/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "Choreographer" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { struct { // Global JVM that is provided by zygote JavaVM* jvm = nullptr; struct { jclass clazz; jmethodID getInstance; jmethodID registerNativeChoreographerForRefreshRateCallbacks; jmethodID unregisterNativeChoreographerForRefreshRateCallbacks; } displayManagerGlobal; } gJni; // Gets the JNIEnv* for this thread, and performs one-off initialization if we // have never retrieved a JNIEnv* pointer before. JNIEnv* getJniEnv() { if (gJni.jvm == nullptr) { ALOGW("AChoreographer: No JVM provided!"); return nullptr; } JNIEnv* env = nullptr; if (gJni.jvm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) { ALOGD("Attaching thread to JVM for AChoreographer"); JavaVMAttachArgs args = {JNI_VERSION_1_4, "AChoreographer_env", NULL}; jint attachResult = gJni.jvm->AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon(&env, (void*)&args); if (attachResult != JNI_OK) { ALOGE("Unable to attach thread. Error: %d", attachResult); return nullptr; } } if (env == nullptr) { ALOGW("AChoreographer: No JNI env available!"); } return env; } inline const char* toString(bool value) { return value ? "true" : "false"; } } // namespace namespace android { struct FrameCallback { AChoreographer_frameCallback callback; AChoreographer_frameCallback64 callback64; void* data; nsecs_t dueTime; inline bool operator<(const FrameCallback& rhs) const { // Note that this is intentionally flipped because we want callbacks due sooner to be at // the head of the queue return dueTime > rhs.dueTime; } }; struct RefreshRateCallback { AChoreographer_refreshRateCallback callback; void* data; bool firstCallbackFired = false; }; class Choreographer; struct { std::mutex lock; std::vector ptrs GUARDED_BY(lock); bool registeredToDisplayManager GUARDED_BY(lock) = false; std::atomic mLastKnownVsync = -1; } gChoreographers; class Choreographer : public DisplayEventDispatcher, public MessageHandler { public: explicit Choreographer(const sp& looper) EXCLUDES(gChoreographers.lock); void postFrameCallbackDelayed(AChoreographer_frameCallback cb, AChoreographer_frameCallback64 cb64, void* data, nsecs_t delay); void registerRefreshRateCallback(AChoreographer_refreshRateCallback cb, void* data) EXCLUDES(gChoreographers.lock); void unregisterRefreshRateCallback(AChoreographer_refreshRateCallback cb, void* data); // Drains the queue of pending vsync periods and dispatches refresh rate // updates to callbacks. // The assumption is that this method is only called on a single // processing thread, either by looper or by AChoreographer_handleEvents void handleRefreshRateUpdates(); void scheduleLatestConfigRequest(); enum { MSG_SCHEDULE_CALLBACKS = 0, MSG_SCHEDULE_VSYNC = 1, MSG_HANDLE_REFRESH_RATE_UPDATES = 2, }; virtual void handleMessage(const Message& message) override; static Choreographer* getForThread(); virtual ~Choreographer() override EXCLUDES(gChoreographers.lock); int64_t getVsyncId() const; int64_t getFrameDeadline() const; int64_t getFrameInterval() const; private: Choreographer(const Choreographer&) = delete; void dispatchVsync(nsecs_t timestamp, PhysicalDisplayId displayId, uint32_t count, VsyncEventData vsyncEventData) override; void dispatchHotplug(nsecs_t timestamp, PhysicalDisplayId displayId, bool connected) override; void dispatchModeChanged(nsecs_t timestamp, PhysicalDisplayId displayId, int32_t modeId, nsecs_t vsyncPeriod) override; void dispatchNullEvent(nsecs_t, PhysicalDisplayId) override; void dispatchFrameRateOverrides(nsecs_t timestamp, PhysicalDisplayId displayId, std::vector overrides) override; void scheduleCallbacks(); std::mutex mLock; // Protected by mLock std::priority_queue mFrameCallbacks; std::vector mRefreshRateCallbacks; nsecs_t mLatestVsyncPeriod = -1; VsyncEventData mLastVsyncEventData; const sp mLooper; const std::thread::id mThreadId; }; static thread_local Choreographer* gChoreographer; Choreographer* Choreographer::getForThread() { if (gChoreographer == nullptr) { sp looper = Looper::getForThread(); if (!looper.get()) { ALOGW("No looper prepared for thread"); return nullptr; } gChoreographer = new Choreographer(looper); status_t result = gChoreographer->initialize(); if (result != OK) { ALOGW("Failed to initialize"); return nullptr; } } return gChoreographer; } Choreographer::Choreographer(const sp& looper) : DisplayEventDispatcher(looper, ISurfaceComposer::VsyncSource::eVsyncSourceApp), mLooper(looper), mThreadId(std::this_thread::get_id()) { std::lock_guard _l(gChoreographers.lock); gChoreographers.ptrs.push_back(this); } Choreographer::~Choreographer() { std::lock_guard _l(gChoreographers.lock); gChoreographers.ptrs.erase(std::remove_if(gChoreographers.ptrs.begin(), gChoreographers.ptrs.end(), [=](Choreographer* c) { return c == this; }), gChoreographers.ptrs.end()); // Only poke DisplayManagerGlobal to unregister if we previously registered // callbacks. if (gChoreographers.ptrs.empty() && gChoreographers.registeredToDisplayManager) { JNIEnv* env = getJniEnv(); if (env == nullptr) { ALOGW("JNI environment is unavailable, skipping choreographer cleanup"); return; } jobject dmg = env->CallStaticObjectMethod(gJni.displayManagerGlobal.clazz, gJni.displayManagerGlobal.getInstance); if (dmg == nullptr) { ALOGW("DMS is not initialized yet, skipping choreographer cleanup"); } else { env->CallVoidMethod(dmg, gJni.displayManagerGlobal .unregisterNativeChoreographerForRefreshRateCallbacks); env->DeleteLocalRef(dmg); } } } void Choreographer::postFrameCallbackDelayed( AChoreographer_frameCallback cb, AChoreographer_frameCallback64 cb64, void* data, nsecs_t delay) { nsecs_t now = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); FrameCallback callback{cb, cb64, data, now + delay}; { std::lock_guard _l{mLock}; mFrameCallbacks.push(callback); } if (callback.dueTime <= now) { if (std::this_thread::get_id() != mThreadId) { if (mLooper != nullptr) { Message m{MSG_SCHEDULE_VSYNC}; mLooper->sendMessage(this, m); } else { scheduleVsync(); } } else { scheduleVsync(); } } else { if (mLooper != nullptr) { Message m{MSG_SCHEDULE_CALLBACKS}; mLooper->sendMessageDelayed(delay, this, m); } else { scheduleCallbacks(); } } } void Choreographer::registerRefreshRateCallback(AChoreographer_refreshRateCallback cb, void* data) { std::lock_guard _l{mLock}; for (const auto& callback : mRefreshRateCallbacks) { // Don't re-add callbacks. if (cb == callback.callback && data == callback.data) { return; } } mRefreshRateCallbacks.emplace_back( RefreshRateCallback{.callback = cb, .data = data, .firstCallbackFired = false}); bool needsRegistration = false; { std::lock_guard _l2(gChoreographers.lock); needsRegistration = !gChoreographers.registeredToDisplayManager; } if (needsRegistration) { JNIEnv* env = getJniEnv(); if (env == nullptr) { ALOGW("JNI environment is unavailable, skipping registration"); return; } jobject dmg = env->CallStaticObjectMethod(gJni.displayManagerGlobal.clazz, gJni.displayManagerGlobal.getInstance); if (dmg == nullptr) { ALOGW("DMS is not initialized yet: skipping registration"); return; } else { env->CallVoidMethod(dmg, gJni.displayManagerGlobal .registerNativeChoreographerForRefreshRateCallbacks, reinterpret_cast(this)); env->DeleteLocalRef(dmg); { std::lock_guard _l2(gChoreographers.lock); gChoreographers.registeredToDisplayManager = true; } } } else { scheduleLatestConfigRequest(); } } void Choreographer::unregisterRefreshRateCallback(AChoreographer_refreshRateCallback cb, void* data) { std::lock_guard _l{mLock}; mRefreshRateCallbacks.erase(std::remove_if(mRefreshRateCallbacks.begin(), mRefreshRateCallbacks.end(), [&](const RefreshRateCallback& callback) { return cb == callback.callback && data == callback.data; }), mRefreshRateCallbacks.end()); } void Choreographer::scheduleLatestConfigRequest() { if (mLooper != nullptr) { Message m{MSG_HANDLE_REFRESH_RATE_UPDATES}; mLooper->sendMessage(this, m); } else { // If the looper thread is detached from Choreographer, then refresh rate // changes will be handled in AChoreographer_handlePendingEvents, so we // need to wake up the looper thread by writing to the write-end of the // socket the looper is listening on. // Fortunately, these events are small so sending packets across the // socket should be atomic across processes. DisplayEventReceiver::Event event; event.header = DisplayEventReceiver::Event::Header{DisplayEventReceiver::DISPLAY_EVENT_NULL, PhysicalDisplayId(0), systemTime()}; injectEvent(event); } } void Choreographer::scheduleCallbacks() { const nsecs_t now = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); nsecs_t dueTime; { std::lock_guard _l{mLock}; // If there are no pending callbacks then don't schedule a vsync if (mFrameCallbacks.empty()) { return; } dueTime = mFrameCallbacks.top().dueTime; } if (dueTime <= now) { ALOGV("choreographer %p ~ scheduling vsync", this); scheduleVsync(); return; } } void