// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package {
    default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"],

java_test_host {
    name: "CtsUsesNativeLibraryTest",
    defaults: ["cts_defaults"],
    srcs: ["src/**/*.java"],
    test_suites: [
    libs: [
    java_resource_dirs: ["res"],
    data: [":CtsUesNativeLibraryBuildPackage"],

// Note that this app is built as a java library. The actual app is built
// by the test (CtsUsesNativeLibraryTest) while the test is running.
// This java library is appended to the built apk by the test.
java_library {
    name: "CtsUsesNativeLibraryTestApp",
    srcs: ["src_target/**/*.java"],
    static_libs: [
    sdk_version: "test_current",
    compile_dex: true,
    installable: false,
    visibility: ["//visibility:private"],

// These are collection of tools and libraries that are required to build
// an apk by the test. This zip file is extracted by the test and files
// in the zip are executed from there.
// There are two tricks used here: 1) host tools such as aapt2 are listed
// in the `tools` property although they technically are inputs of the zip,
// not the tools for creating the zip. However, since the java test is not
// specific to arch, it can't (transitively) depend on arch-specific (x86)
// host tools. To work-around the problem, they are listed in the `tools`
// property, and then used as inputs in the `cmd`.
// 2) signapk and libconscrypt_openjdk_jni are listed in the `host_required`
// property instead of `tools` or `srcs`. This is because those modules are
// neither specific to arch (thus can't be in tools), nor provide source (thus
// can't be in srcs). To access them, their location in the soong intermediate
// directory is manually searched in the cmd, while dependencies to them are
// created using the `required` property.
genrule {
    name: "CtsUesNativeLibraryBuildPackage",
    // srcs, tools, required are all "essentially" inputs of the zip
    // (except for soong_zip which is actually the tool)
    srcs: [
    tools: [
        // To make signapk.jar be generated under HOST_SOONG_OUT before this rule runes
    host_required: [
    out: ["CtsUesNativeLibraryBuildPackage.zip"],
    // Copied from system/apex/apexer/Android.bp
    cmd: "HOST_OUT_BIN=$$(dirname $(location soong_zip)) && " +
         "HOST_SOONG_OUT=$$(dirname $$(dirname $$HOST_OUT_BIN)) && " +
         "SIGNAPK_JAR=$$(find $$HOST_SOONG_OUT -name \"signapk*\") && " +
         "LIBCONSCRYPT_OPENJDK_JNI=$$(find $$HOST_SOONG_OUT -name \"libconscrypt_openjdk_jni.*\") && " +
         "rm -rf $(genDir)/content && " +
         "mkdir -p $(genDir)/content && " +
         "cp $(location aapt2) $(genDir)/content && " +
         "cp $(location merge_zips) $(genDir)/content && " +
         "cp $(location :sdk_public_30_android) $(genDir)/content && " +
         "cp $(location :CtsUsesNativeLibraryTestApp) $(genDir)/content && " +
         "cp $(location testkey.pk8) $(genDir)/content && " +
         "cp $(location testkey.x509.pem) $(genDir)/content && " +
         "cp $$SIGNAPK_JAR $(genDir)/content && " +
         "cp $$LIBCONSCRYPT_OPENJDK_JNI $(genDir)/content && " +
         "$(location soong_zip) -C $(genDir)/content -D $(genDir)/content -o $(out) && " +
         "rm -rf $(genDir)/content ",
    visibility: ["//visibility:private"],