// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <lib/async/cpp/executor.h> #include <zircon/assert.h> namespace async { Executor::Executor(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) : dispatcher_(new DispatcherImpl(dispatcher, this)) {} Executor::~Executor() { dispatcher_->Shutdown(); } void Executor::schedule_task(fit::pending_task task) { ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(task); dispatcher_->ScheduleTask(std::move(task)); } Executor::DispatcherImpl::DispatcherImpl(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, Executor* executor) : async_task_t{{ASYNC_STATE_INIT}, &DispatcherImpl::Dispatch, 0}, dispatcher_(dispatcher), executor_(executor) { ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(dispatcher_ != nullptr); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(executor_ != nullptr); } Executor::DispatcherImpl::~DispatcherImpl() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(guarded_.was_shutdown_); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!guarded_.dispatch_pending_); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!guarded_.scheduler_.has_runnable_tasks()); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!guarded_.scheduler_.has_suspended_tasks()); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!guarded_.scheduler_.has_outstanding_tickets()); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(guarded_.incoming_tasks_.empty()); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!guarded_.task_running_); } // Unfortunately std::unique_lock does not support thread-safety annotations void Executor::DispatcherImpl::Shutdown() FIT_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!guarded_.was_shutdown_); ZX_ASSERT_MSG(!guarded_.task_running_, "async::Executor must not be destroyed while tasks may " "be running concurrently on the dispatcher because the " "task's context holds a pointer to the executor."); guarded_.was_shutdown_ = true; PurgeTasksAndMaybeDeleteSelfLocked(std::move(lock)); } void Executor::DispatcherImpl::ScheduleTask(fit::pending_task task) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!guarded_.was_shutdown_); // Try to post the task first. // This may fail if the loop is being shut down, in which case we // will let the task be destroyed once it goes out of scope. if (!guarded_.loop_failure_ && ScheduleDispatchLocked()) { guarded_.incoming_tasks_.push(std::move(task)); } // else drop the task once the function returns } void Executor::DispatcherImpl::Dispatch( async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async_task_t* task, zx_status_t status) { DispatcherImpl* self = static_cast<DispatcherImpl*>(task); self->Dispatch(status); } // Unfortunately std::unique_lock does not support thread-safety annotations void Executor::DispatcherImpl::Dispatch(zx_status_t status) FIT_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(guarded_.dispatch_pending_); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!guarded_.loop_failure_); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!guarded_.task_running_); if (status == ZX_OK) { // Accept incoming tasks only once before entering the loop. // // This ensures that each invocation of |Dispatch()| has a bounded // amount of work to perform. Specifically, it will only execute // incoming tasks, tasks that are already runnable, and tasks that are // currently suspended but become runnable while the loop is executing. // Once finished, the loop returns control back to the async dispatcher. // // The purpose of this deconstruction is to prevent other units of work // scheduled by the async dispatcher from being starved in the event // that there is a continuous stream of new tasks being scheduled on the // executor. As an extreme example, we must ensure that the async // dispatcher has an opportunity to process its own quit message and // shut down in that scenario. // // An alternative way to solve this problem would be to not loop at all. // Unfortunately, that would significantly increase the overhead of // processing tasks resumed by other tasks. AcceptIncomingTasksLocked(); while (!guarded_.was_shutdown_) { guarded_.scheduler_.take_runnable_tasks(&runnable_tasks_); if (runnable_tasks_.empty()) { guarded_.dispatch_pending_ = false; if (guarded_.incoming_tasks_.empty() || ScheduleDispatchLocked()) { return; // all done } break; // a loop failure occurred, we need to clean up } // Drop lock while running tasks then reaquire it. guarded_.task_running_ = true; lock.unlock(); do { RunTask(&runnable_tasks_.front()); runnable_tasks_.pop(); // the task may be destroyed here if it was not suspended } while (!runnable_tasks_.empty()); lock.lock(); guarded_.task_running_ = false; } } else { guarded_.loop_failure_ = true; } guarded_.dispatch_pending_ = false; PurgeTasksAndMaybeDeleteSelfLocked(std::move(lock)); } void Executor::DispatcherImpl::RunTask(fit::pending_task* task) { ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(current_task_ticket_ == 0); const bool finished = (*task)(*this); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!*task == finished); if (current_task_ticket_ == 0) { return; // task was not suspended, no ticket was produced } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_); guarded_.scheduler_.finalize_ticket(current_task_ticket_, task); current_task_ticket_ = 0; } // Must only be called while |run_task()| is running a task. // This happens when the task's continuation calls |context::suspend_task()| // upon the context it received as an argument. fit::suspended_task Executor::DispatcherImpl::suspend_task() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(guarded_.task_running_); if (current_task_ticket_ == 0) { current_task_ticket_ = guarded_.scheduler_.obtain_ticket( 2 /*initial_refs*/); } else { guarded_.scheduler_.duplicate_ticket(current_task_ticket_); } return fit::suspended_task(this, current_task_ticket_); } fit::suspended_task::ticket Executor::DispatcherImpl::duplicate_ticket( fit::suspended_task::ticket ticket) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_); guarded_.scheduler_.duplicate_ticket(ticket); return ticket; } // Unfortunately std::unique_lock does not support thread-safety annotations void Executor::DispatcherImpl::resolve_ticket( fit::suspended_task::ticket ticket, bool resume_task) FIT_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { fit::pending_task abandoned_task; // drop outside of the lock { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_); bool did_resume = false; if (resume_task) { did_resume = guarded_.scheduler_.resume_task_with_ticket(ticket); } else { abandoned_task = guarded_.scheduler_.release_ticket(ticket); } if (!guarded_.was_shutdown_ && !guarded_.loop_failure_ && (!did_resume || ScheduleDispatchLocked())) { return; // all done } PurgeTasksAndMaybeDeleteSelfLocked(std::move(lock)); } } bool Executor::DispatcherImpl::ScheduleDispatchLocked() { ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!guarded_.was_shutdown_ && !guarded_.loop_failure_); if (guarded_.dispatch_pending_) { return true; // nothing to do } zx_status_t status = async_post_task(dispatcher_, this); ZX_ASSERT_MSG(status == ZX_OK || status == ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE, "status=%d", status); if (status == ZX_OK) { guarded_.dispatch_pending_ = true; return true; // everything's ok } guarded_.loop_failure_ = true; return false; // failed } void Executor::DispatcherImpl::AcceptIncomingTasksLocked() { while (!guarded_.incoming_tasks_.empty()) { guarded_.scheduler_.schedule_task( std::move(guarded_.incoming_tasks_.front())); guarded_.incoming_tasks_.pop(); } } // Unfortunately std::unique_lock does not support thread-safety annotations void Executor::DispatcherImpl::PurgeTasksAndMaybeDeleteSelfLocked( std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock) FIT_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(lock.owns_lock()); ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(guarded_.was_shutdown_ || guarded_.loop_failure_); fit::subtle::scheduler::task_queue tasks; AcceptIncomingTasksLocked(); guarded_.scheduler_.take_all_tasks(&tasks); const bool can_delete_self = guarded_.was_shutdown_ && !guarded_.dispatch_pending_ && !guarded_.scheduler_.has_outstanding_tickets(); lock.unlock(); if (can_delete_self) { delete this; } } } // namespace async