# Platform compat tools Tools for Android App Compat (go/android-compat). ## What's in here? <!-- # Get the dir structure: $ tree -F --dirsfirst -d --prune tools/platform-compat/ --> ``` ├── build # python helper scripts for build ├── java # All Java source files; directories follow corresponding java packages │ └── android │ ├── compat │ │ └── annotation # Annotations used for go/compat-framework and go/unsupportedappusage │ └── processor │ └── compat # Java annotation processors for annotations defined in src/ │ ├── changeid # Creates compat_config xml files from @ChangeId constants │ └── unsupportedappusage # Creates csv files with source positions for @UnsupportedAppUsage elements └── javatest # Tests for source files defined under java/ ```