runtime: python27 api_version: 1 threadsafe: true # [START env_vars] env_variables: ENDPOINTS_SERVICE_NAME: ENDPOINTS_SERVICE_VERSION: 2018-09-03r0 SESSION_SECRET_KEY: '' # [END env_vars] # [START builtins] builtins: # [END builtins] # [START handlers] handlers: # The endpoints handler must be mapped to /_ah/api. - url: /_ah/api/.* script: webapp.src.endpoint_main.api - url: /(.*\.(html|js|css|txt|ico)) static_files: webapp/static/\1 upload: webapp/static/(.*\.(html|js|css|txt|ico)) - url: /((build|device|job|lab|schedule)([?&/].*)?)? static_files: webapp/static/index.html upload: webapp/static/index.html - url: /.* script: # [END handlers] # [START libraries] libraries: - name: webapp2 version: latest - name: jinja2 version: latest - name: pycrypto version: 2.6 - name: ssl version: 2.7.11 # [END libraries] # [START exclude] skip_files: - ^(.*/)?#.*#$ - ^(.*/)?.*~$ - ^(.*/)?.*\.py[co]$ - ^(.*/)?.*/RCS/.*$ - ^(.*/)?\..*$ - ^script/*$ - - .*$ - ^(.*/)?frontend/(.*) # [END exclude]