Choreographer::handleRefreshRateUpdates() { std::vector callbacks{}; const nsecs_t pendingPeriod = gChoreographers.mLastKnownVsync.load(); const nsecs_t lastPeriod = mLatestVsyncPeriod; if (pendingPeriod > 0) { mLatestVsyncPeriod = pendingPeriod; } { std::lock_guard _l{mLock}; for (auto& cb : mRefreshRateCallbacks) { callbacks.push_back(cb); cb.firstCallbackFired = true; } } for (auto& cb : callbacks) { if (!cb.firstCallbackFired || (pendingPeriod > 0 && pendingPeriod != lastPeriod)) { cb.callback(pendingPeriod, cb.data); } } } // TODO(b/74619554): The PhysicalDisplayId is ignored because SF only emits VSYNC events for the // internal display and DisplayEventReceiver::requestNextVsync only allows requesting VSYNC for // the internal display implicitly. void Choreographer::dispatchVsync(nsecs_t timestamp, PhysicalDisplayId, uint32_t, VsyncEventData vsyncEventData) { std::vector callbacks{}; { std::lock_guard _l{mLock}; nsecs_t now = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); while (!mFrameCallbacks.empty() && mFrameCallbacks.top().dueTime < now) { callbacks.push_back(mFrameCallbacks.top()); mFrameCallbacks.pop(); } } mLastVsyncEventData = vsyncEventData; for (const auto& cb : callbacks) { if (cb.callback64 != nullptr) { cb.callback64(timestamp, cb.data); } else if (cb.callback != nullptr) { cb.callback(timestamp, cb.data); } } } void Choreographer::dispatchHotplug(nsecs_t, PhysicalDisplayId displayId, bool connected) { ALOGV("choreographer %p ~ received hotplug event (displayId=%s, connected=%s), ignoring.", this, to_string(displayId).c_str(), toString(connected)); } void Choreographer::dispatchModeChanged(nsecs_t, PhysicalDisplayId, int32_t, nsecs_t) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("dispatchModeChanged was called but was never registered"); } void Choreographer::dispatchFrameRateOverrides(nsecs_t, PhysicalDisplayId, std::vector) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("dispatchFrameRateOverrides was called but was never registered"); } void Choreographer::dispatchNullEvent(nsecs_t, PhysicalDisplayId) { ALOGV("choreographer %p ~ received null event.", this); handleRefreshRateUpdates(); } void Choreographer::handleMessage(const Message& message) { switch (message.what) { case MSG_SCHEDULE_CALLBACKS: scheduleCallbacks(); break; case MSG_SCHEDULE_VSYNC: scheduleVsync(); break; case MSG_HANDLE_REFRESH_RATE_UPDATES: handleRefreshRateUpdates(); break; } } int64_t Choreographer::getVsyncId() const { return mLastVsyncEventData.id; } int64_t Choreographer::getFrameDeadline() const { return mLastVsyncEventData.deadlineTimestamp; } int64_t Choreographer::getFrameInterval() const { return mLastVsyncEventData.frameInterval; } } // namespace android using namespace android; static inline Choreographer* AChoreographer_to_Choreographer(AChoreographer* choreographer) { return reinterpret_cast(choreographer); } static inline const Choreographer* AChoreographer_to_Choreographer( const AChoreographer* choreographer) { return reinterpret_cast(choreographer); } // Glue for private C api namespace android { void AChoreographer_signalRefreshRateCallbacks(nsecs_t vsyncPeriod) EXCLUDES(gChoreographers.lock) { std::lock_guard _l(gChoreographers.lock); gChoreographers.mLastKnownVsync.store(vsyncPeriod); for (auto c : gChoreographers.ptrs) { c->scheduleLatestConfigRequest(); } } void AChoreographer_initJVM(JNIEnv* env) { env->GetJavaVM(&gJni.jvm); // Now we need to find the java classes. jclass dmgClass = env->FindClass("android/hardware/display/DisplayManagerGlobal"); gJni.displayManagerGlobal.clazz = static_cast(env->NewGlobalRef(dmgClass)); gJni.displayManagerGlobal.getInstance = env->GetStaticMethodID(dmgClass, "getInstance", "()Landroid/hardware/display/DisplayManagerGlobal;"); gJni.displayManagerGlobal.registerNativeChoreographerForRefreshRateCallbacks = env->GetMethodID(dmgClass, "registerNativeChoreographerForRefreshRateCallbacks", "()V"); gJni.displayManagerGlobal.unregisterNativeChoreographerForRefreshRateCallbacks = env->GetMethodID(dmgClass, "unregisterNativeChoreographerForRefreshRateCallbacks", "()V"); } AChoreographer* AChoreographer_routeGetInstance() { return AChoreographer_getInstance(); } void AChoreographer_routePostFrameCallback(AChoreographer* choreographer, AChoreographer_frameCallback callback, void* data) { #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" return AChoreographer_postFrameCallback(choreographer, callback, data); #pragma clang diagnostic pop } void