# Copyright 2018 - The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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r"""Custom Exceptions for acloud."""


class DriverError(Exception):
    """Base Android Gce driver exception."""

class ConfigError(DriverError):
    """Error related to config."""

class CommandArgError(DriverError):
    """Error related to command line args."""

class GceOperationTimeoutError(DriverError):
    """Error raised when a GCE operation timedout."""

class GetGceZoneError(DriverError):
    """Can't get GCE zones info."""

class HttpError(DriverError):
    """Error related to http requests."""

    def __init__(self, code, message):
        self.code = code

    def CreateFromHttpError(http_error):
        """Create from an apiclient.errors.HttpError.

        Parse the error code from apiclient.errors.HttpError
        and create an instance of HttpError from this module
        that has the error code.

            http_error: An apiclient.errors.HttpError instance.

            An HttpError instance from this module.
        return HttpError(http_error.resp.status, str(http_error))

class ResourceNotFoundError(HttpError):
    """Error raised when a resource is not found."""

class InvalidVirtualDeviceIpError(DriverError):
    """Invalid virtual device's IP is set.

    Raise this when the virtual device's IP of an AVD instance is invalid.

class HasRetriableRequestsError(DriverError):
    """Raised when some retriable requests fail in a batch execution."""

class AuthenticationError(DriverError):
    """Raised when authentication fails."""

class DeviceBootError(DriverError):
    """To catch device boot errors."""

class DownloadArtifactError(DriverError):
    """To catch download artifact errors."""

class NoSubnetwork(DriverError):
    """When there is no subnetwork for the GCE."""

class DeviceConnectionError(DriverError):
    """To catch device connection errors."""

class PortOccupied(DriverError):
    """Raised when open port fail."""

class DeviceBootTimeoutError(DeviceBootError):
    """Raised when an AVD defice failed to boot within timeout."""

class SetupError(Exception):
    """Base Setup cmd exception."""

class OSTypeError(SetupError):
    """Error related to OS type."""

class NoGoogleSDKDetected(SetupError):
    """Can't find the SDK path."""

class NoBillingError(SetupError):
    """Billing account isn't enabled."""

class PackageInstallError(SetupError):
    """Error related to package installation."""

class RequiredPackageNotInstalledError(SetupError):
    """Error related to required package not installed."""

class UnableToLocatePkgOnRepositoryError(SetupError):
    """Error related to unable to locate package."""

class NotSupportedPlatformError(SetupError):
    """Error related to user using a not supported os."""

class NotSupportedFieldName(SetupError):
    """Unsupported field name for user config."""

class CreateError(Exception):
    """Base Create cmd exception."""

class GetAndroidBuildEnvVarError(CreateError):
    """Can't get Android Build set environment variables."""

class CheckPathError(CreateError):
    """Path does not exist."""

class CheckGCEZonesQuotaError(CreateError):
    """There is no zone have enough quota."""

class UnsupportedInstanceImageType(CreateError):
    """Unsupported create action for given instance/image type."""

class UnsupportedFlavor(CreateError):
    """Unsupported create action for given flavor name."""

class UnsupportedMultiAdbPort(CreateError):
    """Unsupported create action for multi AVDs and specify adb port."""

class UnsupportedCreateArgs(CreateError):
    """Unsupported create arg for a specified AVD type."""

class GetBuildIDError(CreateError):
    """Can't get build id from Android Build."""

class NotSupportedHWPropertyError(CreateError):
    """An error to wrap a non-supported property issue."""

class MalformedDictStringError(CreateError):
    """Error related to unable to convert string to dict."""

class InvalidHWPropertyError(CreateError):
    """An error to wrap a malformed hw property issue."""

class GetLocalImageError(CreateError):
    """Can't find the local image."""

class GetRemoteImageError(CreateError):
    """An error to download the remote image."""

class GetCvdLocalHostPackageError(CreateError):
    """Can't find the lost host package."""

class GetSdkRepoPackageError(CreateError):
    """Can't find the local SDK repository package for goldfish."""

class NoCuttlefishCommonInstalled(SetupError):
    """Can't find cuttlefish_common lib."""

class ImgDoesNotExist(CreateError):
    """Image does not exist."""

class UnsupportedCompressionFileType(SetupError):
    """Don't support the compression file type."""

class LaunchCVDFail(CreateError):
    """Cuttlefish AVD launch failed."""

class SubprocessFail(CreateError):
    """Subprocess failed."""

class NoExecuteCmd(CreateError):
    """Can't find execute bin command."""

class ReconnectError(Exception):
    """Base reconnect cmd exception."""

class NoInstancesFound(ReconnectError):
    """No instances found."""

class FunctionTimeoutError(Exception):
    """Timeout error of decorator function."""

class ZipImageError(Exception):
    """Zip image error."""

class UnknownAvdType(Exception):
    """Unknown AVD type."""

class UnknownType(Exception):
    """Unknown type."""

class AdbDisconnectFailed(Exception):
    """Adb still be alive after disconnect instance."""

class UnsupportedLocalInstanceId(Exception):
    """Unsupported local instance id."""

class InvalidInstanceDir(Exception):
    """Invalid instance dir."""