# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import logging from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import chrome def _ExecuteOobeCmd(browser, cmd): logging.info('Invoking ' + cmd) oobe = browser.oobe oobe.WaitForJavaScriptCondition('typeof Oobe !== \'undefined\'', timeout=10) oobe.ExecuteJavaScript(cmd) def RemoraEnrollment(browser, user_id, password): """Enterprise login for a Remora device. @param browser: telemetry browser object. @param user_id: login credentials user_id. @param password: login credentials password. """ browser.oobe.NavigateGaiaLogin( user_id, password, enterprise_enroll=True, for_user_triggered_enrollment=False) def EnterpriseEnrollment(browser, user_id, password, auto_login=False): """Enterprise login for a kiosk device. @param browser: telemetry browser object. @param user_id: login credentials user_id. @param password: login credentials password. @param auto_login: also login after enrollment. """ browser.oobe.NavigateGaiaLogin(user_id, password, enterprise_enroll=True, for_user_triggered_enrollment=True) if auto_login: browser.oobe.NavigateGaiaLogin(user_id, password) # TODO(achuith): Replace with WaitForLogin. utils.poll_for_condition(lambda: not browser.oobe_exists, timeout=30) def EnterpriseFakeEnrollment(browser, user_id, password, gaia_id, auto_login=False): """Enterprise fake login. @param browser: telemetry browser object. @param user_id: login credentials user_id. @param password: login credentials password. @param gaia_id: login credentials gaia_id. @param auto_login: also login after enrollment. """ browser.oobe.NavigateFakeLogin(user_id, password, gaia_id, enterprise_enroll=True) # Oobe context recreated after after the enrollment. utils.poll_for_condition( lambda: browser.oobe_exists and browser.oobe.EnterpriseWebviewVisible(user_id), timeout=30) if auto_login: browser.oobe.NavigateFakeLogin(user_id, password, gaia_id) # TODO(achuith): Replace with WaitForLogin. utils.poll_for_condition(lambda: not browser.oobe_exists, timeout=45) def OnlineDemoMode(browser): """Switch to online demo mode. @param browser: telemetry browser object. """ _ExecuteOobeCmd(browser, 'Oobe.setUpOnlineDemoModeForTesting();') utils.poll_for_condition(lambda: not browser.oobe_exists, timeout=90) def KioskEnrollment(browser, user_id, password, gaia_id): """Kiosk Enrollment. @param browser: telemetry browser object. @param user_id: login credentials user_id. @param password: login credentials password. @param gaia_id: login credentials gaia_id. """ cmd = ('Oobe.loginForTesting("{user}", "{password}", "{gaia_id}", true)' .format(user=user_id, password=password, gaia_id=gaia_id)) _ExecuteOobeCmd(browser, cmd) utils.poll_for_condition(lambda: not browser.oobe_exists, timeout=60)