AChoreographer_routePostFrameCallbackDelayed(AChoreographer* choreographer, AChoreographer_frameCallback callback, void* data, long delayMillis) { #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" return AChoreographer_postFrameCallbackDelayed(choreographer, callback, data, delayMillis); #pragma clang diagnostic pop } void AChoreographer_routePostFrameCallback64(AChoreographer* choreographer, AChoreographer_frameCallback64 callback, void* data) { return AChoreographer_postFrameCallback64(choreographer, callback, data); } void AChoreographer_routePostFrameCallbackDelayed64(AChoreographer* choreographer, AChoreographer_frameCallback64 callback, void* data, uint32_t delayMillis) { return AChoreographer_postFrameCallbackDelayed64(choreographer, callback, data, delayMillis); } void AChoreographer_routeRegisterRefreshRateCallback(AChoreographer* choreographer, AChoreographer_refreshRateCallback callback, void* data) { return AChoreographer_registerRefreshRateCallback(choreographer, callback, data); } void AChoreographer_routeUnregisterRefreshRateCallback(AChoreographer* choreographer, AChoreographer_refreshRateCallback callback, void* data) { return AChoreographer_unregisterRefreshRateCallback(choreographer, callback, data); } int64_t AChoreographer_getVsyncId(const AChoreographer* choreographer) { return AChoreographer_to_Choreographer(choreographer)->getVsyncId(); } int64_t AChoreographer_getFrameDeadline(const AChoreographer* choreographer) { return AChoreographer_to_Choreographer(choreographer)->getFrameDeadline(); } int64_t AChoreographer_getFrameInterval(const AChoreographer* choreographer) { return AChoreographer_to_Choreographer(choreographer)->getFrameInterval(); } } // namespace android /* Glue for the NDK interface */ static inline AChoreographer* Choreographer_to_AChoreographer(Choreographer* choreographer) { return reinterpret_cast(choreographer); } AChoreographer* AChoreographer_getInstance() { return Choreographer_to_AChoreographer(Choreographer::getForThread()); } void AChoreographer_postFrameCallback(AChoreographer* choreographer, AChoreographer_frameCallback callback, void* data) { AChoreographer_to_Choreographer(choreographer)->postFrameCallbackDelayed( callback, nullptr, data, 0); } void AChoreographer_postFrameCallbackDelayed(AChoreographer* choreographer, AChoreographer_frameCallback callback, void* data, long delayMillis) { AChoreographer_to_Choreographer(choreographer)->postFrameCallbackDelayed( callback, nullptr, data, ms2ns(delayMillis)); } void AChoreographer_postFrameCallback64(AChoreographer* choreographer, AChoreographer_frameCallback64 callback, void* data) { AChoreographer_to_Choreographer(choreographer)->postFrameCallbackDelayed( nullptr, callback, data, 0); } void AChoreographer_postFrameCallbackDelayed64(AChoreographer* choreographer, AChoreographer_frameCallback64 callback, void* data, uint32_t delayMillis) { AChoreographer_to_Choreographer(choreographer)->postFrameCallbackDelayed( nullptr, callback, data, ms2ns(delayMillis)); } void AChoreographer_registerRefreshRateCallback(AChoreographer* choreographer, AChoreographer_refreshRateCallback callback, void* data) { AChoreographer_to_Choreographer(choreographer)->registerRefreshRateCallback(callback, data); } void AChoreographer_unregisterRefreshRateCallback(AChoreographer* choreographer, AChoreographer_refreshRateCallback callback, void* data) { AChoreographer_to_Choreographer(choreographer)->unregisterRefreshRateCallback(callback, data); } AChoreographer* AChoreographer_create() { Choreographer* choreographer = new Choreographer(nullptr); status_t result = choreographer->initialize(); if (result != OK) { ALOGW("Failed to initialize"); return nullptr; } return Choreographer_to_AChoreographer(choreographer); } void AChoreographer_destroy(AChoreographer* choreographer) { if (choreographer == nullptr) { return; } delete AChoreographer_to_Choreographer(choreographer); } int AChoreographer_getFd(const AChoreographer* choreographer) { return AChoreographer_to_Choreographer(choreographer)->getFd(); } void AChoreographer_handlePendingEvents(AChoreographer* choreographer, void* data) { // Pass dummy fd and events args to handleEvent, since the underlying // DisplayEventDispatcher doesn't need them outside of validating that a // Looper instance didn't break, but these args circumvent those checks. Choreographer* impl = AChoreographer_to_Choreographer(choreographer); impl->handleEvent(-1, Looper::EVENT_INPUT, data); }