// Copyright 2017 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fgas/font/cfgas_defaultfontmanager.h" #include "core/fxge/fx_font.h" #include "xfa/fgas/font/cfgas_gefont.h" #include "xfa/fgas/font/fgas_fontutils.h" // static RetainPtr CFGAS_DefaultFontManager::GetFont( CFGAS_FontMgr* pFontMgr, WideStringView wsFontFamily, uint32_t dwFontStyles) { WideString wsFontName(wsFontFamily); RetainPtr pFont = pFontMgr->LoadFont(wsFontName.c_str(), dwFontStyles, 0xFFFF); if (pFont) return pFont; const FGAS_FontInfo* pCurFont = FGAS_FontInfoByFontName(wsFontName.AsStringView()); if (!pCurFont || !pCurFont->pReplaceFont) return pFont; uint32_t dwStyle = 0; // TODO(dsinclair): Why doesn't this check the other flags? if (FontStyleIsForceBold(dwFontStyles)) dwStyle |= FXFONT_FORCE_BOLD; if (FontStyleIsItalic(dwFontStyles)) dwStyle |= FXFONT_ITALIC; const char* pReplace = pCurFont->pReplaceFont; int32_t iLength = strlen(pReplace); while (iLength > 0) { const char* pNameText = pReplace; while (*pNameText != ',' && iLength > 0) { pNameText++; iLength--; } WideString wsReplace = WideString::FromASCII(ByteStringView(pReplace, pNameText - pReplace)); pFont = pFontMgr->LoadFont(wsReplace.c_str(), dwStyle, 0xFFFF); if (pFont) break; iLength--; pNameText++; pReplace = pNameText; } return pFont; } // static RetainPtr CFGAS_DefaultFontManager::GetDefaultFont( CFGAS_FontMgr* pFontMgr, WideStringView wsFontFamily, uint32_t dwFontStyles) { RetainPtr pFont = pFontMgr->LoadFont(L"Arial Narrow", dwFontStyles, 0xFFFF); if (!pFont) { pFont = pFontMgr->LoadFont(static_cast(nullptr), dwFontStyles, 0xFFFF); } return pFont; }