# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. import("//build_overrides/pigweed.gni") declare_args() { # Enable/disable Arduino builds via group("arduino"). # Set to the full path of where cores are installed. pw_arduino_build_CORE_PATH = "" # Expected args for an Arduino build: pw_arduino_build_CORE_NAME = "" # TODO(tonymd): "teensy/avr" here should match the folders in this dir: # "../third_party/arduino/cores/$pw_arduino_build_CORE_NAME/hardware/*") # For teensy: "teensy/avr", for adafruit-samd: "samd/1.6.2" pw_arduino_build_PACKAGE_NAME = "" pw_arduino_build_BOARD = "" # Menu options should be a list of strings. pw_arduino_build_MENU_OPTIONS = [] } if (pw_arduino_build_CORE_PATH != "") { # Check that enough pw_arduino_build_* args are set to find and use a core. _required_args_message = "The following build args must all be set: " + "pw_arduino_build_CORE_PATH, pw_arduino_build_CORE_NAME, " + "pw_arduino_build_PACKAGE_NAME." assert(pw_arduino_build_CORE_NAME != "", "Missing 'pw_arduino_build_CORE_NAME' build arg. " + _required_args_message) assert(pw_arduino_build_PACKAGE_NAME != "", "Missing 'pw_arduino_build_PACKAGE_NAME' build arg. " + _required_args_message) _arduino_selected_core_path = rebase_path("$pw_arduino_build_CORE_PATH/$pw_arduino_build_CORE_NAME") arduino_builder_script = get_path_info("py/pw_arduino_build/__main__.py", "abspath") # Check pw_arduino_build_BOARD is set assert(pw_arduino_build_BOARD != "", "pw_arduino_build_BOARD build arg not set. " + "To see supported boards run: " + "arduino_builder --arduino-package-path " + _arduino_selected_core_path + " --arduino-package-name " + pw_arduino_build_PACKAGE_NAME + " list-boards") _compiler_path_override = rebase_path(getenv("_PW_ACTUAL_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT") + "/cipd/pigweed/bin") arduino_core_library_path = "$_arduino_selected_core_path/hardware/" + "$pw_arduino_build_PACKAGE_NAME/libraries" arduino_global_args = [ "--arduino-package-path", _arduino_selected_core_path, "--arduino-package-name", pw_arduino_build_PACKAGE_NAME, "--compiler-path-override", _compiler_path_override, # Save config files to "out/arduino_debug/gen/arduino_builder_config.json" "--config-file", rebase_path(root_gen_dir) + "/arduino_builder_config.json", "--save-config", ] arduino_board_args = [ "--build-path", rebase_path(root_build_dir), "--board", pw_arduino_build_BOARD, ] if (pw_arduino_build_MENU_OPTIONS != []) { arduino_board_args += [ "--menu-options" ] arduino_board_args += pw_arduino_build_MENU_OPTIONS } arduino_show_command_args = arduino_global_args + [ "show", "--delimit-with-newlines", ] + arduino_board_args arduino_run_command_args = arduino_global_args + [ "run" ] + arduino_board_args }