/", ], static_libs: [ "libbt-common", "libbt-protos-lite", "libbtdevice", "libgmock", "liblog", "libosi", ], shared_libs: [ "libbinder_ndk", "libcrypto", "libflatbuffers-cpp", "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", ], sanitize: { address: true, all_undefined: true, cfi: true, integer_overflow: true, scs: true, diag: { undefined : true }, }, } cc_test { name: "net_test_stack_gatt", test_suites: ["device-tests"], host_supported: true, defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"], local_include_dirs: [ "include", "test/common", ], include_dirs: [ "system/bt", "system/bt/gd", "system/bt/utils/include", ], generated_headers: [ "BluetoothGeneratedBundlerSchema_h_bfbs", "BluetoothGeneratedDumpsysDataSchema_h", "BluetoothGeneratedPackets_h", ], srcs: [ ":TestMockBta", ":TestMockBtif", ":TestMockHci", ":TestMockLegacyHciCommands", ":TestMockMainShim", ":TestMockStackAcl", ":TestMockStackCryptotoolbox", ":TestMockStackSmp", ":TestStackBtm", ":TestStackL2cap", ":TestStackSdp", "eatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "gatt/", "test/gatt/", ], static_libs: [ "libbt-common", "libbt-protos-lite", "libbtdevice", "libgmock", "liblog", "libosi", ], shared_libs: [ "libbinder_ndk", "libcrypto", "libflatbuffers-cpp", "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", ], sanitize: { address: true, all_undefined: true, cfi: true, integer_overflow: true, scs: true, diag: { undefined : true }, }, }