# Some notes for the windows jungle

This was how I compiled libwebsockets in windows March 2020.

## OpenSSL

### Installing prebuilt libs

I used the 1.1.1d (the latest) libs from here, as recommended on the OpenSSL site


I had to use procmon64 (windows' strace) to establish that these libraries are
looking for a cert bundle at "C:\Program Files\Common Files\SSL\cert.pem"... it's not
included in the zip file from the above, so...

### Installing a cert bundle

You can get a trusted cert bundle from here

[drwetter/testssl cert bundle](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/3.1dev/etc/Microsoft.pem)

Save it into `C:\Program Files\Common Files\SSL\cert.pem` where openssl will be able to see it.

### Installing cmake

CMake have a windows installer thing downloadable from here


after that you can use `cmake` from the terminal OK.

### Installing git

Visit the canonical git site to download their windows installer thing


after that `git` from the terminal is working.

### Install the free "community" visual studio

You can do this through "windows store" by searching for "visual studio"

I installed as little as possible, we just want the C "C++" tools.

It still wouldn't link without the "mt" helper tool from the
huge windows SDK, so you have to install GB of that as well.

### Building

Somehow windows cmake seems slightly broken, some of the plugins and
examples are conditional on `if (NOT WIN32)`, but it configures them
anyway.  For this reason (it seems "only", it worked when I commented the
cmake entries for the related plugins) `-DLWS_WITH_MINIMAL_EXAMPLES=1`

Instead I followed how appveyor builds the stuff in CI... clone libwebsockets then

> git clone https://libwebsockets.org/repo/libwebsockets
> cd libwebsockets
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ..
> cmake --build . --config DEBUG

Installing requires admin privs, I opened a second cmd window as admin and did it

> cmake --install . --config DEBUG

After that you can run the test apps OK.